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2、sk desksfield fieldssea - seas1. 以以s, x, sh, ch结尾结尾的名词后的名词后加加-es2. 如如词尾是词尾是e,只加,只加-sclass - classesbox- boxeshorse - horses以以“辅音辅音+o”结尾的名词,加结尾的名词,加-espotato - potatoestomato tomatoes以以“元音元音+o”结尾的名词,加结尾的名词,加-s photo - photos zoo zoos词尾为词尾为-f或或-fe一般变为一般变为-ves knife kniveswomanwomen manmen toothteeth c

3、hildchildren oxoxen goosegeese. . 单复数同形的单词单复数同形的单词.不规则变化不规则变化fishfish sheepsheepdeer deer ChineseChinese1. 一般情况下,复合名词的单复数形式一般情况下,复合名词的单复数形式在在最后一个名词最后一个名词上体现:上体现:a man doctor two men doctorsa woman teacher two women teachers由由man或或woman构成的复合名词,其构成的复合名词,其形式如下:形式如下: a pencil boxpencil boxes a school ba

4、g school bags a girl studentgirl students注意:注意:3. 有些名词表达复数概念,常作为有些名词表达复数概念,常作为一个整体一个整体看待,如看待,如police, people。这些单词没有复数形。这些单词没有复数形式,但是式,但是其后的谓语动词总是复数形式其后的谓语动词总是复数形式。如:。如:2. 有些名词总是有些名词总是以复数形式以复数形式出现,如出现,如 trousers, glasses (眼镜眼镜),它们在,它们在表示单个数量时需要借表示单个数量时需要借助量词助量词来表示,如来表示,如: a pair of trouser, a pair of

5、 glasses.The police have caught the thief. 警察抓到了那个贼。警察抓到了那个贼。Many people have seen the film.很多人看了这部电影。很多人看了这部电影。1) 有生命的名词有生命的名词一般采用一般采用 n. + s 的方式,如:的方式,如:mens clothes, someones bag, todays newspaper;以;以-s结尾的复数名词结尾的复数名词直接加直接加。如:。如:the boys school bagsthe teachers officethe six students dormitory名词的所

6、有格分两种情况:名词的所有格分两种情况:2) 无生命的名词无生命的名词用用 of + n. 的方式表达,如:的方式表达,如:the window of the house the end of the week the gate of our schoolthe square of the city the capital of our countrythe wall of the townthe door of the classroom1. He went to stay with his family in the UK.2. Why is travel so difficult in

7、winter?3. We took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace.4. Then we took a boat to Lantau Island and went to Disneyland.5. Its the busiest season in China because of the Spring Festival.Observe the following sentences carefully. They are all from this module.1. To test your sense of observation2. To t

8、est your ability of short-term memory 3. To test your ability of inductive methodGuess1. He went to stay with his family in _ UK.2. Why is travel so difficult in _ winter?3. We took a tour by coach to _ Summer Palace.4. Then we took _ boat to _ Lantau Island and went to _ Disneyland.5. Its the busie

9、st season in _ China because of _ Spring Festival./thea/ /thethego Ready?单数单数可数可数名词名词前一前一定要定要用冠用冠词词a/an泛指单一、每一、任一事物泛指单一、每一、任一事物指类别指类别the特指特指指类别指类别 上文提到过的人或事物上文提到过的人或事物被限制性修饰语限定的人或事物被限制性修饰语限定的人或事物说话双方默认的人或事物说话双方默认的人或事物世上独一无二色事物世上独一无二色事物冠词冠词复数复数可数可数名词名词/ /不可不可数名数名词前词前thethe上文提到的人或事物上文提到的人或事物被限制性修饰语限定的

10、人或事物被限制性修饰语限定的人或事物说话双方默认的人或事物说话双方默认的人或事物零冠词零冠词泛指的人或事物泛指的人或事物指类别指类别冠词冠词 指某人某物,但并不具体指哪个人指某人某物,但并不具体指哪个人 或哪个物或哪个物 表示某一类中的表示某一类中的“一个一个” 表示表示“每一每一”He is a soldier.It isnt easy to run a country well. She is an honest woman.I go to the cinema once a month.We have five English lessons a week.A reporter tell

11、s us the fact.Lend me a storybook. 在一些在一些固定词组固定词组中中 表示数量表示数量“一一”,但概念没有但概念没有one强烈强烈 表示表示“同一同一”的意思的意思I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes.It is an inch thick.These shoes are all of a size.The people and army are of a family.have a good time a piece of a lot of a few have a cold have a rest1)特指某特指某(些些)人

12、或某人或某(些些)事物事物: This is the house where Luxun once lived. The old man with thick glasses is their history teacher.2)指谈话双方都知道的人或事物指谈话双方都知道的人或事物: Take the medicine.3)复述上文提过的人或事物复述上文提过的人或事物: He bought a house. Ive been to the house.定冠词表示定冠词表示特指特指, 可以用于可以用于可数名词可数名词之前之前,也可用于也可用于不可数名词不可数名词前。前。4) 由普通名词构成的由普

13、通名词构成的专有名词专有名词:the USA the Communist Party the Great wall the Internet5) 用于独一无二的事物用于独一无二的事物前前: the sun the earth the moon the worldThe sun rises in the east. The moon is far smaller than the earth. The earth goes round the sun.6) 在在河流、湖泊、山脉河流、湖泊、山脉等前面:等前面:the Yellow River the Black Sea7) 表示表示“某某一家人或

14、某某夫妇某某一家人或某某夫妇”: the Greens the Browns 8) 用在用在方位名词方位名词前前: in the south, in the west,in the north, in the east 9) 定冠词用在定冠词用在形容词前形容词前, 表示一类人或表示一类人或东西东西:the rich, the poor, the old, the young, the living10) (play, like等动词后的等动词后的 )在在乐器名词乐器名词前前加加the:the piano, the violin, the flu, the guitar 11) 在在习惯性短语习

15、惯性短语中中: in the morning, in the afternoon, go to the theatre12) 在在人或物后有限定性的后置定语人或物后有限定性的后置定语: The man standing by the gate is Li Feng.13) 代替所有格代词代替所有格代词, 表示表示人体的一部分人体的一部分: She caught me by the arm. Johns brother took him by the hand.14) 在在世纪、年代名词世纪、年代名词前加前加the: in the 1980s 或或 in the 1980s 20世纪世纪80年代

16、年代 in the nineteenth century 十九世纪十九世纪 1. 在在专有名词专有名词和和不可数名词不可数名词前前: Canada, Beijing, Lei Feng, Hade Park 2. 在名词前在名词前已有作定语的指示代词、物主已有作定语的指示代词、物主代词、不定代词或名词所有格代词、不定代词或名词所有格时时: this, my, that, those, these, her 3. 复数名词表示一类人或事物复数名词表示一类人或事物: Horses are useful animals. They are teachers. 一般来说,不可数名词和可数名词一般来说,

17、不可数名词和可数名词用复数用复数表述泛指表述泛指时不用冠词。时不用冠词。4. 在在称呼语称呼语或表示或表示头衔头衔的名词前。的名词前。 Miss Gao Mr Green 5. 在在三餐饭三餐饭和和球类运动球类运动的名称前。的名称前。 breakfast, lunch, supper play football/basketball/volleyball/chess6. 在在物质名词、抽象名词物质名词、抽象名词前不用冠词前不用冠词, 但后有定语修饰加但后有定语修饰加the: The desk is made of wood. He is fond of music. The music of

18、the film is very beautiful.7. 在在不可数名词不可数名词和和专有名词专有名词(月份月份, 星期星期, 季节等季节等)前不用冠词)前不用冠词: China, Class Three, Sunday, summerObserve the following sentences carefully. They are all about numbers.1. This is Seat 12A, but you should be in Car 9. This is Car 8.2. and I had to stand for over three hours!3. I

19、was surprised at how big it was: 3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high.4. Its over 2,600 kilometres long.5. On 1st May, Greek people celebrate Labour Day.1. To test your sense of observation2. To test your ability of short-term memory 3. To test your ability of inductive methodGuess1. This is Seat

20、 _, but you should be in Car _. This is Car _.2. and I had to stand for over _ hours!3. I was surprised at how big it was: _ _ long and _ _ high.4. Its over _ _ long.5. On _ (one) May, Greek people celebrate Labour Day.98three3.6 kilometres348 metres 2,600 kilometres12A 1stgo Ready?基数词基数词 序数词序数词数量数量

21、顺序顺序表示表示数目数目和顺和顺序序数词数词112,独立成词。独立成词。 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve13-19,由由39 + teen构成。构成。 14fourteen 16sixteen 17seventeen 19nineteen 特殊拼写特殊拼写: 13 thirteen 15fifteen 18eighteen2090,以以-ty结尾。结尾。 20twenty 30 thirty 40forty 50fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90ninety

22、2199,两位数两位数,十位与个位之间十位与个位之间“”。 21 twenty-one 55 fifty-five 99 ninety-nine 101999,三位数,百位与十位,三位数,百位与十位/个位之间加个位之间加and。 101 one hundred and one 840 eight hundred and forty 693 six hundred and ninety-three 1,000以上数目以上数目,从右向左每三位用从右向左每三位用“,” 分开分开,分别读为分别读为thousand , million, billion 。6 , 500,431,7 29billionm

23、illionthousandhundredandOur country has a population of 1,300 million people.After the war, thousands of people became homeless. 表示表示具体具体数目数目,hundred, thousand, million不用复数。表示不用复数。表示不确定不确定数目数目,用用复复数。数。即即hundreds of(数百数百), thousands of(数千数千), millions of(数百万数百万)+ 名词复数名词复数, 可以用可以用many/several修饰,但不能与具体

24、修饰,但不能与具体数目连用。数目连用。 “几十几十”的复数形式可以表示:的复数形式可以表示: 几十多岁几十多岁 in + ones + 数词复数数词复数 年代年代 in + the +数词复数数词复数The classroom is 7 meters long, 6 meters wide and 3 meters high.表计量表计量 “基数词基数词+度量单位度量单位+形容词形容词”a 3- year- old girl a seven- day holiday“基数词基数词+名词名词” 的的合成形容词合成形容词作定语作定语, 中间有连字符中间有连字符“”,当中的名词用单数。当中的名词用单

25、数。He died in his fortiesIn the nineties, most people go to work by bike.表示表示时刻时刻 ( (介词用介词用at) ) 1 1) )顺读法顺读法先时后分先时后分, ,“几点几分几点几分” 9:30 nine thirty 6:21 six twenty-one 2)2)逆读法逆读法先分后时先分后时 a. 表示表示“几点几点过过几分几分”,半小时以内半小时以内, 介介词用词用past, 分钟数分钟数+past +钟点数。钟点数。 10:10 ten past ten 8:20 twenty past eightb. 表示表示

26、“几点差几分几点差几分”, 半小时以上半小时以上, 介词介词用用 to, 6060减原分钟减原分钟+ to + (下一个下一个)钟点钟点数。数。 9:509:50 ten to ten 7:40 7:40 twenty to eight 3)3)1515分钟:分钟:a quarter 3030分钟分钟:a half 9:159:15 a quarter past nine 12:3012:30 half past twelve1. What would you like to drink, girls? _, please. (2013湖北黄冈湖北黄冈) A. Two glass of wat

27、er B. Two glass of waters C. Two cups of tea D. Two cups of teas2. Mum, I am hungry. May I have some _? Of course. But dont eat too much. (2013湖北随州湖北随州) A. bread B. noodle C. dumpling D. hamburger3. _ fathers cant go to the class meeting because they have gone to business. (2013山东威海山东威海) A. Jack and

28、 Mikes B. Jacks and Mikes C. Jack and Mike D. Jacks and Mike4. Look at my stamps. They are beautiful! Youve got a wonderful _. (2013天津天津) A. instruction B. description C. collection D. expression5. Excuse me, where did you get the book? I borrowed it from the _. (2013重庆重庆) A. cinema B. library C. pa

29、rk D. station6. Lily, there is _ schoolbag near the window. Is it yours? Yes, it is. Thank you! (2013江苏徐州江苏徐州) A. a B. an C. the D. /7. Do you know _ girl in green? She is our monitor. (2013河北河北) A. a B. an C. the D. 不填不填8. Perhaps the famous football star wont play _ football any longer. (2013上海上海)

30、 A. a B. an C. the D. /9. This tall building has _ floors. And Tony lives on the _ floor. (2013广西贺州广西贺州) A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelfth10. In this exam, youre asked to write a composition of about _. (2013甘肃兰州甘肃兰州) A. 90-words B. 90-word C. 90 words D. 90 words



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