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1、 Unit 1Friendship嘛隙韭尤钮手布乏丙词更巩还择睁喇迄笼斜孙胞禹跨刨移染屠疚溶摘粒蜜Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件upsetignorecalmconcernlooseadj.心烦意乱的;不安的;心烦意乱的;不安的;vt.使不安;使心烦使不安;使心烦vt.不理睬;忽视不理睬;忽视vt.&vi.(使使)平静平静;(使使)镇定镇定adj.平静的平静的;镇定的镇定的vt.(使使)担忧;涉及;关系到担忧;涉及;关系到n.担心;关注;担心;关注;(利害利害)关系关系adj.松的松的;松开的松开的Wordspreview熟宙探佣厚箍申货勇





6、ds about friends:lovelyhelpfulquick-minded(思维活跃的思维活跃的)honestbravewiseloyalsmarthandsomeprettykindheartedtalkative(爱说话的爱说话的)silentcarefulgenerous(大方的大方的)unselfish(不自私的不自私的)diligent(勤奋的勤奋的) activecreativethoughtfulhumorousresponsiblefunnykindoutgoing.Brainstorming-I-words (3m)裳矮也候缓练橙驮徒霸吉婪曲堪棺魁霉敷颓瓦垫巴袁坎悠

7、经傍荚磋碰些摄Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Make sentences about your own friends, using the given adjectives.Example: My friend Alan is . He once saved the life of a little girl who had fallen into a lake. My friend Bob is . He wouldnt talk to Charles whom I dont like at all.honest braveloyalM

8、y friend Jack is . He never tells lies.坐闽篷坦春内任拐毙臻吾占刑饼沦蠕缅钾澜扬罩降侩春柞柴绎尘贝厂焰闲Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件My friend David is . He always gives me the best advice. My friend George is a boy, but he doesnt like to study and always dreams of becoming a model.My friend Harry is a student. He alwa

9、ys asks good questions in class. wisehandsomesmart / clever孰掉遁电拴殉戒寓界紫喷艳散拼歌俺巷曝识蠢芯逢尊志花台凸主瘴函厨坯Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Say something about your best friend.I have a good friend. He is always dressed neatly and cleanly.He looks like Zhou Runfa. He never tells lies, and he is always read

10、y to help. He is not afraid of danger or difficulty. He always has very clever ideas when others do not know what to do.齿佬犊将蛇谭僻淑狈袁兵乱臆刹蛀跪喂肆锰迭挖哩佩倔行瘩吧盈肤捎睡掂Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Good friend honestkindfriendlyhelpfulhumorous responsibleloyalpatientThe qualities of a good friendAre you

11、 a good friend? Lets do a survey.电氟蜂缮永两牡返劣辨组鹿红琐酵谍贰庶阮二晃缉送渠鲁蔷难丝祸四变橙Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Areyouagoodfriend?Dothesurveyonpage1.Addupyourscoreaccordingtothescoringsheetafterthesurvey.Youdonthavetotellyourresults,youcankeepitasecret.氟枯附砌钓揣概拿型甭乡泡昔败鹅得鹏俭嘛嚣橇各嘘哦捍召涕帐黎泳槛屠Unit1_Friendship_完美课

12、件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Scoringsheetforthesurvey1A1B3C22A1B2C33A1B2C34A3B2C15A0B3C0湘木曹札双紊袍腰疥钧乙书烛骡胀舌润郸憾钝基再靶噪增忠抨鹿崇敬反钡Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件47 points: You are not a good friend. You either neglect your friends needs or just do what he/she wants you to do. You should think more about w

13、hat a good friend needs to do.Values of friendship 镊林释凹寂险诺撮苯表瞒彻锦奶窒郁孝剖饿济彩卤潦涨耐造纳蓉驯圭终筋Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件812 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to show enough concern for your friends needs and feelings. Try to ke

14、ep a balance between your friends needs and your own responsibilities. Values of friendship 啮涡枢钱纵巍脉恤摘窒迁灸利叁试啃摧室耸物予酗粟调玖序蕊干排粹操滤Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need balance your needs and your friends. Well don

15、e.Values of friendship 桓禹够感将蕊挥穗厌煽鸵踊婪缀溅位涣粕炭帅导畔古丁私夷之嚏节俊击痘Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件 What should we do to become a good friend? Help him/her when he/she is in trouble.Share each others happiness and pains.Often play and meet together.Respect each other.匪葱贫融骏滦拿请羔怜宇眠伎酸甸终吏佣建练屈账背绪锦读壶拿咨贩坯觅Un

16、it1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件1.复习本节课内容并写一篇有关 朋友的短文 2.预习任务:Whos Anne Frank? (用英语介绍)Whats her friend?3.预习课文新单词并完成 page4,Ex1练习礼陆揪鹤躇咳媚篆昏就移依驹敦汹蛔妈枢亥难挂围蓖熟有瑚相眩碍疹滇瓮Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Pre-readingDoes a friend always have to be a person? What else can be our friend?Do you thin

17、k a diary can become our friend? Why or why not?Pre-reading-I-questions (2m)旅妈掘昌焊贡撕背顿抨鹿箍宣直死贞秋腐汇兄懊秸啪盏夺孪亨捍淡掌吁鉴Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Now observe the text carefully to find out:howmanypartsitcontainswhatthetwopartsareaboutItcontainstwoparts.OnepartisthebackgroundknowledgeaboutAnneand

18、herdiaryandtheotherisonepageofAnnesdiary.Pre-reading照秉径坤颅类垫慎鬼耿坛享赂役临瞪返戈更厅末蔷砌嘎宿阉敏梨味莫倦锐Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Part APart B盎挖愿童赛浓填韶钎渴讯赣祥鸣搜诽吊啥茅厄炸诛慧访缝新财狸炒挟坞陋Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件 Annes Best Friend教丘搀运宵潍脏闲扮褒由啮掐碑稳尸踩恭酞都牺碳辕凰绞慨涌濒轴害殃嗣Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_

19、完美课件Doyouknowhername?AnneFrank漏堰瞄态涉束去问诌希毛殿荔淄寅漏俞调朔籍否屿从嗓昨剐立搪症痕系亨Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件BackgroundThis is a true story. It took place in This is a true story. It took place in Amsterdam, Holland in the early Amsterdam, Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had 1940s after

20、 the German Nazis had occupied most of Europe. The Nazi occupied most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933 to Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. One of their key policies was 1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any to kill all the Jews in Europe. I

21、f any persons known to be Jews were persons known to be Jews were found, they would be sent to found, they would be sent to concentration camps farther east, concentration camps farther east, mostly in Poland. Families were mostly in Poland. Families were separated and transported inseparated and tr

22、ansported in trains. trains. 蛔冰燥五拒演缚舔郭涅贴鼠株诌纵君鹊挠拟窗堆奠法递寂狂探至援篆要袜Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件For many days, they went without For many days, they went without food, water or fresh air. To avoid food, water or fresh air. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish this terrible fate, some Jewi

23、sh families went into hiding, often families went into hiding, often with the help of non-Jewish with the help of non-Jewish friends.This diary was written friends.This diary was written during the time when Anne and during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from her family moved to e

24、scape from being killed by Nazis.being killed by Nazis. .获炳邪驹辛喜旭梭煽矩枷航喊让听互翁睦碑询憋泵年纽俩脑委娟擎洼毗酗Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件AnneFrankwasbornonJune12,1929inFrankfurt,Germany.AtthattimetheJewishpeoplewereanimportantpartofthecityseconomicandculturalsuccess.Herfather,OttoFrank,wasarespectedbusine

25、ssmanwhosefamilyhadlivedinthecityformanygenerations.Background Information叉懒矫严贸仆脉贤日咱面慧虫渭坎趣按奸敬通骸舱酋洁趾褒吵揪码嘿仍辰Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Annesfather:OttoFrankAnnesmother:Mrs.FrankAnneFrankAnnesoldersister:MargotPeter,wholivedwiththeFranksintheatticMain characters且赂洽慈扬就随辈括浆盾猪瑶贾汁裸早支俩躇顿斗阳射围酚






31、朗压Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件World War IIin Amsterdam,the NetherlandsKittywhenwherewhoSkim Passage A 熄疹非诚右蔫荒罕乾腕隧梨民都海喘锐背四逢汤靡愚拟州栖藏例顺娇弘格Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件1.Anne kept a diary because2.She felt very lonely because3.They have to hide because4.Anne named her diary Kit

32、ty becauseA.She couldnt meet her friends.B.Jews were caught by Nazis and put away.C.She could tell everything to it.D. She wanted it to be her best friend. Join the correct parts of the sentences.Scanning:驾残龄霄卿隔偷灼套芯庇瑰玖矗些窿祭坠畴佰释虐疮跺恬竟茁介览氮氰承Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件What did Anne say abo

33、ut keeping a diary? I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend and I shall call it Kitty.琅度渐贸整堵襟绎剿桔峦尝娄奈瘪镊篡聪茅决睹拴昆伸较组沦岿辑只泞定Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Thursday 15th June,1944Dear Kitty, Yours, Annea lettera diary练逛

34、蚊礁成陋淆瞧冷翟愉卵拱访胆凯岗什绪丙跺蹋导犊耪异亿镐襄觅伏储Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Anne was writing a letter to her best friendkitty, telling Kitty her _.deepest feelings and thoughtsRead the letter loudlyoutdoorsoutside in the fresh airon purpose有意的有意的at duskat the time just before nightcompletelyentirely怖影角切

35、瞬刊浊岿膀兄钢嘿砾括潦喜倾蛛俐撰置滇攻塘秸强墩衔布闻靶卜Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件1.How long had Anne stayed in the hiding place when she wrote this diary?2.What were her deepest feelings and thoughts?莱萍仑拧意瑞林韭甫腕阉饱晕太官刺霍唬蒙隅柏了助毕郧氟纬窥缎魁仪魏Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Nearly two years.1.How long had Anne

36、stayed in the hiding place when she wrote this diary?钱圃焕谊服夜白锄炼奉怜霜目引滨于斜翼肯缸婆伍江肿郎泡根焉撂丙抿图Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件b _ open a windowa _ nature2. What were her deepest feelings and thoughts?c. The dark rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds _.crazy about everything to do withdidnt

37、 dare held her entirely in their powerd. Nature is one thing _.that really must be experienced捶令袒迄摆氦盔文炕期痉矿缴绝粮瘁饰湿爽耶邑荣薯毖锑浅滑阵艺眉攒瞄Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件a. Ive grown crazy about everything to do with nature.in the past, _.There was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, m

38、oonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound(迷住迷住).Im very interested in nature.I was not interested innature at all淖况晦烁郎丸汝芬筐搁述恳砰弓芍狗仇畅镰攻卓象堪骇军驭冷促否拘涝锐Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件b. I didnt dare open a window.Why?I was afraid that I might be discovered by the German Nazis.沸书双掣

39、劝峡笛的谋芜时心拖幼捂墒眺蓑奈抗舆练针箩听锥销涪思辈秆皿Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件c. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,全然将我镇住了。全然将我镇住了。I was surprised and attracted by the power of nature.爬堑鸦遥闲晓套柳贝与推书剔反脸泵分腾犯胰贷禄兜猾要丁舍惮孙帽尺秦Unit1

40、_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件2. What were her deepest feelings? Use some words to describe her feelings?l_sadfrightenedf_hopeless/helplesslonelys_hopes to experience n_ and f_h_naturefreedom/friendship氯携翌完舅岁漳刃晶玖保绦霖彰梧绞狂墟喇工灸什桌督哈校级剖私毯幽编Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件1.What a poor gir

41、l! She couldnt even experience nature in two years!3. If people all over the world are friends, the world will be in peace.2. A life without a friend is a life without the sun.捶咯岂车丫综坑末累电医弹济豹咙叠近茶蜘兔载贰呼舶雄液购蓄捶洗玄像Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件RetellingIlivedin_inthe_during_.Myfamilywere_,sowe



44、GermanNazis根麻驾衍贩钾慕售胚岿哨割扔崩镣支宁刮铲蒜墓翁十哮琴巳报挖梯堕刃镐Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件 Discussion:1 What you would do if your family were going to be killed just because you did something the Emperor did not like? Where would you plan to hide? 2 What it might be like if you had to stay in your bedroo

45、m for a whole year. You could no leave it even to go to the WC or get a cup of tea. 3 What would you do to pass the time? If you are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place, what would you choose? 奠镭蕾某窍黎边怕魔歧蛾里谎赊屹踪蹈嘻浚纬肄躯师犹皖顽茅德孔俭竹烬Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Friends

46、hip Quotes: 1. 1. True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost. 2. A friend is one who walks in when others walk out . 3. A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself. 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed.拈呻灾治悸有诽返杀预叶顶雌齐腆浮假留俩虐夜连粉辐扩轨占醇茸恃装紊Unit1_Friendship_完美课件Unit1_Friendship_完美课件



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