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2、mateurcourseatuniversitytoupdatemyskills.3.你只有你只有提出提出许多不同的问题后,才有可能获得你需要知道的信息许多不同的问题后,才有可能获得你需要知道的信息.Onlyifyouaskmanydifferentquestionswillyouacquirealltheinformationyouneedtoknow.4.下面是我的行为准则。下面是我的行为准则。Herecomesmylistofdosanddonts.GrammarGrammarInversion 倒装句倒装句 基本语序基本语序natural ordersubject主主+predicat

3、e谓谓+object宾宾I love English.倒装倒装 Inversions把把_放在放在主语主语之前之前,叫倒装结构。叫倒装结构。如果如果_放在主语之前放在主语之前, 叫叫全部倒装全部倒装; 如果只把如果只把 _放放在主语之前,叫在主语之前,叫部分倒装部分倒装。Here comes my list of .( _ )Never will Zhou Yang forget.(_)全部谓语全部谓语谓语动词谓语动词助动词助动词 或或 be 动词动词 或或 情态动词情态动词全部倒装全部倒装部分倒装部分倒装1. Out rushed the children. 2._3.2. Little d

4、id he know about me.4._3. In the front of the classroom sits a professor._判断下列句子为部分倒装还是完全倒装并将之改为判断下列句子为部分倒装还是完全倒装并将之改为基本语序。基本语序。The children rushed out.He knew little about me.A professor sits in the front of the classroom.全部倒装全部倒装部分倒装部分倒装 全部倒装全部倒装翻译:翻译: 桌上有一本书。桌上有一本书。 _ 这个城市现在存在这个城市现在存在(exist)10座城堡

5、座城堡(castle)。_原句自然顺序是:原句自然顺序是:Many students are there in the classroom.全部倒装1. 用于用于 there be 句型,句型,there 后还可接后还可接appear, exist, lie, stand, remain, seem等。等。 e.g.There are many students in the classroom.There is a book on the desk.There exist ten castles in the city.=A book is there on the desk.2.当副词当副

6、词here , there, now, then, thus;或表示方向或表示方向的副词的副词out, in, up, down, away, off, back, over 位位于于句首句首时;时;且且当当谓语动词谓语动词是是be, come, go, begin, follow, lie, live, stand, exist, remain,seem, appear,happen等等且且当当句子的句子的主语主语是是名词名词时。时。常引起常引起全部倒装全部倒装。l Here comes the bus. l There goes the bell.l Now comes our turn.

7、 l Out went the children. l In came the headteacher, with a book in his hand. 名词名词注意:注意:代词代词作主语时作主语时,主谓语序不变主谓语序不变(就不用倒装就不用倒装)。 Here you are ! Out they went.判断正误:判断正误:Here comes she.( )巩固练习巩固练习:1.- Here _! Where is Xiao Liu?- There _. A. comes the bus, is he B. comes the bus, he is C. the bus comes,

8、is he D. the bus comes, he is 2._ from the top of the building when the policeman pointed the gun at him. A. Jumped down the robber B. Down did the robber jump C. Down jumped the robber D. Down the robber jumped3.当表示当表示地点地点的的介词词组介词词组(如如on the wall, under the tree, in front of the house等等)在句首时在句首时,也常

9、引起也常引起全部倒装。全部倒装。 From the valley came a frightening sound. 山谷传来吓人的声音。山谷传来吓人的声音。 树下树下站着一个小男孩。站着一个小男孩。 Under the tree stands a little boy.译:两幅图片挂译:两幅图片挂(hang)在墙上在墙上. _On the wall hang two pictures. 4. Such作表语置于句首。意为作表语置于句首。意为“就是如此就是如此” Such were his words. 这就是他说的话。这就是他说的话。 这就是白雪公主的故事。这就是白雪公主的故事。 Such

10、was the story of Snow White. 1. 用于用于 so, neither, nor开头的句子开头的句子, 表示重复的内容(即表示重复的内容(即:肯定延续肯定延续/否定延续)。否定延续)。 注:此句谓语应与前句谓语的时态形式一致。注:此句谓语应与前句谓语的时态形式一致。lJack can not answer the question. lHe has been to Beijing. _ _ I. 我也去过。我也去过。常用语结构:常用语结构:_ _ I. (我也不能.)Neither/NorcanSohaveSo he has部分倒装部分倒装so/nor/neither


12、d.OnlyLiHuacametoschoollatethismorning.2. only + _放在句首放在句首, 主句要部分倒装。主句要部分倒装。如如: 副词、介词短语、从句副词、介词短语、从句 Only by this means is it possible to explain it. (介词短语) Only then did I realize the importance of math. (副词) Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work. (从句)注意注意:_。从句不

13、倒装,主句倒装从句不倒装,主句倒装Onlyinthisway_(我们才能提高我们的英语)我们才能提高我们的英语)canweimproveourEnglish. 1) Only in this way _ make progress in your English. A. you B. can you C. you be able to D. will you able to2) Only when the meeting was over_ go back to meet his friend.A. he could B. he was able to C. was he able toD.

14、was able to he3). Only in an hour ago_out why he was absent. A. did the teacher found B. the teacher found C. did the teacher find D. had the teacher found Observation(观察观察)little,never,hardly1.LittledoIknowaboutyourlife.2.BynomeanswillIagreetohelpthem.summary3.当当never,not,not until ,notonly,hardly,

15、hardly when, rarely(少少),few,little,seldom(很很少少),neither,nor,bynomeans,onnoaccount,under/innocircumstances,innocase,atnotime,innoway,no sooner等含有否定意义的词等含有否定意义的词或词组放在句首时或词组放在句首时,其后面的主谓用部分倒装语序。其后面的主谓用部分倒装语序。No sooner had she gone out than the class began.Not until the teacher came did he finish his hom

16、ework.1.Notuntilthen(我才意识到)我才意识到)Iwassostrong.2dowegoforapicnic.ASometimesBCertainlyCSeldomDOncedidIrealizeExerciseObservationHadyoureviewedyourlessons,youmighthavepassedtheexamination.WereI astudent,Iwouldstudyhard.Shouldyouchangeyourmind,pleaseletmeknow.Ifyouhadreviewedyourlessons,youmight havepas

17、sedtheexaminationIfIwereastudent,Iwouldstudyhard.Ifyoushouldchangeyourmind,pleaseletmeknow.HadyoureviewedyourlessonsWereIastudentShouldyouchangeyourmind4.If引导的虚拟条件从句,当虚拟条件从句的引导词引导的虚拟条件从句,当虚拟条件从句的引导词if省略,且从句中的谓语含有省略,且从句中的谓语含有should,had,were时,时,其主谓用部分倒装语序。其主谓用部分倒装语序。If you had reviewed your lessons, y

18、ou might have passed the examination Had you reviewed your lessons, youmight have passed the examination.注意:主句的主谓不倒装。注意:主句的主谓不倒装。1IfIwereyou,Iwouldworkhard.,Iwouldworkhard.2Ifitshouldraintomorrow,wewouldputoffourmeeting.,wewouldputoffourmeeting.3Ifhehadfollowedmyadvice,hewouldhavesucceeded.,hewouldh

19、avesucceeded.WereIyouShoulditraintomorrowHadhefollowedmyadviceExercise 5. 用于用于“形容词形容词(或名词、分词、动词或名词、分词、动词) as (though)” 引导的让步状语从句。引导的让步状语从句。l Pretty as she is, she is not clever.= _, she is not clever.l Try as he would, he might fail again. _, he might fail again.lChild as he is, he knows something o

20、f electricity.As she is prettyAs he would try_, he knows something of electricity.Though he is a child句首名词不能带任何冠词句首名词不能带任何冠词ThoughThough Such an interesting book is it that John has read it twice. 6.在在so/suchthat的结构中的结构中,若若so/such置置于句首于句首,则句子部分倒装则句子部分倒装.1.)Itissuchan interesting book that John has read it twice. 2.)Itissointeresting a book that John has read it twice. So interesting a book is it that John has read it twice. thatMarciwasabletosetupnewbrancheselsewhere.ASosuccessfulherbusinesswasBSosuccessfulwasherbusinessCSoherbusinesswassuccessfulDSowashersuccessfulbusinessExercise结束结束



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