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1、Section Cultural Corner & Task课前课前 自主预习自主预习 课堂课堂 合作探究合作探究随堂随堂 即时巩固即时巩固课文阅读理解课文阅读理解Read the text and choose the best answers according to the text.1. The main idea of this passage is about .Aa popular website to bring old friends togetherBa popular website to make friendsCa popular website to find mi

2、ssing relativesDa popular website to give information on health答案:答案:A2. Stephen and Julie started the website of Friends Reunited to .Amake moneyBknow about the life of Julies old schoolmatesCfind their lost daughterDpass their time答案:答案:B3. The main idea of the third paragraph is .Athat the websit

3、e attracted more and more peopleBhow to find your old friends through the websiteCthe conditions of becoming a member of the websiteDthe importance of the website答案:答案:C4. The fourth paragraph serves as .Aa development of the “Friends Reunited” storyBa demonstration to show how to find your old frie

4、ndsCan example to show the popularity of the websiteDa reason why the website was started答案:答案:B基础知识自测基础知识自测.单词预习单词预习()核心核心单词单词1. n合合伙人,共同出伙人,共同出资资人人2. v提到,涉及提到,涉及3. n底部,底端底部,底端4. n夫夫妇妇()拓展拓展单词单词 v再次再次联联合;重聚合;重聚 联联合,合,结结合合partnermentionbottomcouplereuniteunite.短语研习短语研习1. 属属于于2. 真心真心诚诚意地,意地,发发自内心地自内心

5、地3. 多多亏亏了,幸了,幸亏亏4. 与与取得取得联联系系5. 自自己的,特有的己的,特有的belong tofrom the bottom of ones heart thanks toget in touch withof ones own.句型博习句型博习1. a radio programme and suddenly the site became very popular.后来后来这这个网站被一个广播个网站被一个广播节节目提起便目提起便骤骤然然变变得流行起来。得流行起来。2It impossible to find my daughter Friends Reunited.要是没有

6、要是没有“老友重聚网站老友重聚网站” 的帮助,我就不可能找到我女儿。的帮助,我就不可能找到我女儿。Then the website was mentioned onwould have beenwithout the help of1mention n提及,说起提及,说起vt.说起,提到说起,提到教教材材原原句句Then the website was mentioned on a radio programme and suddenly the site became very popular.后来后来这这个网站被一个广播个网站被一个广播节节目提起便目提起便骤骤然然变变得流行起来。得流行起来

7、。 归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)mention sth.to sb.向向某人提到某事某人提到某事mention doing sth. 提到做某事提到做某事mention (to sb.) that. (向某人向某人)提到提到(2)Dont mention it. 不不要要客客气气;不不用用谢谢;没没关关系系;不不要要紧紧;哪哪里里哪哪里里(作作客客套套语语)not to mention (without mentioning) 更不必更不必说说;更;更谈谈不上不上(3)make (no) mention of (没没) 提及提及Nobody mentioned anything to me abou

8、t it.没有人跟我提没有人跟我提过这过这事。事。Did she mention when she would arrive?她她说过说过她什么她什么时时候到候到吗吗?He didnt care about his son; his parents.他他连连自己的儿子都不关心,更不用提他的父母了。自己的儿子都不关心,更不用提他的父母了。not to mention2contact n接触,交往,关系,联系接触,交往,关系,联系vt.联络,与联络,与接触接触教教材材原原句句You may find that your friend is a member of the website,and y

9、ou can then contact him or her through the website.你你可可能能会会发发现现你你的的朋朋友友也也是是这这个个网网站站的的会会员员,那那么么你你就就可可以以通通过过网网站站跟跟他他或或她取得她取得联联系。系。归纳拓展归纳拓展in contact with sb.与与有来往有来往get in contact with sb. 与与取得取得联络联络keep in contact with sb. 与与保持保持联联系系Have you been in contact with him recently?你最近与他有来往你最近与他有来往吗吗?Ive be

10、en trying to get in contact with you since yesterday.我从昨天起就一直我从昨天起就一直试试着与你着与你联络联络。How can I (contact) you?我怎我怎样联络样联络你?你?contact3belong to属于;归属于;归所有所有教教材材原原句句.the neighbourhood they lived in,the college they went to,the sports team they belonged to,etc.他他们们所住的所住的邻邻近地区,他近地区,他们们所去的大学,他所去的大学,他们们所属的运所属的运

11、动队动队等等。等等。The book belongs to him.这这本本书书是他的。是他的。I dont know which team he .我不知道他是哪个我不知道他是哪个队队的成的成员员。belongs to 点津点津(1) belong to中中的的to是是介介词词,其其后后接接代代词词或或名名词词词词组组及及从从句句等等,表表示示所所归归属属的的对象。对象。(2) belong to不用于进行时和被动语态。不用于进行时和被动语态。教教材材原原句句It would have been impossible to find my daughter without the help

12、of Friends Reunited.如果没有如果没有“老友重聚网站老友重聚网站” 的帮助,我就不可能找到我的女儿。的帮助,我就不可能找到我的女儿。本本句句是是一一个个隐隐含含条条件件句句,根根据据句句子子的的谓谓语语动动词词“would have been” 可可知知,句句子子表示与表示与过过去事去事实实相反的假相反的假设设。without the help of Friends Reunited相相当当于于“If it hadnt been for the help of Friends Reunited” 。 归纳拓展归纳拓展含含蓄蓄条条件件句句中中并并没没有有条条件件从从句句,而而是

13、是由由without,but for,otherwise等等连连接接上上下下文文表表示示某某种种假假设设的的情情况况。 would have been是是虚虚拟拟语语气气结结构构,表表示示与与过过去去的的事事实实相反的假相反的假设设。Man couldnt live without water or air( if there were no water or air)没有水和空气人没有水和空气人类类就不能生存。就不能生存。I could not have finished the work so soon without your help (if you had not helped me

14、 if it hadnt been for your help)没有你的帮助,我就不可能那么快完成工作。没有你的帮助,我就不可能那么快完成工作。 marry for money.为为了了钱钱而而结结婚是婚是错误错误的。的。It would be wrong to 点津点津该该句句属属于于“It be adj. to do” 句句型型,在在该该句句型型中中it为为形形式式主主语语,真真正正的的主主语为不定式。语为不定式。.语境填词语境填词1The class have been able to (重聚重聚) 10 years after graduation.2The technology (提

15、提到到) in the lecture is advanced and beneficial to us.3She is a (合伙人合伙人) in a law firm.4This hotel is a favourite with young honeymoon (夫夫妇妇)5That lid (属于属于) to this jar.reunitementionedpartner couplebelongs.单句语法填空单句语法填空1Tom mentioned John that he had seen you.2We cant afford a car, to mention the fa

16、ct that we have no garage.3. the help of my teachers,I would not have won the first prize in the competition.4Have you kept touch with many of your old classmates?5She can speak French,German and Japanese,not mention English.tonotWithout in to6Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the f

17、uture (belong) to the welleducated.7He always says he doesnt need it whenever I mention (return) the money to him.8But for the captain,the ship (sink) with all on board.9Without your help,I wouldnt have worked out the plan ahead time.10It was an exciting moment, all of us will never forget. belongsr

18、eturningwould have sunkofone.完成句子完成句子1They (属于属于) a young generation.2Ill do my best to (和他取得和他取得联联系系)3Without the help of my English teacher, (我我不会取得很大的不会取得很大的进进步步) in my English learning.4The newspapers (没提及没提及这这次事故次事故)5I hope (你没有向她提到我的名字你没有向她提到我的名字) belonged toget in contact with himI would not have made great progressmade no mention of the accidentyou didnt mention my name to her



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