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1、 Talking pointWarming up pSkimmingDiggingCritical thinkingLanguage in useUnfamiliar wordsInterpreting1An empty old house always seems mysterious, especially for children. Watch the film trailer of the movie Monster House, then share with the class whether your have similar story in your childhood.Wa

2、rming up2Warming up Read the quotations about home. Work in pairs and discuss their meaning.3Warming up Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Did you find anything strange about the two conversations?2 Which do you think is most likely to take place, and why?3 Do you have conversations like the

3、se? Who with?4 What are the usual subjects of your conversations?5 What do you think are the differences between the way that men speak to each other and how they speak to women?6 What do you think are the differences between the way that women speak to each other and how they speak to men? 4Warming

4、 up Look at the sentences from the passage and think about who “I” is. 1 I can still remember the men who built the walls2 My neighbour is an acquaintance but I only see him from an angle to the side.3 My windows are my eyes, and they look onto trees and fields4 At home I had another family to look

5、after.5 But around the corner, I can hear a very loud engine noise coming closerNow read the passage and find out who the writer is meant to be.Answer: “I” refers to the house.5SkimmingBrowse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 1

6、15.TaskTask6Skimming Choose the best summary of the passage.1 The passage tells the stories of the families in a house, from the time when it was built to the present day.2 The passage is the story of a home, the people who lived there, and how life has changed over the years, narrated by the house

7、itself.3 The passage is written by the owner of a house, and describes how the families who lived there have changed the character of the house.Answer: 27Skimming Answer the questions.1What is the narrators earliest memory?2What are we told about the location of the house?3What are we told about the

8、 structure of the house?Being built. It is in the country, near a big house, and joined to another house.It is an east-facing and semi-detached house, built of local golden stone and bricks. 8Skimming4What was the main effect of the arrival of the young woman in the house?It brightened up the house;

9、 the family was a happy one and the garden was filled with flowers. 5 Why do you think the couple sat by the front door crying?6 What were the main changes to the house over the years?Their son had been killed in the war. It was modernized in many ways (indoor toilet, running water, electricity, new

10、 appliances etc) and the area in which it stood became a lot more built-up.9Skimming7 How do we know that the narrator is getting old?8 What do you think is about to happen at the end of the passage?Its floors creak; some doors dont close properly; and it has a lot of golden memories. The house will

11、 be demolished. 10Golden memories译文译文Digging1 I can still remember the men who built the walls, and raised the roof, even though it was many families ago. The master from the big house over the way needed accommodation for his estate workers, and found a clearing in the woods which ran up and down t

12、he hills. He sent workmen to bring the local golden stone and collect some bricks, and they spent three months building two cottages in the park.Background information11Digging2 My neighbour is an acquaintance but I only see him from an angle to the side. Ive never seen him face on, but I do know th

13、at strangely, although were identical, were the exact opposite of each other, with my front door facing east and my neighbours facing west, my bedroom in the back over his kitchen, my kitchen under his bedroom in the front. I think Im the lucky one because each morning, the stone glows in the sunlig

14、ht.12译文译文Digging3 The workers tended the orchards and the gardens around the big house, so the trees in autumn were always heavy with apples and pears, and as the days grew shorter the land around was busy with helpers collecting the fruit to take to the big house, or to market in town down the way.

15、13译文译文Digging4 Apart from the autumn, it was quiet here, and my worker seemed lonely until one day, he brought a young woman home. My corridors were soon filled with the sounds of conversation and laughter, and the smell of cooking. While the worker was away, the woman looked after the garden around

16、 me, planting roses, spring bulbs, and summer plants. It became filled with butterflies among a riot of colours, from blossom in early spring to the dark golden blooms and leaves of late autumn. It felt good to look after the happy couple.14译文译文Digging5 Soon there were children to look after too, fi

17、rst a girl, who smiled happily and slept deeply, and then a boy with powerful lungs, who kept us all awake. But both were happy and good infants. They played quietly together inside or in the garden, and gradually grew older and taller. One of my happiest memories is of one warm summers day. High up

18、 in the branches of one of the apple trees rested the boy, reading his favourite book.15译文译文Digging6 My windows are my eyes, and they look onto trees and ields, with low hills surrounding the whole scene as if everything was held safely in their arms. In the distance is a city of church spires and t

19、owers, silent except on days when the bells sound. On these days, the worker and his family used to dress smartly and leave the house for several hours.16译文译文Digging7 The children grew up, and the daughter disappeared, only to return with a young man on her arm. The son also left, and one day, I saw

20、 the postman arrive with a bundle of letters, and give the worker and his wife a telegram. When they read it, she cried out and fainted. For some time after this, they sat by my front door holding each other and weeping.17译文译文Digging8 As the years passed by, the couple grew older, and suddenly the h

21、ouse was empty. We had grown up together, but I didnt have a chance to say goodbye.18译文译文Digging9 A new family arrived, a smart man and his wife, with two children. He left us every morning carrying his briefcase, and returned home at night. The children spent their days at school, and often brought

22、 their friends back to play in the garden, climbing trees and kicking footballs. Around this time, the view from my windows began to change. My neighbour and I were no longer the only homes around, because opposite there was more and more housing being built. The houses were made of bricks and looke

23、d taller and thinner than we were. 19译文译文DiggingI thought they looked rather coarse against my handsome stone. And many more people came to live around here as well, the streets became quite busy with people walking up and down on their way somewhere. It seemed as if no one spent much time at home a

24、ny more.20Digging10 As the years passed, there were new families who came to stay. Two middle-aged women spent several years here, and I liked them because of the care they showed to my rooms and my garden. Everything was very clean and tidy; it was as if they had furnished the house in the same sty

25、le as when I was first built. They also installed electricity cables everywhere I hadnt realized how bright the lights could be or how gloomy my rooms must have appeared. 21DiggingBut then they decided that the outside bathroom was no longer suitable for their needs, and I had to abandon one of the

26、bedrooms so they could fit a lavatory and bath inside. The old well by the front gate was changed so that water was brought directly through underground pipes into the house. And gradually they installed all sorts of automatic appliances, such as an oven and washing machine. But we were all warm and

27、 clean, and although it was different, it wasnt unpleasant.22Digging11 Soon more houses were built and more people came to live in our tree-lined avenue. I got used to the horse-drawn deliveries made by the milkman, or the rag-and-bone man calling from his cart for old cloth and metal things we no l

28、onger needed. But then horseless carriages started to pass the front of the house. At first it was no more than the sound of metal scraping along the street every hour or so, but over the years, the road became busier, and soon there were lines of buses and cars crawling past and waiting at the cros

29、sroads.23Digging12 At home I had another family to look after. At different times in the morning, both the man and the woman left me and walked down the hill or waited for the bus. When their children came home, they let themselves in with their key, and watched television for hours until the parent

30、s returned. They had a pet dog who sat outside all day, barking or digging up my garden, which I have to admit I resented. 24Digging13 I liked the last person who lived with me. Joseph was a carpenter and worked at home assembling furniture, so I saw him all day, and we kept each other company. He w

31、asnt a young man, and had trouble moving around, walking very slowly, using his hands to steady himself, sometimes stopping to catch his breath.25Digging14 Of course, Im not the home I used to be, either. My wooden floors creak, and ghosts make strange noises throughout the night. There are signs of

32、 everyone who has lived with me, marks on the walls, initials cut into the hand rails, doors which dont close properly. They are my golden memories, of course, but to be frank, I look and feel my age.26Digging15 Joseph hasnt been here for a while, and its very quiet. The garden is full of decaying a

33、pples and dead leaves. No one has collected them this year. The front gate has fallen off, and someone has sprayed some words on the bricks at the side of the house. Im afraid to admit that theres even dirt and mould inside the house. Even the neighbourhood isnt what it used to be, full of loud musi

34、c and shouting late at night, and frankly the traffic is impossible to live with.27Digging16 Theres a cool breeze today. Suddenly, there is some excitement. At the front of the house, a lorry stops and a gang of workmen get out, all carrying bags and other devices. Perhaps theyre coming to live with

35、 me. But around the corner, I can hear a very loud engine noise coming closer, and actually, its quite frightening. Round the bend comes a large crane with a kind of ball and chain. I do hope it will go away. 281. and then a boy with powerful lungs, who kept us all awake. (Line 2, Para 5) the baby b

36、oy cried very loudly, thus none of us could fall asleep.Difficult sentences 29Difficult sentences 2. On these days, the worker and his family used to dress smartly and leave the house for several hours. (Line 6, Para 6)On these days, the worker and his family used to wear their Sunday best (节日服装节日服装

37、) and go to church when the church bells rang.30Difficult sentences 3. For some time after this, they sat by my front door holding each other and weeping. (Line 6, Para 7)We can infer that the telegram brought news of their sons death. This might be the time of the World War I of 19141918 when famil

38、ies were informed of the deaths of soldiers by telegram. 31Difficult sentences 4. We had grown up together, but I didnt have a chance to say goodbye. (Line 2, Para 8)We can infer that the couple living there were moved to a home for old people or die. They had lived there a long time, so the house h

39、ad grown old with them and regretted it did not say goodbye to them.32Difficult sentences 5. My wooden floors creak, and ghosts make strange noises throughout the night. (Line 2, Para 14)The house is now old and its wooden floors creak and groan something which is particularly noticeable in the sile

40、nce of the night.33Difficult sentences 6. I look and feel my age. (Line 7, Para 14)Anyone can see the house is old and needs repairs. It feels the aches and pains of old age.34Difficult sentences 7. and someone has sprayed some words on the bricks at the side of the house. (Line 4, Para 15)After Jos

41、ephs death the house is unoccupied and attracts teenagers who spray graffiti (eg Tony loves Helen / Man Utd Forever) on the walls.35Difficult sentences 8. Round the bend comes a large crane with a kind of ball and chain. I do hope it will go away. (Line 7, Para 16)The house sees demolition equipment

42、 approach. It is afraid of being knocked down to make way for a new building. 36estate 释义释义1n. C a very large area of land that belongs to one person, usually with a very big house on it 庄园例句例句The large estate is famous for its red wine.这个广大的庄园以它的红葡萄酒而闻名。 翻译翻译Words例句例句He invited us to his country es

43、tate for a weekend shoot. 他邀请我们周末到他乡下的庄园去打猎。翻译翻译37释义释义2n. C (BrE) (AmE development) 住宅区Words例句例句He used to live on the estate. 他过去曾住在那个住宅区。翻译翻译例句例句Good service is vital to a housing estate. 优质的服务对于好的住宅区至关重要。 翻译翻译estate 38释义释义n. C the direction from which something comes, or the direction from which

44、you look at something, especially when it is not directly in front of you 角度、视角、方向 Words例句例句Thanks to the angle at which he stood, he could just see the sunset.由于站的位置视角好,他刚好能看见日落。 翻译翻译例句例句His face will be discreetly concealed by camera angles.通过调整照相机的角度,他的脸将被巧妙地遮住。翻译翻译angle 39释义释义1n. (mainly literar

45、y) (a of sth) a lot of different bright colours together 五彩缤纷,五光十色Words例句例句All the cacti were in flower, and the desert was a riot of colour. 所有的仙人掌都开花了,整个沙漠里五彩缤纷。翻译翻译例子例子Flowers of all sorts are blooming in a riot of colour. 百花盛开,万紫千红。翻译翻译 riot 40释义释义2 n. C, U a violent protest by a crowd of people

46、 暴乱,骚乱Words例句例句They had to call the police in order to put down the riot. 他们只得叫来警察以平定骚乱. 翻译翻译例句例句A peaceful rally turned into a riot after police fired into the crowd. 警察向人群开枪后,和平集会演变成了一场暴乱。 翻译翻译 riot 41释义释义1n. C, U a lower on a tree, or all the lowers on a tree (一棵树上的)花;全部花朵例句例句The tree was covered

47、 in pink blossoms. 树上满是粉红色的花朵。 翻译翻译Words例句例句翻译翻译The apple blossom is beginning to drop. 苹果树上的花开始落了。blossom 42释义释义2vi. to develop and become more successful 发展;繁荣;兴旺例句例句翻译翻译Words例句例句What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event. 翻译翻译最初的地方节日已经发展成了国际性盛会。Peter has really bloss

48、omed in his new school. 皮特在新学校大有进步。 blossom 43释义释义1n. C (mainly literary) a lower 花例句例句Harry carefully picked the bloom. 哈里小心翼翼地摘下那朵花。翻译翻译Words例子例子翻译翻译the sweet fragrance of the white blooms白色花朵的芳香bloom 44释义释义2vi. if a tree or plant blooms, it produces flowers that have opened 开花例句例句 This plant bloo

49、ms between May and June. 这种植物在5月至6月间开花。翻译翻译Words例句例句Some fruit trees bloom and have seeds every year. 有的果树每年都开花结果。 翻译翻译bloom 45释义释义n. C a group of things that have been tied together, especially so that you can carry them easily (尤指为携带方便而扎成的)捆,束,包例句例句He carries bundles of clothing to take bus.他拎着好多包

50、衣服去坐公车。翻译翻译Words例句例句I have the old books and magazines tied up in bundles and sell them.我把旧书和杂志扎成捆卖。翻译翻译bundle 46释义释义v. to cry because you feel unhappy or have some other strong emotion 哭泣;流(泪)例句例句He almost felt like weeping with frustration. 他沮丧得几乎想哭。 翻译翻译Wordsweep 例句例句 The weeping family hugged an

51、d comforted each other.哭泣着的一家人相互拥抱并彼此安慰。翻译翻译47释义释义a. feeling rough and hard 粗的,粗糙的例句例句A coarse cloth was made from the local wool. 粗布是由当地产的羊毛制成的。 翻译翻译Words例句例句She never wears clothes made of coarse material. 翻译翻译她从来不穿粗布衣服。coarse 48释义释义a. a tidy place looks nice because everything is in the correct p

52、lace or arranged or organized properly 整齐的,整洁的 Phrases例句例句翻译翻译Having a tidy desk can seem impossible if you have a busy, demanding job.如果工作忙、难度大,要想保持桌面整洁似乎不太可能。例句例句翻译翻译Zola always keeps her kitchen neat and tidy. 佐拉总是把她的厨房弄得干净整洁。 tidy 49释义释义例句例句翻译翻译尼娜的房间简单地摆放了一张床和一张写字台。 Ninas room was plainly furnis

53、hed with a bed and a desk. vt. to provide furniture for a room or house 为(房间或房屋)配备家具Phrases例句例句翻译翻译Furnishing a new home can be very expensive. 为新家配备家具可能花费很大。 furnish 50释义释义1例句例句翻译翻译在一些地段,U形弯路使得汽车只能以每小时10英里的速度缓慢行进。Hairpin turns force the car to crawl at 10 miles an hour in some places.vi. if a vehic

54、le crawls, it moves forwards very slowly (车辆)缓慢行进Phrases例句例句翻译翻译It took several hours to drive the 50 miles, crawling along through the snow. 在雪地里好几个小时才开了50英里。 crawl51释义释义2例句例句翻译翻译如果你的宝宝不爱爬也不爱走,不要担心。Dont worry if your baby seems a little reluctant to crawl or walk.vi. to move along the ground on you

55、r hands and knees or with your body close to the ground 爬,爬行Phrases例句例句翻译翻译I began to crawl on my hands and knees towards the door.我开始手脚并用朝门口爬去。crawl52释义释义例句例句翻译翻译a. honest about the situation or your opinions, even if this offends people 坦诚的,直率的,直言不讳的Phrases例句例句翻译翻译frank 我们一直在尝试对孩子们坦诚相待。 Weve alway

56、s tried to be frank with the kids. They had a frank discussion about the issue. 他们对这个问题进行了开诚布公的讨论。to be frank53释义释义例句例句翻译翻译v. to be gradually destroyed as a result of a natural process of change, or to destroy something in this way (使)腐烂;(使)腐败Phrases例句例句翻译翻译decay这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂。The cabbage had already s

57、tarted to decay. The ground was covered with decaying leaves. 地上铺满腐败的落叶。54释义释义1例句例句翻译翻译rising and falling, or from bottom to top 一上一下;起伏地Phrasesup and downThe float bobbed up and down on the river. 漂浮物在江面时上时下地浮动。55释义释义2例句例句翻译翻译backwards and forwards 来来回回;往返地PhrasesHawkers started pacing up and down

58、the platform.霍克斯在站台上来回踱步。 up and down例句例句翻译翻译He walked up and down outside the hospital room waiting for news of his wife and baby.他再病房外走来走去,等候着妻子和婴儿的消息。 56释义释义例句例句翻译翻译prevent someone from sleeping 使某人睡不着Phrases例句例句翻译翻译keep sb awake窗帘缝隙漏进来的光让我睡不着。The light that leaked between the curtain kept me awa

59、ke. The noise had kept her awake. 噪音使她睡不着。57释义释义例句例句翻译翻译at a place that is very far from where you are, although you can still see or hear things there 在远处Phrases例句例句翻译翻译in the distance烟花在远处发出火花。The cars headlights gleamed in the distance. Fireworks sparkled in the distance. 汽车的前灯在远处闪烁。58释义释义例句例句翻译翻

60、译to make a loud noise because you are in pain or because you are afraid or shocked 大叫;大喊Phrases例句例句翻译翻译cry out从战场归来后,他经常从噩梦中喊叫醒来。After returning from war, he often cries out from nightmare. He was crying out in pain on the ground when the ambulance arrived. 救护车赶到时他正疼得再地上大叫。59释义释义例句例句翻译翻译used after a

61、n amount of time, money etc to show that the amount is not exact 大约,左右Phrases例句例句翻译翻译or so在开头一两天,我们对新教师感到有点拘束。We felt a little constraint with the new teacher for the first day or so. Completion of this bridge is expected in a year or so. 这座桥一年半载可望竣工。60释义释义例句例句翻译翻译to dig holes in an area of land 挖掘;

62、挖(洞)Phrases例句例句翻译翻译dig up在该地点发掘了一些古代陶器。Some ancient pottery was dug up in the spot. The workmen began to dig up the lot next door for a site of a new office building. 工人们已在旁边的空地上破土动工,要新建一栋办公楼。61释义释义例句例句翻译翻译to spend time with someone so that they will not feel lonely 陪伴某人Phrases例句例句翻译翻译keep sb compan

63、y我喝柠檬水陪你。Ill keep you company with a lemonade. Whenever you want to travel, there are always friends who are willing to keep you company. 当你想旅行时,总有谈得来的朋友愿意请假作陪。62释义释义1例句例句翻译翻译to take time to start to breathe normally again after physical exercise (运动后)喘气Phrases例句例句翻译翻译catch ones breath快跑完后,走一会,喘喘气。A

64、fter running, walk a little bit just to catch your breath. Dont try to talk, sit down and catch your breath. 不要说话,坐下来喘喘气。63释义释义2例句例句翻译翻译to stop breathing suddenly for a short time because you are surprised or shocked (因惊讶或感动而)屏息Phrases例句例句翻译翻译当大门快被撞开时,她害怕得屏住呼吸。When the door was about forced to open,

65、 she caught her breath with fear. That news was so unexpected I caught my breath from shock. 那消息太意外了,我给震惊得屏住呼吸。catch ones breath64释义释义例句例句翻译翻译used when you are going to say something that other people might not like to hear 坦率地说,说老实话Phrases例句例句翻译翻译to be frank坦率地说,我并没有想到会收到这么漂亮的礼物。To be frank, I neve

66、r expected to receive such a gorgeous present. To be frank, there is a limit to our concessions. 老实说,我们的让步是有限度的。65释义释义例句例句翻译翻译to accept something unpleasant that you cannot change 容忍;忍受(无法改变的不快之事)Phrases例句例句翻译翻译live with你能接受这样的安排吗?Can you live with this arrangement? Can you live with the humid clima

67、te here? 你能忍受这潮湿的气候吗?661 1 即使已经换了多家住户,我仍记得当初修建墙壁、搭建屋顶的那些人。路对面大房子的主人要给他庄园上的工人解决住宿问题,所以他在山坡上绵延起伏的树林里找了一块空地。他让工人运来本地的金黄色的石头,又找了一些砖,花了三个月的时间在园子里搭建了两座小屋。Translation原文原文金色回忆金色回忆672 我和邻居相识,但我只能从侧面看到他。我从未和他正面相视,但我知道,虽然我们的房屋结构完全一样,但是方向却正好相反我的正门朝东而邻居的正门朝西,我的卧室在后面,下面是他的厨房,而他的卧室在前面,下面是我的厨房,这真是很奇怪。我觉得我更幸运一点,因为每天

68、早晨我的石墙都在阳光的照射下泛着光。Translation原文原文683 工人们照料、打理大房子周围的果园和花园,所以到了秋天,树上总是结满了苹果和梨子。随着白天越来越短,园子里到处都是忙着摘水果的佣工。他们把摘下的水果送到大房子里,或是沿着路送到城里的市场上去卖。Translation原文原文694 除了秋天,这里其他时候都很安静。住在我这儿的那个工人看上去很孤单,直到有一天,他带回一个年轻的姑娘。很快,我的走廊里就充满了欢声笑语和烹调的香味。工人不在的时候,女人照管我周围的这片园子,种植玫瑰、春季开花的球茎植物和夏季植物。从早春到深秋,这里一直都花繁叶茂、五彩缤纷、彩蝶翩翩。照料这对幸福的

69、夫妇,让我感觉很惬意。Translation原文原文705 没过多久,又有孩子要照顾了。先是一个笑得开心、睡得很酣的女孩,然后是一个肺活量大得可以把我们所有人都吵醒的男孩。他们都是快乐的乖宝贝。他们在室内或园子里一起静静地玩耍。渐渐地,他们长大了,也长高了。我记忆中最幸福的时刻之一就是在一个炎热的夏日,男孩坐在一棵苹果树的高高的枝杈上,读着他心爱的书。Translation原文原文716 我的窗户就是我的眼睛,我能看到树林和田地。周围环绕着低矮的山丘,仿佛一切尽在它们安全的怀抱之中。远处是教堂尖顶和高楼林立的城市,除了有钟声的日子外,平日里都很安静。钟声响起的日子里,工人和他的家人经常打扮得漂

70、漂亮亮地离开家几个小时。Translation原文原文727 7 孩子们长大了,有一天,女儿消失了,再回来时挽着一个年轻小伙子。儿子也离开了。一天,我看见邮差带着一大捆信件来了,他给工人夫妇送来一封电报。读电报时,女人哭了起来,然后晕了过去。此后有一段时间,他们常常坐在我的正门旁相拥而泣。Translation原文原文738 岁月流逝,这对夫妇慢慢老了。突然有一天,房子空了。我和他们一起长大,但我都没有机会和他们说声“再见” 。Translation原文原文749 接着新来了一家一个精明的男人和他的妻子,还有两个孩子。每天早晨,他拿着公文包离去,晚上回来。孩子们白天上学,还经常把朋友们带回来在

71、园子里爬树和踢球。大致在这个时候,我窗外的景色开始发生变化。我和邻居已不再是这里仅有的房屋,因为对面建造的房屋越来越多。那些砖房子看上去比我们更高、更瘦削。Translation原文原文75我觉得和我漂亮的石头相比,它们显得很粗糙。而且,越来越多的人来这里居住,街道也变得十分繁忙,到处都是熙来攘往的人群。似乎没有人总呆在家里了。Translation原文原文7610 随着时间的推移,又有新的住户搬来。两位中年妇女在这里生活了几年。我很喜欢她们,因为她们很爱护我的房间和园子,把一切都打扫得干干净净、整整齐齐的。她们似乎把房子布置成了当初建房时的风格。她们还到处都安装了电缆我以前从没有想过灯光可以

72、如此明亮,也没意识到过去我的房间有多么昏暗。Translation77但后来,她们觉得室外卫生间已无法满足她们的需求,所以我不得不放弃其中一个卧室,好让她们能安装一个室内卫浴室。门口的老井也被改造了,水通过地下管道直接就可以进入室内。她们又逐渐安装了各种自动化电器,如烤箱和洗衣机等。我们都觉得既温暖,又干净,虽然与以前不同,但并不让人觉得不快。Translation7811 不久建起了更多的房子,更多的人搬来我们这条林阴大道居住。我习惯了送奶工赶着马车来送奶,或收废品的人坐在马车里吆喝,收购我们不要的旧衣服和金属制品。然后,开始有不用马拉的车在门前经过。最初只是每隔一小时左右沿街有金属剐蹭的声

73、音。但年复一年,道路越来越繁忙。又过了不久,街道上就出现了成排的公共汽车和轿车,缓慢地行驶着,或者等在十字路口。Translation7912 我又开始照料另一个家庭。早晨,男人和女人分别在不同的时间离开家,走下山坡或等公共汽车。他们的孩子回家后,自己拿钥匙开门,然后看几个小时的电视,直到父母回来。他们有条宠物狗,整天坐在外面,不是汪汪叫就是在我的花园里乱刨,我不得不承认这让我很反感。Translation8013 我喜欢最后和我一起住的那个人。他叫约瑟夫,是个木匠。他在家中做家具,所以我整天都能看到他,我们彼此作伴。他已经上了年纪,所以行动不便,走起路来非常迟缓,要借助双手来保持平稳,有时还

74、要停下来喘口气。Translation8114 当然,我也不是原来的样子了。我的木地板吱吱作响,整个晚上都会有幽灵弄出些奇怪的声音。每个在这儿住过的人都留下些印迹:墙壁上的标记,刻在扶手上的名字首字母,还有关不严的门。当然,这些都是我金色的回忆。但坦白讲,我看起来,并且我也能感觉到我已年迈。Translation8215 约瑟夫已经有段时间不在这里了,现在这里非常安静。园子里有很多腐烂的苹果和枯叶。今年没有人来打扫。大门已经脱落了,有人在房子一侧的砖墙上喷了一些字。我不愿承认,房子里甚至还有灰尘和霉迹。甚至连周边也不再是以前的样子了,深夜还有很响的音乐声和叫喊声。坦率地说,这里的交通简直让人无

75、法忍受。Translation8316 今天凉风习习。突然,我听到一阵喧闹。一辆货车停在房前,走下来一帮工人,都拿着袋子和别的工具。或许他们是来和我一起居住的。但随即,我听到墙角处传来很响的发动机的声音,而且越来越近。事实上,这声音很恐怖。从街道拐弯处开过来一辆装有球状物和锁链的大型起重机。我真希望它能开走。Translation84Background informationThe housing stock in the UK is quite old. There are new towns and large areas of major cities were heavilybomb

76、ed between 1939 and 1945 and had to be rebuilt. The majority of people, however, live in buildings that are hundred years old, and many are much older. This gives the British a strong sense of history and they are proud of the old buildings around them and seek to preserve them. Of course, many chan

77、ges have to be made to the buildings, with many modern conveniences being added, and large 19th-century buildings which were lived in once by one family with its set of servants have now been divided up into a number of flats. (To be continued)Background information85The British love visiting the be

78、autiful old house of the upper classes of the past, and this is a very popular weekend activity.Against this background, one can imagine the rather sentimental feelings old houses evoke in people as shown in this passage. Background information86Interpreting87Interpreting Look at the sentences from

79、the passage and answer the questions.1 but I do know that strangely, although were identical, were the exact opposite of each other How are the two houses identical yet the exact opposite of each other? They are mirror images in layout. 2 Soon there were children to look after too In what way does t

80、he house look after the children? It protects them from the outside elements (坏天气坏天气). 88Interpreting3 I thought they looked rather coarse against my handsome stone. Does the house like the new brick houses being built? Why / Why not? It does not like the new brick houses being built, as it thinks t

81、hey are ugly in comparison to itself. 4 But we were all warm and clean, and although it was different, it wasnt unpleasant. What does the house feel about progress? Its all right. 89Interpreting5 My wooden floors creak, and ghosts make strange noises throughout the night. If the house were human, wh

82、at would creaking wooden floors and ghosts suggest? Creaking joints, memories, coughs, sighs and groans are all signs of old age.6 Round the bend comes a large crane with a kind of ball and chain. I do hope it will go away. Why does the narrator hope the crane will go away? The crane is there as par

83、t of the demolition team. Being knocked down is the equivalent of death to the house.90Work in pairs and discuss the questions.1 Can a house have a “personality”?2 How important is it to have a house in which you can feel “at home”?3 What are the relative merits of an old and a new house? 4 Should o

84、ld houses be pulled down to build new ones? Or should they be restored?5 Are old buildings part of the local or national heritage? Or are we too attached to them for sentimental reasons?Critical Thinking911 Can a house have a “personality”?Critical Thinking No, that is only human imagination. A hous

85、e is simply a construction of wood, brick or stone.OK, only metaphorically, but its a good metaphor some houses seem cold and unfriendly, some very inviting, some mysterious and so on.922 How important is it to have a house in which you can feel “at home”?Critical ThinkingAs long as I am safe and co

86、mfortable I dont think I need more.You make it sound too simple. There are people wholike living on high floors and others who prefer to be down near the ground. Some people like a lot of bright light, while others feel more comfortable inmore shaded spaces. You will feel happier in a house which pl

87、eases you, and makes you “feel at home”.933 What are the relative merits of an old and a new house? Critical ThinkingNew houses are often high-rise and offer good views. They have lifts and modern appliances. Old houses can have charm and a feel of history, but they need a lot more repair and mainte

88、nance. 944 Should old houses be pulled down to build new ones? Or should they be restored?Critical ThinkingWe dont want everywhere to look the same. Oldbuildings make a place more interesting. A town exists in time as well as space.We must be practical. High-rise buildings can housefar more people.

89、Old houses waste land.955 Are old buildings part of the local or national heritage? Or are we too attached to them for sentimental reasons?Critical ThinkingI think to try to protect all old buildings just becausethey are old would be an unnecessary and sentimental attachment to the past. But if the

90、buildings are of historical significance, they are part of our heritage. Chinese culture is too old and valuable for us to simply forget the past.96Unfamiliar Words Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.1 riot (a) a lot of different things together (b) a violent protes

91、t2 bundle (a) a set of software (b) a group of things tied together3coarse (a) rough and hard (b) not elegantbundle coarse crawl mould riot(a)(b)(a)97Unfamiliar Words4 crawl (a) to move slowly (b) to move on hands and feet5 mould (a) a specially shaped container (b) bacteria bundle coarse crawl moul

92、d riot(a)(b)98 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.Unfamiliar Words1 Im not really a friend of hers, shes just someone I know.2 The workmen have dug holes in the street to put down thick metal wires for the electricity. an ac

93、quaintancecables99Unfamiliar Words3To be honest with you, I dont know how old the house is.4When they told me I would have to leave, I sat down and cried.5How much do you think it will cost to provide the house with furniture?6There was a light wind blowing when I went outside.7 The doors into the l

94、ounge open by themselves, so you dont have to touch them.frankweptfurnish the housebreezeautomatically100 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.Unfamiliar WordsAt the beginning of the last century an attempt was made to solve the (1) _ problem of the capital. New towns

95、 known as “garden cities” began to appear outside London, offering an alternative to the (2) _ and pollution of life in the city, where many buildings were old and (3) _. housingdirtdecayed101Unfamiliar WordsThe idea was to create communities with lowers in (4) _ and trees (5) _ along every street,

96、and where green spaces would be visible from every (6) _. This new vision turned out to be very popular, and contributed to the development of housing (7) _ across the country in the second part of the 20th century.bloomblossomingangleestates102Language in Use Look at the sentence.A city of church s

97、pires and towers is in the distance, silent except on days when the bells sound.StructureYou can rewrite it like this:In the distance is a city of church spires and towers, silent except on days when the bells sound.103Language in Use104Language in Use1The sound of children playing came from around

98、the house.2More houses stood on top of the hill.3Horseless carriages passed in front of the house.Now rewrite the sentences using inversion.From around the house came the sound of children playing. On top of the hill stood more houses. In front of the house passed horseless carriages. 105Language in

99、 Use3Two middle-aged women lived here.4A lorry stops in front of the house.5A large crane comes round the bend.Here lived two middle-aged women. In front of the house stops a lorry. Round the bend comes a large crane.106Language in UseCollocation107Language in Use108Language in Use109Language in Use

100、 Complete the sentences with suitable binomials from the box.1There are lots of good things to eat. You can _. 2His secretary looked very _, and the whole meeting was very formal.3When I write a story I begin with the ending and work backwards. I write _.4 Dont worry. Youll find your wallet _.pick a

101、nd chooseprim and properback to frontsooner or later110Language in Use5When I go on holiday I never want to do much. I just want some _.6Thanks for doing your roomIve seen how _ it is now.7There were just a few papers lying _ on the desk.8 This is the best I can do for this activity. _.peace and qui

102、etclean and tidyhere and thereTake it or leave it111Language in Use Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the box. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.112Language in Use1 _ like fridges and washing machines are essential nowadays.2 I have very _ of the

103、 house I grew up in.3 There was a(n) _ and the door slammed shut.4The first thing well do in the new lat is to _ a new _ as we love cooking. 5Sara _ her tomato _ on the balcony.6 I cant remember it exactly, but I do have a(n) _ of what the room looked like.Domestic / Household appliancesfond / happy

104、 / vague memoriessudden breezeinstall kitchentended plantsvague memory1131 Ive never seen him face on, but I do know that strangely, although were identical, were the exact opposite of each other, with my front door facing east and my neighbors facing west, my bedroom in the back over his kitchen, m

105、y kitchen under his bedroom in the front.Language in Use Translate the sentences into Chinese.我从未和他正面相视,但我知道,虽然我们的房屋结构完全一样,但是方向却正好相反我的正门朝东而邻居的正门朝西,我的卧室在后面,下面是他的厨房,而他的卧室在前面,下面是我的厨房,这真是很奇怪。114Language in Use2 Soon there were children to look after too, first a girl, who smiled happily and slept deeply

106、, and then a boy with powerful lungs, who kept us all awake.没过多久,又有孩子要照顾了。先是一个笑得开心、睡得很酣的女孩,然后是一个肺活量大得可以把我们所有人都吵醒的男孩。1153 At first it was no more than the sound of metal scraping along the street every hour or so, but over the years, the road became busier, and soon there were lines of buses and cars

107、 crawling past and waiting at the crossroads.Language in Use最初只是每隔一小时左右沿街有金属剐蹭的声音。但年复一年,道路越来越繁忙。又过了不久,街道上就出现了成排的公共汽车和轿车,缓慢地行驶着,或者等在十字路口。116Language in Use4 He wasnt a young man, and had trouble moving around, walking very slowly, using his hands to steady himself, sometimes stopping to catch his bre

108、ath.他已经上了年纪,所以行动不便,走起路来非常迟缓,要借助双手来保持平稳,有时还要停下来喘口气。117Language in Use5 Even the neighborhood isnt what it used to be, full of loud music and shouting late at nights, and frankly the traffic is impossible to live with.甚至连周边也不再是以前的样子了,深夜还有很响的音乐声和叫喊声。坦率地说,这里的交通简直让人无法忍受。118 Translate the sentences into E

109、nglish.1 远处有一座白色的房子,让我想起来我孩提时的家。(in the distance+inversion) In the distance is a white house, which reminds me of my home when I was a child.2 他习惯了乡下自由自在的生活,住在没有庭院的冷冰冰的大楼里让他难以忍受。 (be used to; leisurely; live with) He is used to the leisurely life of the countryside. To live in a cold building withou

110、t a yard is something he feels hard to live with. Language in Use1193 坦率地说,我很喜欢这座老房子。虽然条件简朴了些,但让人感觉温暖。(to be frank) To be frank, I like the old house very much. Despite itssimple conditions, it gives people a feeling of warmth.4 她不愿意搬到市中心去,因为在郊区有很多陪伴她的朋友。(downtown; suburb; keepcompany) She doesnt wa

111、nt to move to the downtown because in the suburbs she has many friends who keep her company.Language in Use1205 这里曾是个花园,每年春天鲜花盛开,非常美丽。(used to be; blossom)There used to be a garden here with beautiful flowers blooming in spring. Language in Use121Talking Point Work in groups of three or four and dis

112、cuss what home means to you. Think about:* objects * your favourite room* smells * colours* light * feelings* memoriesFor me, home means a place where I can relax, where I can lie down and read a book, and just recharge the batteries.122Talking PointI dont do much at home, apart from sleeping and ea

113、ting. I dont like sitting around, and I dont even feel free to do what I want there. Im happier hanging out with friends and going out.Home is the place where I forget about work! It is my private space for me and my family . and every so often to invite friends, of course .123Talking PointHome? Its the place where I grew up. I let home when I was 18 and have never been back, but if I think about it, the house I grew up in with my family is the only place I really consider to be home.124Talking Point Summarize your ideas about home and tell the rest of the class. 125126



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