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1、市场营销管理市场营销管理Marketing Management符国群教授北京大学光华管理学院2003. 2-71智囊经验我的基本情况u学历英国Aston大学管理学博士(1999)武汉大学经济学博士(1997)武汉大学经济学硕士(1986)湘潭大学数学专业学士(1983)2智囊经验我的基本情况u工作经历u2000.9北京大学光华管理学院教授、博士生导师u19862000.9 武汉大学助教、讲师、副教授、教授,曾任武汉大学工商管理系主任、湖北省人大常委会委员3智囊经验我的联系方式我的联系方式u办公室:光华楼516室(周4上午9:00-11:00),其他时间请预约。u办公电话:010-6276-5

2、140uEmail: 4智囊经验助教联系方式赵冰电话:62762975Email:zhaob_5智囊经验课程目的与授课方式课程目的与授课方式u课程目的了解和掌握基本的市场营销概念和工具发展营销决策技能u授课方式课堂讲授与案例分析相结合6智囊经验教材与参考资料教材与参考资料u符国群:市场营销讲义u菲力普 科特勒著: 营销管理:分析、计划与控制,中国人民大学出版社(本教材是目前各大学最常用的营销教材,但是否购买由你自己决定)。7智囊经验成绩评定成绩评定u小组案例Datril 案例(10%)Calyx & Corolla(10%)上海家化有限公司案例(10%)英国航空公司案例(10%)u数量分析 (


4、市场导向界定问题和目标:以4Cs为重心的环境分析(Company、Collaborators、Competitors and Consumers)市场营销战略:市场细分、目标市场和市场定位行动与执行(4Ps)营销后果与社会责任营销研究(Marketing Research)11智囊经验第一讲第一讲 现代组织中的市场营销现代组织中的市场营销-市场营销及其重要性-企业经营指导思想及其演变-案例分析:定价的困惑12智囊经验一、市场营销及其重要性一、市场营销及其重要性什么是市场营销?市场营销的核什么是市场营销?市场营销的核心是什么?心是什么? 13智囊经验Definitions of Marketin

5、guMarketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods from producer to consumer or user (AMA, 1960) uMarketing is the process in a society by which the demand structure for economic goods is anticipated or enlarged and satisfied through the conception, promotion, exchan

6、ge and physical distribution of goods and services (OSU Marketing Faculty, 1965)uMarketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives (AMA, 1985)14

7、智囊经验Definition of MarketinguMarketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others (Kotler, 1991)15智囊经验市场营销的三个层次市场营销的三个层次 作为经营哲学的市场营销 作为组织职能的市场营销 作为活动与计划的市场营销16智囊经验什么不是市场营销什么不

8、是市场营销 麦克风式的营销(Megaphone Marketing) 公式化的营销(Formula Marketing) 会计式营销(Accountants Marketing) 营销部门的营销(Marketing Departments Marketing)17智囊经验市场营销的功能市场营销的功能 交换功能 物流功能 便利功能市场营销的作用市场营销的作用 缓解生产与消费的矛盾 提供1/4至1/3的社会就业机会 市场营销创造价值18智囊经验市场营销的价值创造市场营销的价值创造(哥伦比亚玫瑰)(哥伦比亚玫瑰) 154.2美分 51.4美分 25.7美分 23.4美分 17.0美分 14.6美分

9、哥伦比亚 美国 迈阿密 迈阿密到波 波士顿 波士顿 博古塔 阿迈密 经纪人 士顿公路运输 批发商 零售商智囊经验二、企业经营指导思想二、企业经营指导思想-生产观念生产观念:认为消费者会接受那些他能买得到且买得起的产品,因此企业经营的重心是提高效率、降低成本。-产品观念产品观念:认为消费者会选择品质好、功能多、有特色的产品,企业经营重心就是不断改进和完善产品。-推销观念推销观念:如果听其自然的话消费者不会足够多的购买企业产品产品,因此企业应强化推销和促销工作。20智囊经验企业经营指导思想(续)企业经营指导思想(续)-市场营销观念市场营销观念:认为实现组织

10、目标的关键在于即时了解目标市场的需要与欲望,并且以比竞争对手更有效的方式满足这些需要和欲望。-社会市场营销观念社会市场营销观念:认为组织应从有利于提升消费者和整个社会的福利的视角来确定消费者的需要与欲望,并以比竞争对手更有效的方式来满足它们。21智囊经验市场营销观念与推销观念的比较市场营销观念与推销观念的比较起点 重点 手段 目的工厂 产品 推销 与促销 通过销售来获利 (a) 推销观念 市场 顾客需求 整合营销 通过顾客满意来获利 (b) 市场营销观念22智囊经验市场营销观念的重点市场营销观念的重点 -顾客导向顾客导向 (顾客需求、市场细分、差异 化、 顾客满意) -长期视野长期视野(关系营

11、销) -整体营销整体营销(职能部门配合、营销机能配 合、支持性文化) -盈利性盈利性 23智囊经验失去顾客的代价失去顾客的代价 13%的不满顾客会把抱怨转告给12个以 上的人 吸引一位新顾客的成本是保持一位老顾 客成本的5倍 90%的不满意的顾客不再购买你的产品 对不满顾客及时补究,他们中82%-95% 的人会继续购买你的产品24智囊经验 冰山一角来自英国航空公司的调查来自英国航空公司的调查8向顾客部门反映24向公司反映但没有到达顾客关系部68的不满顾客不向公司任何人反映!25智囊经验关系营销关系营销(Relationship Marketing)u创造、维持和强化与顾客及其他利益方长期互惠关

12、系的过程26智囊经验关系营销(续)关系营销(续)强调顾客保持 关系营销 交易营销强调顾客获取 以功能为基础 以过程为基础 的营销 的营销27智囊经验交易营销与关系营销交易营销与关系营销交易营销交易营销创造销售短期量度现期交易最大化不重视顾客服务与顾客接触少质量是生产部门的事关系营销关系营销创造顾客长期量度生命期价值最大化重点强调顾客服务与顾客接触频繁质量是公司每个人的事28智囊经验 采用市场营销观念的动因采用市场营销观念的动因 -销售额下降 -市场增长缓慢 -竞争日益激烈 -市场环境急剧变化 -营销费用增加29智囊经验接受市场营销观念的障碍接受市场营销观念的障碍 -组织内的抵制 -对营销学习的

13、缓慢 -对营销原则的迅速遗忘30智囊经验三、案例分析:定价的困惑u你认为公司会怎样做?31智囊经验案例分析:定价的困惑Financial Impact of cutting price$429,000 (current price) - 22,000 (requested price cut, 5%)$407,000 (new selling price)Assume Standard has a 25% contribution margin (CM)How much would sales have to increase to result in the same dollar cont

14、ribution? Old CM (25%) - New CM (20%) New CM (20%) X %= 25%If the Old CM is 40% then: 40% - 35% 35% X % = 14%32智囊经验案例分析:定价的困惑Financial Impact of Cutting Price$429,000 (current price) -390,000 (Kakuchi price)$ 39,000 (9% price cut needed to match)Assume Standard has a 25% contribution margin (CM)How

15、much would sales have to increase to result in the same dollar contribution? Old CM (25%) - New CM (16%) New CM (16%) X % = 56%If the Old CM is 40% then: 40% - 31% 31% X % = 29%33智囊经验案例分析:定价的困惑u你认为公司应怎样作?什么是最重要的目标妨碍实现这一目标的主要障碍是什么?解决方案分析:你提出的方案是什么?为什么这是最好的方案?34智囊经验本讲总结35智囊经验 再见! Goodbye36智囊经验第二讲第二讲 市

16、场营销战略市场营销战略符国群教授2003 3. 1337智囊经验市场营销战略市场营销战略n n市场营销战略与战术n n市场营销战略:环境分析n n市场营销战略:公司分析n n市场营销战略:竞争者分析38智囊经验一、市场营销战略与战术市场营销战略Company & CollaboratorsCompetitors & CollaboratorsOfferingOfferingCustomers市场营销战术产品 服务 品牌 价格 促销 分销Context39智囊经验市场营销战略与战术n n战略是做正确的事(Do right thing),战术是正确的作事(Do thing right)。40智囊经

17、验市场营销战略的4个基本问题我们的目标是什么?谁是我们的目标客户?谁是我们的主要竞争者?我们如何取得竞争优势?(定位)41智囊经验市场营销战略的层次公司战略业务单位(SBU)产品、品牌或市场42智囊经验市场营销战略:传统的观点购买者行为市场营销战略竞争优势43智囊经验市场营销战略:传统的观点n n消费者具有现存的、持久的偏好n n竞争是满足这些消费者偏好的竞赛n n竞争优势来自于比竞争对手更好地满足消费者的偏好(即创造超越竞争对手的顾客价值)44智囊经验传统观点的困惑n n以顾客为中心,意味着企业与竞争对手之间的差异将逐步消失。n n日益下降的产品毛利和产品失败率。45智囊经验市场营销战略:现

18、代的观点市场营销战略购买者行为竞争优势46智囊经验市场营销战略:现代观点n nMarkets are constantly changing in response to Markets are constantly changing in response to customers and competitors actionscustomers and competitors actionsn n Competition is, in part, a battle over that evolution Competition is, in part, a battle over that

19、 evolutionn n Competitive advantage arises from successfully Competitive advantage arises from successfully creatingcreating and and shaping markets (I.e., superior value shaping markets (I.e., superior value creation)creation)n n Marketers balance being market driven with being Marketers balance be

20、ing market driven with being market drivingmarket driving47智囊经验 Total BenefitSUPERIOR VALUE CONFIGURATIONS COMPARED TO THE AVERAGE COMPETITORPrice to Customer48智囊经验二、市场营销战略:环境分析Company & CollaboratorsCompetitors & CollaboratorsOfferingOfferingCustomersContext4Cs分析框架49智囊经验行业环境分析:波特5要素分析法行业现有竞争者潜在进入者替

21、代品购买者供应商50智囊经验三、市场营销战略:公司分析51智囊经验公司分析的公司分析的3个层次个层次公司SBUOfferings顾客目标、价值导向、业务组合分析战略资产与核心能力;SWOT分析Offering Value Analysis Assortment Value Analysis Competitive Value Analysis 52智囊经验公司分析:公司目标市场渗透 市场开发产品开发 多角化产品与市场矩阵现有产品新产品现有市场新市场53智囊经验 报酬 稳定 税收 地位 报酬 就业 权力 工作 贷款 满意 公平 支付 生意 管理层 就业不 的延续 政府 员 受歧视 品质 供应商

22、工 弱 服务 顾客 公司 小团体 价值 社 就业 股东 信 区 环境保护 贷者 红利 利息 资本增值 资本的安全性 投资的安全性 公司利益方和它们的期望 54智囊经验公司目标:失衡与容忍域公司目标:失衡与容忍域股票收益 业务增长 股东价值 环境 品质与 关切程度 服务 员工 风险 激励 市场份额 的减小 失衡域 容忍域55智囊经验公司分析:公司市场导向(Market Discipline)n nTreacy and WiersemaTreacy and Wiersema s disciplines represent s disciplines represent three distinct

23、 ways of creating value. These three distinct ways of creating value. These disciplines necessarily rest upon different disciplines necessarily rest upon different resources/competencies and/or different uses resources/competencies and/or different uses of common resources/competencies.of common res

24、ources/competencies.n nSuccess is achieved by performing adequately Success is achieved by performing adequately (as defined by the relevant market), on two (as defined by the relevant market), on two disciplines and dominating competition on the disciplines and dominating competition on the third d

25、iscipline.third discipline.56智囊经验选择何种市场导向?选择何种市场导向?Market leaders pick one of these disciplines and then build their organizations around it in the following ways.Company TraitsDisciplinesOperational ExcellenceSharpen distribution systemand provide no-hassleserviceHas strong, central authorityand a

26、finite level ofempowermentMaintain standard operatingproceduresActs predictably and believes“one size fits all”Product LeadershipNurture ideas, translate theminto products, and market them skillfullyActs in an ad hoc, organic,loosely knit, and ever-changingwayReward individuals innovativecapacity an

27、d new productsuccessExperiments and thinks “out-of-the-box”Customer IntimacyProvides solutionsand help customersrun their businessesPushes empowerment closeto customer contactMeasure the cost ofproviding serviceand of maintainingcustomer loyaltyIs flexible and thinks“have it your way”Core businesspr

28、ocesses that.Structure that.Managementsystems that.Culture that.Source: M. Treacy and F. Wiersema The Discipline of Market Leaders Addison-Wesley: Reading MA, 199557智囊经验BCG业务组合分析法3?10x 4x 2x 1.5x 1x 10x 4x 2x 1.5x 1x 20%-20%-18%-18%-16%-16%-14%-14%-12%-12%-10%-10%- 8%- 8%- 6%- 6%- 4%- 4%- 2%- 2%- 0

29、0相对市场份额StarsCash cowQuestion marksDogs?5421687.5x .4x .3x .2x .1x .5x .4x .3x .2x .1x 市场增长率58智囊经验GE业务组合分析法强强强强中中中中弱弱弱弱业务优势业务优势5.005.003.673.672.332.331.001.00小小小小中中中中大大大大液压泵液压泵联轴联轴离合器离合器活动隔板活动隔板航天材料航天材料燃料泵燃料泵安全阀安全阀1.001.002.332.333.673.675.005.00投资投资投资投资/ /发展发展发展发展选择选择选择选择/ /获利获利获利获利收获收获收获收获/ /撤出撤出撤

30、出撤出市场吸引力59智囊经验市场吸引力与竞争实力的构成要素市场吸引力与竞争实力的构成要素60智囊经验公司分析:战略性资源n n公司或品牌形象公司或品牌形象n n分销网络分销网络n n供应商网络供应商网络n n制造基础设施制造基础设施n n人力资源人力资源n n顾客管理基础设施顾客管理基础设施n n顾客群顾客群n n现有产品、专利技术现有产品、专利技术n n金融资产金融资产61智囊经验公司分析:核心能力n nOperationn nMarketing infrastructuren nTechnology(R&D)n nProduct managementn nService managemen

31、tn nBrand management62智囊经验公司分析:SWOT Strengths Weakness Opportunities ThreatsInternal FactorsExternal FactorsFavorable factors Unfavorable factors63智囊经验公司分析:SWOT(Extended) Strengths Weakness Opportunities ThreatsInternal FactorsExternal FactorsFavorable factors Unfavorable factorsCore competencies an

32、d strategic asset analysisMarketing environment analysis (4Cs)64智囊经验优势与劣势分析优势与劣势分析(一一) 65智囊经验优势与劣势分析优势与劣势分析(二二)66智囊经验三、市场营销战略:竞争者分析三、市场营销战略:竞争者分析识别公司的竞争者识别竞争者的战略与目标评估竞争者的优势与劣势评估竞争者的反应模式选择竞争者以进攻或回避分析竞争者的步骤分析竞争者的步骤67智囊经验识别公司的竞争者识别公司的竞争者同行是冤家 行业观点满足相同消费需要的公司 市场观点五大竞争力量 Porter 的观点谁是我们的竞谁是我们的竞争者?争者?68智囊经

33、验识别公司的竞争者(续)识别公司的竞争者(续)新的进入者或替代品新的进入者或替代品(寻求多样化的公司或拥有新的技能并可应用于本行业的公司)行业竞争行业竞争战略群体战略群体战略群体是在一个特定行业中推行相同战略的一组企业69智囊经验牙膏市场竞争格局牙膏市场竞争格局顾客细分产品细分普通牙膏 含氟牙膏胶体牙膏带状牙膏吸烟者牙膏C&P P&GC&P P&GC&P P&G LeverBeechamC&P P&GC&P P&GC&P P&G LeverBeechamTopolC&P P&GC&P P&GC&P P&G LeverBeechamTopol 儿童/少年 19-35岁 36+70智囊经验识别竞争

34、者的战略识别竞争者的战略联合航空公司和新加坡航空公司战略比较联合航空公司和新加坡航空公司战略比较业务战略营销财务人力资源基于广泛的航线覆盖,在多个市场赢得竞争优势基于独特、优质的服务和溢价,在选择的航线上赢得优势 联合航空公司 新加坡航空公司大量、低价、快速增长大胆、充分利用竞争性的个人激励高价值、高价格有限成长保守、无债务合作性的公司范围激励71智囊经验评估竞争者的优势与劣势评估竞争者的优势与劣势在成功的关键因素上对本企业和竞争者的评价在成功的关键因素上对本企业和竞争者的评价关键因素财务强度研究与开发营销网络快速反应能力本公司竞争者A竞争者B竞争者C72智囊经验识别竞争者的反应模式(一)识别


36、争者与弱竞争者近竞争者与远竞争者“好”竞争者与“坏”竞争者76智囊经验好竞争者的特征好竞争者的特征遵守行业规则对行业增长潜力所提出的设想切合实际制定的价格与成本相符将自己限定在某些细分市场中推动其它企业降低成本或提高差异化支持和维护现有行业结构接受正常市场份额和利润水平77智囊经验如何看待竞争:网络竞争如何看待竞争:网络竞争杜帮(纤维)杜帮(纤维)送货送货 订货订货米利肯(纤维织布)米利肯(纤维织布) 送货送货 订货订货莱维(服装)莱维(服装)送货送货 订货订货西尔斯(零售)西尔斯(零售)送货送货 订货订货顾客顾客78智囊经验公司如何看待竞争:协同竞争施乐佳能相对垄断市场佳佳能能与与施施乐乐7

37、9智囊经验WANG CASE: Key Pointsn nWANG went into bankruptcy because:WANG went into bankruptcy because:n nit failed to focus on excelling at a single discipline and embedding that it failed to focus on excelling at a single discipline and embedding that discipline in the corporate culturediscipline in the

38、 corporate culturen nit neglected its non-focal disciplinesit neglected its non-focal disciplinesn nBankruptcy and the attendant change in leadership provided the opportunity Bankruptcy and the attendant change in leadership provided the opportunity to chart a new course of action that included clar

39、ifying the discipline practiced. to chart a new course of action that included clarifying the discipline practiced. At the same time, bankruptcy imposed constraints (time, money) on the At the same time, bankruptcy imposed constraints (time, money) on the selection of a market focus.selection of a m

40、arket focus.n nWANG leveraged its brand name and customer base when it adopted the WANG leveraged its brand name and customer base when it adopted the customer intimacy discipline.customer intimacy discipline.n nWANG recognized that the market must be WANG recognized that the market must be “ “signa

41、ledsignaled” ” when a dramatic shift in when a dramatic shift in discipline and market focus occurs and that the change must be discipline and market focus occurs and that the change must be “ “realreal” ”. .n nIn general, once a firm has developed a culture that supports a particular In general, on

42、ce a firm has developed a culture that supports a particular discipline, it strives to invest in markets in which practicing the discipline will discipline, it strives to invest in markets in which practicing the discipline will result in a competitive advantage.result in a competitive advantage.80智

43、囊经验WANG Postscriptn n1994 1994 n nFocused on software for re-engineering, customized work flows for clients (2% Focused on software for re-engineering, customized work flows for clients (2% revenue)revenue)n nAcquired Group Bull Inc., customer service and software divisions (network integration Acqu

44、ired Group Bull Inc., customer service and software divisions (network integration and support services 46% of revenue)and support services 46% of revenue)n nContinued to sell proprietary VS mini-computers and related hardware to 13,000 Continued to sell proprietary VS mini-computers and related har

45、dware to 13,000 existing customers (42% revenues, cash cow)existing customers (42% revenues, cash cow)n n19951995n nAuthorized Kodak to sell imaging software under Kodak brandAuthorized Kodak to sell imaging software under Kodak brandn nMicrosoft agreed to use imaging software on Windows NT and Wind

46、ows 95 (logo on Microsoft agreed to use imaging software on Windows NT and Windows 95 (logo on splash screen)splash screen)n n19971997n nKodak purchased WANGKodak purchased WANG s software business for $260 million to be operated as a s software business for $260 million to be operated as a separate

47、 Kodak subsidiaryseparate Kodak subsidiaryn nFocused on systems integration and outsourcing practice, competing with Vanstar and Focused on systems integration and outsourcing practice, competing with Vanstar and EntexEntex81智囊经验WANG Postscript cont.n n1998-991998-99n nBought Olivetti SpABought Oliv

48、etti SpA s computer services to gain greater presence s computer services to gain greater presence worldwide worldwide n nRenamed WANG Global Renamed WANG Global n nMission: Mission: “ “Plan, deploy, manage, and maintain companiesPlan, deploy, manage, and maintain companies network network and deskt

49、op infrastructureand desktop infrastructure” ” (65% revenue, 4th largest) (65% revenue, 4th largest)n nFocus is on customer intimacy, favors simple systems (avoided Focus is on customer intimacy, favors simple systems (avoided head-on competition with IBM, EDS)head-on competition with IBM, EDS)n nTu

50、cci replaced almost entire top two layers of management, Tucci replaced almost entire top two layers of management, reduced number of layers of management from 7 to 3, and gave reduced number of layers of management from 7 to 3, and gave individuals greater authority & accountabilityindividuals grea

51、ter authority & accountabilityn nHardware sales, including the occasional minicomputer for one of Hardware sales, including the occasional minicomputer for one of 1000 customers from the old days, still account for 20% revenue1000 customers from the old days, still account for 20% revenuen nTotal re

52、venues of approximately $3+ billionTotal revenues of approximately $3+ billion82智囊经验WANG Postscript cont.n n20002000n nWang Global merged with Getronics NV of Amsterdam, the Wang Global merged with Getronics NV of Amsterdam, the NetherlandsNetherlandsn nMotivation: Complementary geographic coverage

53、Motivation: Complementary geographic coverage n nThe combined firm generated $5 billion in revenues in 1999 The combined firm generated $5 billion in revenues in 1999 and reported modest growth in 2000and reported modest growth in 2000n nGetronicsGetronics stated goal is to be the leading ICT servic

54、es provider in stated goal is to be the leading ICT services provider in the e-business world. It is the largest ICT firm in Europe and the e-business world. It is the largest ICT firm in Europe and among the five largest in the worldamong the five largest in the worldn n20022002n nGetronics struggl

55、ing under heavy debt due to acquisition of Wang Getronics struggling under heavy debt due to acquisition of Wang Global, analysts are concerned and share price is downGlobal, analysts are concerned and share price is down83智囊经验Key Ideas: Disciplines of Market Leadersn nTreacy and WiersemaTreacy and

56、Wiersema s disciplines represent three distinct ways of creating s disciplines represent three distinct ways of creating value. These disciplines necessarily rest upon different resources/competencies value. These disciplines necessarily rest upon different resources/competencies and/or different us

57、es of common resources/competencies.and/or different uses of common resources/competencies.n nSuccess is achieved by performing adequately (as defined by the relevant Success is achieved by performing adequately (as defined by the relevant market), on two disciplines and dominating competition on th

58、e third discipline.market), on two disciplines and dominating competition on the third discipline.n nInadequate attention to a non-focal discipline can make a firm non-competitive. Inadequate attention to a non-focal discipline can make a firm non-competitive. This is one reason that so many firms e

59、mbraced re-engineering (I.e. regardless This is one reason that so many firms embraced re-engineering (I.e. regardless of how they were creating value, their costs were too high).of how they were creating value, their costs were too high).n nTheoretically, any discipline can be practiced in any mark

60、et if that market is or Theoretically, any discipline can be practiced in any market if that market is or can be segmented (and this is almost always true). can be segmented (and this is almost always true). n nAs a practical matter, once a firm has developed a culture that supports a As a practical

61、 matter, once a firm has developed a culture that supports a particular discipline, it strives to invest in markets in which practicing the particular discipline, it strives to invest in markets in which practicing the discipline will result in a competitive advantage.discipline will result in a com

62、petitive advantage.84智囊经验第三讲第三讲 市场营销研究(市场营销研究(Marketing Research)u什么是市场营销研究u市场营销研究类型u市场营销研究过程u二手资料的搜集u原始资料的搜集u资料的分析85智囊经验一、什么是市场营销研究u营销研究(marketing research)是运用科学的方法和合适的手段,系统地收集、整理、分析和报告市场信息,以帮助企业、政府和其他机构正确制订、实施、评估和调整市场营销策略和计划。86智囊经验Marketing ResearchuFunction that links the customer to the marketer

63、 through information uInformation used to:Identify and define marketing opportunities and problemsGenerate, refine and evaluate marketing actionsMonitor marketing performanceuMarketing Research:Specifies the information requiredDesigns the method for collecting the informationImplements the data col

64、lection processAnalyzes the data collectedCommunicates the findings and their implications87智囊经验营销研究的作用营销研究的作用u营销研究u提供及时、准确和有用的信息u改进决策88智囊经验市场扩张(Market Expansion)89智囊经验顾客保持(Customer Retention)90智囊经验广告(Advertising)91智囊经验产品(产品(Product)92智囊经验Wall Street Journal 2002 Survey of MBA Recruiters93智囊经验Value

65、of Marketing ResearchuGood business decisions have long been made and can still be made without Marketing ResearchSony WalkmanuHowever, business success over the long term is a function of the mix of good and bad business decisionsuMarketing Research provides value in that it offers a process within

66、 which business alternatives can be objectively evaluated and more good decisions and fewer bad decisions can be madeuStudies conducted on the value of Marketing Research in new product development reveal that screening new product ideas with Marketing Research and “killing the dogs early” can subst

67、antially increase profitability by reducing the number of marketplace failures94智囊经验二、营销研究的种类u探测性研究(Exploratory)u描述性研究 (Descriptive)u因果关系研究(Causal)95智囊经验Overview of Research ApproachesExperimentsSurveysObservationFocus groupsOne-on-one depth interviewsCustomer visitsObservationCommon MethodsManipula

68、tion of one or more independent variablesQuantitativeMarked by prior formulation of specific hypothesesQuantitativeFlexibleUnstructuredQualitativeSmall sample sizeCharacteristicsDetermine cause and effect relationshipsDescribe market characteristicsProfile customersAnswer who, what, when, where, why

69、 and way questionsDiscovery of ideas and insightsDevelopment of hypothesesObjectiveCausal(Conclusive)Descriptive(Conclusive)Exploratory96智囊经验三、市场营销研究过程三、市场营销研究过程97智囊经验问题与研究目标的确定问题与研究目标的确定问题 “ 美尔雅” 延伸使用到香烟上是否可行?目标u消费者对“ 美尔雅”香烟能否接受?u“ 美尔雅”香烟对“ 美尔雅”西服是否有负面 影响?98智囊经验研究计划研究计划u信息搜集范围和信息来源u数据分析方法u调查方法:观察法、


71、的特征u科学性u创造性u多样性u成果价值与费用的比较102智囊经验四、二手数据的搜集四、二手数据的搜集u二手数据(secondary data)系指为其它目的而不是正进行的特定研究目的而收集的数据。u营销研究所用二手数据分为:内部数据外部数据103智囊经验二手数据的优点二手数据的优点u省时、省力、省钱u有助于辨明研究目的与主题u有可能提供与研究问题有关的背景材料u有可能对研究设计提供借鉴、启示u有可能提供现成答案104智囊经验二手数据的局限二手数据的局限u数据可能不准确u数据可能过时u可能不合调查问题之目的与要求u数据可能不充分105智囊经验评价二手数据的考虑因素评价二手数据的考虑因素u数据搜

72、集者u搜集时的目的u样本的代表性u数据搜集时间u数据搜集方法与拒访比例u数据性质与内容u是否与其它来源的数据相一致106智囊经验五、原始数据的搜集五、原始数据的搜集u原始数据(primary data)是为了解决某一特点的营销研究问题专门收集的数据。常用的原始数据搜集方法有:u调查法 u观察法u实验法107智囊经验询问法或调查法(询问法或调查法(Survey)通过询问被访问者获得原始资料的数据搜集方法u埃户访问u购物地点访问u电话访问u问卷调查u网上调查108智囊经验观察法观察法 用肉眼或仪器或两者兼用,查看已发生的事实,并加以记录,以获得原始资料的方法u直接观察法u亲身经历法u痕迹观察法u行

73、为记录法109智囊经验实验法实验法 u将选定的刺激措施引入被控制的环境,进而系统地改变刺激程度,以测量顾客的行为反应。 110智囊经验ExampleuYou are the national sales manager of GAP clothing stores. uWhat is the effect of different sales training program lengths on sales? uTake ten “similar” stores S1,S10 and assign randomly ten sales training programs differing

74、in length X1,.,X10uLet Y1,.,Y10 be change in sales (before/after training program)AssignmentObservation X1 S1 Y1 X2 S2 Y2 X3 S3 Y3 X10 S10 Y10111智囊经验影响实验结果的因素u时间影响u实验过程的影响u测量手段、方法、尺度的改变u参加者的退出实验u样本选择的错误112智囊经验六、资料的分析六、资料的分析u多元回归分析(Multiple Regression Analysis)u因子分析(Factor Analysis)u聚类分析(Cluster Anal

75、ysis)u判别分析(Discriminant Analysis)u关联分析(Conjoint Analysis)u多维量度(MDS分析技术)113智囊经验研究实例-ABB电器顾客态度与选择数据顾客态度与选择数据114智囊经验研究实例-ABB电器(续)估计的购买概率估计的购买概率115智囊经验研究实例-品牌、价格和原产地在产品评价中的相对影响u研究问题品牌、价格和原产地在产品选择或产品评价中的相对影响如何,即何者影响大、何者影响小?它们的相对影响力是否随群体的不同而存在差异,如果存在差异,形成这种差异的原因是什么?116智囊经验研究方法u联合分析u聚类分析117智囊经验研究中使用的产品研究中使

76、用的产品118智囊经验研究结果u在我们选取的3个因素中,对消费者选择行为影响最大的因素是品牌,其相对重要性权重为55.84%,其次为原产地,相对重要性权重为24.99% ,再次为价格,相对重要性权重为19.17%。在3个价格水平中,最受消费者欢迎的是500-1000这一价位,其次是1000元以上的价位和500元以下的价位。最受欢迎的品牌依次为“索尼”、“爱华”和“YY”,最受青睐的原产地依次为日本、中国和马来西亚。119智囊经验不同类型消费者在运用外部质量推断线索上的差异120智囊经验“品牌推断型”消费者和“价格推断型”消费者的背景数据121智囊经验第四讲 市场细分与目标市场选择符国群 教授2

77、003. 3. 27122智囊经验市场营销战略Company & CollaboratorsCompetitors & CollaboratorsOfferingOfferingCustomers市场营销战术产品 服务 品牌 价格 促销 分销Context市场细分与目标市场选择市场细分与目标市场选择123智囊经验一、Segmentation,Targeting and PositioningSegmentation:根据需要和所追求利益的不同将潜在消费者分成不同的群体。Targeting :根据各细分市场吸引力和公司为这些市场提供价值的能力选择目标市场。Positioning :为每个目标市场

78、提出相关、独特且可以持续的价值建议或价值诉求。124智囊经验STP过程过程1、识别对满足消费者需要特别重要的产品或服务 属性2、基于消费者对拟提供的产品、服务的反应将其分成不同的群体Segmentation3、选择目标群体4、将不同目标群体与可以据此采取行动的消费者特征联系起来(如人口特征、使用行为等)5、针对每一个目标市场并结合该市场的需要,发展有意义的价值建议(Value proposition)6、发展定位战略的战术性因素(营销组合)TargetingPositioning125智囊经验市场细分市场细分u企业根据潜在购买者的需求或行为特点,将其分成若干群体,同一群体内的消费者对市场营销信

79、息或营销刺激具有大致相同的反应,而不同群体的反应则存在较大的差异。126智囊经验市场细分(续)市场细分(续)u并非所有的顾客都是相同的u不同的顾客可能会对产品的特点和服务水平有不同的要求u特定产品或服务的价值可能随顾客而异u顾客对如何获得产品、服务(如速度、安排、服务地点)的要求是不同的u不同顾客可能接触不同媒体,而且对信息的反应也存在差别u市场细分是一种非常重要的竞争武器The largest unexploited profit potential lies in a better selection and targeting of customer groups127智囊经验产品类别与

80、市场细分产品类别与市场细分产品类别以产品属性或功能的类似性为基础用于识别最直接的竞争者例子:不同型号、款式的彩色电视机市场细分着眼顾客的使用模式和追求的利益用于识别具有不同吸引力的目标消费者和进 行差别化营销例子:面向女性的手机128智囊经验市场细分举例:美国的狗食市场市场细分举例:美国的狗食市场Dog as dogDog as petDog as ChildOthersDog as grand Chile129智囊经验市场细分的利弊市场细分的利弊标准生产成本销售成本客户偏好广告效率 可达到的价格市场份额无差异营销低低中等低低中等差异性市场营销高高在细分市场内高,在细分市场外低高高在细分市场内

81、高,细分市场外低,总体比无差异营销时低。130智囊经验为什么要进行市场细分131智囊经验 一种新型农用复合肥在不同市场策略下的收益一种新型农用复合肥在不同市场策略下的收益策略 新创 价格 面积 收益 成本 利润 利益(元) (美元/公顷) (百万公顷) (百万美元) (百万美元) (百万美元)无差异营销 4 3 12 11 1集中营销(果树) 40 1 40 5 35目标市场营销牧草地市场 5 4 1 4 3.67 0.33小麦地市场 20 15 1 15 3.67 11.33果树市场 50 40 1 40 3.67 36.33 总计 3 59 11.01 47.99 132智囊经验 不同营销

82、策略下民航班机收益情况不同营销策略下民航班机收益情况(300个座位个座位) 舱位等级 乘客数量 票价(元) 变动成本 收益 总变动成本 固定成本 利润无差异营销无差异营销 240 500 40 120,000 9600 100,000 10400目标市场营销目标市场营销经济舱 144 500 40 72,000 5760 商务舱 72 800 60 57,600 4320头等舱 24 1200 100 28,800 2400总计 240 158,400 12480 100,000 45920133智囊经验Taxonomy at the Pump:Five Types of Gasoline B

83、uyersRoad Warriors: Generally higher-Income, middle -aged men who drive 25,000 to 50,000 miles a year . . . buy premium with a credit card . . . purchase sandwiches and drinks from the convenience store . . . will sometimes wash their cars at the carwash. 18% of buyersTrue Blues: Usually men and wom

84、en with moderate to high incomes who are loyal to a brand and sometimes to a particular station . . . frequently buy premium gasoline and pay cash. 16% of buyersGeneration F3 (for fuel, food and fast): Upwardly mobile men and women-half under 25 years of age-who are constantly on the go . . . drive

85、a lot and snack heavily from the convenience store. 27% of buyersHomebodies: Usually housewives who shuttle their children around during the day and use whatever gasoline station is based in town or along their route of travel. 21% of buyersPrice Shoppers: Generally arent loyal to either a brand or

86、a particular station, and rarely buy the premium line . . . frequently on tight budgets . . . efforts to woo them have been the basis of marketing strategies for years. 20% of buyers Mobil Oil Company134智囊经验S1S2S3S4S1S2S3S4战略性细分Targeting用于决定选择哪些市场、放弃哪些市场。战术性细分S2在同一目标市场内针对消费者的异质性对营销组合微调。定位定位价值价值战略性细分

87、与战术性细分战略性细分与战术性细分135智囊经验市场细分的依据市场细分的依据需要与利益需要与利益Psychographic profile人口因素人口因素地理因素地理因素使用行为使用行为可观察特性心理因素+地理因素年龄、性别、收入、教育、社会地位等国家、地区、邮区、email等使用状态、使用量、频率、价格敏感程度、促销敏感程度、忠诚度等136智囊经验有效的市场细分的标准有效的市场细分的标准u可测性每一细分市场的规模、购买力、成员特征能识别和测量出来u同质性同一细分市场里的成员的行为很相似,不同细分市场间行为则不同u可接近性各细分市场能有效到达u容量的足量性137智囊经验好的细分与不好的细分细分

88、市场细分市场1细分市场细分市场2市场营销努力市场营销努力好的细分好的细分销售销售市场营销努力市场营销努力不好的细不好的细分分销售销售细分市场细分市场1细分市场细分市场2138智囊经验市场细分市场细分-ABB电器电器顾客态度与选择数据顾客态度与选择数据139智囊经验市场细分市场细分-ABB电器电器(续续)估计的购买概率估计的购买概率140智囊经验二、选择目标市场二、选择目标市场S1S2S3S4顾客OfferingCompanyOfferingCompetitorsMarket AttractivenessSize, Growth and buying powerInherent loyaltyA

89、ccessibilityCompany compatibilityCompany goalsCore competencies and strategic assetsCompetitive Intensity.Competitor goalsCore competencies and strategic assets141智囊经验选择目标市场选择目标市场u顾客价值分析u竞争强势分析u细分市场吸引力分析u可持续性分析(Sustainability Analysis)u目标市场决定142智囊经验顾客价值分析顾客价值分析143智囊经验竞争强势分析竞争强势分析144智囊经验细分市场吸引力分析细分市场

90、吸引力分析145智囊经验可持续性分析可持续性分析146智囊经验目标市场决策目标市场决策u基于前面的分析,选择要进入的目标市场147智囊经验最小抵制路径:战略性顾客管理工具最小抵制路径1、维持现有顾客2、吸引竞争者顾客3、鼓励没有使用该类产品的消费者使用产品4、开发新产品148智囊经验第五讲 市场定位(Positioning)符国群 教授2003. 4. 10149智囊经验lPositioning is the way consumers think about your product or brand in relation to other products and to their ow

91、n identities and lives什么是定位150智囊经验定位定位利益成本营销战略营销战略经理利益成本顾客市场行为市场行为营销战术营销战术产品 服务 品牌 定价 促销 分销151智囊经验顾客心目中的价值顾客心目中的价值参照点(Reference Point) 功能因素 金钱因素 心理因素利益成本功能、经济、心理利益功能、经济、心理成本152智囊经验成功定位成功定位4Dsl1. Define: the new product brand as a member of some product categoryl2. Differentiate: from other category

92、members (in some way that is meaningful to target consumers)l3. Deepen: the consumer understanding of the brands benefit needs (explicitly relate it to consumers goals)l4. Defend: the positioning over time153智囊经验定位声明(定位声明(Positioning Statement)l目的:对营销战略予以高度概括,以指导战术决策。l组成成分:目标市场参照系l顾客需要(非比较性定位)l竞争品(比

93、较性定位)价值建议(Value Proposition)154智囊经验ProductCategoryYour BrandBrand X竞争定位(竞争定位(Competition-based)Source: Sternthal and Tybout, 2001Points of ParityPoints of ParityPoint-of-Difference155智囊经验目标定位(Goal-based )Brand Essence GoalBrandOther ObjectsLadderingPoint of Complementarity156智囊经验Using Laddering To D

94、eepen Positioning Brand Essence 顾客目标顾客目标 核心利益核心利益 功能结果功能结果 属性属性157智囊经验The Value Equation: Integrating and Defending the Positioning 1980s Value Equation = Performance Quality + Psychic Benefit Time + Cost Contemporary = Performance Quality + Psychic BenefitPerformance Quality + Psychic Benefit Value

95、 Equation Time + Cost Time + CostNothing but the bestPleasure from “things”Time famine, you get what you pay forWhat fits MY needsPleasure from people, feeling in controlTIME FAMINE, Information overloadyou pay too much for what you get158智囊经验定位声明(非比较性定位)定位声明(非比较性定位)l针对(目标市场),(某某产品或服务)在( 某种产品领域或需要领域

96、)是最好或最优秀的,原因是(价值建议)。159智囊经验定位声明(比较性定位)定位声明(比较性定位)l针对(某目标市场),(某某产品或服务)在(某一产品领域)较(用于参照的比较物)更好,原因是( )。160智囊经验定位声明举例uTo young, active soft-drink consumers who have little time for sleep, Mountain Dew is the soft drink that gives you more energy than any other brand because it has the highest level of ca

97、ffeine. With Mountain Dew, you can stay alert and keep going even when you havent been able to get a good nights sleep.Source: Sternthal and Tybout, 2001161智囊经验Example Positioning StatementsSource: Sternthal and Tybout, 2001lTo busy professionals who need to stay organized, Palm Pilot is an electron

98、ic organizer that lets you carry your address book, schedule, and notepad in your pocket. It is superior to other organizers because only Palm Pilot allows you to backup your files and synchronize with your PC at the touch of a button. This feature saves time and ensures the availability of a back-u

99、p copy of important information.162智囊经验发展定位声明:发展定位声明:Peladow 除霜器除霜器l最初定位:Peladow除霜器不会使你失望,因为它在零下40度仍工作自如。l定位声明1To large industrial/institutional maintenance managers, PELADOW is the brand of ice melter for people concerned about providing the best protection for their employees against ice related i

100、njuries and is safe on vegetation and concrete when used as directed.163智囊经验发展定位声明:发展定位声明:Peladow 除霜器除霜器l定位声明2To large industrial/institutional users, PELADOW heat generating pellets melt ice when you need them to-RIGHT AWAY. Rock salt and blends take time to activate. You cant afford to wait for an

101、 ice melter to work.164智囊经验发展定位声明:发展定位声明:Peladow 除霜器除霜器To Sonny, the maintenance manager who loses control of his day when snow and ice accumulate, Peladow brand de-icer puts you back in control because its heat-generating pellets are proven to melt ice at all temperatures faster than any other de-i

102、cer.Tag-line: You cant control the weather, but you can control the snow and ice with Peladow.165智囊经验常见的定位错误常见的定位错误lVaguelConfusedlDifference not attractive/importantlNot SustainablelNot realistic given a companys reputation166智囊经验新产品定位和营销计划举例: E-bikesIdeaElectric BicyclesProduct-Market-Benefits Des

103、cribed: Electric BicycleslElectric bicycles are quiet, safe, sweat-free and zero-emission transportation. E-bikes provide point-to-point transportation and are part of the Personal Electric Vehicles (PEVs) product category. E-bikes are bicycles with a battery-powered electric motor. A key benefit is

104、 easier uphill and distance climbs (burst of power/speed when required). They have established markets in Asia, but are still very new to the USA. 167智囊经验Market Size & PenetrationlThe global electric bicycle market is a high potential area with explosive sales growth in Asia and Europe. A number of

105、multi-billion dollar manufacturers and 265 smaller companies are leading development and distribution of over 400,000 e-bikes worldwide. lIn the U.S., the market is fragmented among small entrepreneurs with low budgets and no clear marketing strategy. Despite 65 million bicycle owners in the U.S. an

106、d 16 million new bicycles sales annually, e-bikes have minimal penetration into the U.S. bicycle market. In 1998, 8,000 e-bikes were sold to increase cumulative U.S. sales to 25,000 e-bikes to date. Source: B Factoid Sheet (1998 data).新产品定位举例:电动自行车168智囊经验市场细分市场细分电动自行车顾客细分商业使用个人使用娱乐性功能性Technology Ent

107、husiastsBike EnthusiastsStudentsEnvironmentalistsEconomically-constrained (2nd car)CommutersVacation/Resort RentalDelivery ServicesPatrolling DepartmentsIn-plant ShuttlePedi-cabs新产品定位举例: 电动自行车169智囊经验选择一个目标市场选择一个目标市场市市场场规规模模: more than 2,000 police bicycle units across USA; over 13,000 local police d

108、epartments and nearly 3,100 sheriffs departments (only a 12% penetration) 准备接受状态准备接受状态: enthusiasm for bicycle units continues to grow竞争者竞争者: Smith & Wesson only major其其他他类类似似的的机机会会: bicycle units also used by other enforcement agencies including park and wildlife rangers, security companies, and ca

109、mpus security departments (large potential market)关于消费者需要方面的市场调查关于消费者需要方面的市场调查lContacted 10 police departments with bike units, via e-mail to understand the product requirements, customer needs, purchase cycle, and viability of the concept. 新产品定位:电动自行车170智囊经验市场调查结果与分析市场调查结果与分析Advantages and disadvan

110、tages of Bicycles for Police Patrol (positioning information) : (1) fewer accessibility issues than patrol cars, (2) provide a “stealth” advantage, allowing officers to approach crimes in progress without being seen or heard, (3) cost effective: 10 to 15 bike officers can be fully outfitted with bic

111、ycles for the cost of one patrol car; (4) provide greater coverage than do foot patrols,(5) are positive for community relations, and (6) improve the health and morale of officers, resulting in lowered departmental healthcare and insurance costs.HOWEVER,There are concerns about efficacy when giving

112、chase. Compared to car patrols, bicycles are less able to climp hills and traverse short distances quickly.新产品定位:电动自行车171智囊经验Market Research Findings and AnalysisAn electric bike provides the same benefits as a traditional bike and ladds benefits in the areas of efficacy important to police departme

113、nts. 新产品定位:电动自行车Category = Police Patrol Bicycles Other Brands: Smith & Wesson Custom. ZAP Patrol Bicycle, Currie US Pro Police BicycleFord Think!“Enforcer”More effective because it is electric172智囊经验Positioning Statement lTo police departments already sold on benefits of bike patrols, and seeking g

114、reater effectiveness in catching suspects, the Ford Think! Enforcer offers an even more effective bike, Because the Enforcer offers the power of electric power-assist, it offers police officers a more effective way to pursue subjects in difficult situations, such as extended and uphill chases. With

115、the Ford Think! Enforcer, police officers on bike patrols can more effectively give chase when necessary.新产品定位:电动自行车173智囊经验 第六讲第六讲 消费者行为消费者行为决策过程分析决策过程分析符国群符国群北京大学光华管理学院市场营销系教授 办公地点:北京大学光华楼516室 电 话:(010)62765140 E-mail Address: 174智囊经验 消费者购买决策过程l购买决策及类型l购买决策过程的5个阶段l购买决策过程各阶段的差异175智囊经验一、购买决策过程概述l购买决策

116、过程涉及购买前、购买中、购买后涉及很多人(父母为孩子买玩具;医生为病人开药)涉及很多决策具有动态性176智囊经验购买决策涉及很多人l倡议者l影响者l决定者l购买者l使用者177智囊经验涉及很多的决策Whether?What?Why?Why not?How?Ways?When?Where?How Much?How often?How Long?178智囊经验消费者购买决策类型消费者购买决策类型179智囊经验高介入与低介入购买决策l高介入 低介入搜集信息 评价、比较 试用 购买 购后评价购买使用评价180智囊经验二、购买决策过程的二、购买决策过程的5个阶段个阶段认识问题搜集信息 评价、选择 购买

117、购后行为181智囊经验(一)问题认识(一)问题认识l主动型问题与被动型问题l影响问题认知的因素(时间、环境改变、产品消费、产品获取、个体差异)l发现消费者问题l激发消费者对问题的认识(一般性问题认识与选择性问题认识182智囊经验消费者问题认知过程消费者问题认知过程183智囊经验(二)搜集信息(二)搜集信息l消费者在意识到某一购买问题后,会搜寻与此有关的信息。一般而言,消费者需要以下方面的信息:解决某个问题的合适评价标准;各种可能的 备选方案或解决办法;每种备选办法在每一评价标准上的表现。l内部信息搜集是指消费者将过去贮存在记忆中的有关产品、服务的信息提取出来,以服务于解决当前问题的过程。外部信

118、息搜集是指消费者从外部来源,如同事、朋友、商业传媒及其他信息渠道获得关于与某一特定购买决策相关的数据和信息。l购买前信息搜集(Pre-Purchase Search)是指为解决或有助于解决某一特定购买问题而开展的信息搜寻活动。即时性信息搜集(Ongoing Search)与此相对应,是指不针对特定购买需要或购买决策而进行的信息搜集活动。184智囊经验购买前信息搜集与即时性信息搜集的购买前信息搜集与即时性信息搜集的比较比较185智囊经验消费者的信息来源消费者的信息来源信息来源信息来源内部信息内部信息过去搜集的信息个人经验低介入度学习形成的记忆 外部信息外部信息个人来源经验来源大众来源商业来源18

119、6智囊经验搬入新社区后有关服务的信息搜集搬入新社区后有关服务的信息搜集187智囊经验内部信息搜集内部信息搜集全部品牌域意识域未意识域激活域惰性域 排除域最终被选定的品牌被考虑但未被最终选定的品牌188智囊经验不同产品意识域与激活域之间的关系不同产品意识域与激活域之间的关系资料来源:J.Robert (1989), “A Grounded Model of Consideration Set Size and Composition,” in Advances in Consumer Research XVI, ed. T. K. Srull.189智囊经验外部信息搜集行为的测量外部信息搜集行为

120、的测量 l走访的店铺数目l就购买问题与朋友讨论和寻求帮助的次数l查阅购买指南的数目l与之交谈的销售人员或商店营业员的人数l看到、听到或阅览过的与购买问题相关的广告数量。(问题:如何更好地测量消费者外部信息搜集行为190智囊经验影响外部信息搜集量的因素影响外部信息搜集量的因素l着眼经济层面1、成本(时间价值、可能购买点的距离、交通费用等2、收益 (哪些因素影响信息搜集行为的收益?l着眼决策过程1、与产品风险相关的因素(购买风险、知识不确定性、 选择不确定性2、消费者因素(个性、人口特征、消费者知识水平、年 龄、购物态度3、情境因素(时间、购买活动前生理与心理状态、购买 任务及性质191智囊经验(


122、囊经验195智囊经验196智囊经验197智囊经验(四)购买过程(四)购买过程从形成购买意向到实际购买的之间的过程从形成购买意向到实际购买的之间的过程购买意向购买意向他人态度他人态度购买风险购买风险意外情况意外情况购买行动购买行动198智囊经验冲动性购买(Impulse Purchasing),有时被称为非计划性购买,它通常是指消费者在进入商店前并没有购买计划或意图,而进入商店以后基于突然或一时的念头马上实施购买行动。研究表明,消费者所作的大量购买是非计划性购买。例如,百货店和药店所作的购买中有33属于无计划购买,在超级市场的购买中这一比例达到50。百货店中39的购物者报告说至少买了一件没有计划

123、要买的商品,这一比例在折扣店购物者中高达62。冲动性购买冲动性购买199智囊经验非店铺购买(Nonstore Purchasing)是指在家里发生的购物或购买活动,它包括电视购物、电话购物、目录购物、上门推销、直接邮寄、网上购物等。非店铺购买迅速增长的原因:方便性消费者生活方式的变化避免店堂购物时面临的许多问题消费者在技术上的适应能力的提高非店铺购买非店铺购买200智囊经验(五)购后行为购买后冲突(五)购后行为购买后冲突u购买后冲突是指由于不知道购买决定是否明智而产生的焦虑与怀疑u影响购买后冲突的因素有:决定对消费者的重要程度;决定不可改变的程度;作选择的难度;个人体验焦虑的倾向。u减少冲突的

124、方法:降低购买决策的重要性;搜集外部信息;降低对未选品的好感;增加对所购商品的好感;退货。201智囊经验产品使用与闲置产品使用与闲置u产品安装与使用(创新采用;产品使用的地区差异;使用行为分析u相关产品与配套产品的购买u产品闲置 产品闲置是指消费者将产品搁置起来不用,或相对于产品的潜在用途仅作非常有限的使用。u问题:产品闲置的原因是什么?202智囊经验微波炉使用指数微波炉使用指数Source:S.Ram and M.J.Jung,“The Conceptualization and Measurement of Product Usage,”Journal of the Academy of

125、Marketing Science Winter 1990.203智囊经验计算机使用指数计算机使用指数Source:S.Ram and M.J.Jung,“The Conceptualization and Measurement of Product Usage,”Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Winter 1990.204智囊经验消费者满意与不满消费者满意与不满消费者满意的含义消费者满意的含义 消费者对产品或服务的期望水平与实际水平之间的主观比较,它反映产品和服务在多大程度上满足顾客的需要与欲望消费者满意的结果消费者满意的结果u正面

126、口传u增加使用u重复购买u品牌忠诚205智囊经验满意与不满的形成过程满意与不满的形成过程以前的体验以前的体验关于该品牌功效的关于该品牌功效的预期预期 对该品牌实际功效的评对该品牌实际功效的评价价对期望功效与实际功效差距的评价对期望功效与实际功效差距的评价未达到未达到期望水期望水平平与期望水平与期望水平无显著差异无显著差异超过预期超过预期 不满不满期望证实期望证实 满意满意206智囊经验影响消费者满意的因素影响消费者满意的因素产品品质与功效(工具性功效、像征性功 效)消费者特征促销影响消费者态度与期望竞争产品状况对公平的感知消费者归因207智囊经验抱怨的类型抱怨的类型1.私下抱怨或与经销商交涉(

127、忘记不快; 向店主抱怨; 要求店主或营业员解决问题)2.不再光顾并劝朋友也不再光顾3.通过第三方交涉(投诉、向新闻媒体披露、采取法律行动)208智囊经验影响抱怨行为的因素影响抱怨行为的因素u不满意的程度u对抱怨的态度u从抱怨中获得的利益u消费者采取抱怨行动的资源u对责任的归因u产品对消费者的重要性u消费者个性209智囊经验公司的反应公司的反应u免费抱怨热线u设立处理投诉的机构u服务合同210智囊经验产品处置产品处置 产品在使用前、使用过程中和使用后均可能发生产品或产品包装的处置。企业为什么要对产品处置予以关注呢?u消费者对环境的关切u消费者在取得新产品前要对旧产品进行处置u旧货市场的形成211

128、智囊经验产品处置方式产品处置方式产品产品保存或使保存或使用用 永久性处置永久性处置扔掉扔掉出售出售赠送赠送换取其他物品换取其他物品 暂时性处置暂时性处置出租出租出借出借212智囊经验213智囊经验三、购买决策过程各阶段的差异l问题认识阶段的差异(Stock vs. environment interrupt vs. felt need)l信息搜寻过程差异 (passive vs. active vs. biased confirmatory)l备选品评价阶段差异(Casual/limited vs. extensive)l决策规则差异Most familiar brand vs.One I h

129、ave most important info onBest on most important featureBest overall214智囊经验决策差异UtilitarianKnow, Feel, DoTrigger: Gap (actual-desire)Active SearchRational Use of Information“Buy the Best”Trade off among competing alternatives: Price as trade off variableLow InvolvementKnow, Do, (Feel)Trigger: Stock D

130、epletionPassive SearchLimited/No evaluation of alternativesExpectancy-confirming“Buy the familiar”, “Buy the cheapest”Price as deciding factorHedonic/Ego-ExpressionFeel, Do, (Know)Trigger: Impulse, needConfirmatory SearchRationalizing evaluation of alternatives“Buy what I like”Price as a secondary c

131、oncern, at best215智囊经验其他差异u购买决策中价格的作用低介入情况: 价格具有决定性影响功能导向:价格作为“权衡”变量体验与情感导向: 价格作为次要因素216智囊经验营销意义UtilitarianKeys to Continuity:Product PerformanceProvision of InformationThreat to Continuity:Better performing AlternativeLow InvolvementKeys to Continuity:Saliency of brandInsured product availabilityTh

132、reat to Continuity:Interruption in purchase cycle HedonicKeys to continuity:Clear, relevant articulation of brand imageThreat to continuity:Change in self or brand image217智囊经验学习要点l“理性”消费者模型并非放之四海而皆准l营销始于对消费者行为的了解必须根据产品或服务的“目标消费者”选择模型,而不是基于“客观”的产品特征来作选择l了解消费者行为是一种技能和艺术,而不是简单地报告关于消费者的“信息”218智囊经验第七讲第七

133、讲 产品与品牌管理产品与品牌管理l产品概念l产品组合l产品生命周期l品牌管理219智囊经验一、产品概念一、产品概念l产品是能满足消费者需要与欲望的任何东西l消费者如何理解或感知某种产品,既取决于产品本身,也依赖于消费者的体验和消费者从市场和周围环境中获得的线索l消费者买产品是因为它提供的利益,而不是它的特征220智囊经验整体产品概念整体产品概念送货 安装 品质 品 买主追求的 特 核心产品 牌 核心利益 色 信 形式产品 人 包装 款 式 贷 附加产品 员 保证 维修 221智囊经验麦当劳的整体产品设计麦当劳的整体产品设计u就餐环境u饮料u儿童玩具u儿童乐园u生日会u周末儿童歌舞222智囊经验


135、、产品生命周期(一)三、产品生命周期(一)销售与利润 销售 利润 时间 导入期 成长期 成熟期 衰退期225智囊经验产品生命周期(二)产品生命周期(二)l生命周期是指产品从进入市场到最后被淘汰的过程,它一般经历导入期、成长期、成熟期、衰退期四个阶段l产品生命周期是一个经验概念,它具有多种形式l产品生命周期与产品使用寿命具有完全不同的含义l产品生命周期与产品定义范围有直接关系226智囊经验产品生命周期不同阶段特点及营销策略(一)产品生命周期不同阶段特点及营销策略(一) 导入期 成长期 成熟期 衰退期主要特征销售量 低 快速增长 缓慢增长 下降 利润 负 快速增长 边际利润下降 下降现金流 负 中

136、等程度 高 中等营销目标 快速进入 提高市场份额 增加利润 撇取产品目标顾客 创新者 早期采用者 大众 落后采用者 竞争者 很少 数目日益增加 稳中有降 数目减少差别优势 产品功效 品牌形象 价格和服务 价格 227智囊经验产品生命周期不同阶段特点及营销策略(二)产品生命周期不同阶段特点及营销策略(二) 导入期 成长期 成熟期 衰退期市场营销组合产品 基本型态 花色、品种增 多样化、 产品组合合理化 多、品质改善 差别化价格 高(成本加成) 低(渗透定价) 低(与竞争 稳定 者抗衡) 促销水平 高 高 下降 低广告 品牌认知 品牌信誉度 品牌忠诚 选择性作广告分销 选择性分销 广泛分销 广泛分

137、销 分销调整组织结构 团队式 市场式 功能式 扁平式重心 创新 营销 效率 降低成本 228智囊经验对产品生命周期理论的质疑对产品生命周期理论的质疑l产品生命周期形式太多l产品生命周期各阶段的确定具有武断性l营销含义的不确定性l具有产品导向性l是营销战略的结果而不是制定营销战略的依据229智囊经验四、品牌管理四、品牌管理l品牌及其作用l品牌资产l品牌资产创造l品牌资产利用230智囊经验什么是品牌?什么是品牌?u“A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to iden

138、tify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors”.Philip KotleruA brand can convey meaning at several levels:AttributesBenefitsValuesCulturePersonality231智囊经验品牌分类l按构成(文字品牌、图形记号品牌、组合品牌、立体品牌)l按使用者(生产者品牌、中间商品牌、集体品牌)l按消费者认识(功能、形象、体验)l其他(亲族品

139、牌、等级品牌、防御品牌、证明品牌)232智囊经验品牌的作用品牌的作用u对消费者对消费者简化购买决策品质信息的指示器地位与象征意义u对企业对企业差异化的前提有助于发展顾客关系和培养顾客忠诚有价值的无形资产233智囊经验什么是品牌资产(什么是品牌资产(Brand Equity)Brand equity is the result of customers or consumers associations to a brand. These associations may either add to or subtract from the value provided by the actua

140、l product or service produced.由于消费者拥有关于某一品牌的知识而对该品牌营销活动所产生的差异性反应(Keller,1993)234智囊经验品牌资产受重视的背景品牌资产受重视的背景品牌资产概念最初由美国广告界在80年代提出。八十年代初期的环境企业广告支出的削减及广告界的反应企业管理层对“品牌资产”概念的响应学术界对品牌资产研究的执衷235智囊经验品牌资产的构成品牌资产的构成品牌知名度(Name Awareness)品质形象(Perceived Quality)品牌联想(Brand Associations)品牌忠诚(Brand Loyalty)其它与品牌相联系的资产

141、236智囊经验品牌忠诚的原因品牌忠诚的原因传统解释传统解释产品吸引现代解释现代解释知觉风险时间压力自我形象237智囊经验建立强势品牌的过程建立强势品牌的过程COMPANY INPUTS Corporate - Discipline/Strategy - Image advertising - Technological capability - Employees, CEO - Physical plant - Location Brand - Strategy - Target - Positioning Product Promotion Place PriceENVIRONMENTAL

142、FILTER Customers/Consumers Competitors Influencers/Regulators General Economic, Social, Legal/Political, Technological ClimatePOTENTIAL BENEFITS Insulation from competitive imitationEngaged Customers -more loyal -more knowledgeable -less price sensitive Direction and facilitation to market & product

143、 expansion Leverage within the channelEQUITYYour Product Association-based Cumulative238智囊经验Brand Basis for Marketing Consumer Needs ManagementType Differentiation Mix Emphasis & Involvement Challenge(s)Functional Superior performance Product, price Physiological & safety needs Sustaining the (E.g.,

144、 Tide, or superior economy and/or placeRelatively low involvement basis of MACH3, superiorityMcDonaldsDell Computer)Image Desirable Image CommunicationsSocial & esteem needs Balancing the(E.g, Miata, Moderate to high involvement brand heritageWaterman, with the need for Nike, Apple, relevance in a C

145、oke, Pepsi) dynamic environmentExperiential A unique, engaging Service delivery Self-actualization needs Consistency in (E.g., Disney, experience (place & people)Moderate to high involvement delivery, Saturn, risk of consumers Elizabeth becoming satiatedArden, VirginAtlantic Airways)品牌管理工具:品牌类型矩阵品牌管

146、理工具:品牌类型矩阵239智囊经验几种供选择的品牌战略 Branding StrategyCorporate Family ProductType of Brand Functional Image ExperientialBIC, GE Gillette (MACH3, Tide, Cheer Sensor, Atra) Era (P&G)Ralph Lauren, GM (Chevy, Olds, Coke, SpriteAnderson Buick, Cadillac) (Coca-Cola)Consulting BMW (3, 5, 7 series, Z-3, X5)Saturn,

147、Lettuce Ritz Carlton,Starbucks, Entertain You Fairfield InnGreen Mtn. (Scoozi, Ben Pao, (Marriott) Mon Ami Gabi, The Pump Room)240智囊经验品牌资产利用:产品线延伸与品牌延伸品牌资产利用:产品线延伸与品牌延伸l产品线延伸(长虹背投彩电、Diet Coke)向上延伸向下延伸双向延伸l品牌延伸(海尔手机、长虹空调)241智囊经验产品线延伸产品线延伸: 动因动因lLow cost, low risk way to serve a segmented marketlAdapt

148、 to consumer variety seeking and update or expand the core brands imagelIncrease shelf-space and thereby attract more consumer attentionlOffer a broader range of price points and thereby serve a wider audience of consumerslUtilize excess capacitylIncrease sales quickly and inexpensivelylCreate a bar

149、rier to competition by increasing control over shelf-spacelRespond to trade pressure for special packaging242智囊经验产品线延伸:风险产品线延伸:风险uBlurring the rationale for each product in the lineuEncouraging variety seekinguDiluting the core brand imageuUnder exploiting a good ideauIncreasing costs without increa

150、sing total salesuReducing credibility with trade if extension sales are lower than promiseduOffering competitors more opportunities to match products243智囊经验品牌资产利用:品牌延伸l如何看待“茅台”在啤酒、葡萄酒上的延伸?l娃哈哈集团为什么使用“非常可乐”而不是“娃哈哈”可乐?l“麦当劳”旅店或“麦当劳”厨具能在中国获得成功吗?244智囊经验品牌资产利用:品牌延伸l延伸的理由?l风险?l存在边界吗?245智囊经验品牌资产利用:是否进行品牌延伸

151、?品牌资产利用:是否进行品牌延伸?对延对延伸伸的评的评价价Strength of Brand MeaningToo weakto beeffective Interference 246智囊经验品牌资产利用:是否进行品牌延伸?品牌资产利用:是否进行品牌延伸?Core AssociationsTarget CategoryBrandDominance(Interference?)Relatedness(Effort Required)Consumers ability to link a brand to a new, target category will be a function of

152、the nature of the linkage between the brands core associations and the category with which it is currently associated and the relatedness between the associations and the target category. Source: Adapted from Farquhar, P., Han, J., Herr, P., and Ijiri, Y., “Strategies for Leveraging Master Brands,”,

153、Marketing Research, Sept. 1992, 32-43.247智囊经验品牌管理组织形式品牌管理组织形式组织形式组织形式业主负责制职能管理制品牌经理制环境变化提出的挑战环境变化提出的挑战248智囊经验关键思想关键思想: 品牌管理品牌管理uBrands are valuable corporate assets that exist in consumers minds. uBrands are affected by anything that consumers associate with the brand name, including other brands.uA

154、ll brands have functional, image and experiential elements but they can be distinguished in terms of the primary motivation for purchase. Functional brands emphasize the product as manufactured. Image brands emphasize the product as a symbol.Experiential brands emphasize the product as experienced w

155、hen it is consumed. Typically, consumers have greater emotional involvement with image and experiential brands than with functional brands.uA firms culture affects the type of brand that it can build 249智囊经验关键思想:品牌管理关键思想:品牌管理uWhile product line extensions are often viewed as an attractive way to exp

156、loit the equity in a brand, there are many hidden “costs” or liabilities that should be considered uAn alternative strategy for leveraging brand equity is to launch a brand extension. uThe “extendibility” of a brand is a function of its core associations. Brands that have “laddered-up” and, thus, connect with broad values and goals often can be extended successfully to other categories that serve the same goal. Brands that remain closely tied to their product category may only succeed with extensions to closely related categories. 250智囊经验



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