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1、Lesson 37The Fox and the StorkWarming upDo you know any stories with animals as characters?The wolf and the lambThe three little pigsTom and JerryLittle bear inviting guestsNew wordsfox n. 狐狸狐狸stork n. 白白鹮Aesop 伊索伊索flat adj. 平的平的hardly adv. 几乎不几乎不rudely adv. 无礼地,粗无礼地,粗鲁地地fetch v. 去取去取thin adj. 薄的;瘦的

2、薄的;瘦的stick v. 插入插入beak n. 鸟喙喙regard v. 认为realize v. 认识到到promise v. 许诺;答;答应Listening Task:Listening to the tape and find the correct answers to the following questions.1. There is a _ and a _ in the story.2. The fox brought the soup in large flat _.Keys:1.fox, stork 2.bowlsReading Task:Read the text

3、and answer the following questions:1. Is the fox polite to the stork?2. What are the stocks noodles in?3. Were they still friends?4. What do you think of the stock in the story?Keys:1. No, he isnt. 2. Jars. 3. Yes, they were.4. He is very clever. Language notes 1. Aesop left many stories. 伊索留下了伊索留下了

4、许多故事。多故事。leave vt.离开离开Miss Zhao leaves the classroom in a hurry. 赵小姐匆匆忙忙小姐匆匆忙忙地离开了教室。地离开了教室。leave sth. somewhere 把某物落在某地把某物落在某地He left his book on his desk. 他把他把书忘在桌子上了。忘在桌子上了。把把留留给,托,托给His grandpa left much money for him. 他他爷爷给他留下他留下了一大笔了一大笔钱。使使处于于状状态,常,常见结构构为:leave+宾语+宾补,其,其宾补可以是形容可以是形容词、名、名词或介或介词

5、。如:。如:He left his baby by itself. 他把自己的孩子他把自己的孩子单独留下无人照管。独留下无人照管。2.Would you like to have dinner with me? 你愿意你愿意和我共和我共进晚餐晚餐吗? with prep. 和和(一起),同(一起),同(一起)(一起)I will have dinner with my fiend, Bob. 我要和我我要和我的朋友的朋友鲍勃共勃共进晚餐。晚餐。具有,具有,带着着My uncle bought a house with a small garden. 我叔叔我叔叔买了一所了一所带小花园的房子。小

6、花园的房子。在在身身边Please take a pen with you. 请随身随身带着笔。着笔。3. Its very kind of you. 你太好了你太好了/太客气了。此太客气了。此处结构构为“be+形容形容词+of sb.”该结构中形容构中形容词表示表示人的特点、特征或性格。常用于此人的特点、特征或性格。常用于此结构的形容构的形容词有有good等。如:等。如:Its very kind of you to help me. 你能帮助我真是你能帮助我真是太好了。太好了。Its very clever of you to work out the problem. 你能做出你能做出这

7、道道题来真是太来真是太聪明了。明了。kind adj. 亲切的,和切的,和蔼的的He is a very kind man. 他是位和他是位和蔼的老人。的老人。He is kind to us. 他他对我我们很好。很好。4. When the stork arrived, she was very hungry. 当当鹳到来的到来的时候,她已候,她已经很很饿了。了。arrive vi.来到,到达,表示到达某地,其后接名来到,到达,表示到达某地,其后接名词时,其后介,其后介词大地方用大地方用in,小地方用,小地方用at。He arrived in Beijing yesterday. 他昨天到了

8、北京。他昨天到了北京。They have just arrived at the station.他他们刚到火到火车站。站。【辨析辨析】:arrive, reach与与get to三者都有三者都有“到达到达”之意,之意,arrive是不及物是不及物动词,后,后接地点名接地点名词时,大地方前用,大地方前用in,小地方前用,小地方前用at,reach是及物是及物动词,后直接加地点,后直接加地点,get to多用于口多用于口语。I arrived in Shanghai half an hour ago. 我于半小我于半小时前到了上海。前到了上海。When did you reach Pairs?

9、你何你何时到的巴黎?到的巴黎?I usually get to school at eight. 我通常我通常8点到校。点到校。5. Are you ready for dinner? 你准你准备好吃晚餐了好吃晚餐了吗?be ready for准准备做某事,相当于做某事,相当于be ready to do sth.。如:。如:We are ready for a holiday. =We are ready to spend a holiday. 我我们准准备去度假。去度假。ready adj. 准准备好的,有准好的,有准备的的Are you ready? 你准你准备好了好了吗?They ge

10、t ready to run. 他他们准准备跑了。跑了。6. “Certainly,” said the stork, who was doing her best to be polite. “当然了。当然了。”鹳尽量客气的尽量客气的说。do ones best相当于相当于try ones best,意,意为“尽力尽力”。如:如: He is doing his best to draw a horse. =He is trying his best to draw a horse. 他在尽力画他在尽力画马。 【拓展拓展】:由:由best构成的短构成的短语常常见的有:的有: at best至

11、多至多 at ones best在最好状在最好状态7. The fox brought the soup in large, flat bowls. 这只狐狸用大平底碗盛着只狐狸用大平底碗盛着汤。 bring vt.带来,拿来来,拿来Please bring me the book. 请把那本把那本书拿拿给我。我。【辨析辨析】:bring, take, carry与与getbring意意为“带来来”,指把外来物,指把外来物带至至说话地点;地点;take意意为“拿走拿走”,指把物品从,指把物品从说话地点地点带走;走;carry为“拿,提拿,提”之意,不之意,不强调方向性,有方向性,有负重的含重的

12、含义;get表示去表示去别处把某人某物把某人某物“带来,来,拿来拿来”。如:。如:Bring your friend to my party next time. 下次下次带你你的朋友来参加我的聚会。的朋友来参加我的聚会。Lets take the girl to the hospital. 我我们把把这个女孩个女孩带到医院去吧。到医院去吧。Please help me carry the heavy box. 请帮我搬着帮我搬着这个重箱子。个重箱子。Let me go and get the doctor. 让我去我去请医生吧。医生吧。8. Would you like some more

13、soup? 再多要点再多要点汤吗?some adj. 一些,与一些,与any同同义,一般,一般some用于肯定用于肯定句中,句中,any用于否定句和疑用于否定句和疑问句中,在表示句中,在表示请求求的疑的疑问句中也用句中也用some。如:。如:He has some friends. 他有一些朋友。他有一些朋友。Would you like some coffee? 你想喝咖啡你想喝咖啡吗?There isnt any water in the bottle. 瓶子里没有水。瓶子里没有水。9. “Dont you like soup?” the fox asked, surprised. “难道

14、你不喜道你不喜欢喝喝汤吗?”狐狸惊狐狸惊讶得得问。surprise vt.使惊奇,使使惊奇,使诧异,其异,其过去分去分词surprised可做形容可做形容词用。如:用。如:We are surprised at the news.=We are surprised to hear the news. 我我们听到听到这个消息感到很意外。个消息感到很意外。He surprised me. 他吓了我一跳。他吓了我一跳。surprise n.惊奇,惊奇,诧异,构成短异,构成短语to ones surprise,意,意为“使某人吃惊的是使某人吃惊的是”。如:。如:To my surprise, the

15、door is open. 令我吃惊的令我吃惊的 是是门竟然开着。竟然开着。10. Youve hardly eaten anything. 你几乎什么都没吃。你几乎什么都没吃。hardly adv.几乎不,几乎不,简直不,是一个半否定副直不,是一个半否定副词。相当于相当于almost not。如:。如:What he said was hardly true. 他他说的不像是真的不像是真实的。的。This is hardly the time to discuss such matters. 现在在谈论这些事根本不合适。些事根本不合适。hardly还有有“仅,才,不十分,才,不十分”之意。之

16、意。I hardly know him. 我不大我不大认识他。他。Mary is hardly ten. 玛丽还不到不到10岁。11. The stork stuck her long beak into her jar and ate happily. 鹳把喙伸把喙伸进瓶里,高瓶里,高兴得吃了起来。得吃了起来。stick v.伸伸进,插插进stick into 把伸把伸进里里The little girl stuck her hand into the jar and took some sweets out. 小女孩把手伸小女孩把手伸进瓶里瓶里,拿出一些糖。拿出一些糖。12. You di

17、dnt regard me as a guest. 你没把我当作客人。你没把我当作客人。regardas把把当作当作The teachers regards the students as their good friends. 老老师们把学生当作自己的朋友。把学生当作自己的朋友。同同义短短语:thinkas, consideras, look atas1.This dog looks like a f_.2.He could h_ stand up because he was too tired.3.Are you r_ for the exam?4.Most of them are ab

18、out animals, from which you can learn abut the s_. 根据首字母提示补全单词。根据首字母提示补全单词。oxardlyelaxtoryExercise1. I try to _ to the letter. A. answer B. reply C. answering D. replying2. Thank you for _ us. We had a very good time today. A. to have B. having C. has D. have3. Would you like _ donut? A. each other B. on another C. one more D. more one. 单项选择。单项选择。BBCDiscussion What can we learn from the story?How should we treat our friends?Do you know other stories about animals? Try to tell your partner the story.



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