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1、Payment Methods戴银波戴银波方佳莉方佳莉胡亚运胡亚运黄黄 玲玲黄露露黄露露国际贸易实务RemittanceLetter of Credit Letter of Credit (信用证)(信用证)Remittance Remittance (汇付)(汇付)Collection Collection (托收)(托收)国际贸易实务RemittanceRemittanceRemittance含义:进口人(付款人)通过银行将货款交付给出口人(收款人)。汇付又称为单纯支付(clear payment/simple payment)。Parties in remittance Parties

2、in remittance 1).1).汇款人(汇款人(REMITTERREMITTER): :汇出钱的人,一般是进口商。汇出钱的人,一般是进口商。2).2).收收款款人人(PAYEE PAYEE or or BENEFICIARYBENEFICIARY): :收收到到款款项项的的人人,也也叫叫受受益益人人,一一般是出口商。般是出口商。3).3).汇出行汇出行( (REMITTING BANK):REMITTING BANK):办理汇出款的银行。办理汇出款的银行。4).4).汇汇入入行行( (PAYING PAYING BANK):BANK):汇汇出出行行委委托托支支付付汇汇款款的的银银行行,

3、一一般般是是收收款款人人的账户银行。的账户银行。国际贸易实务Remittance汇 付单纯支付汇付信汇电汇票汇国际贸易实务RemittanceMethods of RemittanceThe manner by which the payment instruction from remitting bank to The manner by which the payment instruction from remitting bank to paying bank. paying bank. There are three types :There are three types :1

4、Telegraphic Transfer, T/T1 Telegraphic Transfer, T/T(电汇)2 Mail Transfer, M/T2 Mail Transfer, M/T(信汇) 3 Remittance by Bankers Demand Draft, D/D3 Remittance by Bankers Demand Draft, D/D(票汇)国际贸易实务Remittance1、Telegraphic Transfer, T/T(电汇电汇) Payment instruction given by the remitting bank to Payment inst

5、ruction given by the remitting bank to the paying bank will be telecommunication, such as the paying bank will be telecommunication, such as cable, telex or computer system. cable, telex or computer system. 是汇出行应汇款人的要求,用电报、电传或是汇出行应汇款人的要求,用电报、电传或SWIFTSWIFT委托付委托付款行向收款人付款的方式。款行向收款人付款的方式。Notes:SWIFT(环球银

6、行间金融电讯)(环球银行间金融电讯)Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommuticationl 国际银行同业间非盈利性的国际合作组织。总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔,国际银行同业间非盈利性的国际合作组织。总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔,成立于成立于19731973年。它的环球计算机数据通讯网运行中心设在荷兰和美国,在各年。它的环球计算机数据通讯网运行中心设在荷兰和美国,在各会员国设有地区处理站,拥有会员国设有地区处理站,拥有20442044个会员银行,日处理个会员银行,日处理SWIFTSWIFT电讯电讯150150万笔。万笔。l 自动加核密押,安

7、全可靠自动加核密押,安全可靠 高速度低费用高速度低费用 标准化,自动化标准化,自动化国际贸易实务RemittanceExplanation1 1、汇款人填写汇款申请书,交款付费给汇出行,申请书上说明使、汇款人填写汇款申请书,交款付费给汇出行,申请书上说明使用电汇用电汇方式方式2 2、汇款人取得电汇、汇款人取得电汇回执回执3 3、汇出行发出加押电报或电传给汇入行,委托汇入行解付汇款给、汇出行发出加押电报或电传给汇入行,委托汇入行解付汇款给收款收款人人4 4、汇入行收到电报或电传,核对密押无误后,缮制电汇通知书,、汇入行收到电报或电传,核对密押无误后,缮制电汇通知书,通知收款人收通知收款人收款款5

8、 5、收款人收到通知书后在收据联上盖章,交汇入、收款人收到通知书后在收据联上盖章,交汇入行行6 6、汇入行借记汇出行帐户,取出头寸,解付汇款给收款、汇入行借记汇出行帐户,取出头寸,解付汇款给收款人人7 7、汇入行将付讫借记通知书寄给汇出行,通知它汇款解付完、汇入行将付讫借记通知书寄给汇出行,通知它汇款解付完毕毕国际贸易实务Remittance Remitter汇款人汇款人/债务人债务人 Payee收款人收款人/债权人债权人 汇出行汇出行 remitting bank 汇入行汇入行 paying bank电汇通知书 交款电汇回执加押电传付讫借记通知书电汇通知书收款人收据付款电汇业务流程图资金Pr

9、ocedure of T/TProcedure of T/T国际贸易实务Remittance国际贸易实务Remittance2、Mail Transfer, M/T(信(信汇) Payment instruction given by the remitting bank is Payment instruction given by the remitting bank is transmitted by mail or by courier.transmitted by mail or by courier. 汇出行应汇款人的要求,用航邮信函通知汇入行向收款汇出行应汇款人的要求,用航邮信函

10、通知汇入行向收款人付款的方式。人付款的方式。Characteristics of M/T:Characteristics of M/T:1 1、 lower costlower cost 2 2 、but slower but slower 3 3 、funds can be taken up for short time by bank funds can be taken up for short time by bank 4 4 、Control Documents: Specimen of authorized Control Documents: Specimen of author

11、ized signature booksignature book( (印鉴)印鉴)国际贸易实务RemittanceExplanation1 1、汇款人填写汇款申请书,交款付费给汇出行,申请书上说明使汇款人填写汇款申请书,交款付费给汇出行,申请书上说明使用信汇方式。用信汇方式。2 2、汇款人取得信汇回执。、汇款人取得信汇回执。3 3、汇出行根据申请书制作信汇委托书或支付委托书,经过两人双、汇出行根据申请书制作信汇委托书或支付委托书,经过两人双签,邮寄汇入行。签,邮寄汇入行。4 4、汇入行收到信汇委托书或支付委托书后,核对签字无误,将信、汇入行收到信汇委托书或支付委托书后,核对签字无误,将信汇委

12、托书的第二联信汇通知书及第三、四联收据正副本一并通汇委托书的第二联信汇通知书及第三、四联收据正副本一并通知收款人。知收款人。5 5、收款人凭收据取款。、收款人凭收据取款。6 6、汇入行借记汇出行帐户,取出头寸,解付汇款给收款人。、汇入行借记汇出行帐户,取出头寸,解付汇款给收款人。7 7、汇入行将借记通知书寄给汇出行,通知它汇款解付完毕、汇入行将借记通知书寄给汇出行,通知它汇款解付完毕。国际贸易实务RemittanceProcedure of M/TProcedure of M/T国际贸易实务Remittance国际贸易实务Remittance3 、Demand Draft, D/D(票汇)票汇

13、)Payment instruction is written down directly on the surface Payment instruction is written down directly on the surface of the bank draft.of the bank draft.A bank draft is a negotiable instrument drawn by the A bank draft is a negotiable instrument drawn by the remitting bank, ordering its overseas

14、 correspondent remitting bank, ordering its overseas correspondent bank to pay on demand the stated amount to the holder bank to pay on demand the stated amount to the holder of the draft.of the draft.票汇是汇出行应汇款人的申请,代其开立以汇入行为付款人的银行即期汇票,并交汇款人,由汇款人自寄或自带给国外收款人,由收款人到汇入行凭票取款的汇款方式。国际贸易实务RemittanceExplanati

15、on1 1、汇款人填写汇款申请书,交款付费给汇出行,申请书上说明使、汇款人填写汇款申请书,交款付费给汇出行,申请书上说明使用票汇方式。用票汇方式。2 2、汇出行作为受票行,开立银行即期汇票交给汇款人。、汇出行作为受票行,开立银行即期汇票交给汇款人。3 3、汇款人将汇票寄收款人。、汇款人将汇票寄收款人。4 4、汇出行将汇款通知书,又称票根,即汇票一式五联中的第二联、汇出行将汇款通知书,又称票根,即汇票一式五联中的第二联寄汇入行,凭此将与收款人提交的汇票正本核对。今年来为简寄汇入行,凭此将与收款人提交的汇票正本核对。今年来为简化手续,汇出行已不再寄汇款通知书了,汇票从一式五联改为化手续,汇出行已不

16、再寄汇款通知书了,汇票从一式五联改为一式四联。一式四联。5 5、收款人提示银行即期汇票给汇入行要求付款。、收款人提示银行即期汇票给汇入行要求付款。6 6、汇入行借记汇出行帐户,取出头寸,凭票解付汇款给收款人。、汇入行借记汇出行帐户,取出头寸,凭票解付汇款给收款人。7 7、汇入行将借记通知书寄汇出行,通知它汇款解付完毕。、汇入行将借记通知书寄汇出行,通知它汇款解付完毕。国际贸易实务RemittanceProcedure of D/DProcedure of D/D 国际贸易实务Remittance汇付方式 结 算 手 段 特点优点缺点电 汇(T/T) 委托汇出行以电报/电传等电讯手段发出付款委托

17、通知书,将款项付给指定的收款人安全可靠结算时间短收款快 费用高 信汇M/T委托汇出行以信件方式发出信汇委托书或支付通知书 费用较低 结算时间长收款慢 票 汇(D/D) 以银行即期汇票或银行汇票为支付工具,由汇款人自行寄交收款人 1. 支付工具由汇款人自行传递2. 经收款人背书后,汇票可在市场流通3. 收款人可自行持票向汇入行收款电汇、信汇、票汇三种方式比较电汇、信汇、票汇三种方式比较国际贸易实务RemittanceApplication of remittance in international trade1 1、Payment in AdvancePayment in Advance(预付

18、货款预付货款)The importer pays the exporter before delivery of the goods.The importer pays the exporter before delivery of the goods. 预付货款是进口商(付款人)在出口商(收款人)将货物或货运单据交付以前将货款的全部或者一部分通过银行付给出口商,出口商收到货款后,再根据约定发运货物。 For importer: pay in advanceFor importer: pay in advance For exporter: paid in advanceFor exporte

19、r: paid in advance For bank at importers side: remitting bankFor bank at importers side: remitting bank For bank at exporters side: paying bank For bank at exporters side: paying bank This method is favorable to the exporter while putting the importer at a great risk.国际贸易实务Remittance Used in followi

20、ng situations:Used in following situations: 1 1 when demand for commodities is greater when demand for commodities is greater than supply in market.than supply in market. 2 2 the importer and the exporter have the importer and the exporter have close relationship, and the importer is close relations

21、hip, and the importer is willing to supply funds to exporterwilling to supply funds to exporter 3 3 deal for the first time and the seller is deal for the first time and the seller is doubt the buyers creditdoubt the buyers credit国际贸易实务Remittance2 2、Open AccountOpen Account(记账交易)(记账交易)A simple agreenment in which you agree to pay for the goods after you have received them, usually on a monthly basis.This method is favorable to the importer while putting the exporter at a great risk.国际贸易实务Remittance Thank you for your attention!国际贸易实务Remittance



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