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1、 动词动词ing形式作状语形式作状语 知识讲解知识讲解My hobby is playing basketball.The boy playing basketball on the playground is our monitor.I saw him playing basketball when I passed the playground.The glass fell to the ground. It broke into pieces. =The glass fell to the ground, _. 动词的动词的ing形式作状语时,通形式作状语时,通常都表示主语正在进行的另一

2、动作,常都表示主语正在进行的另一动作,用来对谓语动词表示的动作加以修用来对谓语动词表示的动作加以修饰或作为陪衬。它可表示时间、结饰或作为陪衬。它可表示时间、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随动作,果、条件、让步、方式或伴随动作,相当于相应的状语从句。相当于相应的状语从句。一、表示时间(置于句首或句末)一、表示时间(置于句首或句末) -ing形式作状语,其动作可能发形式作状语,其动作可能发生在谓语动作之前或之后,也可能和生在谓语动作之前或之后,也可能和谓语动词的动作同时发生。例如:谓语动词的动作同时发生。例如:1. Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.

3、 =When they heard the news, they all jumped with joy.2. Seeing its mother, the baby smiled.=When the baby saw its mother, it smiled.注:为强调与谓语动词的动作同时发生,注:为强调与谓语动词的动作同时发生,在在 -ing形式之前可用连词形式之前可用连词when或或while. .如:如:Be careful when crossing the street. 另外:另外:-ing形式的完成式形式的完成式having done 表示其动作发生在谓语动词的动作之表示其动

4、作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,一般作时间或原因状语。例如:前,一般作时间或原因状语。例如: Having finished the homework, she went shopping二、表示原因(多置于句首)例如:二、表示原因(多置于句首)例如:1.Being ill (= ), he went home.2. Not having received any news from home for a long time, she is becoming more and more homesick.3. Hoping to get our support(=As they hoped to

5、get our support), they sent us their statement.As he was ill(= As she hasnt received any news from home for a long time, she is) 三、表示条件(多置于句首)例如:三、表示条件(多置于句首)例如: 1. Working hard(=If you work hard), you will succeed.1. The snow lasted a week, leading to a serious traffic jam in the whole area. 四、表示结果

6、(多置于句末)例如:四、表示结果(多置于句末)例如:=The snow lasted a week, so it led to a serious traffic jam in the whole area. 2. His parents died, leaving him a lot of money.五、表示方式和伴随(多置于句末)五、表示方式和伴随(多置于句末) - -inging形式作方式状语或伴随状语,形式作方式状语或伴随状语,用来对谓语动词表示的动作或状态加以用来对谓语动词表示的动作或状态加以说明。一般来说,说明。一般来说,- -inging形式表示的动作形式表示的动作和谓语动词所

7、表示的动作同时发生。它和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。它没有相应的状语从句可以代替。例如:没有相应的状语从句可以代替。例如: 1. She sat at the desk reading a newspaper.=She was sitting at the desk and read a newspaper. 2. Many people come to the parks, looking for relaxations and entertainment.3. A second Disneyland was opened on the east coast, costing betwee

8、n $500 and $600 million. 4. They walked on the way home, singing and laughing.1、The secretary worked late into the night, _a long speech for the president. A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing 2. The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, _ that he had enjoye

9、d his stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added3、European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most popular sport in the world. A.making B. makes C. made D. to make 4、_ up at his father, he asked what was the matter with him. A. Having looked B. Looking C. To look D. Look 5、_ f

10、rom his clothes, he is not so poor. A. Judged B. Judging C. To judge D.Judge 6、_ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean the river. A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered -ing 形式作状语考点及应对方法形式作状语考点及应对方法-ing形式作状语是高考经常考查的考点,其形式作状语是高考经常考查的考点,其热点考查内容如下:热点考查内容如下:一、考查

11、一、考查- -inging形式作状语的类型形式作状语的类型考点说明考点说明 -ing形式常作时间、原因、结形式常作时间、原因、结果、或伴随状语,可放句首或句末。果、或伴随状语,可放句首或句末。典型例题典型例题 1. European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most popular sport in the world. A. making B. makes C. made D. to make 析:分析语境逻辑可知该空应填析:分析语境逻辑可知该空应填making作状语,作状语,空档前面的逗号是个验证。空档前面的逗号是个验证。2

12、. The secretary worked late into the night, _a long speech for the president. A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing析:语境逻辑表明为董事长准备一篇长篇讲析:语境逻辑表明为董事长准备一篇长篇讲稿是秘书工作到深夜的伴随性状况,所以应稿是秘书工作到深夜的伴随性状况,所以应选选B B作伴随状语。作伴随状语。 方法揭秘方法揭秘 分析语境逻辑,弄清空格是否作分析语境逻辑,弄清空格是否作时间、原因或伴随状语,从而确定空格的非时间、原因或伴随状语,从而确定空格

13、的非谓语性质;分析动作是主动还是被动,从而谓语性质;分析动作是主动还是被动,从而确定空格的确定空格的- -inging形式的语态;空格设置在句形式的语态;空格设置在句子后半部时逗号是一个重要的提示。子后半部时逗号是一个重要的提示。二、考查二、考查-ing形式作状语与逻辑主语间的关系形式作状语与逻辑主语间的关系 考点说明考点说明 - -inging形式作状语时其逻辑主语是形式作状语时其逻辑主语是句子的主语,此时应注意人称、时态、和语句子的主语,此时应注意人称、时态、和语态的一致性。态的一致性。例题例题 1. Finding her car stolen, _.A.a policeman was

14、asked to help B.the area was searched thoroughly C.it was looked for everywhere D.she hurried to a policeman for help2. _ his key, he couldnt enter the room. A. Having lost B. Losing C. To loss D. Lost析:分析语境逻辑可知丢钥匙动作应发生在析:分析语境逻辑可知丢钥匙动作应发生在进房间的动作之前,所以该空应选进房间的动作之前,所以该空应选A A。本题说。本题说明明-ing形式作状语时应注意时态的一致

15、性。形式作状语时应注意时态的一致性。三、考查三、考查-ing形式作状语的创新形式形式作状语的创新形式 考点说明考点说明 名词、代词名词、代词+ + -ing形式可构成独形式可构成独立主格结构作时间、条件、原因、或伴随状立主格结构作时间、条件、原因、或伴随状语,此时语,此时- -ing形式的逻辑主语为前面的名词形式的逻辑主语为前面的名词或代词。或代词。(一)(一) -ing形式独立主格结构作状语形式独立主格结构作状语典型例典型例题 1. The moon _, we came to the foot of the mountain. A. appeared B. appears C. appea

16、ring析:析:C。该句意为:月亮出来时,我们在山。该句意为:月亮出来时,我们在山脚下。脚下。Appearing 和和 the moon构成独立主格构成独立主格结构作时间状语。结构作时间状语。2.Weather_, well go swimming this afternoon. A. permitting B. permit C. permitted D. To permit析:析:A A。 该句意为:如果天气允许,我们今该句意为:如果天气允许,我们今天下午去游泳。天下午去游泳。 permitting 与其逻辑主语与其逻辑主语weather构成独立主格结构作条件状语。构成独立主格结构作条件状

17、语。 方法揭秘方法揭秘 解题时应牢记解题时应牢记-ing形式独立主格形式独立主格结构作状语与结构作状语与- -ing形式作状语用法完全相同,形式作状语用法完全相同,只不过独立主格结构中只不过独立主格结构中- -ing形式逻辑主语为形式逻辑主语为前面的名词或代词。而前面的名词或代词。而- -ing形式作状语时其形式作状语时其逻辑主语是句子的主语。逻辑主语是句子的主语。(二)(二)考查考查when/while+ -ing形式作时间状语形式作时间状语考点说明考点说明 when/while+ -ing形式可作时间状形式可作时间状语,谓语动词动作常发生在语,谓语动词动作常发生在-ing形式所表示形式所表

18、示的动作的过程中。的动作的过程中。 例如:例如: _riding a bike he fell down to the ground. A. As B. While C. As soon as D. Immediately析:析:B。分析语境逻辑可知跌到在地的动作发生在分析语境逻辑可知跌到在地的动作发生在骑自行车的过程中,因此应用骑自行车的过程中,因此应用While(三)(三)考查考查on/upon+ -ing形式作时间状语形式作时间状语考点说明考点说明 on/upon+ -ing形式作时间状形式作时间状语语,-ing形式所表示的动作与谓语动词形式所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生。动作同时发

19、生。典型例题典型例题 _my arriving in Beijing, Ill write to you. A. In B. At C. On D. With析析:C.:C.语境逻辑制约该空表语境逻辑制约该空表“一一 就就”应填应填On 方法揭秘方法揭秘 分析分析ing形式所表示的动作与谓语形式所表示的动作与谓语动词动作是否同时发生从而确定前面是否加动词动作是否同时发生从而确定前面是否加on高考链接高考链接1.Night _, we hurried home. A. falls B. fall C. fell D. falling命题目的:命题目的:本题考查分词用法。本题考查分词用法。 深度讲

20、解:深度讲解:分词做状语,其逻辑主语必须是句分词做状语,其逻辑主语必须是句子的主语,否则就必须在分词的前面另加分词子的主语,否则就必须在分词的前面另加分词的主语(名词或主格代词),这种结构叫独立的主语(名词或主格代词),这种结构叫独立主格结构。其作用相当于状语从句主格结构。其作用相当于状语从句: :As night fell, we hurried home. 也可用并列句表示:也可用并列句表示:Night fell, so we hurried home.2. Nobody _ any more to say, the meeting was closed. A. having B. hav

21、e C. had D. has 3. _, Mary had to ask for leave to tend her. A.Her mother was ill B. Her mother to be ill C. Her mother being ill D. Her mother be ill 4. There was a terrible noise _ the sudden burst of light.A.followed B. following C. to be followed D. being following5. The trainer stood there, _ by the boys. A.surrounded B.surroundingC. to be surrounded D. being surrounding6. Last night I followed him here, and climbed in_. A.with a sword in my hand B.a sword in my hand C.a sword in my hand D.with sword in the hand



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