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1、备考2025河北省教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力全真模拟考试试卷A卷含答案一单选题(共100题)1、 In PPP method classes or sequences, the teacher presents the context and situation for the language, and both explains and demonstrates the meaning and form of the new language The students then practice making sentences before going on to anothe

2、r stage in which they talk or write more freely PPP stands for except_A.PresentationB.ProceduresC.ProductionD.Practice【答案】 B2、_ your valuable help, we couldnt have finished the experiment ahead of time.A.If it were not forB.Had it not been forC.Were it not forD.If it has not been for【答案】 B3、请阅读短文 A.

3、they found no differences between the mouthsB.they focused on the eyes and neglected the mouthC.they were not good at reading facial expressionsD.Easterners express fear and surprise in the same way【答案】 B4、What activities are not appropriate for developing the skill of reading for gist?A.Reading a t

4、ext quickly and writing a summaryB.Reading a text quickly and choosing the best titleC.Reading a text quickly and analyse its discourse patternsD.Reading a text quickly and then telling what it is mainly about【答案】 C5、More and more,the operations of our businesses,governments,and financial institutio

5、ns are controlled by information that exists only inside computer memoriesAnyone clever enough to modify this information for his own purposes can reap big rewardEven worse,a number of people who have done this and been caught at it have managed to get away without punishmentA.why computer criminals

6、 are often able to escape punishmentB.why computer crimes are difficult to detect by systematic inspectionsC.how computer criminals manage to get good recommendations from their former employersD.why computer crimes cant be eliminated【答案】 D6、The phenomenon that words having different meanings have t

7、he same form is called_A.hyponymyB.synonymyC.polysemyD.homonymy【答案】 D7、The Neutrality of American in the Early World War IIA.watchfulB.isolationistC.peacefulD.indifferent【答案】 B8、The Neutrality of American in the Early World War IIA.permittedthesellingofarmstobelligerentnationsB.antagonizedJapanC.per

8、mittedtheBritishtotradeonlywiththeAlliesD.led to Lend-Lease Act【答案】 A9、Everyone knows that English departments are in trouble, but you cant appreciate just howmuch trouble until you read the new report from the Modern Language Association. The report is about Ph.D. programs, which have been in decli

9、ne since 2008. These programs have gotten both more difficult and less rewarding: today, it can take almost a decade to get a doctorate, and, at the end of your program, youre unlikely to find a tenure-track job.A.PhD students imagination tends to be subverted by their dissertation writingB.More tim

10、e should be saved for PhD students to cultivate their professional skillsC.With the dissertation shortened and simplified, PhD students can afford more time to hunt for jobD.By adopting MLAs suggestion, graduate programs should guarantee academic jobs for all graduates【答案】 B10、Much of the debate on

11、an ongoing society in China has focused on the extended families_ the number of empty-nets is growing by the millions every year.A.thatB.whenC.whereD.which【答案】 C11、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.the analysis of the salinity of ocean watersB.the causes of the variation in oceanic salinityC.the importance of the change

12、s in oceanic salinityD.the different forms of salts in ocean waters【答案】 B12、When the wordlaw meansthe whole system of rules that everyone in a country orsociety must obey, it s _ meaning.A.connotativeB.conceptualC.associativeD.complementary【答案】 B13、“The age of melancholyis how psychologist Daniel Go

13、leman describes our age.People today experience more depression than previousgenerations, despite the technological wonders that help us every day. It might be because of them.A.People cannot afford the latest lapto psB.People have to adopt a different life styleC.People constantly write messages an

14、d emailsD.People cannot live without computers or telephones【答案】 D14、Which of the following does a teacher want his/her students to develop if he/she guides_them to take notes using key words, abbreviations and symbols?A.Cultural awarenessB.Language awarenessC.Learning strategiesD.Language knowledge【答案】 C15、 _a child and you will find that he is happy every day in whatever he does.A.ObserveB.To observeC.ObservedD.Observing【答案】 A16、Im sure your suggestion will _ the problem.A.contribute to solvingB.be contributed to solve



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