高考英语一轮复习 Unit2 Healthy eating课件 新人教版必修3

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1、必修3Unit 1Unit 5Unit 2Unit 2Healthy eatingHealthy eating基 础 梳 理1_ (n.)饮食(vi.)节食2_ (adj.)生的3_(vi.)怒目而视;闪耀(n.)怒视;炫目的光4_ (n.)折扣5_ (vt.)咨询;请教;商量6_ (n.)顾客,消费者7_ (vt.) 限制;限定 (n.) 界限;限度_ (adj.) 有限的_ (n.) 范围;限制重点单词重点单词dietrawglarediscountconsultcustomerlimitlimitedlimitation8_ (vt.&vi.)(使)联合;(使)结合_ (n.) 联合;结

2、合9_ (n.) 好奇心_ (adj.) 好奇的_ (adv.)好奇地10_ (n.) 强项;长处;力量_ (vt.) 加强;巩固_ (adj.) 强壮的;坚强的11_ (n.) 利益;好处 (vt.&vi.)有益于;有助于;受益_ (adj.) 有益的;有利的12_(n.)天平;平衡;(vt.)平衡;权衡_(adj.)均衡的13_(n.)女主人;女主持人_(n.)主人,主持人combinecombinationcuriositycuriouscuriouslystrengthstrengthenstrongbenefitbeneficialbalancebalancedhostesshost

3、14_(n.)缺点;虚弱;弱点_(adj.)虚弱的_(vt.)使变弱15_(vt.)咨询;请教;商量_(n.)顾问;商议者;会诊医生;请教者16_(vi.&vt.)消化_(n.)消化weaknessweakweakenconsultconsultantdigestdigestion1_体重减轻;减肥2_被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚3_说谎4_赢回;重新获得5_谋生6_欠债7_暗中监视;侦查重点短语重点短语lose weightget away withtell a liewin.backearn ones livingin debtspy on 8_削减;删节9_不久以后10_增加体重11_节食

4、12_怒目而视13_扔掉;丢弃cut downbefore longput on weightbe on a dietglare atthrow away1“Nothing could be better,” he thought.他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”解读否定词与比较级连用表最高级含义。仿写就我个人而言,身体健康最重要。As far as Im concerned,nothing_.经典句型经典句型答案:is more important than health2He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people

5、 lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!解读cant have sb.doing sth.“不允许某人做某事”。仿写我不允许你用那种粗鲁的方式跟你的妈妈说话。I_to your mother in a rude manner.答案:cant have you speaking3According to my research,neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet.我的研究表明,你我两家所提供的都不是平衡膳食。解读neither.nor.意为“既不也不”,在句中连接两个相同的成分。仿写我和他都不打算参加今天下午的聚会

6、。_going to the party this afternoon.答案:Neither I nor he is4I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you only came to spy on me and my menu.我本来以为你是一位新顾客,现在我才知道你只是来打探我和我的菜谱的。解读I thought “我原来以为”。仿写我本以为你会给我们带来惊喜,但是最后你还是失败了。_you would give us a surprise,but you failed at last.答案:I thought5Wa

7、ng Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.王鹏坐在空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。解读feeling very frustrated为现在分词作伴随状语。仿写那位女士逛商店,留意着廉价商品。The lady walked around the shops,_an eye out for bargains.答案:keeping突 破 核 心1diet n. 日常饮食vt.&vi. 节食;使实施饮食疗法教材原句Everybody has to eat,but do you eat a healthy diet?板块一:核心

8、单词每个人都要吃饭,但你的饮食是健康的吗?be/go on a diet节食put sb.on a diet 控制某人的饮食a balanced diet 均衡饮食见证2014As part of a healthy diet,eat more fruits and vegetables each day.作为健康饮食的一部分,每天要吃更多的水果和蔬菜。(2014辽宁卷)He began to have a balanced,healthy diet.他开始有均衡健康的饮食。When I go_,I eat only cucumbers,and that reduces my weight q

9、uickly.我节食的时候只吃黄瓜,迅速减轻了体重。Mother _ a very strict diet.妈妈严格限制我的饮食。答案:on a dietputs me on2balance vt. 平衡;权衡n. 天平;平衡教材原句What will happen to you if you dont eat a balanced diet?如果你不均衡饮食,你会发生什么事呢?(1)keep/lose ones balance保持/失去平衡out of balance不平衡a sense of balance平衡感(2)balance the advantage and disadvanta

10、ge权衡得失(3)balanced adj.保持(或显示)平衡的keep a balanced diet保持饮食平衡见证2014Move slowly,then be sure to keep your balance and dont let your body shake.慢慢地移动,一定要保持平衡,不要让你的身体摇晃。(2014辽宁卷)You are working too hard.Youd better keep a balance between work and relaxation.你工作太卖力了。你最好在工作和休息之间保持平衡。I found it hard to_on th

11、e icy path.我发现在结冰的路面上走时很难保持身体平衡。He_and fell off his bicycle.他失去了平衡从自行车上摔了下来。Youd better_for the benefit of your health.为了有益于身体健康你最好均衡饮食。答案:keep my balancelost his balancekeep a balanced diet3curiosity n好奇心;求知欲教材原句Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside.好奇心驱使王鹏走了进去。见证2014Students are being dared to draw a p

12、icture,write an article,take a photo or write a poem that shows what they are curious about.学生们敢于画一幅画,写一篇文章,拍照或写一首诗,(用这些)来展示他们的好奇。 (2014新课标阅读理解A)Im full of curiosity about our new house.我对我们的新家充满好奇。Just_,how much did you pay for your car?我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱?答案:out of curiosityHe had great curiosity

13、_(know)what was happening.他极渴望知道发生了什么事。_that she didnt tell anyone.她没有告诉任何人,这很奇怪。Children are curious_everything around them.小孩对周围的事情感到好奇。答案: to know It was curiousabout4lie n. 谎言;谎话vi. 说谎;位于教材原句He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!tell a lie/lies 说谎a whi

14、te lie 善意的谎言lie to sb.向某人说谎lie in 在于,存在于The man lying there lied that he had laid the money on the table.躺在那里的那个人撒谎说他把钱放在桌子上了。She_them about her age in order to get the job.她为了谋得那份工作向他们隐瞒了年龄。True happiness does not_the possession of money,but the joy of achievement.真正的幸福不在于拥有大量的金钱,而是成功的喜悦。比较辨析注意以下词形

15、变化填一填He _ his hand on my shoulder._ the table for lunch.The book is _ on the desk.原形词义词性过去式过去分词现在分词lie说谎 不及物liedliedlyinglie躺,位于不及物laylainlyinglay放置;下蛋及物laidlaidlaying答案:lied tolie in填一填laidLaylying5consult vt. 咨询;请教;商量教材原句However,as she was so afraid of being laughed at by her friends,she did not c

16、onsult a doctor but lived on a diet of rice,raw vegetables,bananas and lemons.然而,由于担心被朋友们嘲笑,她没有咨询医生,而是吃米饭、生菜、香蕉和柠檬(来减肥)。consult sb.about sth.向某人咨询/请教某事consult with sb.about sth.与某人磋商某事consult.for.在查找见证2014To work out the difficult maths problem,I have consulted Professor Russell several times.为了做出这道

17、数学难题,我已经向拉塞尔教授请教过多次。(2014陕西卷)Youd better consult a doctor or a professional expert about your disease.Id rather consult some relevant books first.关于你的病,你最好咨询一下医生或专家。我还是先查阅一下相关的书籍。She consulted her doctor_her disease.她向她的医师求诊。I consulted_a friend of mine about this matter.我就此事与我的一个朋友商量。答案:aboutwith6l

18、imit vt.限制;限定n界限;限度教材原句I dont want to upset you,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你的菜单太有限了,所以我就不着急了,我也开始做广告宣传我餐馆的食物的好处。(1)limit.to.把限制在内(2)beyond the limit超过限度within the limits of在范围内set a limit to sth.对规定限度there is

19、 a/no limit to对是有限的/无限的(3)limited adj.有限的be limited to sth.受限制于(4)limitation n限制,控制,局限I believe teaching should not be limited to the classroom.我认为教学不应该局限在教室里。_,so we must try our best to finish the work on time.我们的时间有限,因此我们必须尽力按时完成工作。There is_ones life,but no limit to serving the people.一个人的生命是有限的,

20、但是为人民服务是无限的。In my opinion,you had better_the expense of your trip.在我看来,你们最好给这次旅行的费用定一个限度。 答案:Our time is limiteda limit toset a limit to7benefit n. 好处;利益;优势v. 使受益;得益于;得利于教材原句.but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.不过我发现你的菜单太有限了,所以我就不着

21、急了,我开始做广告宣传我餐馆的食物的好处。(1)benefit from/by.从中受益;得益于benefit sb.对某人有益(2)be of(much/great) benefit to sb.be (very) beneficial to sb.对某人(非常)有益处for the benefit of.为了的利益见证2014These health benefits apply to the workplace as well.这些有关健康的好处也适用于工作场所。(2014浙江卷阅读理解C)Keep it in mind,and gradually we can gain this go

22、od learning habit and benefit from it.把它牢记于心,逐渐地我们就会学会这种良好的学习习惯并从中受益。The activity_.这一活动使我们受益匪浅。I hope your holiday will be_.我希望你的假期对你有益。_of his country,he goes all out.为了自己国家的利益,他全力以赴。答案:benefited us a lotbeneficial to youFor the benefit8combine vt.&vi. 使联合,使结合教材原句Perhaps we ought to combine our ide

23、as and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.也许我们应该把我们的观点结合起来,提供一种富含能量和纤维素的均衡菜谱。(1)combine with.与结合combine.with.把与结合起来(2)combination n结合;联合;化合(物)a combination of.一种的结合(物)in combination with与联合起来Some films combine education with recreation.有些电影把教育与娱乐结合起来。If your talent combines_d

24、iligence,you can achieve your dream one day.如果你把天赋与勤奋结合起来,总有一天你会实现你的梦想。Its a_of strength and skill.这是力量与技巧的结合。答案:withcombination9strength n. C长处;强项 U力量;体力教材原句The strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that it provided plenty of energygiving food.王鹏餐馆的饮食优点在于它能提供含有足够热量的食物。build up ones stre

25、ngth增强体质strengthen vt.加强;增强He has been doing morning exercises to build up his strength.他一直进行晨练以增强体力。He helped me identify my weaknesses and_.他帮助我弄清我的长处和短处。Our friendship_over the years.我们的友谊逐年加深。答案:my strengthshas steadily strengthened10get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚教材原句He could not have Yong Hui gett

26、ing away with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!板块二:短语和句型get away from 从脱离,逃脱get down to sth.开始认真对待某事get rid of 摆脱;除掉get in 插话;收获见证2014Ive been trying to phone Charles all evening,but there must be something wrong with the network;I cant seem to get through.我一晚上都在给Charles打电话,但是一定是网络出了故障。我似乎怎么都打不通

27、。(2014湖北卷)get across 被理解,(把)讲清楚get through 花光(时间、钱等);通过;接通电话get over 克服(困难);从中恢复过来get along with 与相处get around/about (消息)传开get in touch with 与取得联系get into the habit of 养成的习惯No one can break the rules and get away with it.谁也不能违反这些规则而不被处分。Its hard to_work after a nice holiday.愉快的假期过后,很难一下子投入到工作中去。But

28、there are other habits that we can_very easily.但是也有另外一些习惯,我们可以非常容易地摆脱掉。If we can_our present difficulties,then everything should be all right.如果我们克服了目前的困难,那么一切都应该会好起来。 答案:get down toget rid ofget over11in debt 负债教材原句He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popula

29、r.他不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。be heavily/deeply in debt 债台高筑go/get/run/slip into debt 陷入债务之中pay off ones debts 偿清债务be/stay out of debt 不负债He was in debt when he was poor,but he has been out of debt since he got rich.他穷的时候负债,变富之后就不负债了。She is a person who doesnt like to be_anyone.她是这样的一个人,她不喜欢欠任何人的情。The couple wo

30、rked hard day and night in order to_.为了还清所有的债务,这对夫妇夜以继日地拼命干活。答案:in debt topay off all their debts填一填补全“inn.”构成的短语in _ 看见in _ 沉默着in _ 陷入困境in _ 井井有条in _ 吃惊in _ 在危险中in _ 公开,公众in _ 成为废墟in _ 以免答案:sightsilencetroubleordersurprisedangerpublicruinscase12cut down 砍伐;削减,降低教材原句In this way they cut down the fat

31、 and increased the fibre in the meal.这样,他们减少了脂肪,增加了食物里的纤维。cut off切掉,割断;中断cut up切碎;使悲伤cut across抄近路穿过cut in插嘴;超车抢道cut out剪下;删掉见证2014My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking,but at least he has cut down.我叔叔一直不能戒烟,但是至少他已经减少了吸烟的量。(2014陕西卷)To cope with the climbing prices,we have to do whatever we can to

32、 cut down our family budget.为了应对飞涨的物价,我们只能想尽一切办法减少家庭开支。Id feel very_if I didnt know what was happening in the world.如果我不知道世界上发生了什么,我会感到与世隔绝。 She kept_on our conversation,which made us very angry.我们谈话时她老是插嘴,这使我们非常生气。答案:cut offcutting in13“Nothing could be better,”he thought.他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”It was no

33、t until then that I suddenly realized nobody was happier than I was.直到那时我突然意识到没有人比我更幸福了。Are you pleased with what he has done?Not a bit.It couldnt be any_.你对他做的事满意吗?一点儿也不,不可能更糟了。How about your trip to Hawaii?Wonderful!I_have enjoyed myself more.你的夏威夷之行怎么样?太棒了!我不可能过得比那更愉快了。答案:worsecouldnt14He could n

34、ot have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!have sb.doing sth.意为“让某人一直做某事”;doing作宾语补足语,其否定形式表示“不能容忍某人做某事”。have后接三种形式的宾语补足语:(1)have sb./sth.doing sth.让某人做某事/让某事发生(动作持续)(2)have sb.do sth.使某人做某事(相当于make sb.do sth.或get sb.to do sth.)(3)have sth.done 让(别人)做某事(4)have sth.to do 有事

35、情要做His father had him studying the whole morning.一上午他父亲都让他在学习。The boy broke the school rules and the teacher had him_(stand)outside the classroom.这个男孩违反了学校的规章制度,老师让他站在教室外面。When he was riding a bike in the street,he had his arm_(hurt)当他在街上骑车时胳膊受了伤。But she had difficult homework_(complete)但是她有很难的家庭作业要

36、做。答案:standhurtto complete.用合适的情态动词(短语)填空1If you _ try again,we can give you a chance.2He _ be in the room,for the light is still on.3The flowers are all dead;you _ have watered them.4He _ have seen the film,for he knows nothing about it.5You _ worry about our safety.We can protect ourselves.单元语法专练:情

37、态动词答案:1.will2.must3.ought to/should4.cant5neednt/dont have to.根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子1I_now,for my mother is ill.(go)现在我不得不走了,因为我妈妈生病了。2He_the exam,but he was too careless.(pass)本来他能够通过考试,但是他太粗心了。答案:1.have to go2could have passed3You_before.(do)以前你应该多进行锻炼的。4He_about the news in the papers.(read)他可能已经在报纸上看过这个消息了。5You_me about the news.I have already known it.(tell)你本不必告诉我这个消息的。我已经知道了。答案:3should have done more exercise4might have read5neednt have told



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