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1、华侨中学华侨中学 刘晓霞刘晓霞写作写作Todays topic:How to make your sentences better请说出下列句子类型。1.Summer is coming.2.They wont let me go.3.He showed me a new TV set.4.She knows what to do.5.The weather is very cold.S+ViS+ViS+V+OS+V+OOCOCS+V+IO+DOS+V+IO+DOS+V+OS+V+OS+V+PS+V+P请分析下列句子的成分 1.All of us considered him honest.

2、2. Tom told me an interesting story last night. 3.He is Mr. zhang, my math teacher主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语宾补宾补间接宾语间接宾语直接宾语直接宾语表语表语同位语同位语什么是同位语什么是同位语1 Linda, a mother of a four-year-old boy ,is our English teacher.2 My sister ,Lucy ,26 years old ,graduated from Beijing University.3 Zhu Jiayi ,a girl of 18,my bes

3、t friend, is studying in Huaqiao Senior High School.同位语:同位语:一个名词一个名词(或其它形式或其它形式)对另一个名词或对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,限定或说明,代词进行修饰,限定或说明,这个名词这个名词(或其它或其它形式形式)就是同位语。就是同位语。1 Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us. 我们的新老师史密斯我们的新老师史密斯先生对我们很好。先生对我们很好。2 Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brothers. 昨天我遇到了我弟弟的昨天我遇到了

4、我弟弟的朋友汤姆。朋友汤姆。our new teacher是是Mr. Smith的同的同位语位语,指同一人。指同一人。a friend of my brothers是是Tom的同的同位语位语,指同一人。指同一人。 如何应用同位语优化句子:Mrs zhang是我们的数学老师。她是我们的数学老师。她40岁了。我们都喜欢她。岁了。我们都喜欢她。We all like our math teacher ,Mrs zhang ,a women of 40.Mrs zhang is our math teacher. She is 40 years old.We all like her.此方法多用于此方

5、法多用于介绍人物介绍人物、事物或地点事物或地点等。等。例例1 介绍事物介绍事物(2008广东广东)背景:背景:射击最初射击最初(at first)只是生存工具,只是生存工具,19世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动。世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动。同位语手段在基础写作的应用同位语手段在基础写作的应用1.Shooting is a means of survival at first.2. It developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. Shooting, a means of survival at first, developed in

6、to a sport only in the late 19th century. 例例2介绍人物介绍人物(2009广东广东)时间时间: 上周末上周末 对象对象: 眼科医生眼科医生(eye-doctor)王教授王教授主题主题: 我国中小学生近视我国中小学生近视(eye-sightedness)问题问题 1 Last weekend, I had an interview with Professor Wang.2 Professor Wang is an eye-doctor.3 we concerned the issue of short-sightedness of the school

7、 children in China. Last weekend, I had an interview with Professor Wang, an eye-doctor, concerning the issue of short-sightedness of the school children in China. 例例3介绍地点介绍地点姓名姓名:李华:李华身份身份:育才中学学生:育才中学学生职位职位:学生会主席:学生会主席(the Student Union )校址校址:你们大学附近:你们大学附近 1.Im Li Hua. 2. I am a student of Yucai Mi

8、ddle School . 3. I am the Chairman of the Student Union.4.Yucai Middle School is close to your university Im Li Hua, Chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School, which is close to your university.Task1:四人小组活动四人小组活动运用同位语互相介绍你的学校运用同位语互相介绍你的学校,家乡或者你家乡或者你的朋友,同学等。的朋友,同学等。For example:1.蔡施艺是很英俊的一个

9、男生,他很爱睡觉。蔡施艺是很英俊的一个男生,他很爱睡觉。 Cai Shiyi ,a very handsome boy, likes sleeping very much.2 汪勇明,我们的班长,是一个非常诚实的汪勇明,我们的班长,是一个非常诚实的一个学生。一个学生。 Wang Yongming ,our monitor, is a very honest student.3 博罗,著名的博罗,著名的渔米之乡渔米之乡,是我的家乡。(是我的家乡。( home of fish and rice) Boluo ,a famous home of fish and rice, is my hometo

10、wn. Task2:在写作的一些句子里运用同:在写作的一些句子里运用同位语优化句子位语优化句子1译:钟南山年出生在广州,译:钟南山年出生在广州,他是中国最伟大的医生之一。他是中国最伟大的医生之一。1)Zhong Nanshan was born in Guangzhou in 1941.2)Zhong Nanshan is one of the greatest doctors in China. Zhong Nanshan, one of the greatest doctors in China, was born in Guangzhou in 1941.2.(翻译翻译)李敏是个女孩子李

11、敏是个女孩子,今年今年18岁岁, 她在她在光华中学学习光华中学学习,她是我的邻居也是我最好的她是我的邻居也是我最好的朋友。朋友。运用运用1. Li Ming is a girl.2. She is 18 years old. 3.She studies in Guanghua Middle school. 4. She is my neighbour and my best friend.1. Li Ming, a girl of 18, my neighbour and my best friend, is studying in Guanghua Middle school. 3.(整合整

12、合)Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong Province. It is located in the middle of Guangdong Province. It is the culture and economy center of Guangdong Province.3. Guangzhou, the capital and the culture and economic center of Guangdong Province, is located in the middle of Guangdong.4. (整合整合)Zhang Ha

13、i is male. He is 23 years old. He graduated from Hunan University last year.4. Zhang Hai , male, 23 years old, graduated from Hunan University last year.牛刀小试牛刀小试;Now comes your turn!个人简介:个人简介:1.姚明,中国篮球的标志姚明,中国篮球的标志和骄傲,和骄傲, 1980年年9月月12日生于上海。日生于上海。 2.周杰伦,中国台湾华语流行歌周杰伦,中国台湾华语流行歌手,有手,有“亚洲流行天王亚洲流行天王”之称之称.

14、 (Asian King of Pop ) Discussion: After you finish your writings, have a discussion with your desk mates, and try to sum up a better one to share with the whole class. 牛刀小试牛刀小试;Now comes your turn!个人简介:个人简介:1.姚明,中国篮球的标志姚明,中国篮球的标志和骄傲,和骄傲, 1980年年9月月12日生于上海。日生于上海。 Yao Ming, the symbol and pride of Chin

15、ese basketball , was born on September 12, 1980 in Shanghai.2周杰伦,中国台湾华语流行歌手,有周杰伦,中国台湾华语流行歌手,有“亚洲流行天王亚洲流行天王”之称之称. (Asian King of Pop ) Zhou Jielun ,the Chinese Taiwan Chinese pop singer, has the name of “Asian King of Pop ”Homework: Make at least 5 sentences each according to what we have learned today.



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