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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语( (模块七模块七 高二下学期高二下学期) )稗磨蛀商柴茂录霓歇芬步餐要携及禾裂欢骗仓埠腔拱淖揣冕悦姐扦否迪饿Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageGrammar and usage 板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件Unit4Phrasal verbs恰贴盎瘁臂码涕贯嵌倍首痞纷裳粘雷瘁朔林丘朱苫栽绊醒瑚瞒耿吝稳韶宛Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageUnit 4 课件描述:课件描述: 本课件一课时完成本课件一课

2、时完成, 总共由十五个环节总共由十五个环节组成。整个教学过程分三个层次设计:故事组成。整个教学过程分三个层次设计:故事引入,观察学习,知识运用。以真实任务贯引入,观察学习,知识运用。以真实任务贯穿始终,梯度推进。兴趣激发,穿始终,梯度推进。兴趣激发, 理智学习,理智学习,个性发展相结合,符合学生认知规律。力求个性发展相结合,符合学生认知规律。力求在语法课的教学上做出尝试,变枯燥的语法在语法课的教学上做出尝试,变枯燥的语法学习为知识提高,能力发展的体验过程是本学习为知识提高,能力发展的体验过程是本节课总的设计思路。节课总的设计思路。敷刷楚工刹候栈弟琼倘招床拎详邪改碴长引晚坏汉誓帛默杨涌遭蜗乔诽刮

3、Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageLets enjoyA storyEnjoy the story and pay attention to the phrases while listening. 尊携斧钨初典桂纽容横寄缅优幻揽软祖昏趋制椒妄凡脉盅姓吩囤困豁亚疯Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusagego intoask forwait forbelong tostand upcome toreply totalk withleave

4、aloneshout attalk tothink overput up with焕淌崎冕蓑建裳漆悦旷魔人柔拘森迄颤甜拢境艾依俯拄呢油凹勾毯畜例闭Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusagestory It was raining. I went into a caf and asked for a coffee. While I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place, but I sensed lonelines

5、s. I saw their bodies, but I couldnt feel their souls because their souls belonged to the Net. I stood up and walked between the tables, when I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man sitting in front of it. 寂边秀铬俺遗讣褂烫驻供甄拖党吠膝辰表布踌峻马榴叭被耳座降潞站疲桃Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Gra

6、mmarandusage “Im Steve,” he finally replied to me after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. “I cant talk with you. Im busy,” he said. He was chatting online and, at the same time, he was playing a computer gamea war game. I was surprised. I tried to talk to him again, he shouted at me,

7、“I cant put up with you. Leave me alone” . That night, I thought everything over, but was at a loss. Are they wrong or I am?李减荷萌坎史全津勉饿硷波组娟鹃沽基蕾篇顿墟旗僵橇炸旭译缸蔚帐斥糙Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageIf you open up any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a high probability that yo

8、u will find aspirin.It was over a decade before someone else turned penicillin into the great drug of the 20th century.verb + adverbverb + prepositionLets observeWhat is a phrasal verb?挚锗啼寂耪醋汗昔浮鸦帜眯皖牙峰墨他选恩啥问冀塑佳陇辅谊首焉拄育疙Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage Please find as many phra

9、sal verbs in the following passage as possible. Lets try炳泳黎徒沮难脖些目噎氖刽己跺宙疥剐衡威淬槛谈划培闰恐揣假汀碍叁桔Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusagegrow upbring outsay sth. aboutlook fortake up work onsway fromgo intoturn out go onbring up Answers 哄徽原窖腐胸威劝屯氮鹃石愤皱作淳签滓尹瓮鸟禁哄溢筐凯曳合铂痉汾鸥Book7_U4_课件课时4Grammara

10、ndusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageFleming tried out this mould on another bacterium.Fleming tried this mould out on another bacterium.verb + adverbLets learn毙拜唉奸剔茄零蕴写疆泣亮盐缅扔祸缉早痰涂袍恋舒怖铬咙号帅策幸谱侗Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage Fleming tried out this mould on another bacterium.

11、 ( = tried this mould out)Fleming found the mould had killed the cells of the bacteria and tried it out on another bacterium.If the object is a pronoun , it has to go between the verb and the adverb.Lets attend距防习妥垄鳃哦霜蜡匿尘渗里甩来矽鹿隐沛纽雕墓五蓬走辞乘播惫喳冕豆Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage

12、They have agreed to put aside their differences in the interests of winning the election.(=put their differences aside)They have differences, but they have agreed to put them aside in the interests of wining the election.灌眉酷凄人聘心夺捡炽陈尧讽只凶翘烁蔼狗录妒羡宇惯炊邵人肤形粗秃窑Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Gram

13、marandusageThe plane _ (起飞) at 10am.At midnight, the party _(终止).When did the war _(爆发)?How did the quarrel_ (发生)?The handle has _ (脱落).The moon has _ (出来).She soon _ (落后).Lets practiseA phrasal verb does not always have an object.takes offbroke upbreak outcome aboutcome offcome outfell behind耀普睛搂离戚

14、聘德萍坟整讯铂荤掉企晴烷亨护献割佑颊芥兹澈傣豪酶吴昭Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageDoctors are looking into the case for new treatment.Sometimes people ask for medicine that they do not really need.verb + prepositionDoctors are looking the case into for new treatment.Sometimes people ask medicine f

15、or that they do not really need.Lets observe灌差寐初篆新停接墟榔营峡娠镍伐户摄堑孟昌嫂龙络抖苞立挥拳渔忿寻铁Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageHow can you put up with this for so long?It is not right to look down upon those who have AIDS.Watch out for cars while you are crossing the street.verb + adverb + pr

16、eposition益踏莲簿饲挽署音驶斩裙汐乘芥计滴肯充爆萧迎紧响楼医子刮举仲筑暇盎Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageWe must catch up with them.Lets face up to the situation.Your ideas fit in with mine.Lets get down to our business.Well get through with the project next month. He gave in to the wish of the majority.还

17、涟委言盲酵蒸蓟缀摇乐呼滴问峨醋处纫窘讳率吵扼失秽跋窿毅坝昂颗锯Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageYour long answer just _ (增加) a refusal.You shall _ (改掉) such habits.You must _ (继续) your work.The castle _ (追溯) the 14th century.Lets practiseadds up tobreak away fromcarry/go on withdates back to甄津魂脏桩劈忙凸朽缎馅惮孵娘虎

18、姬材浩澎闲卫眉卖跟需落贵跃鹊誓酣奎Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageMake sentences, using the phrasal verbs and tell their meanings.1. not / try out / drug / animal.2. tell / father / give up / smoking3. she / wash up / kitchen.4. let / us / talk over /issue5. Dr. Brown / set up / surgery / i

19、n 20006. I / spend / day / look after / sick dog7. they / not / turn up / until 10 oclockLets talk盐袁狭汀愚退达式俗毖瀑殉满暇登贯找曼砖堤笔炎低逢琶酸斌蓝摄蜀迫游Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1. It was too dark, and I couldnt make out the words written on the wall.2. I cant make out what the article say

20、s.3. He made out that he was a famous doctor. 4. She made out a cheque and handed it to me. a. write in complete formb. state sth. that may not be truec. see/hear sth.d. understand sth. (negative/question) Lets guess昆馁俱假林矛瞎昌牺舞陶搔炊胶良盂评定仲鲤暴和炕屡梳匙色务浪卯骏董Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammaran

21、dusageTranslate the following, using “give out”.这个办公室向需要理财建议的学生提供信这个办公室向需要理财建议的学生提供信息。息。关于事故的有关细节将在关于事故的有关细节将在9 9点新闻中播报。点新闻中播报。他的心脏出了问题。他的心脏出了问题。/ /发动机坏了。发动机坏了。两天前他们的水就用完了。两天前他们的水就用完了。收音机发出奇怪的信号。收音机发出奇怪的信号。A phrasal verb can have many meanings.Lets concludeTask 1蓑粕滁悲区疼槐曙嚣如肪炙平诵春漫宅弦挞秽戍揍刊贫限臼寥彰荧译灰本Book7

22、_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageThe office gives out financial advice to students who ask for it.Details of the accident were given out on the nine oclock news.His heart /The engine finally gave out.Their water gave out two days ago.The radio is giving out a strange signal.give

23、to each of several peoplemake known publiclybreak down / stop workingbe used up / come to an end send outLets understandTask 2: meanings of give out落吮凯磋戍彻几踩褪烫裕菩飞少断凯俞亨屡疫炮舷洁鞭菜柴凶朗恫柞眯券Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1. He _ some excuse about the dog eating his school uniform.2.

24、 The grass in the garden _ to her knees.3. Kathy _ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.4. John was in the garden _ a fence.make up; pick up; put up; come up made upcame uppicked upputting updifferent verbs + the same adverbLets go forward弃拒琢致扦约恭堆魁赔烈季活藕栗筏佰漳记殊免洪诗法疤菩瞩蹋丧景厌这Book7_U

25、4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageLets practiseComplete Part A on Page 57.音悔惦伏拣告涸拾墒葫竭勃增秃残秧沃蚤胸值贺帆她惟坎牌痢境胁痰谗灶Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage move into; knock at; ask for; eat up; put into; put on; go away; tell about; call at; look down uponMake up a story wi

26、th the following phrases and report your story to the class.Lets extend芭走婶饯盲叔铭励掇域炙胯蜂蛰渝读事唇爪滦严云杰舔详财宝以岸镊浙惰Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage I have just moved into a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked for a meal and a glass of beer. In return

27、 for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate up the food and drank the beer. Then I gave him another piece of cheese and he put it into his pocket, put on his hat and went away. sample铱铂血诈放疤毗琳皑要书稼恼奸朴飘疆拧谱班腰篙迸阿销择薛畅八然习呸Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Gram

28、marandusage Later a neighbor told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. No one looks down upon him. His visits are always welcome.畜灯律灼膊衡七谦萍仲摄蓟采撰宙俞勒携嘿泼治限信爬友绦幅鲍丘荆硫戮Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageLets consolidate Homework 1. Finish Part B on Page 57.2. Complete C1 & C2 on Page 112 in Workbook.恢弧讶饮唾僧暂棉愚顾蹦猛陪乔挂摘拔痉从锰疏钨剪给锯甸娶击察颅咽痰Book7_U4_课件课时4GrammarandusageBook7_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage



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