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1、达人帮口语公益课授课老师:大卫王大卫王这个人中国出生,悉尼长大悉尼大学硕士毕业英文雅思教学5年联系方式公众微信: daweiielts微博: 悉尼大卫王个人微信:3111801766悉尼大学 The University of Sydney世界排名:Top 50Similar ranking as Peking UniversityAccounting StudentsRosina MladenovicBest lecturer ever!今天的课程计划:Part 1 & Part 2 on the topic Public Holidays and TravelPart 1 topic: P

2、ublic holidays (公共假期)Part 2 topic: A foreign country you want to visit but havent been to (想去但还没去过的国家)Part 1 topic: Public holidaysQuestions likely asked:What public holidays do you have in your countryDo people in your country celebrate foreign festivalsDo you think public holidays are importantPub

3、lic holidays National day holidayWhat public holidays do you have in your country?Use: 5W method (五何分析法) - when, who, what, where, whyWhat, who 一般来讲,中国有不少公共假期比如说,春节,端午节和刚过完的国庆节假期,在这个期间半个中国的人口都动起来了。Typically, there are quite some public holidays in China, such as the Spring festival, the dragon boat

4、festival and the just passed national day holidays, during which half of the Chinese population were on the move.Where,when我必须说我通常喜欢当欢乐季节来到的时候去旅游,所以没有意外的我在上次的公共假期的时候去了美国或者任何你想说的地方)I must say I generally enjoy travelling when the festive season (欢乐季节) comes, so not surprisingly I went travelling to t

5、he states (or wherever you want to say) during the last public holiday. Why你知道,旅行可以是治愈的,因为所有的负能量和压力都会在旅途中离开。What public holidays do you have in your country?Use: 5W method (五何分析法) - when, who, what, where, whyWhy你知道,旅行可以是治愈的,因为所有的负能量和压力都会在旅途中离开。You know, travelling can be healing as all of the negat

6、ive energies and stress will go away in the journey. Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivalsUse: 5W method (五何分析法) - when, who, what, where, whyWhat, who, where嗷不,这是个难的问题,我可能需要一秒钟想一下。说真的,外国节日包括圣诞节,情人节以及万圣节在中国很有欢迎,主要在年轻人之中Oh no, this is a difficult one. I might need one second to think

7、about it. To tell you the truth, foreign festivals, including Christmas, valentine as well as Halloween are really big in China these days mainly among young people. When在一年中的这些时候我们和爱人或朋友出去派对或者就是欢乐一下。另外,如果你想要个位子在受欢迎的饭馆或者酒吧,好吧,祝你好运了。During these times of the year we go out with loved ones or friends

8、to party or just have some fun. Besides, if you want a table at a well-known restaurant or bar, well, good luck getting one. Why我的猜测是,庆祝这些外国节日就是给我们找个理由开个派对还有收礼物,尤其女生。Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivalsUse: 5W method (五何分析法) - when, who, what, where, whyWhy我的猜测是,庆祝这些外国节日就是给我们找个理由开个派

9、对还有收礼物,尤其女生。My guess is that the celebration of these foreign holidays is simply to give us another reason to party and to collect gifts, girls especially. Do you think public holidays are importantDo you think? 类问题Use: 作文法 起始 Opening (选一边站队, Yes or No), 观点 Opinion (给出原因,不少于一个), 结尾 Ending (所以对我来说) 站

10、队:在我看来, 这些节日对我们很必要的In my view, these holidays are quite essential for us.观点: 首先,我们需要时间在努力工作一段时间后休息来消除压力和疲劳。更有,用春节来举例,它让我们记得我们是谁我们从哪里来,就历史和传统而言Cos (because) firstly, we need time to relax after a period of hard-working to get rid of the stress and fatigue(疲劳). Whats more, take the Spring festival as

11、an example, it reminds us of who we are and where we come from, in terms of history and tradition. 结尾: So for me, these public holidays have recreational (娱乐的) plus cultural (文化的) values Part 2 new topic: Describe a foreign country you want to visit but havent been toYou should say:1.Where this plac

12、e is2. what it is like3. What you can do in this country4. and explain why you want to visit the countryBondi BeachFull responseActually, I have always wanted to go to Australia as it is such a beautiful country with lots of waters, which I love.From the images I saw, it is a country of colours in t

13、erms of the views and plants and animals. I must say my favourite place there is Bondi beach and the animal I love the most is Koala. So my plan is when Im able to travel to Sydney, Im gonna head to the Bondi beach straight away and stay there for the entire trip to do lots activities on the beach a

14、nd sun-bake.So why I want to visit Bondi beach?I mean who doesnt really? Apart from being world renowned, theres so much fun I can have. When I get to the beach Ill do a whole range of activities, including beach volleyball, beach soccer, and of course surfing. After that, lying down on the sand to

15、sunbake is a pretty good option. Apparently, the environment at Bondi Beach is second to none. The fresh sea breeze in the face, the sunshine on the skin and the silk like sand underneath the feet are the things I truly wanna experience at least once in my lifetime. Also, I heard that, the beach is

16、totally not far from the city centre. So after spending the afternoon on the beach, I can quickly travel to the nearby mall for a feast for the empty stomach. One of my list item is to have the local fish and chips that the Australians never stopped enjoying.This is why I really want to visit the Bo

17、ndi Beach in AustraliaBreakdown回答1-3问1. Actually, I have always wanted to go to Australia as it is such a beautiful country with lots of waters, which I love.2. From the images I saw, it is a country of colours in terms of the views and plants and animals. I must say my favourite place there is Bond

18、i beach and the animal I love the most is Koala. 3. So my plan is when Im able to travel to Sydney, Im gonna head to the Bondi beach straight away and stay there for the entire trip to do lots activities on the beach and sun-bake,Q4: Why I like it 用 Y-3 (Adidas) 构造就是 Why 1 Activities (活动)Why 2 Envir

19、onment (环境)Why 3 Fish and chips (炸鱼薯条) 地点题 充分运用我们的感官Q4 Why you want to visit the country导入语:So why I want to visit Bondi beach?Why-1: Activities:感官I mean who doesnt really? Apart from being world renowned, theres so much fun I can have. When I get to the beach Ill do a whole range of activities, inc

20、luding beach volleyball, beach soccer, and of course surfing. After that, lying down on the sand to sunbake is a pretty good option. Why-2: Environment :感官 Apparently, the environment at Bondi Beach is second to none. The fresh sea breeze in the face, the sunshine on the skin and the silk like sand

21、underneath the feet are the things I truly wanna experience at least once in my lifetime. Why-3 Fish and chips : 感官Also, I heard that, the beach is totally not far from the city centre. So after spending the afternoon on the beach, I can quickly travel to the nearby mall for a feast for the empty stomach. One of my list item is to have the local fish and chips that the Australians never stopped enjoying.结尾:This is why I really want to visit the Bondi Beach in Australia结束The endFin



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