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1、在 饭 店 时在饭店的服务台在饭店的服务台询问房间询问房间在饭店的服务台在饭店的服务台询问房间询问房间 l l今天晚上有空房间吗? Do you have a room for tonight? 没有了,今天晚上全都订满了。 No, all the rooms are booked for tonight. 在饭店的服务台在饭店的服务台询问房间询问房间 l l请问您要什么样的房间?What kind of room do you want? 单人房Single room, please. 双人房 Double room, please.在饭店的服务台在饭店的服务台办理入住手续办理入住手续在饭店

2、的服务台在饭店的服务台办理入住手续办理入住手续我预订了一个房间。 I reserved a room for tonight. 请办入住手续。 Check in, please.我想办理入住手续Id like to check in. 在饭店的服务台在饭店的服务台办理入住手续办理入住手续l l请帮我拿一下行李。 Take my baggage, please. l l请给我809房间的钥匙。 Id like a key to room 809, please. 用于在服务台取钥匙时 Id like to leave my room key, please. * 用于存钥匙时 餐厅在哪儿? Wh

3、ere is the dining room? 餐厅几点开门? What time does the dining room open? 几点吃早饭?What time can I have breakfast? 我在哪儿可以买到啤酒? Where can I get some beer?Where can I buy some beer? (我在哪儿可以买到啤酒?)我可以把贵重物品存这儿吗? Can you keep my valuables? 在饭店的服务台在饭店的服务台办理货币交换办理货币交换l lAlgeria Dinar (AD) 1US dollar (美元)=72 Algeria

4、 Dinars第纳尔 1 CNY( Chinese Yuan) = 9.20380 Algeria Dinar 词 汇currency, money 货币money changing 兑换货币exchange rate 兑换率an exchange form 兑换单small change 零钱nickel piece 镍币foreign exchange counter 外币兑换处exchange 兑换,(货币)交换 bill 钞票,纸币 note 纸币 sign 签名,署名在饭店的服务台在饭店的服务台 办理货币交换办理货币交换n我想把美元换成第纳尔。 US dollars to dinar

5、s, please. Id like to exchange US dollars to dinars, please. n请换成现金。 Cash, please.Would you cash this, please? (麻烦您给我换一下现金。)在饭店的服务台在饭店的服务台 办理货币交换办理货币交换n您能帮我把旅行支票换成现金吗? Could you cash this travelers check ?Would you cash these travelers checks? n请帮我把这100美元换成5张20美元的。Would you exchange this one hundred

6、 dollar bill with five twenties? 在饭店的服务台在饭店的服务台 办理货币交换办理货币交换n请告诉我你要换多少。 Please tell me how much you want to change. n你要把多少汇款换成第纳尔? How much of the remittance do you want to change into Algeria Dinars ?n要换哪种货币? What kind of currency do you want to change? n请在兑换单上签字,写出你的姓名和地址,好吗?Would you kindly sign

7、the exchange form, giving your name and address?你:I want to change US dollars to dinars. Whats the exchange rate today?柜员:You may look at the exchange board. Its about 72 dinars for every dollar. Please tell me how much you want to change. 你:I want change 100 dollars. How much I can get ?柜员:7200 din

8、ars. 你:Thanks.柜员: Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address?你:Sure. 在饭店的服务台在饭店的服务台客房服务客房服务p请提供客房服务。Room service, please. p请提供叫早服务。 A wake-up call, please.请明天早晨7点钟叫醒我。A wake-up call at seven tomorrow morning, please .pCertainly, maam. (好的。)请送一壶咖啡。 Please bring me a pot of

9、coffee.How many cups would you like? (您要几个杯子?) 请提供洗衣服务。Laundry service, please. *laundry “洗衣”。 什么时候能弄好? When will it be ready?When will it be ready? (什么时候能弄好?)Tomorrow morning at ten. (明天上午10点。) 请告诉我您的房间号码。Your room number, please. 501房间。 请进。 This is room 501. Come in.在饭店遇到困难时在饭店遇到困难时There is no hot

10、 water. (没有热水。)我把钥匙忘在房间里了。 I locked myself out.我房间的电视不能看。The TV doesnt work in my room. 您能派人给修理一下儿吗? Could you send someone to fix it? *fix来表示“修理” Could you send someone up? (您能叫一位服务员来一趟吗?) 办理退房手续 check out 我办退房手续。 Check out, please.Id like to check out. u 这是我房间的钥匙。 u Heres my room key. u我没用电话。 uI didnt make any phone calls. n 这是您的账单。n Heres your bill.n Heres your check. l能帮我叫一辆出租车吗? lCould you call a taxi for me?lCall me a taxi, please.



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