高考英语总复习 第一部分 Unit 4 Making the news课件 新人教版必修5

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高考英语总复习 第一部分 Unit 4 Making the news课件 新人教版必修5_第1页
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1、必修必修 Unit 4 Making the news要点考点梳理要点考点梳理1. _ vt. 加工;加工;处理理 n. 过程;程序;步程;程序;步骤2. _adv. 故意地故意地_adj. 故意的故意的3. _adj. 有天有天赋的的_ n. 天天赋;礼物礼物process(注意动词与名词形式的读音差异注意动词与名词形式的读音差异)deliberatelydeliberategiftedgift 重点单词重点单词4. _n. 罪行;犯罪罪行;犯罪_n. 罪犯;罪犯;犯人犯人5. _ v. 集中;聚集集中;聚集_ n. 集中;集合集中;集合6. _vt. 评估;估;评定定_n. 评估;估;评定

2、;估价定;估价crimecriminal concentrateconcentrationassessassessment7. _vt. 获得;取得;学到得;取得;学到_ n. 获得;得;获得物得物8. _adj. 彻底的;底的;详尽的尽的_adv. 彻底地;完全地底地;完全地9. _ adj. 内疚的;有罪的内疚的;有罪的_ n. 惭愧;内疚;罪行愧;内疚;罪行acquireacquisitionthoroughthoroughlyguiltyguiltiness10. _vt. 控告;控告;谴责;指;指责_ n. 控告;控告;谴责;指;指责11. _vt. 出版;出版;发行;行;发表;公布

3、表;公布_ n. 出版;出版;发表表_ n. 出版商;出版商;发行人行人12. _vt. 赞成;成;认可;批准可;批准_n. 赞成;成;认可;批准可;批准accuseaccusationpublish publicationapproveapprovalpublisher13. _n. 专业;职业_adj. 专业的;的;职业的的 n. 专业人人员14. _adj. 正确的;精确的;准确正确的;精确的;准确的的_n. 准确性;精确度准确性;精确度15. _n. 需求;要求需求;要求 vt. 强烈要求烈要求_adj. 要求很高的;苛刻的要求很高的;苛刻的professionprofessional

4、 accurateaccuracydemanddemanding16. _adj. 年年长的;高年的;高年级的;高的;高级的的(反反义词) _adj. 年少的;下年少的;下级的的17. _vt. 帮助;帮助;协助;援助助;援助_ n. 帮助;援助帮助;援助_n. 助手;助理;助手;助理;售售货员18. _adj. 渴望的;渴望的;热切的切的_adv. 急切地;渴望地急切地;渴望地_n. 渴望;渴望;热切切seniorjuniorassistassistanceassistanteagereagerlyeagerness19. _adj. 值得得赞扬的;令人的;令人钦佩的佩的_ vt. 钦佩;佩

5、;赞美美_ n. 钦佩;佩;赞美美20. _ vt. 通知;告知通知;告知_ adj. 消息灵通的;消息灵通的;见多多识广的广的_n. 信息;信息;资料;情料;情报admirable admireadmirationinforminformedinformation1. 集中;全神集中;全神贯注于注于_ 2. 依靠;依依靠;依赖_3. 因因指指责或控告或控告 _ 4. 为了了(做做) _ 5. 在在前面前面_ 6. 为照相照相_7. 渴望做某事渴望做某事_concentrate ondepend on(=rely on) accuseofso as to (do sth.) ahead of

6、take a photo/photograph of be eager to do sth. 重点短语重点短语8. 告知某人某事告知某人某事_9. 假如那假如那样的的话_ 10. 对感到内疚感到内疚/惭愧愧_11. 对有天有天赋_ 12. 赞成成_13. 在在的的过程中程中_ 14. 对的消极的消极态度度 _inform sb. of sth.in that casebe/feel guilty abouthave a gift/talent for approve of in the process/course ofnegative attitude to/towards15. 向某人提交

7、某物向某人提交某物_ 16. 对有灵敏的嗅有灵敏的嗅觉_17. (内行人的内行人的)诀窍;伎;伎俩_ 18. 完全完全误解解/弄弄错_19. 把把记住住/记在心里在心里_20. 最后最后_submit sth. to sb. have a good nose for sth.tricks of the tradeget the wrong end of the stickkeep/bearin mind last of all1. His discussion _ his new boss, Hu Xin (HX), was to _ (strong) influence his life _

8、 a journalist. 他同新他同新上司胡欣的上司胡欣的讨论对他的他的记者生涯必将者生涯必将产生生强烈的影响。烈的影响。with strongly as 优美句子优美句子2. You will find _ colleagues very eager to assist you and _ you are interested in photography, it may be possible for you to _ _ that later on. 你将你将发现你的同事你的同事们会会热情地帮助情地帮助你。如果你你。如果你对摄影感影感兴趣,以后你可以集趣,以后你可以集中精力去研究。中

9、精力去研究。yourifconcentrateon3. Have you ever had a case _ someone accused your journalists _ getting the wrong end of the stick? 你有没你有没有有过这样的情况:的情况:别人控告你的人控告你的记者,者,说他的他的报道失道失实?whereof4. The first person _ saw his article was an editor _ his department. 第第一个看到一个看到这篇文章的人是他部篇文章的人是他部门里的一里的一位位编辑。5. His firs

10、t task was _ (write) his story, _ he had to do it _ (careful). 他的第一件事就是写他的第一件事就是写报告稿,告稿,他必他必须认认真真地写。真真地写。whofromto writebutcarefully Yes, but it was a long time ago. This is how the story goes. A footballer _(accuse) of taking money _ deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win. W

11、e went to interview_. He denied _(take) money but we were sceptical. So we arranged _ interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him. was accusedforhimtakingan课文语法填空课文语法填空When we saw _ together we guessed from the footballers body language that he was not telling the _ (true). So

12、 we wrote an article _(suggest) he was guilty. It was a dilemma _ the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong. He tried to stop us publishing it _ later we were proved right.truthsuggestingbecause butthem重点难点突破重点难点突破1. delighted adj. 快快乐的;欣喜的的;欣喜的自我自我检测 用用delight的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。(1) T

13、hey offered me a ticket for the concert, and I accepted it with _. delight(2) She wished that he was as easy to please as her mother, who _ with perfume.(3) What _ them then was their basketball team had won the game .was delighted delighted(4) I found it difficult _ him, because he was not concerne

14、d about everything around him.(5) To our_, we can celebrate the Spring Festival of 2014 in Guangzhou.(6) Jack is a naughty boy, _ in teasing his little sister.to delightdelightdelightingto ones delight/joy 让某人高某人高兴的是的是to ones sorrow 使某人使某人伤心的是心的是to ones surprise 使某人惊使某人惊讶的是的是to ones excitement 使某人使某

15、人兴奋的是的是to ones disappointment 使某人失望的是使某人失望的是delight in 以以为乐归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 将下列句子将下列句子译成英成英语。(1) 让我我们感到感到兴奋的是,我的是,我们将在不久以将在不久以后出后出发去非洲并在那里去非洲并在那里观察黑猩猩的活察黑猩猩的活动。To our excitement, we will set off for Africa before long and observe chimps behavior there.(2) 使我使我们感到惊感到惊讶的是,他竟然会冒的是,他竟然会冒险去去抢劫劫银行。行。To ou

16、r surprise, he would take a chance to rob the bank.2. assist vt. 帮助;帮助;协助;援助助;援助自我自我检测 用用assist的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。(1) Kim worked as an _ in the lab of Joy Hirsh, a brain scientist in New York.assistant(2) Despite claims that the economy is “recovering”, the number of Americans relying on food _ just co

17、ntinues to increase.(3) Jane, a young nurse, was vey upset when she _ in her first operation.assistance assisted(4) The famous university in China runs a course _ adults to return to the labor market.(5) She will be required _ Professor Wang in preparing a report.(6) Mary always _ her mother to do t

18、he housework.to assist to assistassistsassist sb. in/with sth. 在某方面帮助某人在某方面帮助某人assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事assist sb. in (doing) sth. 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻翻译合并下列句子。合并下列句子。(1) 让我高我高兴的是的是,她,她帮帮我我解决解决了了这个有个有挑挑战性的性的问题。To my delight, she assisted me in solving this challenging problems

19、.(2) 这个个问题已已经困困扰我我许多多天了。天了。This problem has been bothering me for dozens of days.(用定用定语从句从句)合并:合并:To my delight, she assisted me in solving this challenging problem which has been bothering me for dozens of days.3. eager adj. 渴望的;渴望的;热切的切的自我自我检测 根据括号中的根据括号中的汉语提示完成提示完成句子。句子。(1) _ (孩子孩子们热切想知道切想知道) wha

20、t presents Father Christmas is going to give them. Children are eager to know(2) _ (她渴望成功她渴望成功). So am I. (3) He _ _(渴望父母送他一台渴望父母送他一台电脑) on his coming birthday. She is eager for success is eager for his parents to give him a computer be eager for/sth. n. 渴望某事渴望某事be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事渴望做某事be eage

21、r for sb. to do sth. 渴望某人做某事渴望某人做某事辨析:辨析:eager强调“对成功的期望成功的期望”或或“进取取的的热情情”,含有,含有积极向上的意思;极向上的意思;anxious强调“担心担心”或或“焦焦虑”,对结果感到果感到不安。不安。归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 按要求将下列句子按要求将下列句子译成英成英语。(1) 我急切地想知道考我急切地想知道考试结果,因果,因为我渴我渴望被大学望被大学录取。取。(使用状使用状语从句从句)I am anxious to know the result of the exam because I am eager to be a

22、dmitted into a university. (2) 她渴望上大学,但是担心不能通她渴望上大学,但是担心不能通过入学入学考考试。(使用并列句使用并列句)she is eager to go to college, but anxious about not passing the entrance examination.4. acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到得;取得;学到自我自我检测 用用acquire的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。(1) Although its commonly believed that the arts can only be naturally _

23、, actually, learning the arts is no more natural than learning French or mathematics. acquired (2) If so, how did human beings _ this amazing skill?(3) If people feel hopeless, they dont bother _ the skills they need to succeed.acquireto acquire (4) We should treasure the experience _ at the cost of

24、 blood.(5) After I had a full mark in my English, I began _ confidence in my English study.(6) Abstract art is an _ taste. acquiredto acquireacquired背背诵下列相关下列相关单词、短、短语和句式。和句式。acquire skill/confidence/experience 获得技能得技能/自信自信/经验an acquired taste 养成的养成的爱好好归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 按要求将下列句子按要求将下列句子译成英成英语。(1) 为了了

25、获得更多的得更多的历史知史知识,我,我们必必须努力学努力学习。(使用使用动词不定式不定式)To acquire a better knowledge of history, we must study hard.(2) 他曾他曾经很很穷,但,但经过努力工作努力工作赚了了许多多钱。(使用并列句使用并列句)He was once poor but he acquired a lot of money by working hard. 5. demand vt. 强烈要求烈要求 n. 需求;要求需求;要求自我自我检测 用所用所给词的适当形式填空或填入的适当形式填空或填入一个适当的一个适当的词。(1)

26、 According to China Center Television, restless visitors_ (demand) their money back from the tourism committee and police were sent to help deal with the crisis.demanded(2) In the police station, Jackie was demanded of _ (tell) everything that he knew. (3) The boss demanded that Jane _ (finish) the

27、task within two days. to tell (should) finish(4) It was a very hot summer and air conditioners were _ great demand.(5) John demands _ Mary should go home with him right now.(6) The product that you create must meet _ demand of the market.in that thedemand (of sb.) to do sth. 要求要求(某人某人)做某事做某事demand t

28、hat 要求要求(从句用虚从句用虚拟语气气)in demand = in need 需要需要meet the demand 满足要求足要求归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 按要求将下列句子按要求将下列句子译成英成英语。老老师要求我要求我们准准时到达到达这里。里。(1) 宾语从句:从句:Our teacher demanded that we should arrive here on time.(2) 动词不定式:不定式:Our teacher demanded of us to arrive here on time. 6. approve vt. & vi. 赞成;成;认可;批准可;批准自

29、我自我检测 用括号中所用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。(1) What made us delighted was that the minister _ (approve) the building plan.(2) Mike said the proposals would have to _ (approve) by the engineering department. approved be approved(3) It is a year since we received official _ (approve) to go ahead with the proje

30、ct. (4) Janie was determined to go to art school, despite her parents _ (approve). (5) His father approved of him _ (join) the army. approvaldisapproval joining approve of (doing) sth. 赞同同(做做)某事某事approve that 赞同同/赞成成归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 按要求将下列句子按要求将下列句子译成英成英语。10%同学同学认为“黄金周黄金周”假期假期应该要取消。要取消。(1) 宾语从句:从句:1

31、0% of the students approve that the “Golden Week” holidays should be abolished. (2) 同位同位语从句:从句:10% of the students approve of the idea that the “Golden Week” holidays should be abolished. 7. depend on 依靠;依依靠;依赖自我自我检测 将下列中文句子翻将下列中文句子翻译成英文。成英文。(1) 我我们学校的运学校的运动会是否要会是否要举行要看天气行要看天气而定。而定。Whether the sport

32、s meeting of our school will be held depends on the weather.(2) 依依赖你的父母来帮你洗衣服的日子已你的父母来帮你洗衣服的日子已过去了。去了。Gone are the days when you always depend on your parents to help ash your clothes.(3) 我有一些疑我有一些疑问,他他们的公司是否的公司是否依依赖这些自然些自然资源。源。I have some doubts whether their company depends on these natural resour

33、ces. rely on 依靠依靠 congratulate on 祝祝贺insist on 坚持持 look on 旁旁观 call on 呼吁;号召呼吁;号召 put on 上演;穿上上演;穿上 get on 上上车;相;相处好好 go/keep on 继续concentrate/focus on 集中于集中于归纳总结归纳总结 即即时练习 用以上短用以上短语的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。 One day I (1)_ a bus and it was very crowded. When a man (2)_ his phone, he found his wallet stolen b

34、y a thief. A fight between them (3)_. Many people just (4)_ because they thought the two people could (5)_ themselves to solve the problem. So the fight (6)_. Suddenly the thief took out his knives. got on concentrated/focused onput onlooked onrely onwent on“Come on! Someone will be injured.” shoute

35、d the crowds. Tim came up to the thief and knocked him down. People (7)_ him and said he was a hero. The driver (8)_ Tims behavior deserving our respect and (9)_ us to learn from him.congratulated on insisted oncalled on写作句型运用写作句型运用运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 他们的女儿这个星期天结婚。他们的女儿这个星期天结婚。Their daug

36、hter _ this Sunday.(2) 女王将于一周后访问日本。女王将于一周后访问日本。The queen _ Japan in a weeks time.is to visitis to get married1. be to do sth.计划计划/安排安排/注定会注定会/后来做某后来做某事事2. so as to do sth.为了做某事为了做某事用法用法 so as to do不能放在句首不能放在句首, 但与但与之同义的之同义的in order to do却可以放在句却可以放在句首。首。运用运用 改写下面的句子改写下面的句子, 使之与前句使之与前句意思相近。意思相近。 In or

37、der to catch the first bus, we got up early.= We got up early _ catch the first bus.so as toWe should make good preparations for the exam so that we wont fail in it.= We should make good preparations for the exam _ fail in it. so as not to3. Never +助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词/be + sb.某人某人从不从不/永不永不说明说明 当当 never,

38、 hardly, seldom,scarcely, little,nowhere,in no way,in no case,at no time,not only,not until等否定词位于句首,用部分倒装。等否定词位于句首,用部分倒装。运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(1)他从来没有在公共场合说过一句粗他从来没有在公共场合说过一句粗鲁的话。鲁的话。He admitted that he knew the man who was supposed to have bribed him.(2)我永远也不会忘记在中学度过的这段我永远也不会忘记在中学度过的这段美好时光。美好时光。The man who was supposed to have killed the lady was arrested yesterday.(3)他很少在空余时间里玩手机。他很少在空余时间里玩手机。I am supposed to ( = I should) have finished doing my homework by now, but I havent.



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