九年级英语全册Unit 14 have you packed yet单元课件 人教新目标版

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1、A: Have you ever been to ?B: The Great WallShanghai Tibet Hong KongTaizhou AquariumDo you want to go on a beach vacation or a city vacation?If you want to go on a beach vacation, a city vacation.What do you want to pack? Choose the most important three things. Then write down.bathing suitguidebookto

2、welssuitcasemobile phoneHave you packed yet ? Are you ready?Are you sure you have already done most of your jobs for your vacation?Yes, I have already packed it.No, I havent packed yet. No yet.Have you packed the camera yet?Yes, I have .No, I havent . No yet.Have you packed the beach towels yet?turn

3、ed off the power locked the door closed the windowsHave youyet?Have youyet? cleaned out the refrigerator ( fridge ) put the car in the garagebought a travel guidebookbrought some medicine bought a street mapbrought enough money fed the dogswatered the plantsdone the choresA: Have you watered the pla

4、nts yet?B: Yes, I have already watered them.A: Have you packed the camera yet?B: No, I havent packed the camera yet.MMTTTTHaveyoufedthecatyet?_Whataboutyourbike?_Areyouready,Tina?_Haveyouturnedoffyourradio?_Listen again and match each question below with an answer from last part.5612Mark: Mom and Da

5、d said they want to leave in ten minutes. Are you ready, Tina?Tina: No. I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yet. I have to do that right now.Mark: Tina! Youre unbelievable. What about your bike?Tina: Ive already put it in the garage. But I havent locked the garage yet. Thats your job, Mark.Mark: I

6、 know. Ive already done most of my jobs. Ive taken out the trash.Tina: Have you fed the cat yet?Mark: Not yet. Ill do it in a minute. Have you turned off your radio?Tina: Yes, I have. I think weve almost ready.You are going to leave for a travel in 30 minutes. Are you ready? Now check the chores you

7、 have already done or you havent done yet.Make a conversation just like that in 2a and 2b.Give a report.1、现在完成时的概念:现在完成时表示过去发生或已、现在完成时的概念:现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果;也可表经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果;也可表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,这种动示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,这种动作或状态还有可能继续持续下去。作或状态还有可能继续持续下去。2、现在完成时的构成方式:、现在完成时的构成方式:其肯

8、定句形式:主语其肯定句形式:主语+have(has)+过去分词;过去分词;其否定句形式:主语其否定句形式:主语+have(has)+not+过去分词过去分词:其一般疑问句形式:其一般疑问句形式:Have(Has)+主语主语+过去分词过去分词注意注意:在现在完成时的肯定句中有:在现在完成时的肯定句中有some,already时,时,改为否定句或一般疑问句时要分别改为改为否定句或一般疑问句时要分别改为any,yet。Choose the right answer.1.( )-Has Jim seen this film _? -Yes, he has _ seen it. A. yet; alre

9、ady B. already; yet C. already; ever2.( )- _ you written to your father? - No, I havent. A. Did B. Are C. Have3.( ) Has he _ to the park yet? A. go B. went C. gone 4.( ) -Have you _ a newspaper? -Yes, I _ a newspaper this morning. A. buy; bought B. buy; buy C. bought; bought5.( )-What a nice dog! Ho

10、w long have you had it? - _ two years. A. For B. Since C. In6.( )-When did you borrow the English story-book? -I borrowed it last week. I _ it for a week. A. have bought B. have kept C. have borrowed ACCCAB1. 抄写并背诵单词抄写并背诵单词water bathing suit bathing suit towel guidebook clean out refrigerator garage

11、 suitcase并并预习预习 单词单词P112和抄写和抄写Grammar Focus两两次次.2. 背诵背诵2a.3. 完完Unit 14作业本中相应练习作业本中相应练习4.Search some materials about traveling from Internet, newspaper or other books.Have you finished yesterdays homework yet? Have you cleaned the classroom yet?Have you reviewed your lesson?Have you past the test? pu

12、t -put -put buy-bought-boughtfeed-fed-fed do-did-donewin -won-won write-wrote-writtenmake-made -made have-had-hadsing -sang -sung cut -cut-cutfeel -felt-felt get -got -gotten say -said -saidforget-forgot-forgottenTry to remember these:GuessingGameWhoishe/she?Yes,Ivealreadydonemyhomework.Haveyoudone

13、yourhomework?9:00amIts 3pm now.Yes,Ivealreadyboughtanewspaper.Haveyouboughtanewspaper?10:00amYes,Ivealreadyfedthedog.Haveyoufedthedog?11:00amYes,Ivealreadywateredtheplants.Haveyouwateredtheplants?1:00pmYes,Ivealreadycleanedmyroom.Haveyoucleanedyourroom?2:00pmWell,Iknowwhoyouarepretendingtobe! Great!

14、SteveI am very busy recently. I have so many chores to do every day. But I am busy with my work every day. So I havent done most of them. I have already doneI havent doneyet. How about my mother?chop woodlight the fire for breakfastcollect water from the village wellfeed the animalsHi Jake,Sorry I c

15、ouldnt get back to you sooner. I have so many chores to do today. I have to do my homework, of course. I started about an hour ago, but I havent finished. Then I have to take the dog for a walk, water my mom s plants, and do some shopping. I haven t done any of those things yet because my grandfathe

16、r came to chat to me. He loves talking, and I love listening to him. He started telling me about all of the chores he had to do when he was a kid. He had to get up at 5 am and chop wood and light the fire for breakfast. Then he had to collect water from the village well. Then he had to feed the anim

17、als -he and his family lived on the farm.Anyway, I had to run now.Take care,CrystalAnswerthefollowingquestions:1.WhycouldntCrystalgetbacktoJakesoon?2.2.HasCrystalfinishedallherchoresyet?3.3.WhatisCrystalsgrandfathertellingher?4.4.WheredidCrystalsgrandfatherandhisfamilylive?5.6.5.DoesCrystallovetolis

18、tentohergrandfather?Becauseshehassomanychorestodotoday.No,shehasnt.Hestellingheraboutallthechoreshehadtodowhenhewasakid.Theylivedonthefarm.Yes,shedoes.Findthesephrasesandmakesentenceswiththem.1.getbacktosb./sw.2.takesth.sb.forawalk.3.dosomeshopping4.chatwithsb./sth.5.chopwood6.takecareThis is the la

19、st term in Grade 9. For your ideal high school, what have you done? What havent you done? And what should you do later?Please use the target language, and discuss in English in groups. 1.抄写并背诵单词抄写并背诵单词wood light farm get back to sb. chop well anyway2.并预习单词并预习单词P113-114.2. 背诵背诵3a.3. 完完Unit 14作业本中相应的练

20、习作业本中相应的练习.4. Use the present perfect with already and yet to write a passage.S H EShinhwaBackstreet boyTwinsFlowersBeyond My favorite band is S.H.E. There are three members in this band. They have been together for about 6 years. They used to play stuff by other bands, but now they try to play thei

21、r own songs. They havent written many original songs. But some of their songs are very popular. And theyve had several concerts of their own. They are going to perform in different cities and countries. Many people think they are on their way. They have been on TV for many times. Of course, they hav

22、e won some awards. And they have acted in many plays. They are as popular as their songs. I like Ella best. 1.What is your favorite band? 2.Have you seen them in concert yet? 3.When did you first hear them? 4.Who is your favorite band member? Savage GardenNotyet.OnlyonTV.In1999DarrenHayesApple Ice C

23、reamAbout a yearSix Have they been on TV yet?Yes, theyve been on TV lots of times.Ask and answer questionsLanguagepointsinreading1.oneofthebestbands2.Inthelastfew/twelvemonthsthey_(have)threemajorconcertsandmadeahitCD.havehad3.Besuretodosth./Besurenottodosth.eg.Besure_(call)meupwhenyoucomeback.Besur

24、e_(notforget)tohandinyourhomework.tocallnottoforget4.goodlucktosb.5.someday=oneday(inthefuture)Eg.IhopeI_(win)thefirstawardsomeday.willwin6.Theyareofftoagreatstart.=Theyhaveagreatstart.Talk about your idol: What has he/she already done? What hasnt he/she done yet?And then give a simple commentary. M

25、y favorite band/singer可供选择的语言结构:可供选择的语言结构:write original songswin an awardhave concertsmake a music videoappear on CCTVmake a hit CDgo on a world tourone of the best bands on the music scene1. 抄写并背诵单词抄写并背诵单词hit appear award wave scene lead lead singer some day be off 并预习单词并预习单词P115-117.2. 熟读熟读3a.3.

26、完完Unit 14作业本中的相应练习作业本中的相应练习4. Write about your favorite band / singer.聚焦现在完成时的基本构成方式是用动词现在完成时的基本构成方式是用动词have 加上过去分词。它是用来表达过去发加上过去分词。它是用来表达过去发生事情的另一种方式。生事情的另一种方式。HehasstudiedEnglishandFrench.他学习过英语和法语。他学习过英语和法语。Ihavereadmanybooks.我读过很多书。我读过很多书。通常一个动词的过去分词和他的过去通常一个动词的过去分词和他的过去式是一样的,但是有一些动词的过去分词式是一样的,但

27、是有一些动词的过去分词有不规则的形式。有不规则的形式。bebeenrun rungogonesee seencome comespeak spokenswim swumgive givenfly flowntake takendodonebecomebecomegetgotten/gotbreakbroken聚焦聚焦当当have 被用在现在完成时态中时,它被用在现在完成时态中时,它可以和前面的代名词一起组成缩写形式。可以和前面的代名词一起组成缩写形式。IvebeentoNewYorkoncebefore.我曾经到过纽约。我曾经到过纽约。Hesgonetothefishmarket.他已经去过鱼

28、市了。他已经去过鱼市了。Wevecometohelp.我们已经提供了帮助。我们已经提供了帮助。聚焦现在完成时用现在完成时用not 来表达否定形式。当来表达否定形式。当有有not 出现的时候,出现的时候,have 可以和可以和not 组成组成缩写,但是此时不能和前面的代名词组成缩写,但是此时不能和前面的代名词组成缩写。缩写。Shehasntspokentohim.她还没和他说过话。她还没和他说过话。提问的时候,提问的时候,have 需要被提到句首。需要被提到句首。HaveyouseenMatthew?你见过马休了么?你见过马休了么?聚焦一般过去时和现在完成时在一定程度一般过去时和现在完成时在一定

29、程度上有共同之处,当然事实上两者之间有本上有共同之处,当然事实上两者之间有本质区别。当需要指明过去一个特定的时刻质区别。当需要指明过去一个特定的时刻发生的事情时,需要使用一般过去式。发生的事情时,需要使用一般过去式。Hefinishedthreedaysago.他三天前做完了工作。他三天前做完了工作。Theyfinishedalongtimeago.他们老早就完成工作了。他们老早就完成工作了。Fill in each blank with the correct word given.fedlockclean outchattedheardpacked his baggotten the ma

30、ilsaid goodbye to Grandmawatered the plantscleaned his roomwashed the dishesReport Apple Ice Cream is a band. They havewritten their own songs although they usedto sing other peoples songs. They won “The BestNew Group of the Year” award last year. They havent made a music video yet, but theyve had s

31、ix concerts of their own. They havent been on TV yet, but they have talked to Bands on Paradeabout doing a TV show next month.rockoriginal Backstreet Boys is a pop bandBackstreet Boys is a pop band. . They have They have been together for nearly ten yearsbeen together for nearly ten years. . There T

32、here are five American singers in the bandare five American singers in the band They have already written their own They have already written their own original songsoriginal songs. . They have already made many They have already made many music records and have had many concerts of music records an

33、d have had many concerts of their owntheir own. . They have won many awards many They have won many awards many timestimes. . But they havenBut they havent been to China yett been to China yet. . I hope they can come to China to have a I hope they can come to China to have a concert this yearconcert

34、 this yearWriteaboutyourfavoriteband: Use the overhead projector to show us your composition and then lets check it. 1. 完完Unit 14作业本中的相应练习作业本中的相应练习2、运用所学的目标语言写一篇文章,、运用所学的目标语言写一篇文章,小结自己开学来,这两个星期的表现。小结自己开学来,这两个星期的表现。针对自己开学初定的计划,哪些已经针对自己开学初定的计划,哪些已经做到,哪些还没有做到,今后应该做到,哪些还没有做到,今后应该怎样做。怎样做。 写一篇题为写一篇题为“We a

35、re getting ready for Olympic Games.”的文章。内容如下:的文章。内容如下:200年,北京将举办奥运会。北京各方面都正在为年,北京将举办奥运会。北京各方面都正在为此做准备。已经做了的事情:大家都已经开始此做准备。已经做了的事情:大家都已经开始学英语了,特别是出租司机;政府已经建造了学英语了,特别是出租司机;政府已经建造了几个新的体育馆;奥运会的标志已经产生;几个新的体育馆;奥运会的标志已经产生;有些新马路已经建好。还没有做的事情:奥有些新马路已经建好。还没有做的事情:奥运会的吉祥物(运会的吉祥物(good luck object)还没有)还没有产生,还有一些体育

36、馆没有建立等等。我产生,还有一些体育馆没有建立等等。我们作为学生,应该为奥运会做些什么准备呢?们作为学生,应该为奥运会做些什么准备呢?Have your families taken a family photo?Yes .We took it every year.澳大利亚华裔青少年澳大利亚华裔青少年“中国寻根中国寻根”之旅之旅 广东侨网讯广东侨网讯由广东省侨办、高要市政府、肇庆市外侨局、澳大利亚要明洪福堂联合举办的澳大利亚华裔青少年中国寻根夏令营于4月12日在高要华侨中学(高要市一中)举行开营仪式。 高要市副市长钟伟军和肇庆市外事侨务局骆世民局长、高要市外事侨务局、高要市归国华侨联合会、澳

37、洲要明洪福堂同乡会等部门及团体负责人出席了开营仪式。 从12日至24日,21名营员在端州、高要、高明、北京等地进行寻根及联谊交流活动。活动期间,通过学习书法、武术、普通话等中华文化,参观高要市容市貌及工业建设,到家乡亲人家中作客一系列活动,更深刻地了解祖籍地的风土人情,领略祖籍国风貌,感受民族浓厚的历史和璀灿的文化,加深对家乡的感情。 高要市的华侨众多,主要旅居澳大利亚,现在澳洲的华侨华人约6.39万人,其中以祖籍高要回龙的人数居多,约有3.5万人。该营是澳大利亚要明洪福堂135年来第一次组织华裔青少年返乡寻根。 Do you know where your own ancestors com

38、e from?Discuss these questions:1.Do you, or someone you know, have family memberswho lived outside China?2. Have you ever talked about your ancestors withyour family?3. Do you think “ancestors” are important?Section 1Section 1Hes already visited the place where his ancestors lived.Read the passage a

39、nd underline the “the Present Perfect with already andyet” structure.Find these questions answers.1.Where did he go to visit?2.What do they do in their ancestors village?3.Whats the purpose of the In search of Roots summer camp program?Section 1Section 1Have you been back to the place where yourance

40、stors lived, worked, studied and played?Robert Qian, a Chinese Canadian, already has. Now in China, he has found that his family islike a tall tree with long roots. Robert is just one young overseas Chinese whohas come to visit his ancestors homeland, as part of the In Search of Roots summer camppro

41、gram. The program is organized by the localgovernment of Guangdong Province. This program started in 1980, and so far has brought thousandsof overseas Chinese students to China to look fortheir families roots. The young people are usuallySection 2Section 2between 16 and 25 years old. Most, like Robe

42、rt, canhardly speak any Chinese, and have never been toChina before.The students mainly visit parts of Guangdong Province in southern China. During the two-weekcamp, they study Chinese culture, see changes thathave happened in that area, and visit interestingsights. Going to their ancestors village

43、is often themost exciting part of the trip. The students feelthat they are part of the village, and experiencevillage life. They drink from the village well, go for walks through the countryside, and watch the villagers do their daily activities.Section 2Section 2Cathy Qin, a young American student,

44、 had this to say, “Thanks to In Search of Roots, I am beginningto understand my Chinese roots, and who I am. Ithas been a great trip, and I have so many memoriesof China to take with me.” The program leaders believe strongly in the program,and say that the purpose of it is to give young over-seas Ch

45、inese the chance to learn more about them-selves. “Ive really enjoyed the trip so far.” saysRobert. “This has been a big step for me, and Im looking forward to finding out more about my roots during my time here.”Section 2Section 21.Where did he go to visit?2.What do they do in their ancestors villa

46、ge?3.Whats the purpose of the In search of Roots summer camp program?Guangdong Province in southern ChinaA. drink from the village well B. go for walks through the countryside C. watch the villagers do their daily activitiesIt is to give young overseas Chinese the chance to learn more about themselv

47、es.Section 3Section 31.What has Robert Qian found about his family? 2.2. What is the program organized by?3.3.What do many students mainly visit and do?4.4. Who is Cathy Qin?5.5. Whats the purpose of the program?Hehasfoundthathisfamilyislikeatalltreewithlongroots.ItisorganizedbythelocalgovernmentofG


49、、到目前为止到目前为止大多数同学比较认真学习。大多数同学比较认真学习。、 北京这几年北京这几年发生发生了巨大变化。了巨大变化。、多亏多亏了警察,他的女儿才被救。了警察,他的女儿才被救。、我、我盼望盼望有一天能有宁静和平的生活。有一天能有宁静和平的生活。Theyareinsearchoftheplacewheretheirancestorslived.Sofarmostofthestudentshavestudiedhard/beenhard-working.Greatchangeshavehappened/takenplaceinBeijinginthepastfewyears.Thankst

50、othepolice,hisdaughtercouldbesaved.Iamlookingforwardtohavingaquietandpeacefullife.Thereisonemistakeineachsentence,correctit. “In Search of Family” has helped students like Robert Qian find out about their homeland. Most overseas Chinese students in the program have visited China before. Cathy and Ro

51、bert are still in China, and they think the program was helpful to both of them. The worst part of the trip is going to the village. Watching the villagers makes the students feel embarrassed. Robert Qian was in China. The program begins in 1980. This program helped Cathy Qin understand her roots be

52、tter.Section 3Section 3Rootshas beenbestgoodiswas started has helped have never visited “In Search of Roots” has helped students like Robert Qian findout about their homeland. Most overseas Chinese students in the program have visited China before. Cathy and Robert are still in China, and they think

53、 the program has been helpful to both of them. The best part of the trip is going to the village. Watching the villagers makes the students feel good. Robert Qian is in China. The program was started in 1980. This program helped Cathy Qin understand her roots better.Section 3Section 32 21 15 54 43 3

54、7 76 68 8Task Imagine you are Robert . After returning from China, you write a letter to your good friend about the “In search of Roots”.Dear Cathy, I have just returned from a two-week trip to Guangdong Province in Southern China. In the past fourteen days,_ Yours, Robert. I have been to my ancesto

55、rs village. There, we studied Chinese culture, saw changes that had happened in that area, and visited the interesting things. Thanks to this trip, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots,Now I am proud of being a Chinese boy.DiscussionWhat do you think of the program of the In Search of Roots? Why?1. 抄写并背诵单词抄写并背诵单词government southern villager strongly step ancestor root overseas homeland purpose so far go for walks thanks to look forward to.2. 熟读全文熟读全文.3. 完完Unit 14作业本中相应的练习作业本中相应的练习.4. Write a letter about “In search of Roots ”.



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