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1、I Warm upnWhat is a monastery like? nWhat kind of people will you see in a monastery? 1II New words & Expressionsnmonastery: n. temple for monks寺庙,修道院nunnery/convent: n. temple for nuns 尼姑庵,女修道院abbey: n. temple or church 寺庙,修道院 temple/church 寺庙,教堂 abbot: n. the superior of a monastery 主持,男修道院长abbess

2、: n. the superior of a nunnery/convent 女庵主持,女修道院长 2II New words & Expressions nwatchdog 看门狗a guard dog 担任警戒的狗police dog 警犬doorman / gateman 看门人guard 哨兵,看守a security guard 保安人员bodyguard 贴身保镖guardian 监护人3II New words & Expressionsnrashly: adv. unthinkinglyrash: adj. 鲁莽的,轻率的,未经考虑的eg. Dont make decision

3、s rashly.Dont make rash decisions.He is just a rash young student. The teacher shouldnt have been so strict with him. 4II New words & Expressionsnimprudent: adj 轻率的,未经考虑的eg. Its imprudent of you to marry him in a week.nimpetuous: adj.鲁莽的, 冲动的,性急的eg. an impetuous behaviournimpulsive: adj. 易冲动的,冲动造成eg

4、. an impulsive manan impulsive decision5II New words & Expressionsnenclosure: n. The state of being enclosed 包围(含)被包围或关闭的状态Something enclosed, abbr: enc./encl. 附件, 附上之物:eg. The dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure.a business letter with a supplemental enclosure带有补充附件的商业信函The enclosure is a ph

5、oto.nenclose: vt. 围住,围起; 附上, 封入eg. The football field is enclosed by a wall. I enclosed a check for $400. Enclosed, please find some pictures of the cars.Enclosed is the material for the lecture.6II New words & Expressionsnprivacy: n. eg. a persons right to privacy 个人隐私权We must respect others privac

6、y. 我们应该尊重别人的隐私。 live in privacy 隐居nprivate: adj. praiviteg. private property 私有财产a private school 私立学校a private car 私家车a private telephone 私人电话7II New words & ExpressionsnEaster n. A Christian feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus; The day on which this feast is observed, the first Sunday fo

7、llowing the full moon that occurs on or next after March 21. 复活节,纪念耶稣复活的基督教节日;复活节日举行此盛会的日子,这个日子是3月21日或其后月满之后的第一个星期天Phrase: Easter egg (复活节用的)彩蛋 Easter holiday 复活节假期 Easter music 复活节音乐 Easter week 自复活节日算起的一星期8III Text StudynPlease close your text books. Listen to the tape of the text carefully and tr

8、y to answer the following question: What are the St. Bernard dogs used to do? (They are used to save the travellers who have difficulties in the mountains.)nRead the text by yourselves and pay attention to the tenses used.9III Text StudynExplain the text: qAt 2,473 meters, it is the highest mountain

9、 pass in Europe. (1) Structure: at 2,473 meters : prep phrase is used as an adverbial of condition. 介词短语在句中做条件状语。介词短语在句中可做状语表条件,原因,伴随状态等。eg. In the distance, the village looks more beautiful. (condition)With several people ill, well have to close the office today. (reason)With thousands of pounds wo

10、rth of diamonds, they had got away. (accompanying state)10III Text StudynExplain the text: qThe famous monastery of St. Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away.(1) Structure: this sentence is a complex statement; “The famous monastery of St. Bernard lies about a mi

11、le away.” is the Main clause; “which” introduces an attributive clause to modify “The famous monastery of St. Bernard”. 全句为复合句,“The famous monastery of St. Bernard lies about a mile away.”为主句,“which”引导定语从句修饰“The famous monastery of St. Bernard”。11III Text StudynExplain the text: (2) Phrase: found v.

12、 founded founded: to establish or set up 建造,兴建,创办,成立(具体或抽象的东西)eg. The college was founded in 1872.The Romans founded many cities.The publishing house was founded in 1800.establish: v. 创办,成立(抽象的东西)eg. The publishing house was established in 1800.They established an organization of themselves.set up :

13、 v. 搭建,建造,兴建,创办(具体或抽象的东西)eg. Set up a tent, set up a building, set up an organization put up: v. 搭建,建造,兴建(具体的东西)eg. Put up a tent, put up a building12III Text StudynExplain the text: qFor hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travelers crossing the dangerous Pass.(1)Structure:

14、the present participle phrase “crossing the dangerous Pass” is used as an attributive to modify “travelers”, it can be replaced by an attributive clause “who cross / are crossing the dangerous Pass”. 现在分词短语“crossing the dangerous Pass”做定语修饰“travelers”, 可以换成定语从句“who cross / are crossing the dangerous

15、 Pass”。 (2)Phrase: save the life of sb/save sbs life 救某人的命(3)compare比较比较 “Spare me!” “绕了我吧!”(4)“Help!” “救命啊!”13III Text StudynExplain the text: qNow that a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the Pass is less dangerous, but each year, the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a tra

16、veler is in difficulty.(1) Structure: The whole sentence is a compound statement introduced by “but”, in the former clause of the compound statement “now that” introduces an adverbial clause of reason, in the latter clause of the compound statement “whenever” introduces an adverbial clause of conces

17、sion. 全句为“but”连接的并列句,并列句的前一个分句里出现了“now that”连接的原因状语从句,后一个分句内又出现了“whenever”连接的让步状语从句。14III Text Study(2) Phrase: now that: since, introduces an adverbial clause of reason 既然,连接原因状语从句eg. Now that you have graduated, you will have to find a job.Now that you dont want to help me, I must do the job mysel

18、f.Now that you are here, youd better make good use of every chance to study.whenever: introduces an adverbial clause of concession每当时候,连接让步状语从句 (see IV Special Difficulties)15III Text StudynExplain the text: qIn winter, however, life at the monastery is quite different.(1) completely, entirely + adj

19、./adv. (showing extreme opinion) 完全,十分(2) fairly, rather, very + adj./adv. (gradable, having comparative degrees) 相当,非常eg. (1) quite empty, quite perfect, quite enough, quite right 完全,十分 (2) quite big, quite good, quite cold, quite interesting相当,非常16III Text StudynExplain the text: qThe monks prefer

20、 winter to summer for they have more privacy.Phrases: (1) prefer A to B, prefer doing A to doing B喜欢(做)A不喜欢(做)Beg. I prefer English to mathematics.I prefer staying at home to going to the cinema.(2) prefer to do A (rather than do B)宁愿做A不愿做Beg. I prefer to stay at home rather than go to the cinema.Sh

21、e prefers to live in Guangzhou rather than go abroad.17IV Drills & ExercisesnRead the text after the tape. Pay attention to the stress and intonation and where to stop.nTry to ask each other the comprehension questions in pairs without looking at the text. (P43 Summary writing)18Topic for discussion

22、n“What kind of animals do you like? Would you like to keep a dog as your pet? Why or why not?”n“What kind of sports do you like? Do you wish to be a skier? Why or why not?”nForm into groups of 2-4 and discuss on one of the above topics. Time limit: 10 minutesnInvite volunteers to give their opinion

23、before the class.19Retell the storynSummer months-monastery very busy-thousands of people-Pass-carsnSo many people about-dogs-special enclosurenWinter-life-monastery-quite differentnTemperature-30-few peoplenMonks prefer winter-more privacynDogs greater freedom, too-wander outside enclosurenOnly reg

24、ular visitors-skiers-Christmas, EasternYoung people-peace of the mountains-receive warm welcome20Key to Vocabularynfamous: well-knownnfounded: set up, establishednlies: is, is locatednnow that: sincenrashly attempt: unthinkingly trynquite: completely, entirelyndrops: falls, decreases21Key to Key str

25、ucturesnI came to Guangzhou 3 years ago.nI once stayed in Dongguan for 6 months.(Up to now,) I have studied in GDUFS for 6 months. nWhen I got home, I found the door had been unlocked.nI havent seen Mary since 1988.22Special DifficultiesTry to use wh-ever to translate the following sentences:n你想什么时候

26、来就什么时候来。n不管谁来我们都欢迎。n昨天你到底去哪里了?n不管发生什么事,都不要改变你的计划。n每当我不高兴时,他都会给我鼓劲。n给你发短信的人到底是谁?n谁先来,谁就先吃。n无论我走到哪里,她都跟着我。23Key:n你想什么时候来就什么时候来。You can come whenever you like.n不管谁来我们都欢迎。We welcome whoever comes.n昨天你到底去哪里了?Wherever did you go yesterday?n不管发生什么事,都不要改变你的计划。Whatever happens, dont change your plan.n每当我不高兴时

27、,他都会给我鼓劲。Whenever I am unhappy, he will cheer me up.n给你发短信的人到底是谁?Whoever sent you that message?n谁先来,谁就先吃。Whoever comes first eats first./Whoever comes first will be served first.n无论我走到哪里,她都跟着我。Wherever I go, she will follow me.24Key to Special Difficultiesnwhatnwhennwho25Key to multiple choice quest

28、ionsnc, c, d, d, a, anc, c, b, a, d, c26V AssignmentsnRead the new words and the text fluently. To be questioned through retelling next lecture time.nFinish exercises on your text book. Check together next lecture timenPrepare for lesson 9. Go through new words and expressions and look for the usage of “independent”; read the text of lesson 9 for three times.2728个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论



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