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1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,8/27/2020,#,Discovering Useful Structures,Lead in,What Are They?,1.S(subject),主语,2.V(verb),谓语动词,3.O(object),宾语,4.P(predicative),表语,5.A(adverbial),状语,6.DO(direct objective),直接宾语,7.IO(indirect objective),间接宾语,8.C(objective complement),宾语补足语,9.There be =there be,结构

2、,Lets review,What Is Subject?,1.,S(subject),主语,1.1,A tiger,eats meat.,S,1.2,He,is my father.,S,1.3.,Mr.Wood,is a teacher.,S,What can be“subject”in a sentence?,a tiger,?,noun,he,?,pronoun,Mr.Wood,?,noun,name,Lets review,What Is Verb?,2.,V(verb),谓语,动词,2.1 A tiger,eats,meat.,V,2.2 A fish,can swim,.,V,2

3、.3.He,doesnt like,fruit.,V,What can be,“,verb,”,in a sentence?,can,=,V,doesnt,=,V,can swim,Lets review,What Is Object?,3.,O(object),宾,语,3.1 A tiger eats,meat,.,O,3.2 I like,it,.,O,3.3 He called,Tom,.,O,What can be,“,object,”,in a sentence?,meat,?,noun,it,?,pronoun,Tom,?,name,Lets review,What Is Pred

4、icative?,4.,P(predicative),表,语,4.1 He,looks,fine,.,P,4.2 You,are happy,.,P,4.3 He,became a teacher,.,P,What can be,“,predicative”in a sentence?,look,are,become,=link verb,link verb,+,adj./noun,=P,P contains a verb!,Lets review,What Is Adverbial?,5.,A(adverbial),状,语,5.1 He lives,in Shenzhen,.,A,5.2 Y

5、ou go to school,by bus,.,A,5.3 He was born,in 1918,.,A,What can be,“,adverbial”in a sentence?,Lets review,What Is DO(Direct Objective)?,6.,DO(direct objective),直接宾语,6.1 He gave me,a pen,.,DO,6.2 We bought him,a gift,.,DO,6.3 He wrote me,a letter.,DO,What can be,“,direct objective”in a sentence?,Lets

6、 review,What Is IO(Indirect Objective)?,7.,IO(indirect objective),间接宾语,7.1 He gave,me,a pen.,IO,7.2 We bought,Mr.Wood,a gift.,IO,7.3 He wrote,his mother,a letter.,IO,What can be,“,indirect objective”in a sentence?,Lets review,What Is C(Complement)?,8.,C(complement),宾语补足语,8.1 The war made him,a hero,

7、.,C,8.2 The fire left him,homeless,.,C,8.3 He found his glasses,broken,.,C,What can be“complement”in a sentence?,Group Discussion,1.Examine the sentence structures and see what parts are shared by all of them.,2.What part is more stable and what part is the most unstable in a sentence?Why?,Sentence

8、Structure,SV SVO SP SVIODO SVOC SVA SVOA,Answers to questions in Discussion,1.Parts shared by all of the structures:,2.“S”is the more stable part;“V”is the most unstable part.,Make a list of the“S”forms and the“V”forms that appear in the above slides.,Learn to recognize the structures,1.SV structure

9、,1.1,A bird,flies,.,S V,1.2,Monkeys,jumped,.,S V,1.3,He,was sleeping,.,S V,In SV structure,verbs are intransitive.,Can you make a“SV”sentence?,Learn to recognize the structures,2.SVO structure,2.1,A sheep,eats,grass,.,S V O,2.2,Monkeys,like,bananas,.,S V O,2.3,He,wants,some candy.,S V O,In SVO struc

10、ture,verbs are transitive.,Please make a SVO sentence!,Learn to recognize the structures,3.SP structure,3.1,This,is great,S P,3.2,He,looks well,.,S P,3.3,She,became a teacher.,S P,In SP structure,P refers to“link verb+adjective/noun”.,Link verbs:be,feel,taste,smell,grow,become,etc.,Lets try making a

11、 SP sentence with“grow”!,Learn to recognize the structures,4.SV IO DO structure,4.1,He,asked,me,a question.,S V IO DO,4.2,Danny,wrote,his mom,a letter,.,S V IO DO,4.3,She,bought,Mr.Wood,a book.,S V IO DO,In SV IO DO structure,verbs are transitive and are followed by IO and DO.,Find a SVIODO sentence

12、 in your textbook and share it with the class!,Learn to recognize the structures,5.SVOC structure,5.1,The war,made,him,a hero.,S V O C,5.2,They,found,his cat,dead,.,S V O C,5.3,She,called,him,Mr.Wood.,S V O C,In SVOC structure,an implied logical relation exists between O and C.,In Example 5.1,the re

13、lation between“him”and“a hero”is supposed to be,-,“he is a hero”.,Whats the relation between“his cat”and“dead”in 5.2?,Learn to recognize the structures,6.SVA structure,6.1,It,rained,heavily.,S V A,6.2,He,coughed,badly,.,S V A,6.3,The rabbit,ran,in the woods.,S V A,In SVA structure,adverbial is usual

14、ly at the end of the sentence.,Please give another example of SVA structure!,Learn to recognize the structures,7.SVOA structure,7.1,A sheep,is eating,grass,over there.,S V O A,7.2,Mum,makes,lunch,in the kitchen,.,S V O A,7.3,They,liked,the film,very much,.,S V O A,In SVOA structure,the verb is trans

15、itive and is followed by an object and an adverbial.,Learn to recognize the structures,8.“There be”structure,8.1 There,is,an apple,on the table,.,V S A,7.2 There,are,seven days,in a week,.,V S A,7.3,There,is,milk and bread,.,V S,In“there be”structure,S and V are inverted.Vs number is decided by the

16、very first noun of S.,Lets practise,Exercise 1:Read the sentences and analyse the structures.,(1)I have learning goals.,(2)He works hard.,(3)He never watches TV at night.,(4)A fish swims.,(5)I was writing him an email.,(6)They left the boy starved to death.,You feel tired.,There were some children on the playground.,(1)I have learning goals.(SVO),(2)He works hard.(SVA),(3)He never watches TV at night.(SVOA),(4)A fish swims.(SV),(5)I was writing him an email.(SV IO DO),(6)They left the boy starve



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