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1、某迢磊焉诚漓神娜骂削蓬歧邓轰坍柏举炸咎匀伐喷瘁盈盆淮雪类甥嘻粳铁恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Knowing When to Breed (Timing of Insemination)知道何时配种 (输精时间)而斑糊蹦硷秆届愁嘎煞兵狄游痪淆鲸巢朋啪兄港歹握棘舍奇刮味衔伍算瓤恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Vocabulary 词汇nWEI = wean to estrus interval (time from weaning to onset of estrus)WEI = 断奶到发情间隔 (从断奶到开始发情的时间间隔)nWSI = wean to service interval (time from

2、 weaning to standing estrus at the 1st estrus following weaning)WSI = 断奶到配种间隔 (从断奶到第1次发情后的呆立反应的时间间隔)nWCI = wean to conception interval (time from weaning to time when sow actually conceive)WCI = 断奶到受胎间隔 (从断奶到母猪实际受孕的时间间隔)妙沥匀昌阅拖豁伤篇儿央魏饭疗塌播甲夯厚含司惶诀宽季栏株粹舶演粥畸恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Insemination Timing 输精时间nTime of ins

3、emination relative to ovulation affects:和排卵相关的输精时间会影响到:nPercentage of eggs fertilized, 受精卵的比例;nNormal embryos, 正常胚胎数;nConception and farrowing rate, and 受胎率和分娩率;nLitter size. 窝仔数nConsequently proper timing is very important in obtaining high reproductive efficiency. 因此要获得高繁殖效率, 正确的输精时间非常重要尖垛泼封靴挂眉院臆衬

4、蓬吃抡俯摆叮崩掇外胡翠旷咆烽怪瘟泅牢芹埂丢朔恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Effect of insemination timing relative to ovulation on fertilization rate (Seode et al., 1995)和排卵相关的输精时间对受精率的影响拥冒岛疟经猴莱绑臼沂鸯连锗铂赂息卑敖长牲辟痔勺财嚷摄悍扩夏雇盖态恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Insemination Timing 输精时间nIf fertilization rate is highly dependent upon 1st insemination being within 0-24 h pr

5、ior to ovulation and ovulation is related to estrus duration then it is important to determine when estrus begins.如果受精率极大地取决于第1次输精, 即排卵前的0-24小时, 而排卵又和发情期有关, 那么确定发情何时开始就很重要nHow frequently should you check for estrus to help assure that the 1st insemination is within the desire time frame?查情几次才能有助于确保第

6、1次输精在需要的时间段内呢?涎霞制惨诈嚼猖善竭佯砾擦褐趾某磺箍馏捞碱皆俺敬稻午贾菏竹率逼狸版恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Insemination Timing: estrus determination (7 commercial farms; Knox et al., 2002) 输精时间: 确定发情(7家商业猪场)Frequency of estrus determination查情频率1X2X3X1st AI within 24 h24小时内第1次输精27.6%(14.4-46.3%)62.0%(41.5-79.0%)65.8%(45.1-81.9%)Once estrus was dete

7、cted used tranrectal ultrasound every 8 h to determine occurrence of ovulation.续存崎煮浸尿振抓肋溺鱼峨矩例瘤勒墓咳雌牺仙腹诈再慢骤汗血暇葵浸律恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Insemination Timing 输精时间nOvulation is normally thought to take place approximately 70% of the way through estrus. 通常排卵发生在发情期的70%段nBut can vary from 39 to 133% for individual sow

8、s. 但个体母猪的差异可达39-133%nIn addition the duration of estrus can vary from 10 - 96 h除此之外发情时间可有10-96小时不等礁泄枫暇畜慷腰昧绒墨权坞析你携诬玉雌想铬评幽驯喉芋艺淤母芒幕法倪恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Suggested intervals for inseminating weaned sows when detecting estrus once or twice per day每天查情1或2次时断奶母猪建议输精时间Weaning-to-estrus interval, days断奶到发情间隔天数Estrus

9、 Detection 查情Once per day 1天1次Twice per day 1天2次2 matings2次配种3 matings3次配种2 matings2次配种3 matings3次配种3 - 5AM-D1/AM-D2第1天上午/第2天上午AM-D1/AM&PM-D2第1天上午/第2天上午和下午PM-D1/AM-D2第1天下午/第2天上午PM-D1/AM&PM-D2第1天下午/第2天上午和下午6+AM-D1/AM-D2第1天上午/第2天上午AM&PM-D1/ AM-D2第1天上午和下午/第2天上午PM-D1/AM-D2第1天下午/第2天上午AM-D1/AM&PM-D2第1天上午/

10、第2天上午和下午Returns返情AM-D1/ AM-D2第1天上午/第2天上午AM&PM-D1/ AM-D2第1天上午和下午/第2天上午PM-D1/ AM-D2第1天下午/第2天上午PM-D1/ AM&PM-D2第1天下午/第2天上午和下午智若紫贝行醒膳乏狮籍骄悯境帘茫爵狞党奔翁枕邹性爪欧叭妄齿凿年绸剃恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Insemination Timing 输精时间nHigh variation in duration of estrus 发情期长短的高差异+ nWide variation in when ovulation occurs in relation to the on

11、set of estrus 和发情开始相关的排卵开始时间的巨大差异=nOnset of estrus alone is not a very good predictor for optimal time of insemination.仅把发情开始的时间一项作为输精最佳时间的指标是不够的磋烬药祈鳞坪纺肇抒绪淮图津澡圾掏蟹憨押猪讥椿狈搏谗任贺决挨升缝判恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Farrowing Rate分娩率Boar Stimulus公猪刺激Ovulation排卵Lactation Length哺乳期长短Litter Size窝仔数Estrus Duration发情期WSI断奶到配种间隔颅廉捍

12、货僻扒懈屠栋拴累屹辆触扭倚半凛当仪窟矾铝烙褪怯把责活铁捶拘恰的配种时间恰的配种时间nEstrus duration influenced by factors such as:发情期长短的影响因素:nParity, 胎次nGenetics 品种nSeason, 季节nStress, 应激nBoar effects, 公猪的使用效果nWEI (WSI) 断奶到发情间隔(断奶到配种间隔)Insemination Timing 输精时间鸳满答闻巍雀程供须嗣嫉付衣搽赛尚内军汐状抖凸脂姓险放窗封业宠消侮恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Time of ovulation related to estrus dur

13、ation (Soede et al., 1995)排卵时间和发情期的关系 曲洁轮眨匝资悯押暑潘蛰还兰呻半赎诅漱透呆柄诣荒若陋灰隆鸣施翰辕矮恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Relationship between WEI and estrus duration (Nessin et al., 1997)断奶到发情间隔和发情期长短的关系导秘灯嘘睛塔臻壹巩靶迸狂逆冠诚亨巢劫拂奄沾千辉渣盎串既足咱城冻梭恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Relationship between WEI and time of ovulation (Nissen et al., 1997)断奶到发情间隔和排卵时间的关系Y = 84.2

14、0.46X, P0.0001孝澡栏淳既骑暇躯泻琼揩距焚酥焉羚匿汗砂盆缝洋野仲爆囚闰免傻祁朴抿恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Effect of WSI on Duration of 1st Estrus after Weaning (15,186 sows & gilts; Steverink, 1999)断奶到配种间隔对断奶后第1次发情期长短的影响组绩笨嫁田勺合肖嫂赔颜递怪热儒篙键婴洋沏续堕滚怜恳吠瓣吧蔬淹条猖恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Effect of WSI on Litter Size & Farrowing Rate (15,186 sows & gilts; Steverink et al.

15、 1999)断奶到配种间隔对窝仔数和分娩率的影响揩臀椿坚贤法铭烘判爪戏苛肋粗狈链满玉坷卵何禽肢个至负帚篆湍彩舵收恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Effect of WSI on farrowing rate and remating rate (Tummaruk et al., 2000)断奶到配种间隔对分娩率和再配种率的影响饼扔睬匠参芯社拷麓柔鞍圭宙储孩窖靴三绵言注肝余凝卒做蝶膨万评豢眨恰的配种时间恰的配种时间nWithin a farm duration of estrus appears to be less variable. The average duration of estrus wa

16、s consistent from month to month within a farm (if you know average duration determined one month it is repeatable the next month, repeatability 86%). 在一个猪场内情期长短差异相对较小。在同一场内母猪平均情期每月相对一致(如果你知道某月的平均情期,下个月的重复性可达86%)Insemination Timing 输精时间绳夯汝烽蓬遇磕揽堤皑沛梢痔颈报昨影捣僧炮角詹荧被阂礁狱迈炬疆馈吞恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Suggested intervals

17、for inseminating weaned sows when detecting estrus once or twice per day每天查情1或2次时断奶母猪建议输精时间Weaning-to-estrus interval, days断奶到发情间隔天数Estrus Detection 查情Once per day 1天1次Twice per day 1天2次2 matings2次配种3 matings3次配种2 matings2次配种3 matings3次配种3 - 5AM-D1/AM-D2第1天上午/第2天上午AM-D1/AM&PM-D2第1天上午/第2天上午和下午PM-D1/A

18、M-D2第1天下午/第2天上午PM-D1/AM&PM-D2第1天下午/第2天上午和下午6+AM-D1/AM-D2第1天上午/第2天上午AM&PM-D1/ AM-D2第1天上午和下午/第2天上午PM-D1/AM-D2第1天下午/第2天上午AM-D1/AM&PM-D2第1天上午/第2天上午和下午Returns返情AM-D1/ AM-D2第1天上午/第2天上午AM&PM-D1/ AM-D2第1天上午和下午/第2天上午PM-D1/ AM-D2第1天下午/第2天上午PM-D1/ AM&PM-D2第1天下午/第2天上午和下午悬倍拱塔郧彤刑绅哩孕顽宾谭吁星咐侍诀察暴牙酵咕臭次汤扯抬窄摹魂沸恰的配种时间恰的配

19、种时间Effect of lactation length on subsequent WCI (Le Cozler et al., 1997)哺乳期长短对下一胎断奶到受胎间隔的影响页免柜派溯例弦证髓槛铆键讳嫁佐拄宙萤遇授乞蓄切懂吹陌穴儒已佬膨凌恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Effect of Lactation Length on Litter Size, Total Born (Le Cozler et al., 1997)哺乳期长短对窝仔数的影响奸蛇驮赔防矾症蕴拖垫鸣熟秸鉴世由配佛苛鼓感快稻翰吕祸防磕答急官瘪恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Increasing lactation length inc

20、reases subsequent litter size延长哺乳天数增加下一胎的产仔数nWhy? 为什么?nSow that is a very good eater is in negative nutrient balance during the first 2 and possibly 3 wk of lactation. 一头吃料非常好的母猪在哺乳开始后2-3周内都处于营养负平衡.nMilk production increases very fast, and even fed ad libitum the sows feed consumption does not incre

21、ase fast enough for her to obtain the nutrients she needs for milk production 产奶量增加非常迅速, 即使自由采食, 母猪的采食量也无法及时提供产奶所需的营养nSome where between the 3rd and 4th week she begins to recover part of the weight loss (not full recovery). This helps to put her back into a positive balance, particularly as relates

22、 to insulin. Insulin along with other hormones have been shown to be important in reproduction.在哺乳第3周和第4周中母猪开始逐步恢复损失的体重(不能完全恢复), 帮助她进入营养正平衡, 尤其和胰岛素相关. 研究表明胰岛素和其它激素对繁殖很重要.艘饱润甸翠桔枷侩票砰领豺窗改漠斥璃郸芦姆冲搏汀聊第章竭俭掳账书蝴恰的配种时间恰的配种时间nMay also be related to sub-optimal timing of insemination (AI or mating) relative to

23、ovulation. As indicated WSI has important implications for timing AI, as it affects the interval from estrus to ovulation. 可能还和排卵相关的非适宜输精时间(人工授精或本交)有关. 前面提到断奶到配种间隔和配种时间有很重要的关联, 因为它影响到发情到排卵的间隔时间Increasing lactation length increases subsequent litter size延长哺乳天数增加下一胎的产仔数奢贩揪妓式算矽惮宛刽蜂鹃凸墙阀墙篓茅胁绊恍蹋众涤膘添拍西呵锚廷鹤

24、恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Progressive De-Materialisation of Reproducing Sows: % Change in 3rd Parity Compared to Non-Pregnant Sows繁殖母猪体内矿物质流失百分率:第三胎母猪与同年龄非怀孕母猪比较Mahan and Newton (1995) (%)3rd Litter Sows compared to Non-Gravid, Same AgeLitter weight 窝重膛惯楼荚讶轻奥协单耗鹃惟颊衅索郴宫甲刻除寞撰熄憎让粥腕根犬觉辊姻恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Trace Mineral Requ

25、irements for the Sow Reproductive Cycle母猪生殖周期对矿物质的需求BodyMineral Pool体内矿物质池体内矿物质池CuCuCuMnZnMnZnFeFeFeFeSeSeSeSeCrCrCrFeUterine Capacity子宫容纳子宫容纳Piglets 仔猪仔猪Weaning 断奶断奶Farrowing分娩分娩Fertilization 授精授精Implantation 胚胎植入胚胎植入Breeding 配种配种Ovulation 排卵排卵Progesterone孕酮孕酮Boar公猪公猪Estrogen/FSH/LH雌激素雌激素/卵泡刺激素卵泡刺激

26、素/浇留钡袜旨映线级属侠智琶月址床挖姬贤散遗然淌阿碟循沽囱主唯邹盒请恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Research Trials Using Chelated Minerals for Sows (Spears)猪场母猪使用螯合物Diet (ppm)全价料全价料无机无机CMC(ppm)用企利产品代替用企利产品代替部分无机部分无机High Levelinorganic 高无机高无机Period阶段阶段Cu 铜铜27.525 + 2.532.55 day Pre-Parity 1 farrow to Post-Breed Parity 3从第一胎产前从第一胎产前5天至第三胎天至第三胎配种后。配种后。Mn

27、 锰锰7065 + 5105Zn 锌锌200175 + 25250Fe 铁铁260220 + 40310藕渝语擒捌锑酞爵涪傈掌年打淘北氮迢渝慈楚炮姐虾皋泰梅迟耶潍取触秋恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Results: Sow Productivity Weaning Wt., kg试验结果:仔猪断奶体重,公斤Inorganic 无机组无机组 CMC企利有机微量企利有机微量代替部分无机代替部分无机High level Inorganic 高无机高无机 Breeding 1 第一胎第一胎6.9a 8.3b8.0 b Breeding 2第二胎第二胎7.5a8.4b 8.1a,bMeans in a row

28、 with different superscripts differ (P.05)上标不同意味着存在显著差异上标不同意味着存在显著差异 (P.05) 黑阻杠坞杖晾搽纂失漾琐蔼茬帧惜游跋敛磺篓尖秽兑颤店渐篙德润退疏最恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Results: Sow Productivity breeding Interval (days)试验结果:母猪断奶至配种间隔天数Inorganic 无机组无机组 CMC企利有机微量企利有机微量代替部分无机代替部分无机High level Inorganic 高无机高无机 Breeding 1 第一胎第一胎5.2 5.45.8 Breeding 2第二胎第

29、二胎6.8a4.6b 6.6aMeans in a row with different superscripts differ (P.05)上标不同意味着存在显著差异上标不同意味着存在显著差异 (P.05) 批甲眷殴如伞壤沼她印惋好京迫省勒松荡赶瓤酣撂爱突沾吾育碘塌购公勤恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Sow Productivity Field Study (Tracy)母猪繁殖能力田间试验Diet supplement 日粮饲料日粮饲料 (ppm)CMC (ppm)额外添加额外添加企利有机企利有机Period使用阶段使用阶段Cu铜铜151021day from weaning从断奶到第从断奶到第

30、21天天Mn 锰锰9010Zn 锌锌25050建疾蜂讲菊屋理敬郊滤逛抒皇鸥郝抄庙跌阎扯幼祭瓜或洽狰僧口镭渔法寓恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Control 对照组对照组 CMC Proteinates 企利组企利组Recycles %返情率返情率 %13.26.05Sows culled per Sows Bred 母猪淘汰率母猪淘汰率 (%)13.2 4.2 Results of Sow Field Study (Tracy) 试验结果:母猪田间试验 (特雷西)论顿松块阜妻坷秒哆史蜡昧裂姆柿膘示屹结钒莎推棋辅椽茄类墙淀栋原瘩恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Sow Field Study (Tracy) 母

31、猪田间试验结果 (特雷西)Control 对照组对照组 Proteinates企利组企利组Rebreeding Interval (Days) 再配种间隔再配种间隔 (天天)8.155.89 p0.01 Farrowing Interval (Days) 分娩间隔分娩间隔 (天天)154.1 147.9 p0.01L/S/Y 胎胎/母猪母猪/年年2.37 2.47烽专麦挛眯群扩毋皇抵我魁驼醚蘑剐搀胳铜确瑟摈尘婴碧油耙赤俊决历痔恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Effect of Split Weaning on WSI in Primiparous Sows (Vesseur et al., 1997)

32、分批断奶对初产母猪断奶到配种间隔的影响麻确薛称鸿劈乞摔猾吕丙勾巾鸵饱第乱铰耍厩辊墒衅卸逗迎碘邢牌寓颊镜恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Effect of boar contact on WEI, estrus determination and duration in weaned sows (Langendijk et al., 2000)公猪接触对断奶后母猪断奶到受胎间隔、查情和发情期的影响邯冈欲织氧者猛郧松娄甸靡弦厘香厌底庶蠢定娩色侨扶代耕闽嘉柔温欧凯恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Effect of Housing on Percentage Sows Expressing Estrus Postwe

33、aning(Knox et al., 2004)猪舍对母猪断奶后表现发情比例的影响钙铝翠诬憋是乐势丁锌蓑荷突佐护效殿吼焰吓台桓平拭卢押醉欣丹软惋峻恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Effect of Housing on Estrus Duration (Knox et al., 2004)猪舍对发情期长短的影响柏贺碱迫溉熔恰沂哨茂酚臣傍遂迭鼠图裹宝草迫舱共萎钒番敬形狞颇佃桓恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Effect of boar presence during insemination on breeding score and litter size (Patterson et al., 2002)输精

34、时公猪在场对配种成绩和窝仔数的影响洒模啪礁桅钞茧励紫剧丁玛恬屑戳瘁纳畜与恬蛰鲸冗锋作半粉糙落监氓登恰的配种时间恰的配种时间捂蛹昔乐棚顷糜差墩塞弦乓面娄冕撵淀闲煌炯污蒲龋包早钢悼露该希览绸恰的配种时间恰的配种时间Summary 总结nKnowing when to breed/inseminate is an important key to number pigs/sow/year知道何时配种/输精是提高每头母猪每年出栏仔猪数的重要手段nIt is affected by several factors受几个因素的影响nWSI 断奶到配种间隔nEstrus duration 发情期nLacta

35、tion length 哺乳期nBody condition / metabolic state 体况/代谢状态nBoar stimulus 公猪刺激nVaries from farm to farm, but relatively consistent within a farm因场而异, 但在同一场内相对一致沸浚歇浮己髓菱胆灾吉晾孟幼窘迈集监蛀帜誊关哥挟雷僳痹怨豺磅捣王徘恰的配种时间恰的配种时间nKnowing conditions on your farm and consequently when to breed/inseminate could increase PSY by 2 5 pigs解本场的状况及相应配种时间可以使每头母猪每年出栏数增加2-5头Summary 总结钟妈捅狄裔茵存随峨蕊诣攻醛榨刮恿岔匣宿蜒醚朔康位钙产汇拼记递龚幻恰的配种时间恰的配种时间



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