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1、the role of grammar in language learning the major types of grammar presentation methodsthe major types of grammar practice activities21. the role of pronunciation in language learning 2. the goal of teaching pronunciation native-like pronunciationa good pronunciation 3. the aspects of pronunciation

2、 Sounds Phonetic symbolsStress, intonation, and rhythm34. Practice of pronunciationPracticing soundsFocusing on a soundPerception practiceProduction practicePracticing stress and intonation41. Understanding of grammar 2. significance of grammar in language learning 3. controversies about grammar in

3、language learning 4. principles of grammar teaching/learning5a) Definition of grammar A description of the structure of a language and the way in which linguistic units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the language. It usually take into account the meanings and function

4、s these sentences have in the overall system of the language. 671) sound; form; meaning; function2) Grammar integrated with listening, speaking, reading and writing. 8Task 1 Task 1 Your understanding of grammar in language learning 9a) grammatical competence is essential for communication b) an inad

5、equate treatment of grammar in most communicative syllabuses resulting in lower level of accuracyc) Grammar teaching can enhance learner proficiency and accuracy and facilitate the internalization of its syntactic system. d) Instructed learners are found to outperform uninstructed learners in their

6、rate of learning and level of achievement.10a) A course or a section in language learning b) Grammar in language teaching or grammar in real communication c) whether grammar should be taught d) to what extent grammar should be taught11e) variables in the language teaching/learning context Learner va

7、riables and instructional variablesf) fact: Grammar is still being taught in formal classroom language teachingGrammar-focused approaches are still widely used. DiscussionDiscussion: content of your family teaching; your middle school experience121) Systematic principle 2) Communicative principle id

8、eational/interpersonal/textual3) Contrastive principle language / language item / culture134) cognitive principle Cognitive methods: analyzing; synthesizing; embedding; matchingPrevious knowledge: language knowledge and world knowledge Learning levels: beginning; intermediate; advanced Language mate

9、rials: large amount; authentic materials14Task 2 reflection on your middle school Task 2 reflection on your middle school grammar teaching/learning grammar teaching/learning 1. traditional grammar presentation methods the deductive methodthe inductive methodthe guided discovery method151) teaching g

10、rammar as a product explicitly 2) presentation explanation comparison production explanation: in native language and grammatical termscomparison: native vs. target language; new vs. old structureproduction: applying the rules to produce sentences with given prompts 163) advantages: successful with s

11、elected and motivated studentssave time while confronting with a necessary but complex grammar rulehelp students increase confidence in accuracy-based written exams4) disadvantages: It teaches grammar in an isolated way. Little attention is paid to meaning. Practice is often mechanical. 17b) the ind

12、uctive method 1)teaching grammar as a process implicitly2)authentic language examples understanding production elicitation18c) the guided discovery method 1)definitionGuided discovery, also known as an inductive approach, is a technique where a teacher provides examples of a language item and helps

13、the learners to find the rules themselves. 2)Comparison with the inductive method Similarity: students are induced to discover rules by themselvesDifference: discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher; the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly. 193) Key elements relatedThe rol

14、e of explicit knowledge in language learning The value of discovery as a general method of learning 4) Presentation modelcontext (reading or listening text) discovery (rule and meaning) explicit teaching/learning more examples production highlights (rule and meaning) practice 205) examples Task 3 gr

15、ammar teaching design for the Task 3 grammar teaching design for the structure “have/has been doing”structure “have/has been doing”21a synthesis approach to grammatical pedagogy collocationalcollocational: the grammar should be built on collocational relations between individual lexical items and th

16、eir subcategories. constructiveconstructive: ones grammar knowledge is built bit by bit. 22contextualcontextual: grammatical elements and structures are taught in relation to their context. contrastivecontrastive: to contrast the differences between the target and other languages; between sets of si

17、milar features and items of the target language.23a) simplicityclear, simple accurate and helpful b) variety: oral/written; form/meaningauthentic materials; visual materialsc) application: inductive and discovery methods for those structures easily perceiveddeductive method for complex structures241

18、. Grammar competence patterns 2. Grammar practice patterns25exposure to language language proficiency grammatical competence ?explicit instructions meaningful practice communicative use form-focused accuracy meaning-focused fluency 26a) practice Any kinds of engaging with the language on the part of

19、 the learner, usually under the teacher supervision, whose primary objective is to consolidate learning. b) factors in successful practice c) grammar practice categories 271) pre-learning2) volume and repetition3) success-orientation4) heterogeneity (diversity)5) teacher assistance 6) interest281) m

20、echanical practice (focus on form)Substitution / transformation2) meaningful/communicative practice (focus on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning)Translation; multiple-choice; matching; blank-filling; meaningful activities more from 英语教学活动设计与应用29Task 6 Design a meaningful practice a

21、ctivity to Task 6 Design a meaningful practice activity to practice the simple past tensepractice the simple past tense3) combination of mechanical and meaningful practiceExamples on page 111304) using prompts for practice picturesmimes or gesturesinformation sheet key phrases or key wordschained ph

22、rases for story tellingcreated situationsTask 7 Activity Design discussionTask 7 Activity Design discussion31 the Practice of English language teachingthe Practice of English language teachingthe Practice of English language teachingthe Practice of English language teachingElli is teaching the struc

23、ture going to going to to a class of beginners. 00:27 - lesson Stories 2 15:57 - Teachers talking 1 Rolf tells a story about a British Christmas to teach teach grammar inductivelygrammar inductively. 22:33 - lesson Stories 2 04:30 - Teachers talking 2 Watch Watch and and discuss discuss 321. the rol

24、e of grammar in language learning Understanding of grammarsignificance of grammar in language learningcontroversies about grammar in language learningprinciples of grammar teaching/learning1)Systematic principle 2) Communicative principle 3) Contrastive principle 4)cognitive principle332. the major

25、types of grammar presentation methodstraditional grammar presentation methods the deductive methodthe inductive methodthe guided discovery methodnew approaches to grammar teaching343. the major types of grammar practice activitiesmechanical practice (focus on form)meaningful/communicative practiceco

26、mbination of mechanical and meaningful practiceusing prompts for practice351. Discussion:1. Grammar is acquired naturally; it need not be taught.2. Grammar is a collection of meaningless forms.3. Grammar consists of arbitrary rules.4. Grammar is boring.5. Students have different learning styles. Not

27、 all students can learn grammar.6. Grammar structures are learned one at a time. 367. Grammar has to do only with sentence-level and subsentence-level phenomena.8. Grammar and vocabulary are areas of knowledge. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening are the four skills.9. Grammars provide the rules/explanations for all the structures in a language.10. I dont know enough to teach grammar. 372. Homework: Design a meaningful practice activity to practice the simple past tense38



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