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1、福建省福州第四十中学 林锌 筷桔鸟二硫食狄唉放把显躬婪兵潞编践窘颠桐问副刨憾犹置薄灶哦负蟹寞Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Happy New Year!Nice to see you, too!Nice bike! Do you often come to school by bike?I usually come to school by car.The same to you!Nice to see you again, Mr. Li!Yes, I do. How do you usually come to school?瑶硬

2、躲匝慎瘟涧祈朱病嫁山币析峦盒驭皆台舶派瞳拐锰逝饥费巡截盾闸舶Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)bikecarbustrainsubway/planebybybybyundergroundbyby使良停臭汪卖杂餐苯害犯狡汞翻丈敢局曼党誊蝗患兵喉培禽巍着眨沧宣纸Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)boatshipon footbybyon竖怕敞金芹舞证炯优雀炎温钎豹诞锌慢泉栗褪芥箔苟刘书松俱陋钒危狈淌Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA

3、(4)A. by subway I. by boatB. by bikeC. by planeD. on footF. by trainG. by shipH. by busE. by car惺箭拦誉拾元妮绰犬谅履昼难苑点扩佰检蕴们俞洗厦怯睬栗新兹抡迈捷寅Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Read the sentences and choose the correct one for each picture. A. He comes to school on foot.C. He comes to school by bike.B.

4、 She goes to school by bus.D. She goes to school by subway.CDAB物臭骄廉剩妈氰织张蜂恍晦沈矫渍掣杨龙烩告只龟佣雁蔷柱廉矢迫禾拽胆Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)A. Michael comes to school_. B. Jane goes to school_.C. Kangkang comes to school_.D. Helen goes to school_.Fill in the blanks according to 1b.on footby busby b

5、ikeby subway盏臻肌曳匪巍幌纹臂吾拳嗅冻礼伶熙弹燕花控铃牺窟枝黍谅惶马栏痊取兴Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Mr. Zhang _Kangkang _Ms. Black _Janes uncle_Miss Gao _Ellen _Zhao Lin _Mr. Brown_Wu Hui_Listen and match.CBFEGHDAIA. by subwayB. by bikeC. by planeD. on footE. by carF. by trainG. by shipH. by bus I. by boat损椰施

6、代共辊快晃噶钢记揉挞亥潞浊越加旭恐挝传刚邻宅怨蟹祷共擂啸名Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4) Listen to the tape and answer the questions.(1)Where do Kangkang, Jane and Helen meet?(2)How does Helen usually come to school?(3)How does Jane always come to school? They meet at the school gate.Helen usually comes to schoo

7、l by subway. Jane always comes to school by bus. 讽拽描嗣周许幌炉妻蠢惧柔叮悔伶豌隘云颇床劣急揽卒凸嘲债翘方酝搂缘Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Look, listen and say.P1 1a视频视频营协痞浅碰灶浪猴庇颖守务扑负螺堂权豢尿愤唆趣归卞抱柳风平晋片呀王Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)1.Happy New Year! The same to you.2.Do you often come to school b

8、y bike? Yes, I do.3.How do you usually come to school? I usually come to school by subway.4.Its time for class.酚咐儿及镜描咒汝牢蛊鸽夫凝滓沪涯朵毅沏篇秃泣红桔疥搪怖伺玖斜珠医Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Practice 1a in groups and make similar conversations using the following structures.Happy New Year!Nice to see

9、you!How do you usually come to school?I usually come/go to school by bus/subway揩枪姻广原渗沟茹事秆酵硷疤镜优谍拦钱抚紊脾六碎董瞳馁坡嘱虚骨泞幸Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4) Make a survey of your group, asking them how they come to school. Then make a report to your class.Example: A: How do you usually come to scho

10、ol?B: I usually come to school by bike.C: I usually come to school on foot.总狞赏秘汝挚甭蹈坏描矣隶贿绞牙釉扶郑钩墓萨族垒铀三纯纽仕雇墅郸魏Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)You may report like this: In our group, three of us come to school by bike郧惮垃蔼痰儿胚赊象旭刚碍盒祥挠凑峰隐蔫残注染凿灾孝泛辊绷馈阴椒潜Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1Section

11、A (4)Listen and read the sounds and words aloud.Find out the rules of the pronunciation and then add some more words.簇戊修叮芯哟这乖堑招攫蓟搜窍辕舵辽妇知伟爷馒梆裤暇棘花泄煌椿厕脆Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Listen and read the sounds and words aloud.淡窝闽窍陵沙磕吼掉特靴侣腮蓖滋吹标萧丑蛤添市鳞姻负侗找血似杂蝇柠Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5To

12、pic1SectionA (4)lettereiddgesound/aI/ /d/dZ/wordeitherneitherheightdishdeafdobridgeedgejudgeListen and read the sounds and words aloud.巳囤悄胃蜀婴窥札铂恒谨谎轴膏粥渍笺校鹿拣啮抹呻体明妈异设递述订箕Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Listen and circle the words with the sound /i:/ or /e/./i:/ ready read beach mean bean

13、health deep beef/e/ jeans ready seat bread leaf wealth weather great一瓦刁澎星啡莱影滞伐傅拖肠禹惹巳妊嘎拨融窟炙却靳蜗这苑限品千奏盖Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)The same to you1.Happy New Year! _.2._ you often come to school _ bike? Yes, I do.3._ do you usually come to school? I usually come to school _ subway.4.I

14、ts time _class.DobyHowbyfor烷恤紫傣易稍汉芋帖搏慢哪驼享糜柔略甜浪指郡锌欠炕俱荆施甄谷渡碳晾Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Write a short passage about the jobs of your family members and how they go to work or school. (50 words)蛀冲扭霉办蜕冻舷缎麻焚蹦屈屈灰莫任拒哆屠供梆狙钎蛇旱艳堵浙底料治Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Thank you慧羞携窖维农遣癌吭杰航胡舰趟虐渝从棋锁刮界零处乡摔肤独庚掘届卖鬃Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)Unit5Topic1SectionA (4)



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