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1、 Beijing - China - Chinese;Athens - Greece - Greek; Tokyo - Japan - Japanese; Berlin - Germany - German; Bombay - India - Indian; Geneva - Switzerland - Swiss; Moscow - Russia - Russian; Rome - Italy - Italian Seoul - Korea - Korean; Stockholm - Sweden - Swedish Sydney - Australia - Australian; Lond

2、on - England - English; Madrid - Spain - Spanish New York - America - American; Paris - France - French;Review时时态态用法用法动词形式动词形式时间状语标志词时间状语标志词例句例句一一般般现现在在时时一般、一般、经常、经常、习惯、习惯、真理真理原形原形/三单三单am/is/are; am/is/are; do/doesdo/doesalways, , usually, usually, frequently, , often, often, sometimes, , every daye

3、very dayI am a teacher. I I am a teacher. I teach English.teach English.Do you usually get Do you usually get up up early? ?一一般般过过去去时时过去发过去发生的事,生的事,不强调不强调对现在对现在的影响的影响过去式过去式was/were, was/were, diddidy yesterday, last , last month, ten month, ten years ago, years ago, after 6 after 6 o oclockclockI ha

4、d lunch an hour I had lunch an hour ago.ago.He went to London He went to London last year.last year.She washed her hair She washed her hair yesterday.yesterday.一一般般将将来来时时将要或将要或计划发计划发生的事生的事shall/will shall/will dodoam/is/are am/is/are going to dogoing to dotomorrow/in ten tomorrow/in ten minutesminut

5、esthis afternoon/ this afternoon/ afterafterHe will be a lawyer He will be a lawyer after graduation.after graduation.WeWere going to re going to shopping this shopping this afternoon.afternoon.TheSimpleFutureTense:一般将来时:一般将来时1用用begoingtodo表示将来:表示将来:主要意义,一是表示主要意义,一是表示“意图意图”,即打算在最近的将,即打算在最近的将来或将来进行某事


7、oing表示将来:主要意义是表示按计划、表示将来:主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词。安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词。如:go,come,leave,arrive等动词。检测:明天我们将搬到一个新的旅馆。Wearemovingtoanewhoteltomorrow.1.Students will go to school in the future.(一般疑问一般疑问句)句) to school in the future.2.There will be some robots in our homes.(改为否改为否定句)定句)There robots

8、in our homes.3.Everyone will have a small car.(对划划线部分提部分提问) everyone ? Will students go wont be anyWhat will have1.There_ameetingtomorrowafternoon.A.willbegoingtoB.willgoingtobeC.isgoingtobeD.willgotobe2.Charlie_herenextmonth.A.isntworkingB.doesntworkingC.isntgoingtoworkingD.wontwork3.He_verybusythi




12、吗?不,他要去游泳。不,他要去游泳。Willyourfathergofishing?No,heisgoingswimmingLesson 95Tickets, please.Questions:1.Why did George and Ken miss the train?return n. 站台站台train n. 大量大量platform n. 火车火车plenty n. 车站,火车站车站,火车站bar n. 酒吧酒吧station v. 赶上赶上porter n. 往返往返catch(caught, caught) v. 错过错过miss n. 收票员,乘务收票员,乘务员员returnn

13、. 1) 往返往返 return ticket 往返票往返票2) in return 作为回报作为回报You sent me a postcard, in return, I sent you a postcard too.你给我寄来明信片,我也回寄一张明信片。你给我寄来明信片,我也回寄一张明信片。v. 3)回到)回到return fromto 从从回到回到 return sth to sb = return sb sth 把把归还某人归还某人卡盟排行榜卡盟MicrosoftOfficePowerPoint,是微软公司的演示文稿软件。用户可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出

14、来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。利用MicrosoftOfficePowerPoint不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。MicrosoftOfficePowerPoint做出来的东西叫演示文稿,其格式后缀名为:ppt、pptx;或者也可以保存为:pdf、图片格式等train1) n. 火车火车take the train to 乘火车去乘火车去Well take the 2:00 p.m. train to Shanghai.我们要搭下午我们要搭下午2点的火车去上海。点的火车去上海。2)v. 训练,培养训练,培养He is tr

15、aining the horse for the race.他为了比赛在训练那匹马。他为了比赛在训练那匹马。You should train your children how to respect others.你应该教导你的孩子如何尊重别人。你应该教导你的孩子如何尊重别人。trainer,traineeplatform1) n. 站台,月台站台,月台an arrival platform 到站站台到站站台 platform No.2 = platform 2 第二站台第二站台Im waiting for you at platform 5.我正在第我正在第5站台等你呢。站台等你呢。2)n.

16、讲台,讲坛讲台,讲坛 The teacher is standing on the platform and looking at the students.老师站在讲台上看着学生们。老师站在讲台上看着学生们。 plenty1)n. 大量大量plenty of后接可数名词或不可数名词,后接可数名词或不可数名词,通常用于肯定句。通常用于肯定句。谓语动词的单复数形式须与其修饰的名词一致。谓语动词的单复数形式须与其修饰的名词一致。There is plenty of milk in my cup.我杯里有许多牛奶。我杯里有许多牛奶。There are plenty of students in th

17、e classroom.教室里有好多学生。教室里有好多学生。 plenty of a lot of/ lots of 即可接可数名词和不可数名词。即可接可数名词和不可数名词。 many 许多,修饰可数名词,许多,修饰可数名词, much 许多,修饰不可数名词。许多,修饰不可数名词。station n. 1) 车站,火车站车站,火车站a railway station 火车站火车站 a bus station = a bus stop 公共汽车站公共汽车站Could you tell me the way to the station? 你能告诉我往车站怎么走吗?你能告诉我往车站怎么走吗?2)(

18、政府机关等的)局,所,中心)(政府机关等的)局,所,中心a police station 警察局警察局 a fire station 消防队消防队a gas station 加油站加油站a TV station电视台电视台 catch 1) v. 捕捉,逮捕捕捉,逮捕We caught a thief on the bus today.在公共汽车上我们抓住一个小偷。在公共汽车上我们抓住一个小偷。I caught five fish today.我今天钓了五条鱼我今天钓了五条鱼2)v. 及时赶上,赶得上,追上及时赶上,赶得上,追上I ran to catch the last bus.我跑着赶上

19、了最后一班车。我跑着赶上了最后一班车。3)v.染上(疾病),感染染上(疾病),感染I caught a bad cold.我得了重感冒。我得了重感冒。 miss1) v. 错过错过He missed the target.他没打中目标。他没打中目标。I threw the ball to him but he missed it.我把球丢给他,但他没接着。我把球丢给他,但他没接着。2)v. 想念想念Well miss you very much if you go abroad.如果你去国外,我们会很想念你。如果你去国外,我们会很想念你。3)miss out 漏掉,省漏掉,省 略略,遗漏遗漏W

20、hen the teacher called the name list, he missed me out.老师点名的时候,漏掉了我。老师点名的时候,漏掉了我。return n. 站台站台train n. 大量大量platform n. 火车火车plenty n. 车站,火车站车站,火车站bar n. 酒吧酒吧station v. 赶上赶上porter n. 往返往返catch(caught, caught) v. 错过错过miss n. 收票员,乘务收票员,乘务员员 Lesson 95Tickets, please.GEORGE : Two return tickets to London

21、, please. What time will the next train leave?ATTENDANT: At nineteen minutes past eight.GEORGE : Which platform?ATTENDANT: Platform Two. Over the bridge.KEN : What time will the next train leave?GEORGE : At eight nineteen.KEN : Weve got plenty of time.GEORGE : Its only three minutes to eight.KEN : L

22、ets go and have a drink. Theres a bar next door to the station.GEORGE : We had better go back to the station now, Ken.PORTER : Tickets, please.GEORGE : We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.PORTER : Youve just missed it!GEORGE : What! Its only eight fifteen.PORTER : Im sorry, sir. That clock

23、s ten minutes slow.GEORGE : Whens the next train?PORTER : In five hours time!Readthetextagainthenanswerthequestions:1.What time will the next train leave?2.Which platform can they wait for the train?3.Did they miss the train?Why?4.Is that clock slow or quick?5. Whats the exact time when they came ba

24、ck to the station?1.Two return tickets to London please. return ticket to 到到的往返车票的往返车票Three return tickets to New York, please.三张去纽约的三张去纽约的往返车票往返车票。2. Weve got plenty of time.have got= have 有有充裕的、足够的、大量的充裕的、足够的、大量的plenty of + 不可数名词不可数名词/可数名词复数。可数名词复数。Theres plenty of rain in England.英国雨量充足。英国雨量充足。We

25、ve got plenty of time to do it. 我们有充裕的时间来做这件事。我们有充裕的时间来做这件事。We must have plenty of people to do it.我们必须有足够的人手来做这我们必须有足够的人手来做这件事件事。3. Lets go and have a drink. Lets go and do sth. 让我们去做某事。让我们去做某事。Lets go and see a film/movie.我们去看个电影吧。我们去看个电影吧。 have a drink = have something to drink 喝点什么喝点什么4. We had

26、better go back to the station now.情态动词情态动词had better + 动词原形,表示动词原形,表示“最好做某事最好做某事”。否定式:否定式:had better not do sth.Wed better eat an apple everyday.我们最好每天吃一个我们最好每天吃一个苹果苹果。Ihadbetter=Idbetterdosth5. Im sorry, sir. That clocks ten minutes slow.-ten minutes slow 慢十分钟慢十分钟 -ten minutes fast 快十快十分钟分钟6. -In f

27、ive hours time! =The next train will leave in five hours time.in +时间段时间段s + time = in +时间段时间段一般将来时的时间状语标志词(表示在多长时间之后)一般将来时的时间状语标志词(表示在多长时间之后)in a/one days time = in a/one dayin three weeks time = in three weeksYou have to finish the meal in 10 minutes.10分钟你必须吃完饭。分钟你必须吃完饭。试卷分析试卷分析 1.听并复听并复习新一新一75-97课每周每周3遍()遍() 2.朗朗读背背诵95课给家家长听听,认真复真复习1-94课笔笔记,每,每周复周复习3遍()遍() 3.抄写抄写95课单词每个每个2遍遍,翻翻译1遍,默遍,默1遍,造句遍,造句1遍()遍() 4.订正正试卷卷2遍,并做遍,并做试卷分析()卷分析() 5.做力所能及的事,有任何英做力所能及的事,有任何英语学学习问题要及要及时与与Dory联系,家系,家长签字字评语,



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