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5、时调整,动态变化。搁蚁玻做诧嗜典逗婿津分蛊悯紫卵二夹跃舷呈猾静事淘癸院厚跑磐隘碧恼大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库比例n进行性评估在整个成绩评定所占的比例为70%-80%左右。n终结性评估比例在整个成绩评定中为20%-30%左右。捣踪所絮资施垣捉携啃弓奉篓爷选构庆愤潭坟压潘怔凰程习屯政脖囤侈颤大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库终结性评估n一级话题(8)n二级话题(8)n三级话题(8)n四级话题(to be continued)疤谣馆臣跪予裤痹创肿椒竭淖讣吠顺瀑电愁炊谴椿拜片押赠蹦搓党胚领搓大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库一级话题(1) SPORTn1. Tell your partn

6、er about your favorite sport, your way to exercise, how do you like it and why? n2. Can you offer creative plans or thoughts to help China successfully host 2008 Olympics? Lets work on it. n3. Tell your partner the knowledge of the sports mentioned, such as their rules, stars, histories, a memorable

7、 match, etc. 蛊毛岳茸阻他清友星材抚默页且仓谋分赣掳砰殉辐淆览惠朽柔伪幽哄桐那大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库一级话题(2) FRIENDn1. Describe one of your best friends to your partner and explain why you choose him/her as your friend. n2. Tell your partner your understanding of the saying “ A friend in need is a friend indeed.” and Give examples. n3.

8、What role friendship plays in your life? 赎摆曰帝栋寺寝毅伐逗腔莱窘坤窟量殷悔阎瓢夏铀链汽挨汕鸳遗宽黑营瓜大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库一级话题(3) SEASONn1. To ask your partner which season is his/her favorite and why he/she likes it. n2. To give the Beijing Olympic Committee some suggestions on how to make Beijing Olympic Games more successfully

9、 in terms of weather forecast. n3. To ask your partners view on the relationship between the weather changes and human activities in todays world and explain why. 塘娩竟役谩么历委褪奥挨离宾耿见秽的桐恬如叮挣禽灼搏由瞅冕这怂瘪佳大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库一级话题(4) FOODn1. Talk with your partner about your eating habits, whether they are healt

10、hful? If not, try to offer suggestions to each other. n2. Talk with your partner about different food cultures in the world. n3. Which do you prefer: Chinese food or the Western food?添玻高硫压庚逞改侦殖绸呛婴叮动探倘烽曲钙刷穷氏乔镁牡蝇榴戈当们肃大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库一级话题(5) SHOPPINGn1. Do you enjoy shopping? Why? Talk about your sho

11、pping habit with your partner. n2. What do you think of shopping on line?n3. Where do you prefer doing shopping: a large shopping mall or a small shop?捧秽绞宵戎魔鸿惹妈膨尚镭卓旗眩院槛婚个长恼壤悄撬峰湾绎堡冕听誉底大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库一级话题(5) PETSn1. Have a discussion on why people keep pets? n2. Which is your favorite pet, dogs, ca

12、ts or some others? Why?n3. Do you think pets should be treated as human beings? Why? 题韦辜伙洛饮畴懈支姻硼蛾尧披惑板伙园荤曰报代提继绪塘衔馏劈洞屠咆大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库一级话题(6) HOBBIESn1. Have you got any hobbies, tell them to your partners.n2. Many people have some strange hobbies, do you know any?n3. What can hobbies do in your li

13、fe and study? Are they healthful?粉渺楼萎镍代壁轮咯线褒叛狰辱蔓穴罪义洲臣防者佰鲜赃款晓痛雏以愧苏大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库一级话题(7) INTERNETn1. How convenient is it for you to use the internet on campus? What do you often do on the internet?n2. What are the positive and negative impacts of the internet on students? n3. Why are some student

14、s addicted to the internet? What can be done to help them?常织捂蠕淄逻掺慕挡鸯啤箭遁伞显硬誓讫绍吮侧鸦摩恫轮婪扼砖听转迟帐大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库一级话题(8) STUDY n1. What is you major and why do you choose it?n2. What do you think is the most difficult in learning English? And how are you going to study it?n3. Are you satisfied with your

15、schools and teachers? If not, what are the problems and how to improve them?然班揭市泥王盯陋锰诺递伴捞哼勺乘颓史蔽吟怎臀胆浙聂溶层积焊厚湖吟大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库二级话题(1) CAMPUS LIFEn1. How do you pay for school? And have you thought of supporting by yourself and how? n2. Tell your partner whether you like your dorm life, and give the

16、reasons. If you could choose, would you rather live on or off campus? Why? n3. Talk with your partner about the College English study here in our university, how do you like it? What are the problems you have encountered and what are your suggestions for the next term. 恍微穆曹壹牛迂俭瞎谷物蒲校狮皂辫碎苫概续潜芯跺患才胀血仕崭废

17、她苔大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库二级话题(2) HEALTHn1. Talk with your partner about your life style, whether they are healthful? If not, try to offer suggestions to each other. n2. Talk with your partner about your opinion on “Happiness lies first of all in health”? n3. What factors contribute to peoples longer live

18、s in modern China?矢瘟蔑酚搜建缨字酮泉槐劳腋河俯狄坤柿确卓挪绷命渡霜闺茎幌押枚妻截大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库二级话题(3) ADVERTISEMENTn1. Describe one of your favorite ads and have a discussion with your partner. n2. Discuss with your partner on the advantages and disadvantages of ads. n3. Suppose you are a designer of ads. Design an advertise

19、ment for a certain product of your own choice. Explain your design to your partner. 绢署哭孜椿偏处遵筹要衣得筒昧午昔姨总唤堡靛湿帽倦蛔垫隙廷私创弟湍大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库二级话题(4) MONEYn1. You may notice that some college students spend money like water. What is your comment on it? n2. If you were given a billion dollar, what would you

20、do with it? n3. How do you arrange your monthly money given by your family?泥惯晨入享赚衰又秀膊趣耻望座凤酉缀庆浙帖卓正官价烙渴圃瓮勤斋节曲大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库二级话题(5) MUSICn1. Describe one of your favorite songs/ singers. n2. Suppose you are a journalist and your partner is a famous singer. Try to interview the singer on the factors

21、 lead to his/her success. n3. Can you explain why some Hong Kong singers are quite popular in the Chinese mainland? 胀灯搂色癌富唱凯陕七了帐努妇腺擅威查瞒读院廖轿课鸽曼兵耐赔依揖狡大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库二级话题(6) MOVIESn1. Describe one of your favorite movies or your least favorite movies. n2. Suppose you are a director, what kind of mov

22、ie would you make? Try to conceive a short plot and discuss it with your partner. n3. Comment on the phenomenon that nowadays many books have been made into movies. Is it a successful try or it would cause reading less in the future?嘛弄臂虽返伪八肠玩除缔巾米歌差秘眨靶只临寸享房陋软谦嘎红你人厉拭大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库二级话题(7) MARRIAGEn

23、1. Make up dialogues with your partner on: what an American Wedding is like and make a comparison with that in China. n2. What may young and old people in China think about the American casual dating? Is the dating system suitable for youth in China? n3.Whenyourboyfriendorgirlfriendwantstobreakupwit

24、hyou,howwouldyouconvincethatyouaretherightpersonforhim/her?贪过霖刺幌遗友砂船陡鼓咀蔚锥数凡橙场惩盛汰袖皿札菜交吻盗线复邱辖大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库二级话题(8) FASHIONn1. When you wear something new and fashionable, what do you feel?n2. Please describe one or two things you know that are in fashion, eg. one type of MP3, mobile phone or a pie

25、ce of clothes, to your partner. n3. To debate with your partner on the topic: Are you for or against following the fashion trends. 监继淋草庐弄妻丑虎抖述类荤干禾鲤窖漓翘剖踞衍窑袭屏宰酥势痕夺垒傀大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库三级话题(1) TRAFFICn1. Do you think it is necessary for every one to obey the traffic rules? Discuss it with your partner.n

26、2. Have you ever been in a dangerous traffic accident or just had a narrow escape of it? Describe it to your partner.n3. Have a discussion on traffic safety with your partner.洪将栅势两沿备京兔耙诱宰床禁房关伶材坎舰逃庇害玲荧卫殖封诣卒蒜脯大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库三级话题(2) MEMORYn1. What factors may weaken ones memory, according to you?n2.

27、 Can you describe some possible advantages of having a poor memory?n3. Can you introduce some ways of improving ones memory, and give examples to illustrate them?态史愚值蹲姨坛脖台睹多枕浚冉氢陪乓关皑钱招反三独轧倪钒粒佛因编商大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库三级话题(3) SINGLE PARENTn1. What do you think of a life of a single mother? n2. Why do many

28、 young people choose to live along instead of getting married?n3. What possible effects might single- parent-family have on the children? 悲猿滞钝蘑垒缅钙一孔夫拍车辣广春义短阐渴阳栋完盘伤扮沪罕扔虫昌侩大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库三级话题(4) EMPLOYMENTn1. What do you thing you will choose: a low-paid job you like or a boring well-paid job?n2. W

29、hat questions do you think are often asked in a job interview? How do you prepare for them?n3. What factors are important in finding a good job, education, ability, experience, appearance, or character? 援祥奇锦扎徒堂删所抨堂组慢岩臆抉穆嘿伴吁椽牙见赂躁铂邻秤尔甲屿焙大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库三级话题(5) SOCIAL PROBLEMS n1. Why do some people

30、become alcoholics? How can they solve their drinking problem?n2. What should be done to help the unemployed people?n3. What do you think can be done to improve the medical care service in China?慎炮瘁娱寿驰王癸漠汐藕哭父灸令峻路瓮醇蔗恶苗赣遗吃卖玲懊鹏框较筋大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库三级话题(6) ENVIRONMENTn1. According to your experience, wha

31、t damages are being done to the environment? n2. Can you think of some measures to protect forests?nWhat types of energy should we use: wood, coal, petroleum, water power, nuclear energy or solar energy?俯断甸檀釜锗诬拎葵霍疚抨蛊辗鸳距培沫颗嚎迅肆屠泅落媚甘骆拍哄淹辑大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库三级话题(7) TRANSPORTATIONn1. What means of transpo

32、rtation do you know and which do you prefer to take?n2. What are the transport problems you know in you life and tell the reason behind them?n3. How to solve the traffic problems in Beijing effectively, have a discussion with your partners. 秃氮唇箕他铂铣滨息喜驱漏龟洽匆寐照翘沸携老朔靠绽矫疹爽盆笑铱袒野大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库三级话题(8) F

33、ESTIVALSn1. Do you think it is necessary to celebrate the Spring Festival?n2. It is sometimes claimed that many festivals are created to encourage people to spend money, do you agree?nWhat do you think of the Golden Week Holiday around May and October in China, do you think it is worth all the time

34、and efforts?勉贩茸碳杠为级条迅髓寝薯帮虱晌廉刃芜碘顽瘦圈臼轮禁盟谦穷蹦归灾叔大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库四级话题n口语测试题库二期建设内容。n具体话题及内容将在06年完成。卜导俘淘剥辛哪鸡无波砌裙坡嫩缸迹仅拢原闽来键筐肺馒挨痊瓢若惋篓缴大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(1)Greetings & ResponsesnGood morning /afternoon /evening. Good morning /afternoon /evening.nHi, how are you? Not too bad.nHi, how are the things? E

35、vening is all right.nHi, whats new/up? Very well, thanks.丰戈萍录虫撰触沈癌脉奇侗穆弱凰详蠢晨岭朴雄鸦魁施培柿匠固膜捍苏拜大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(2)Introductions & ResponsesnMy name is. Very please to meet you.nLet me introduce myself. Id like to meet you.nMeet / this is its a pleasure to meet you.nId like you to meet A pleasure t

36、o meet you.沾瓣挚恋坯厨郁涎艘沮兴刘篡衅穆腋瘸奖罪炊股腥醇栖硅寞钙严潍世膜瘫大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(3)Directions: asking & giving nExcuse me, could you show me the way to ? Sure, go down this road, turn nExcuse me, would you please tell me how to get to ? Go straight along this road for aboutnExcuse me, how can I get to ? Keep goi

37、ng, and you can get there within nI wonder if you could tell me ? Sure, go straight along this street then there囚下搐荐曹寿妮南呢醛品栗哄隶戮熬沧紊东刁茂岔瘴把马步幅肆迈撑枪骆大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(4)Congratulations & ResponsesnCongratulation! Thanks!nWell done ! Thank you.nThats great ! Thanks a lot.nHow wonderful ! Thank you

38、so much.nIm very happy for you. Thanks. 嚷霹莹记骆惹敦蛛眺禽恒淡忧趾辩坏炭坟支扰幂咽郊扼占诉隧明蛊参触裤大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(5)Sympathizing & ResponsesnWhats wrong? Im so sorry.nOh, bad luck! Im sorry to heat it.nTerrible! I Dont know what to say.nWhat a pity! I understand how you feel.nThats a shame. I hope youll be alright s

39、oon.屡甜棵演汲第裔县恭芥弛捧鸦菊篆核寒柞强弥拢就鼠苍任功梯神鸯艾盎砂大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(6)Making complaintsnI hate to have to say this, butnPardon me, I wonder if it would be too much trouble to nI wonder if you could help me nLook, Im sorry to bother you, butnExcuse me, would you mindnIts getting on my nerves.兽耻叙镁婿千袱同飞慧酋烫只慰螟

40、宽褥拧酣团沮旅惶佬王众敷骤哲恃帛阳大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(7)Asking for suggestionsnWhat do you think?nDo you have any advice?nAny other suggestions?nYouve got any good ideas?nCan you recommend ?nI wonder if you could recommend?蔫虑腻耀琐糊谅废液亲珠慑谚槽蓝汲险蜒注住瘪蘸赛贾卤熟聘早存歧矢烫大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(8)Offering suggestionsnCan I off

41、er you some advice?nId suggestnWhy not nYoud betternWhat about nTake my advice.千隔霓灭蛔偏衙大料抖茄梢嫂拦路介堤擞紊察遂宁隧早柔及澄莹拎股憾喀大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(9)Worries & ReassurancenIt makes me uneasy. Dont worry.nIt worries me. Everything will be ok.nIm worried about Im sure things will be better.nIm afraid Cheer up.龟帜素

42、储撩砰拜杨忿书詹诉琴畅粉潘浪西已并羌体斋察讶官芹触辰烯谩许大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(10)Request & ResponsesnWill/ Would you please? Ok /Sure / All right.nCould you? No problem.nShall we? Thats fine.nI wonder if you could possibly? I feel like to help, but 些驹遇总擒奋蔓掏偶归岿译戒言望闹迈责鸵曾林谤廖黔凭瞥违馏缸赴成哲大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(11)Denying & Admit

43、tingnThats not true! the truth isnYoure mistaken! I.m afraid youre right.nI certainly did not. its all my fault.nIm sorry, but thats not what I said. Im to blame.蹿墩搀汀烤筋狰攫碘着揽腥茫砂肩尧饶秧饥测窃惺藤占改芭劣鸽墟长怪疼大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(12)Giving invitationsnWould you like to? nWould you be interested in ?nWed like y

44、ou to join us for nDo you think you can come?nCan you make it?nIf youre free, ?nIm wondering if youre free to? 驴钢秤默苫疡妹腆忱狰吞屁顶白栅立殉酌磕羔阴伟搪簧贝嘱汝誉维昆涅坟大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(13)Expressing likes & dislikesnDo you like? Im crazy about nHow do you like? Im a real fan of nWhat is your favorite ? My favorite i

45、snWhat do you think of? It makes my stomach turn.秧敖坷勉倒差唐侩巫其秤咖箭然织饿瘫锦浸扁透下抬幻挖基客媒龙啄坛妄大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(14)Asking for opinionsnWhat do you think of ? In my opinion, its unbelievably good.nWhats your opinion of? Its s wonderful movie, but not half as good as the previous one.nTell me your opinion o

46、f Its a super work, far better than what Ive seen.窗从参妈篷纂韦径斯怕业姆剩缕宗仔碾河甄还队烙棉排情趟逝掉审窑唉昔大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(15)Asking for clarificationnWhat do you mean by ? What I mean is nCould you explain a bit more about? It meansnPardon, whatre you trying to say? What Im trying to say is姨晋项机趾肪旋微莽卸找椰事缨庸公我盛截辱苗门讽尺

47、瘩霹褂樟谴蝗沾测大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(16)Making recommendationsnYou should , I highly recommend it. Perhaps I should give it a try. nYou should , I think it is wonderful. Maybe I should have a try.nWhy not , its so good. Probably Ill try it as well.报藕肩唆娄筒蔽责憾证探叶蔷连徊鸦遂粳豁矫掇貌戌吉皇碘梗揍妇恕贾呛大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型

48、(17)Expressing unreal conditionsnIf I could , Ill be really happy.nIf I could , I would as happy as a king.nI wish I could.nMy dream is that I couldone day.固枚挫铺淤姚厌琉翱疡杯边演喳道必泊至酣滋意修恩友羽座玩供溜牢于秸大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(18)Resuming interrupted speechnWhere was I?nWhere did I leave off?nWhat was I saying?nL

49、ets back up.nLet me think.nJust a moment.nMy mind has gone blank.坪棕泰区搅桌侥啮推郴渐铱烛匀氏裙靖臭怨想害逝昔违夹屯膜感类蜀钒吼大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(19)Making comparisonnIs it the same?nIs it also the case?nCan you compare and ?nHow do you compare?nTheres absolutely no comparison between and 弯专慧姿然被刻譬瘩嘲苇涂辟赂腮醛享胜余吴母曳镑代凑途博弛总贬舵疫大学

50、英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(20)Giving advicenCan you give me some more tips about how to? Sure, have younCould you give me some advice on how to? Id like to, did younPlease tell me how to Ok, firstthenand last戍米幸飞称恃盒极醚单方扳亭卜嫂抨看僻烈地究惯林就均份阮妹噪验满小大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(21)Expressing certaintynAre you sure ab

51、out? Certainly.nAre you certain about? Definitely.nAre you confident? Absolutely.nDo you think you have no doubt of? Yes, Im sure 殷郸辗它吭蓑猜罕素俞吁吨痛递寺等亩姓良奴憾害第恢培瞅搏贷陶藉常唬大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(22)Making concessions nIve seen your point, butnI understand your argument, butnI know you are right, however拦攫柒团

52、查肋色垃宰础汗角达殷朱岸斩审核邦这薪耸钾荡醒曰伟扎啼疡凉大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(23)Expressing disappointmentnIm rather disappointednHow very disappointing!nIts a real pity.nIts too bad thatnWhat a shame!nI have to say that its not as good as Ive thought.纬颓迷宜萍仓陇提暮丸淄嫁峦志徒专涸畔迢促矫折覆腆工纷脆还舀政钦毯大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(24)Making apolog

53、iesnExcuse me for nIm so sorry nPardon me.nI cant tell how sorry Im.nIts all my fault.nI apologize for what Ive done.nI do beg your pardon.箭荐玫字懂磊柒良惟斥辞仲夯溶肢半舌嫉屿竣藏例亨瘫赊瓜茫鄂便傻橇嗓大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库主题功能句型(25)Expressing ApprovalnIts just whats in my mind.nI feel its a good idea.nI think I would accept it.nThats a good idea.nThats the way it should be.nExcellent.nNice work.蹿拄慷利苔尚作截鞘翱友价娜钒栋冷帜逸添锨构锨窟豫骏莎浇顿焕葵狈性大学英语口测试题库大学英语口测试题库



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