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1、People-on-the-movePeople-on-the-move课件件6 6With the development of the global and local economy, population mobility has become a new trend in the world. House movingHouse movingDo you often see these scenes in China?Discussion1. Whats the topic of the unit we are learning now?2. What do you think pe

2、ople “on the move” means?3. Can you think of any reasons why people are on the move?1. people on the move2. It means “move to another place”3. to study in a university to work in a company/school to be with their family to live in a nicer environment to move somewhere for a better quality of life Sa

3、mple answersPair work:Ask some questions about your partner and try to find as much information as possible about his/her families. If her/his families once moved from place to another place, try to get the reasons and some relative information and fill the following table. WhoFromwhereWhenWhyReason

4、 for moving:_?_Ijustgotanewjobinanothercountry.IthinkitllbefuntoexperienceanewcultureWe want to live somewhere warm. Were tired of the snow! Reason for moving:_?_Im going abroad to study. I hope to get a better job when I return home.Reason for moving:_?_I have to move to a city. There are no jobs i

5、n this small town where I live. Reason for moving:_?_Were moving to a new flat. We need more space so we can all live together. Reason for moving:_?_WherethepeoplemoveWhythepeoplemovetoanothercountry ytoawarmplacetoauniversityabroadtoacitytopanewflathavegotanewjobthere;toexperienceanewculturehavebec

6、ometiredofsnowtostudysoastogetabetterjobwhenreturninghomecannotfindjobsinthesmalltownneedmorespacetolivetogetherSummary of the reasons for movingDiscussion: :HaveadiscussionabouttheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofpeoplemovingwithinChina. 1. Have you ever moved to a new flat or a new city? What was the e

7、xperience like?2. Do you think moving house can change peoples lives in a positive way? Why or why not?3. Where would you like to move if you could choose a place to move to? Why?Discussion: :For reference 1.Recently,myfamilyhasmovedintoanewflat.ThisisthefirsttimemyfamilyhasmovedhousesinceIwasborn.E


9、odecoratemyroomasIwantedIhadthewallsinmyroompaintedlightblueandstucksomeplasticstarsontheceiling.Whenthelightisturnedoff,thesestarsseemtobeshining.Thereisaparknearmynewhome,soaftersupper,wesometimesgoforawalkthere. 2.Ithinkthatmovinghousecanchangepeopleslivesinbothapositiveandanegativeway.Youwillmee


11、fastdevelopment,Shenzhenneedsyoungpeople,especiallythosewhohaveagoodeducation,toworkinthemanynewcompaniesandbusinessthere.Therefore,Ithinkitisasuitableplaceforyoungpeoplelikemetoliveandwork.Itwillbeeasierformetofindajobthere,andIwillhavemorechoicestodowhatIwanttodo. Questions:1. If you could study o

12、r work in a foreign country, which country would you like to study or work in? Why do you want to go there?2. Which do you think is the most suitable place in China for young people to live and work? Why?3. Which country do you think is the most suitable one for people to live in? Why?4. Why do many

13、 people from the countryside move to the cities in China? What do you think of the social phenomenon?1. I just got a new job in another country. I think itll be fun to experience a new culture. (P17)我刚刚在一个国家获得一份工作,我刚刚在一个国家获得一份工作,我想体验一种新的文化肯定很有趣。我想体验一种新的文化肯定很有趣。1) experience1U(theprocessofgetting)kno

14、wledgeorskillwhichisobtainedfromdoing,seeingorfeelingthings:经验,体会经验,体会The best way to learn is by experience (= by doing things).I dont think she has the experience for the job (= enough knowledge and skill for it). 2Csomethingthathappenstoyouthataffectshowyoufeel:经历;体验经历;体验I had a rather unpleasant

15、 experience at the dentists.I did meet him once and it was an experience I shall never forget. experience经历;体验经历;体验verbTIf you experience something, it happens to you, or you feel it:We experienced a lot of difficulty in selling our house.New companies often experience a loss in their first few year

16、s. 1.IamsureDavidwillbeabletofindthelibraryhehasaprettygood_ofdirection.A.ideaB.feelingC.experienceD.senseD2)funn.Upleasure,enjoyment,amusement快乐、享快乐、享受受Have fun (= Enjoy yourself)!I really enjoyed your party - it was such good fun.Shes great fun to be with.Were going on a picnic at the weekend. Wha

17、t fun (= how enjoyable)! funadjectivebeforenounenjoyable:快乐的、有趣的快乐的、有趣的There are lots of fun things to do here. fun与与funny的辨析:的辨析:一、首先是明白一、首先是明白funny与与fun词性不同:词性不同:funny是是形容词,意为形容词,意为“有趣的,滑稽的,奇怪的有趣的,滑稽的,奇怪的”;fun是名词,意为是名词,意为“有趣的事有趣的事”。 二、两者含义上也有差别:二、两者含义上也有差别:funny表示表示“有趣的,有趣的,滑稽的滑稽的”,它指的是一种滑稽可笑的,它指的

18、是一种滑稽可笑的“有趣有趣”,侧,侧重点是让人觉得好玩或发笑。而重点是让人觉得好玩或发笑。而fun则主要指则主要指“有趣,好玩有趣,好玩”,不像,不像funny那样强调那样强调“滑稽滑稽”。 三、比较并体会以下例句:三、比较并体会以下例句:Itismorefuntogowithsomeonethantogoalone.偕伴同去比自己独自去好玩。偕伴同去比自己独自去好玩。Itsfunnytoseeamanwalkwithhishandsandhead.看见一个人倒立走路很滑稽。看见一个人倒立走路很滑稽。1.Daddydidntmindwhatweweredoing,aslongasweweret

19、ogether,_fun.A.hadB.haveC.tohaveD.havingD2. Where would you like to move if you could choose a place to move to? (P17)如果你可以选择的话你会去哪里?如果你可以选择的话你会去哪里?1)ChooseverbIorTchose,chosentodecidewhatyouwantfromarangeofthingsorpossibilities:选择,挑选选择,挑选She had to choose between the two men in her life.He chose a

20、shirt from the many in his wardrobe.+ object + to infinitive The firms directors chose Emma to be the new production manager.+ to infinitive Katie chose (= decided) to stay away from work that day. choose, select, pick, elect 辨与析辨与析choose:(1)及物动词)及物动词vt.挑选;选择;挑出挑选;选择;挑出takeoutwhatyouwantfromseveralt





25、腰包被掏了。select指指“精选精选”,即有所淘汰。即有所淘汰。He looked through the suits and selected the cheapest one for me. 他细细地翻看这些衣服,给他细细地翻看这些衣服,给我挑了一件最便宜的。我挑了一件最便宜的。He has a copy of Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung. 他有一套毛泽东选集。他有一套毛泽东选集。 1.Thispicturewastakenalongtimeago.Iwonderifyoucan_myfather.A.findoutB.pickoutC.lookoutD

26、.speakoutB2.She_JapanesewhenshewasinJapan.Nowshecanspeakitfreely.A.pickedoutB.madeoutC.madeupD.pickedup3.ItwassodarkinthecinemathatIcouldhardly_myfriend.A.turnoutB.bringoutC.calloutD.pickout4.Ofthesevendaysinaweek,Saturdayissaidtobethemostpopular_foraweddinginsomecountries.A.wayB.situationC.eventD.choice DDDHomework1. Summarize the reasons people have for moving.2. Prepare the Reading part.结束结束



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