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1、 9A Unit6 Detective storiesTask 1: Key wordsImportant words1.侦探侦探 2.杀人犯杀人犯3.残酷的残酷的4.门口门口5.在某处在某处6.死亡死亡7. 流血流血8.聪明的聪明的9.工程师工程师10.补充补充11.指纹指纹12.线索线索13.敌人敌人14.几个几个15.认为认为16.呼吸呼吸17.证明证明18.反对反对19.敢于敢于20.安全安全21.监狱监狱22.进口进口23.进步进步24.老板老板detectivemurderercrueldoorwaysomewheredeathbleedbrightengineeraddfinge

2、rprintclueenemyseveralsupposebreatheproveagainstdaresafetyprisonimportprogressboss词形变换:词形变换:enemy _(pl.) die _(名词名词)attack _(n.) heavily_ (形容词形容词)bleed _(n.) _(过去式过去式/过去分词过去分词)theft _(n) _(pl.)kidnap _(n.) _(名词名词)rob _(n.) _(名词名词)shoplift _(n.)_(名词名词)enemiesdeathattackerheavybloodbled/ bledthieveski

3、dnapperkidnappingrobberrobbery想一想想一想thiefshopliftershopliftingTask 2: Phrases1.1.因谋杀而被通缉因谋杀而被通缉2.2.强行闯入强行闯入3.3.发生发生4.4.在犯罪现场在犯罪现场 5.5.被用刀袭击被用刀袭击6.6.流血致死流血致死7.7.结果结果8.8.进行激烈的搏斗进行激烈的搏斗9.9.呼吸急促呼吸急促10.10.悬赏悬赏11.11.某人被看见在做某事某人被看见在做某事be wanted for murderbreak intotake placeat the scene of the crime be att

4、acked with a knifebleed to deathas a resultput up a good fightbreathe heavily/hard sb. be seen doing sthoffer a reward of12.12.因某事被指控因某事被指控13.13.做违法的事做违法的事1 14.4.有做某事的风险有做某事的风险15.15.敢于做某事敢于做某事16.16.在某人二十几岁时在某人二十几岁时17.17.对对熟悉熟悉18.18.被抢劫了某物被抢劫了某物19.19.涉嫌犯罪涉嫌犯罪2 20.0.因盗窃入狱因盗窃入狱21.21.和某人相处融洽和某人相处融洽22.22

5、.因为谋杀而被逮捕因为谋杀而被逮捕There is a risk of doing sth.in ones twentiesbe familiar with sth.be robbed of sth.be involved in the crimebe in prison for theft get along well with sb. be under arrest for murderdare to do sth.do sth.against the lawbe charged with sth. A 22-year-old young man was murdered in Valle

6、y Town. His body was found _(在服装店的门口在服装店的门口) a clothes shop. The police are working hard to find out whether the victim was killed _(其他地方其他地方). The victim was a bright, young engineer in New Town. Someone _(看到他离开他看到他离开他的办公室的办公室) at about 7:00 pm. He said he was going to visit his parents. The murder

7、_(发生发生) between 9:00 pm yesterday and 1:00 am today. The young man _(被刀袭击被刀袭击) and _(结果流血而死结果流血而死). The police knew the victim_(被指控被指控) breaking into several computer systems over the last year. They suppose the victim knew his attackers. A witness reported that he_(急促呼吸急促呼吸) and had blood on his sh

8、irt. But the suspect said that he_(无罪的无罪的). He_ _(有证据证明有证据证明) that he was at another place_ _(在案发时间在案发时间). The victims parents_(悬赏悬赏) 50,000 for any information. It can _(导致导致) the arrest of the murderer. Anyone with information should_ _(联系警察联系警察) 5550 1212.contact the police on in the doorway ofsa

9、w him leaving his officesomewhere elsetook placewas attacked withwas charged withwas breathing heavilybled to death as a resultwas not guiltyhad evidence to proveoffered a reward of lead to at the time of the crime1. Dont blame them any more. They are all _ (受害受害者者). 2. The police are trying to sear

10、ch for the _ (凶手凶手). 3. Ive just left my bag _ (某处某处). But I cant find it. 4. My little cousin Tom likes _ (侦探侦探) stories very much.5. After the long race, John was _(呼吸呼吸) heavily. More exercises victimsmurderersomewheredetectivebreathing1 . Tom 看见他昨天下午在学校打篮球。看见他昨天下午在学校打篮球。 He _ at school at 3:00 y

11、esterday afternoon.2 . _ (他将被逮捕他将被逮捕) for computer crimes. 3 . Unluckily, _(他最后因为失他最后因为失血过多而死亡血过多而死亡). 4. 昨天晚上一名昨天晚上一名22岁岁的年的年轻轻男人被男人被谋杀谋杀了了.Last night a _ young man _ _ _ .was seen playing basketballHe will be arrestedhe bled to death as a result Complete the following sentences.22-year-old was mur

12、dered 5. Tom can _(相处融洽相处融洽) all of his classmates at school.6. Justin _ (因因而被逮捕而被逮捕) kidnapping last year.7. He was very shocked when he was _(被被指控指控)robbery.8.He told me that the victims boss _ (做了违法的事做了违法的事).get along well with was under arrest forcharged with had done something against the lawTa

13、sk 3: GrammarSummary人称人称的变化的变化时态时态的变化的变化语序语序的变化的变化时间状语时间状语的变化的变化Direct speech直接引语直接引语Reported speech间接引语间接引语时时 态态 的的 变变 化化 直接引直接引语语 间接引语间接引语一般一般现现在在时时现现在在进进行行时时现现在完成在完成时时一般将来一般将来时时一般一般过过去去时时一般过去时一般过去时过去进行时过去进行时过去完成时过去完成时过去将来时过去将来时过去完成时过去完成时direct speech indirect speechnowtodaytonightthis week/mornin

14、gtomorrownext weekyesterdaylast weekagoTimechangesthenthat daythat nightthat week/morningthe following /next daythe following/coming weekthe day beforethe week before/earlierbefore其它变化:指示代词指示代词动词动词副词副词 thisthesecomebringherethatthosegotakethereChanges the sentences into indirect sentences1.Miss Wu t

15、old me ,“We will go to Peoples Theater this afternoon. ” 2.Principle Li said , “Class Five are getting ready now.”3.“I have already finished my homework and I can go with my classmates too.” Tom told Miss Wu.Miss Wu told me that we would go to Peoples Theater that afternoon. Principle Li said that C

16、lass Five were getting ready then.Tom told Miss Wu that he had already finished his homework and he could go with his classmates too. 4. “Have you finished your homework? ” the teacher asked us.5.“Where did you go last night?” Miss Wu asked him.6.“Say it again.please! ” said Miss Ma .The teacher ask

17、ed us if/whether we had finished our homework.Miss Wu asked him where she had gone the night beforeMiss Ma told me to say it again.Interviewing Detective Lu The interviewer : who is guilty of the murder in Vally Town?Detective Lu : The computer programmers boss is guilty of the crime.The interviewer

18、: why did he do it? Detective Lu: because he has done something against the law. The victim wanted to report him to the policeThe interviewer: Was the man with blood on his shirt involved in the crime?Detective Lu: He was not involved at all. He finished his work at the market and he was running to

19、catch a bus. Pair work!Report The interviewer asked who _the murder in Valley Town. Detective Lu said that the computer programmers boss _the crime. She asked _.He told her the victims boss_ something against the law. He said the victim _him to the police. She asked _the man blood on his shirt _.He

20、said the suspect _at all. He said the suspect _at the market. He was just running to catch a bus! had finished workhad finished workwas guilty ofwas guilty ofhadnt been involvedhadnt been involvedwas guilty ofwas guilty ofwhy he had done itwhy he had done ithad donehad donehad wanted to reporthad wa

21、nted to reportif /whetherif /whetherhad been involved in the crimehad been involved in the crimeTask 4: Writing阳光镇凌晨发生一起凶杀案 。 请你根据以提示,写一篇80字左右的文章。 1. 被害者是一名出租车司机,年纪约30岁。 2. 案件大约发生在凌晨2点至3点间,被害者被人用小刀袭击,因失血过多死亡。3.被害者是死后被转移到阳光镇。4. 警方悬赏一万人民币寻找破案线索。 A terrible murder took place in Sunny Town this morning

22、.The police are working at the scene of the crime . The victim was a taxi driver . He was about thirty years old .The murder happened between 1 a.m. and 3a.m. this morning . The victim was attacked with a knife and bled to death . He was killed somewhere else and then brought to Sunny Town . The pol

23、ice are asking anyone who saw anything unusual this morning to contact them and offer a reward of 10,000 for any information that leads to the arrest of the murder . 综综 合合 训训 练练中考点击中考点击1.Look ! Can you see the man _(sit ) under the tree ?2.I saw him _(take) your book away this morning.3.He is often

24、heard _(sing) in the room.4.I saw a wallet _(lie) on the floor when I got to the school gate.5.He was often seen _(play) football on the ground.sittingtake to singlyingto play1.The radio says it _ the day after tomorrow. A. is going to snow B. is raining C. will come D. is coming2. He was attacked w

25、ith a knife and he _ a lot . A. bleed B. blood C. bled D. bleeded 3. What _ to you ? - I _ by a car and hurt my left leg . A. took place , hit B. happened , was hit C. took place , was hit D. happened , hit 4.The famous writer _ for a few years. A.died B.has death C.has been dead D.is dying5. It is

26、surprising that one of the suspects is a _ schoolboy. A.16 yearsB.16-yearC.16-year-oldsD.16-year-oldACBCD6.Anyone with information about the robbery should _ the police _ 110. A.call, withB.calls, withC.call, onD.to call, on7.When we hurried to theatre, the concert _ for 5 minutes. A.had been onB.had begunC.had begun onD.began8.Yesterday night someone _ the shop and took away lots of clothes. A. broke out B. broke up C. broke off D.broke intoCADHomework1.Review all the words and phrases in Unit 6.2.Read the passages in Unit 6.



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