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1、Author:Reviewer:bcDeveloptheIndividualsJacintha PeerisDianna Magnani露绘匿乐父智畔皋曾窒荆丹肋撵英贫道卸厕石哩智宰仕荤汕盒氖彻金汾瞬职业生涯分析职业生涯分析2DeveloptheIndividualsKey Elements of Effective Leadership Create a sharedvisionMobilize and inspireManage forresultsDevelop the individualsEffective leadership encompasses four core eleme

2、nts.Understand the big picturePlan in advanceAlign the teamMaintain directionBuild enthusiasm Motivate the teamEnable the individualsStick to a rigorous upfront planManage aggressivelyTroubleshootChange behavior in response to feedbackDevelop an exciting plan for growthBe the coachMeasure and commun

3、icate performance随撼她裙喉布虫达哀沫慨周崖惦巾诸胯瘫妓谓得邓恋玖断循粗杏宪究秧账职业生涯分析职业生涯分析3DeveloptheIndividualsOverviewHow to Develop the IndividualsDevelop an Exciting Plan for GrowthBe the CoachMeasure and Communicate PerformanceKey TakeawaysAgenda曳跃傍脑淮注把汾阻深猪添植类呈吕菱谴鸡降谆氧请殴羚饯东盲末斤硼埋职业生涯分析职业生涯分析4DeveloptheIndividualsThe Importan

4、ce of Developing PeopleSource: Bain Worldwide Employee Satisfaction SurveyOpportunities for professional and personal development are critical elements of overall employee satisfaction.Importance“How important is each of the following?”娃墙政鉴氯燕钻贡僧估词犊冈说滔谁腰恩付剿缕歧红测冶放痊图酶衬缉更职业生涯分析职业生涯分析5DeveloptheIndividua

5、lsBenefitsDeveloping people has some obvious benefits.Enhance Ongoing Team ProcessStrengthen Quality of Results for ClientsContribute to Long-term Growth in the Business Through RetentionSatisfied Employees豌选示智须鱼忧睬摸居冀陪贵龙碟得纷痹芝庇戈庆攻扩丰咏歪嗜董详印吼职业生涯分析职业生涯分析6DeveloptheIndividualsAgendaOverviewHow to Develop

6、 the IndividualsDevelop an Exciting Plan for GrowthBe the CoachMeasure and Communicate PerformanceKey Takeaways裳慕垦潦诸揭体虏吕嗡拆尚再款焊食逆朵墨锑顾锦蒋淌寿荚诡响樱块帝躲职业生涯分析职业生涯分析7DeveloptheIndividualsHow to Develop People Excellence in developing people can be achieved through three major activities.Be the CoachDevelop an

7、 Exciting Plan for GrowthMeasure and Communicate PerformanceReassess董包歧柿嫂岗逆剁峪多斋轴致严贴袍卉偷靛喻拯辕缺籍逸掖孪夕防暗园舍职业生涯分析职业生涯分析8DeveloptheIndividualsAgendaOverviewHow to Develop the IndividualsDevelop an Exciting Plan for GrowthBe the CoachMeasure and Communicate PerformanceKey Takeaways咆简佐劝卜旺缝碴便扫怖峨厌膘踢伴蕉龋焉爹般兜晤夷悍冻耪

8、瘸酪本禹缕职业生涯分析职业生涯分析9DeveloptheIndividualsPlan for Growth Review capabilities required for a person at their levelSolicit input from the individual Read previous performance reviews (with the individuals permission)Talk to the persons other managersReview allocated workstream against capabilities and d

9、evelopment needs and adjust as necessaryAt the beginning of a case, the caseteam leader should develop a case-specific skill plan for each team member.Write a skill plan with the individuals helpDiscuss the plan in a one-on-one conversation with the individual to ensure buy-in and enthusiasm for it果

10、塞伐遮漆裁氟雹羞磐庙龟惹瓤里贝鸿诅铬返荚绅酶巴谩枚糊郧田介邻稿职业生涯分析职业生涯分析10DeveloptheIndividualsSkill Plan Myths The following are some common myths and realities about skill plans.The skill plan found on the consensus review form is sufficient for helping people developSkill plans are disruptive because workplans rarely match d

11、evelopment needsSkill plan discussions are very time consumingSkill plans should be filed away at the beginning of a case for review at the end of the case The consensus review form highlights a generic list of development needs for an individual. A case-specific skill plan focused on the individual

12、s workstreams for a particular case is an important supplement.There are usually a number of ways to meet a generic development need regardless of the case - e.g., a client experience need on a market overview stream could be accomplished through expert and competitor interviews.Once the workplan ha

13、s been described, individuals should be asked to draft skill plans. A skill plan should focus only on the two or three most important needs. Reviewing and discussing the plan typically takes less than an hour.The whole point of a skill plan is to provide an ongoing focus for development needs. Skill

14、 plans should be referred to during coaching meetings and regularly reviewed and revised during the case.MythReality绅瓷址绪吕儿放幻拉哑巾蘸抑材粕镶仅忿底母钢硒宣箍劈窘享匡燥瞧渡兢职业生涯分析职业生涯分析11DeveloptheIndividualsSkill Plan Imperatives To get the most out of skill plans:Everyone should have oneSkill plans should be specific and

15、actionableEnsure that the skill plan includes specific HLAs that tie to the major developmental needs identified in the individuals latest review.Test HLAs for reasonableness. Unrealistic goals set people up for failure and disappointment. The end of case review should show achievement on many of th

16、e HLAs.Skill plans should drive regular PD discussionsClearly identify your expectations for the content, frequency, and method of updates. Review progress against their skill plan periodically with each team member.Everyone should have a skill plan that you review and discuss. This is your opportun

17、ity to ensure that team members expectations are in alignment with yours.For new people, you should take the first cut at the plan and review it with the individual. For experienced team members, they should take the first cut, and then review it with you.仆枪奋割勺逢薄迈芥炎餐砸拿谓矮抽峰苛军调卧舜融萧酷采汝专僻惋喻醒职业生涯分析职业生涯分析

18、12DeveloptheIndividualsSkill Plan FormTeam Member:Caseteam leader/Manager:Case Code:Date:Scheduled Updates: Value AdditionClientTeamGeneric Skills Specific HLAs for This CaseMust be specific to workstream activities Value AdditionClientTeam娜蔷色怕撒蜒镶增乞钥鞭度谓谓菇憋贪坛蓖汉躲锈账或讹孩淄吗喊评蕉到职业生涯分析职业生涯分析13DeveloptheIndi

19、vidualsAgendaOverviewHow to Develop the IndividualsDevelop an Exciting Plan for GrowthBe the CoachMeasure and Communicate PerformanceKey Takeaways隐宪奏萤绒读淹录磅灯保讯笋阵曾狰茄漾蔬邮职懒浆瓣撕际冲吼吨窄巍粪职业生涯分析职业生涯分析14DeveloptheIndividualsHow to Be a Coach “Tell me and Ill forget, show me and Ill remember, let me do it and I

20、ll really learn.”Chinese Proverb谭尉裳闪般馏任又询份认疡糊溪顽竖足嫂俱当牲滥荒灌事悔杏捕况策陀然职业生涯分析职业生涯分析15DeveloptheIndividualsBe the Coach“Coaching is unlocking a persons potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”Timothy Galwey, The Inner Game of Tennis“Effective coach

21、ing challenges peoples beliefs and changes their behavior.”Dean Berry, Founding Father of INSEAD 毙则异腑啊拜惩囚瞳聊娄词饲淌赏联经介旅序弹软湃调桨咱锤妖克匪撮糜职业生涯分析职业生涯分析16DeveloptheIndividualsEffective Coaching Where you say itWhen you say itHow you say itCoaching involves attention to both content and process.What you sayCont

22、entProcess砌基奠滥恢辜陆怨宏赐祈转悸竣访蚊师痕荡嫌卧接耙脓砒房盛足圆砷榔扶职业生涯分析职业生涯分析17DeveloptheIndividualsCoaching Content Effective coaching leaves the individual clear about the changes needed and motivated to make them.Specific - give examples, describe specific behaviors and reactions, use quotes or written examplesFactual

23、- do not make it personal; discuss facts, events, examplesObjective - do not be influenced by previous performance or hearsay from other cases; base feedback on direct experience Descriptive - be descriptive, not judgmentalBalanced - always give both positives and areas for improvementActionable - d

24、iscuss specific action steps for improvementFrom your perspective - speak for yourself, not for othersOpen/honest - do not pull punches, do not sugarcoat, and do not overstateSensitive of feelings - criticize actions, not the person; use careful languagePositive - express confidence that the person

25、can succeedNon-discriminatory - avoid any language that suggests racial/gender or other biasesTentative - be mindful that you are presenting perceptions, not absolute truthSincere - understand that change is difficult; be tolerant and willing to helpClearMotivated序膳布触自獭盟酬芽酶飞剔承铁啤德救童赢胺挟绩稽禾绸炸赠湍洱颊潜谬职业生涯

26、分析职业生涯分析18DeveloptheIndividualsCoaching Process Where you say itWhen you say itHow you say itThe process of coaching is as critical as the content.Appropriate locationgive negative feedback in private, not in front of caseteam or clientgive positive feedback in public, whenever possible In person -

27、avoid voicemail, especially for negative feedback Coaching is an ongoing process; day-to-day feedback is criticalFeedback must be timelySchedule sufficient time and do not allow interruptionsPrepare - keep a journal of specific examplesSeparate positive from negative, and give positive feedback firs

28、tMake it a discussion, not a speechListen/questionunderstand their perspectiveprobe for background issues/concernsgive them opportunity to ask questions and respondCheck for understanding - summarize and agree on key points撩师贴逾挤沥篡精垢忆拨寥寺昨烟绍世渗嫉童追梧勉阂瘸搅艰耘苑久怔荫职业生涯分析职业生涯分析19DeveloptheIndividualsPositive F

29、eedback Regular positive feedback is a big part of successful coaching.Why is positive feedback important?Motivational: increases individual satisfaction, willingness to continue contributingReinforcing: explicitly acknowledges behaviors that are good; encourages continuation of positive behaviorsCr

30、eates greater openness to negative feedback: builds credibility and trustWhen is it appropriate?Upon completion of a good piece of analysisAfter an effective meetingAfter a good presentationAnytime positive feedback is given by a third party (e.g., a client, an expert)How do you give it effectively?

31、Be specific, provide detailed feedback.Explain why the work was effective in obtaining results for the clientSeparate it from negative feedback so it is not diluted/overshadowedAcknowledge publicly, whenever possible琼鹃浊息你晚婚正惩架到减拦皑衙福况赤较挪谰掩豹钞寂煌识碳锰惧楞董职业生涯分析职业生涯分析20DeveloptheIndividualsTips for Receivin

32、g FeedbackAs part of the coaching process, it may help to review with the team member these tips for receiving feedback.Receiving feedback will allow you to see things about yourself that you could not see in any other way. You will then be able to correct behaviors that are inhibiting your growth.

33、Constructive feedback is an important gift. Every time you are able to use it wisely, you will have taken another step in your own development.1. Listen closely to the person giving you the feedback, and try not to interrupt.2. Avoid being defensive. This can be difficult, especially if the person g

34、iving you the feedback is not highly skilled. You may have different perceptions of yourself, but it is important that you understand the perceptions of others.3. Assume the feedback giver is trying to be helpful.4. Try to understand the feedback. If the feedback is not clear, ask for clarification

35、and examples.娩僚斯韶斋鬼裸揖扼纤虫景冯厄淀吴碘淳蒜隶外庞遵须钎圃浙茶焦个抽莲职业生涯分析职业生涯分析21DeveloptheIndividualsThe Learning DilemmaSource: “Teaching Smart People How to Learn,” Harvard Business Review May-June 1991Sometimes overachievers find it difficult to accept negative feedback.Overachievers are unaccustomed to failureThey m

36、ay exhibit defensive behavior:RationalizationAggressivenessRejectionCynicismAre unwilling to “hear feedbackFail to change behaviorsDenialBecome depressed, withdrawnShift behavior from “guardrail to guardrail” (i.e., from one extreme to the other)Reluctant acceptanceThese behaviors are a signal that

37、the benefits of receiving feedback need to be reinforced.接书钦赏铃膛奉痘峙华旱问事智糜贮荷诽攻筏括创斑埔橱这昧噎味捶嵌瞩职业生涯分析职业生涯分析22DeveloptheIndividualsReactions to Feedback As a caseteam leader, you should encourage reactions to feedback that demonstrate maturity and an interest in improving.Deny the feedbackAttribute mistake

38、s to external factorsAssume coach has negative feelings about the direct reportExpress passivity - have no reactionTake an aggressive stance toward the coachLaugh it offReject coachs authority to give feedbackShow cynicism about improvement suggestions Accept responsibility for the behavior or under

39、stand the coachs perceptionsAnalyze why behavior was shownUnderstand the coachs point of viewAsk for more informationEnlist coachs to help in understanding the feedbackShow concern for improvementListen carefully to feedbackAccept feedback and check in with othersDefensive ReactionsDesired Reactions

40、五甸赦谗贩吮丛笼鲜甲裙闽铅恕怔帘炊梁烹优尧母枢钡檄怜耘谎沟纷哎椎职业生涯分析职业生涯分析23DeveloptheIndividualsHandling Pushback (1 of 3)Source: Adapted from The Developing People Workbook, Forum CorporationThe first step in handling pushback is to gain a better understanding of the other persons point of view.EncourageConfirmResist the tempt

41、ation to restate your feedback, defend your points, or jump in with more examples. Encourage the team member to say more about how he or she sees the situation.Encourage with verbal and nonverbal signals (lean forward, nod, say “uh-huh”).Recognize that the root cause of the team members objections m

42、ay not be what you think. You may be missing some important facts or context.Listen for both facts and feelings to understand the root cause of the issue. Use open-ended questions to uncover the team members view. Open-ended questions begin with words like “What”, “How”, “Tell me”, “Describe” and “E

43、xplain.”Use silence - it gives the team member an opportunity to consider and expand on what has been said.Restate the team members observations - both facts and feelings.Summarize what you have heard, and ask if you are correct.Once you have encouraged, questioned, and confirmed, you will have a be

44、tter understanding of the team members perspective and reactions. You may also have uncovered some additional facts you were not aware of.Question醒搀窗窿器特投乎碧胳幕哄征熬冉宽盎廉券篡怂驱抒微旨旁巡萄估粘淡扛职业生涯分析职业生涯分析24DeveloptheIndividualsAfter gaining a thorough understanding of the team members viewpoint, use these tips to

45、 provide helpful information and support.Disagrees with your description of the situationAgrees, but cites factors beyond his or her controlProvide more accurate or objective observations that include the team members experiences, along with other facts the team member may not be aware of.Provide an

46、d ask for some suggestions for things to do that are within his or her control. Identify ways you can help.“So, what happens is that the other team gives you data that conflicts with yours, and you do not know how to reconcile them. This makes it hard for you to proceed on schedule. Is that right?”“

47、I understand you feel you can not help it if the client does not provide the data. How about if you ? Maybe I could help by ”If the team member:Then you should:Example:Source: Adapted from The Developing People Workbook, Forum CorporationHandling Pushback (2 of 3)捧仆汐惑矩处思捕丁骄物纂气院个略擦灵到柜班犯策漾讳杯熄勉斟择涪仕职业生涯

48、分析职业生涯分析25DeveloptheIndividualsCheck to see if what you said makes sense and if you are both in agreement about what is going on and how to proceed. Continue by asking the team member for his or her suggestions for improvement going forward.Agrees, but does not see why it is importantAgrees, but say

49、s his or her intention was differentDescribe the importance of the issue - how it affects the team, you personally, and/or the team member.Offer observations on the differences between the persons intention and the actual results of the behavior or performance.“I know doing a workplan does not seem

50、important to you. The reason it is important to the team is that it allows us to ”“I see your intention was to be helpful, but when you I saw it as you doubting the team. Maybe you can be more helpful by ”Source: Adapted from The Developing People Workbook, Forum CorporationHandling Pushback (3 0f 3

51、)If the team member:Then you should:Example:Even when the team member agrees with what you have to say, he or she may benefit from receiving further information.粗傲鸦绸挝绩叔昔代滋依吸焰亚磕数板敌饰逮炔窘吻渤郑胃北顷校毛玲屡职业生涯分析职业生涯分析26DeveloptheIndividualsCoaching Examples (1 of 2)“Dave, I noticed on the following occasions, y

52、ou put down the QA managers analysis in front of her boss”“Dave, your cockiness in front of clients borders on rudeness.”“Jan, you should use open-ended questions to explore the plant managers objections. This will give you information you can use to influence him.”“Jan, in the future, you should ca

53、pitalize on your natural charm to influence the skeptical plant manager.”Do this:Avoid this:Do this:Avoid this:The objective of coaching is to improve a persons behavior.锌谗枪港瑶裔痔甘溯谅汕诛堵塑座气厅盟江蠕协浚减辛笑领韩吻痉畏曝绅职业生涯分析职业生涯分析27DeveloptheIndividualsCoaching Examples (2 of 2)“Steve, Id like to give you some feed

54、back on something you said about our billing procedures to the plant manager during todays tour.”“The team thought you were pretty out of line today when you blurted out that billing comment.”“Donna, I get frustrated when Im trying to make a point in case team meetings and you finish my sentences fo

55、r me.”“Donna, stop trying to step on me just to get promoted.”Do this:Avoid this:Do this:Avoid this:柳筑卒丛变葡傍鸥帕绪歧速抚唱久兜迷敲侦晶煮斡乒可萄舜箱烩好霄省愤职业生涯分析职业生涯分析28DeveloptheIndividualsAgendaOverviewHow to Develop the IndividualsDevelop an Exciting Plan for GrowthBe the CoachMeasure and Communicate PerformanceKey Tak

56、eaways评疤桨兼足肘之冰兽狂塌陵呼粗疤历双侄壶秤氟梗呜酞拣耿瓤鬃佣匪辩萄职业生涯分析职业生涯分析29DeveloptheIndividualsGoals of the Written Performance Review The written review is the primary mechanism for measuring results.Measure performance against goals and objectivesEstablish new goalsIdentify training needs Ensure consistency between eva

57、luations and salary increases and promotion recommendationsProvide documentation舰最俄隋岂舒颓编盯贡概矫得饯洼檬搞随邱招堆络矢游费护脑见受挽棉昨职业生涯分析职业生涯分析30DeveloptheIndividualsPerformance Review ContentPerformance reviews include: Clear and conciseConsistent with rating, salary increase, and promotion recommendationMost Importa

58、nt MessageMost important points reviewee should take awaySpecific examples, not assumptionsBalanced - both positive and negative feedbackOwn observations - speak for yourself, do not speak for othersSituations beyond reviewees control, if appropriateHistorical DescriptionBasis of most important mess

59、age and development objectivesClear, specific action stepsPrioritized based on importance of skills and size of gapStart, stop, and continue format (optional)Development ObjectivesKey to skill plan development径蘑碳尘虫般肇腆灭讯舅锗厘阐船靶挠渴婉析利骤刨暴择架需器伙叁宫氟职业生涯分析职业生涯分析31DeveloptheIndividualsThe Performance Review P

60、rocessThere are four steps in the performance review process: Develop the ContentPrepare to Deliver the ReviewConduct the ReviewPrepare to Write the ReviewConduct an interim reviewDetermine areas for improvement at the end of each caseFor consensus reviews, talk to input reviewersEvaluate performanc

61、e gapsDetermine improvement objectivesIdentify resourcesDevelop most importance message supported by dataAnticipate areas of disagreementThink of how to establish a dialogueSchedule the meeting in advanceKeep the appointmentDo not allow interruptionsEstablish a positive and open climateProvide speci

62、fic examplesListenMake sure the reviewee understands where to focusCheck in with the reviewee绦菲饭帝厨衅帽奠听惫信绥姿吊归私巍保儡愚蹄企织连隧桓厨独猩厘锤烤职业生涯分析职业生涯分析32DeveloptheIndividualsPrepare to Write the Review Before writing the review.Conduct at least one interim review with the team memberAt the end of each case, deter

63、mine key areas for improvementFor consensus reviews, talk to input reviewersflag inconsistenciesgain consensus on key messagesinclude other reviewers examples and anecdotes submit draft to input reviewers for feedback盒晌传咖衬篇秧项保溉蒙葛忆庚赴盘挤商霹渍链躲喀摸韶栓柄蓄魂汕忧银职业生涯分析职业生涯分析33DeveloptheIndividualsDevelop the Cont

64、ent When writing the review.Review development plan for previous six monthsEvaluate gaps between plan and performanceDetermine the most critical performance improvement objectivesIdentify resources the team member can tap to gain the required skills (e.g., BVU modules, training sessions, colleagues)

65、Develop most important messagetie to ratingfocus on expected behavior changesif appropriate, include promotion messageSupport most important message with databe specificcite examples and critical incidentsinclude positive and negative feedback雪呜防猾壁坠恍码傅桔锰烂理舵钾刷径壹祸薪恢鄙衷烹硷愤卜聊是睹墩兴职业生涯分析职业生涯分析34DeveloptheI

66、ndividualsWriting Watchouts Follow these guidelines when writing the review:Think before writingProvide specific examples of behavior, not conclusions Include positive and negative feedback Be scrupulously honest Reflect accurately other reviewers commentsRespect confidentialityAvoid jargon - use pl

67、ain language adjective qualifiers - use active verbs assumptions about direct reports knowledgefrequency statementsrelying solely on quantitative values - describe behavior and consequencesDo not make commitments you can not honor If appropriate, describe situations beyond reviewees control渣豫杀慕坤仅俐荔耗

68、捞浚脂舷润褪垫钨凝认懂紧海杂粥凹措道掺膘寒栖汽职业生涯分析职业生涯分析35DeveloptheIndividualsPrepare to Deliver the Review Anticipate potential areas of disagreement and frictionenvision reviewees defensive reaction and prepare to respond in a way that will help the reviewee understand and accept the feedbackbe aware of your own resp

69、onse to conflict - go for win-winThink of how to structure the coaching as a dialogue and how to create a climate of opennessSchedule the review meeting several days in advanceKeep the appointmentEliminate distractions and avoid interruptionsAfter you have written the review, prepare to deliver it.迂

70、淀萌洪富笛西阜霹宜搅仁跑猪涪轻技到蜡缸笨岂酚椽扦融为仍走吼率拼职业生涯分析职业生涯分析36DeveloptheIndividualsConduct the Review Establish a positive and open climateLimit feedback to issues relevant to the jobDiscuss performance issues in descending order of importanceGive concrete, behavior-based feedback on strengths and areas for improvem

71、entIf reviewee disagrees, reflect your understanding of what he or she is sayingWeight the validity of new informationAvoid arguingAsk the reviewee to summarize the three most important areas for developmentContact for follow-up, checkpoints, and assistanceHelp the reviewee learn and grow from the f

72、eedback.怂吠霄衙图愧乡埂酿覆奎缘俗尖勇促下舵拒坚父彝速畏赂节该袖劈写黔屡职业生涯分析职业生涯分析37DeveloptheIndividualsWritten Feedback Examples (1 of 3) “In client meetings, Steve did not defend his analysis. On KLM, he relied on a consultant to bail him out.”“Steves lack of confidence is a major concern of other team members.”“Anne failed t

73、o identify critical path issues on branding BDPs. She also produced her own slides on ZBD.”“Anne frequently mismanages her time.”Do this:Avoid this:Do this:Avoid this:Make your statements clear and back them up with examples.俄股切鼠庞桩呈脓效馆靶壳潘改血厂舷简纠竖翘赤窟权铃垦宇具溜迎换鄙职业生涯分析职业生涯分析38DeveloptheIndividualsWritten

74、Feedback Examples (2 of 3) “On the following occasions, Stacy presented to the client numbers she did not check for accuracy. Our credibility with the client suffered as our conclusions changed and the numbers varied. ”“Stacy met only 80% of her deadlines with an accuracy of 85%.”“Ken failed to meet

75、 the deadlines for analyzing the productivity database because the clients MIS Department missed agreed-upon targets.”“It wasnt Kens fault that the he missed the database deadlines.”Do this:Avoid this:Do this:Avoid this:瘤沮颠涛兰舱冷膀循斋套氟弟烈劣示垒刮弧贞磅簇戊逛校化进舔倘眯覆搀职业生涯分析职业生涯分析39DeveloptheIndividuals “Chris very

76、negative response to his end of case review did not help him to improve his performance or learn from the lessons of ABD.”“Chris is very defensive and he obviously does not want to learn and improve.”“Donna has successfully addressed performance issues by developing questionnaires, executing intervi

77、ews, coordinating temporary staff, and conducting quantitative analysis.”“Donna does a good job of juggling competing priorities. She is a flexible team member.”“Mark initiated a disposal program that was approved and adopted by the client product manager.”“Mark knows how to structure his analysis a

78、nd recommendations so that they will be readily accepted by the client.”Written Feedback Examples (3 of 3)Do this:Avoid this:Do this:Avoid this:Do this:Avoid this:涉店靡骑矾稠仑房夸唐剐窒章误纳祁逊郑释辜绿植氧凯汞葱棉涩无熏吾艰职业生涯分析职业生涯分析40DeveloptheIndividuals The desired behaviors and skills are clearly definedThere is real mot

79、ivation to changeSources of resistance are explicitly recognizedActivities are aimed at making the changeThe individual trusts their coach to facilitate the changeOther people support the change in visible waysThe outcomes are visibleThe final outcome in all development-related activities is to help

80、 the reviewee to feel positive and willing and able to change.Point of Arrival呛侄莎树们贞抨剩周擅鸡讲蕊骸泉抨洞侵瞻猫贸哀甜渠组董兵劣躁呻舆慌职业生涯分析职业生涯分析41DeveloptheIndividualsAgendaOverviewHow to Develop the IndividualsDevelop an Exciting Plan for GrowthBe the CoachMeasure and Communicate PerformanceKey Takeaways盈闪藩畴嫡蝇焙妈汗绊张偷桅莎赔奉

81、于氛阜絮棠姿部棉简跑晌孪狼黔蛮荷职业生涯分析职业生涯分析42DeveloptheIndividualsKey Takeaways Helping people to perform at their full potential is a critical part of overall employee satisfaction The benefits include higher quality results for clients, a better team process, and higher employee retentionFor professional develop

82、ment activities to be successful on an ongoing basis there should be a real motivation to change, a clear path to change, and a supportive environment to facilitate the changeTo develop people and help them reach their full potential:Develop an exciting plan for growth that enables the individual to

83、 know how to grow and gives them the motivation to achieve the necessary changesAct as a coach rather than as a supervisor - help individuals learn to change, do not just them what to doMeasure performance and provide thoughtful feedback that is clear and actionable and provides a consensus picture of historical performance and objectives for the future茎股出拧卢痴扛妒掐堰墩非垛淀枢陵粗础肠破接费旷嘲巩铺池豁翼荒武介职业生涯分析职业生涯分析



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