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1、lesson19Tomorrows another dayUnit101ModelToday ,Lets talk about models.5New words and expressionsdisin fn mdl hutel laifsi:mfashion model 时装模特hotel 宾馆 life 生活 seem 似乎,好像decision 设计6New words and expressionsglmrslunlisentrlbik m unliglamorous 吸引人的lonely 孤单的,寂寞的Central 中心的become 变为成为Only 仅仅7nowhave a

2、test!8lonelyhotelseemlifecentralbecomeonlydecision单词记忆大比拼单词记忆大比拼根据英语说出汉根据英语说出汉语意思语意思.9变为变为全世界全世界时装模时装模特特吸引人吸引人的的宾馆宾馆决定决定似乎似乎孤单的孤单的Try itTry it根据汉语说出英根据汉语说出英语单词语单词.10Listeningandanswering.1.Whats the models name?2. Who does she work with?3.Where do her jobs take her?4.Whats Nina doing this evening?5.

3、And how is she feeling ?6.Is she having a good time or not?7.Whats she going to do tomorrow?11Do you remember Nina?Shes a fashion model.She usually works with Daisy,but she also works with other photographers,too.译为:记得其他的12Her jobs take her all over the world.She often stays in expensive hotels.名词:工

4、作昂贵的,反义词cheap13Her life seems very glamorous.But she often feels lonely看起来seemsgoodseemsfriendly感到.feelshappy14Nina isnt feeling lonely this evening.Shes sitting in a bar in Central London with some friends.They are all old friends, and they re having a good gossip.The bar is becoming very noisy.跟谁一

5、起用单词with聊的很开心喧闹15Nina is laughing. Shes having a really good time.Why cant things be like this every evening?That s an interesting question.大笑,开心问题16The idea is a new one.Nina must think about her life.Shes going to think it in the morningBut just now,shes having a good time.Ninas going to make a de

6、cisiontomorrow-but tomorrows another day思考,考虑生活做个决定17New words and expressionscyclesaklv.骑自行车normaln:mladj.正常的IT(informationtechnology)n.信息技术conferenceknfrnsn.会议 18PronunciationWordlinking词的连读Howisshefeeling?Theyarealloldfriends.19Pattern Practice21He usually gets up early every morning.22Hes stayin

7、g in bed this morning.23Hes going to get up late tomorrow morning.24She usually drives to town every afternoon.25Shes cycling to work this afternoon.26Shes going to work to the village tomorrow afternoon.27They usually watch TV every night.28Theyre listening to music tonight.29Theyre going to go to

8、the theatre tomorrow night.30 A: Does he usually get up early? B: Yes, he does. A: But is he staying in the bed this morning. B: Yes, he is. A: And is he going to get up late tomorrow morning? B: Yes, he is.31 A: When does he get up early ? B: He usually gets up early every morning. A: What about th

9、is morning ? B: Oh, hes staying in bed this morning. A: And what about tomorrow morning. B: Hes going to get up late,tomorrow morning.32A: When does usually he get up early ?B: Every morning.A: Whats he doing this morning then?B: this morning? hes staying in bed this morning.A: And whats he going to

10、 do tomorrow morning.B: Hes going to get up late.33ListeningListening Mr Patel has a small shop near the station .The shop is open from Monday to Friday , but not at weekends .He arrives at 8 oclock in the morning ,and he shuts the shop at half past six in the evening .People come and go in the shop

11、 all day .Mr patel knows them all . Hes very friendly .He smiles and listens .People tell him things .He listens and thinks .He doesnt talk much .Mr Patel is an interesting man .34注意Attention1.下周有1h外教课,外教老师会把自我介绍的视频发送到群里,同学们要准备三个英语问题对外教老师提问2.剩下的半个小时要考试,复习剑桥u11-20,注重检查同步练习的错题3.经纬期末评奖规则如下:30%经纬考试成绩+70%学校考试成绩351.单词:fashion model, hotel, life, lonely, become,decision, cycle, normal2.口语打卡:句型13.Unit 10 练习册Homework36See you !37



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