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1、初 中 英 语 日 常 交 际 用 语Daily Expressions in Communication制作:马德民1. 问候与介绍Greetings and introductionsI. Good morning / afternoon / evening / day.II. Hello / Hi!III. How are you?IV. Fine, thank you. And you? / What about you? Very well, thanks.V. This is . VI. How do you do? How do you do? VII. Nice / Glad

2、to meet / see you. Me too.VIII.My name is . / I am .2. 再见与告别 FarewellsI. Im afraid I must go now.I think its time for us to leave now.Im sorry to say goodbye to you.II. Goodbye! (Bye-bye! Bye!)III.See you later / tomorrow. See you.IV. So long! So long!V. Good night. Good night.3. 电话用语Making telephon

3、e calls1) Hello! May I speak to ,please?Im afraid not.2) This is (speaking). / Speaking. Whos that (speaking)?3) Hold on, please. / One moment, please.4) He / She isnt here at the moment.He / She is not here right now. 5) Can I take a message for you?6) I called to tell you that.Im calling to tell /

4、 ask you to .7) Speak louder! It s a bad line. I cant hear you .4. 感谢和应答Thanks and responses1) Thank you (very much). Thanks (very much).Thanks a lot. / Many thanks.2) Thank you for (doing) . Thanks for.3) You are welcome. / Not at all. Thats all right. / With pleasure. Its a / my pleasure.5. 歉意与应答A

5、pologies and responses1) Im very sorry. / Im sorry. / Sorry. 2) Im sorry to do .3) (Im) sorry for / about . I wont do it again.4) Excuse me. Yes?5) Thats all right. / Thats OK.It doesnt matter. Its / Thats nothing.6. 祝愿、祝贺和应答Wishes, congratulations and responses1) -Good luck! / Best wishes to you.Ha

6、ve a good time./ Congratulations!-Thank you!2) -Happy New Year! / Merry Christmas!-The same to you.3) -Happy birthday to you!-Thank you.7. 邀请和应答Invitations and responsesa. Will you come to?Would you like to?I hope you can.b. Yes,Id love to.Yes,its very kind/nice of you.c. Id love to, but.8. 提供(帮助等)和

7、应答Offers and responsesa. Can I help you.What can I do for you?Here, take this/my Let me do for you.Would you like some ?b. Thanks. That would be nice/fine.Thank you for your help.Yes,please.c. No, thanks. / thank you.Thats / Its very kind of you, but . 9.请求允许和应答( Asking for permission and responses)

8、a. May I?Can / Could I?b. Yes / CertainlyYes, do please!Of course (you may).Thats OK / all right.c. Im sorry, but.Youd better not.10.表示同意或不同意Expressing agreement and disagreement a. Certainly / Sure / Of course.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.Thats true / right.All right / OK.Thats a good idea. / Good i

9、dea.I agree (with you).b. No, I dont think so.Im afraid not. / Im sorry you cant.I really cant agree with you.11.表示肯定和不肯定Expressing certainty and uncertaintya. Im sure.Im sure(that).b. Im not sure.Im not sure whether / if .c. Maybe / Perhaps.d. Maybe he is.=He may be.e. It cant be Miss Gao.12.谈论天气Ta

10、lking about the weathera. Whats the weather like today?Hows the weather in?b. Its fine / cloudy / windy / rainy.Its rather warm / cold / hot today, isnt it ?c. The bad weather wont last long.It will stop raining later on. 13. 购物 Shoppinga. What can I do for you? May/Can I help you?b. I want / Id lik

11、e .How much is it? Whats the price of ?Thats too much / expensive, Im afraid.Thats fine. Ill take it.Let me havekilo / box.c. How many / much do you want?What colour / size / kind do you want ?d. Do you have any other kind / size / colour?14.问路和应答Asking the way and responsesa.Excuse me. Wheres the ?

12、Excuse me,can you tell me the way to?How can I get to? I dont know the way to b.Go down / along this street.Turn right / left at the first / second crossing / turning.Take the third turning on the right.Its about metres from here.15.时间、日期和回答Time, dates and responses1) Whats the time? / What time is

13、it?Its 5 oclock / half past six (six thirty) /a quarter to /past .2) Its time (for sb) to do ./Its time for.3) Lets make it half past ten. OK.4) Whats the date today?Its March 2nd, 2004.5) What day is it today? Its Wednesday.16.其它方面I. 意愿 (intentions) Im going to do. / I will do .Id like to do. / I w

14、ant / hope to do .II. 遗憾和同情 (regrets and sympathy)Its / What a pity! (Im) sorry to hear it / that.III.请求和求助 (asking for helps and requests)Will /Would you please do ? / Help me!Can / Could you do for me?Please give / pass me . / Please be quiet.IV. 劝告和建议 (Advice and suggestions)a, Youd better do . Y

15、ou should do . / You need .b, Shall we do ? / Lets do . / What / How about (doing) ? V. 禁止和警告 (Prohibition and warnings)a, You mustnt / cant. If you, youll. / Dont do .b, Be careful! / Take care! / Look out!VI. 喜悦情感 (Pleasure and joy)Im glad / happy / pleased to .Thats nice / great / wonderful. Grea

16、t/Terrific!VII.焦虑情感 (Anxiety) Whats wrong (with you)? Whats the matter/trouble?He /She is / seems worried (about ).What can / should I do next?VIII.惊讶惊奇 (Surprise)Really? Oh, dear! Is that so?IX. 喜好与厌恶 (Likes and dislikes)I like / love (to do) (very much).I hate / dont like (to do).IX. 语言障碍 (Languag

17、e difficulties)Pardon? Please say it again / slowly.What do you mean by ?Im sorry I can not follow / catch you.17.饮食就餐Taking meals1) Would you like something to eat /drink?Yes, please. / No, thanks.2) What would you like to have?May I have your order now? Id like .3) Help yourself / yourselves to .T

18、hank you.4) Would you like some more ?No, thank you. Im full / enough.Just a little / bit.18.预约约会Making appointments1) Are you free tomorrow?Shall we meet at tomorrow?a, Yes, thats all right. Ill be free then.Yes, I think so.b, No, I wont be free then. But I ll be free.Sorry, I dont think so. / Im a

19、fraid not.2) What / How about ?a, All right. See you then.b, I may be a little late. Let s make it 4:30. 19.就医看病Seeing the doctor1)a,Whats wrong with you?Whats the matter / trouble?b,Theres something wrong with my .Ive got a cough / fever / cold ,etc.Im feeling bad / sick / terrible. I don t feel we

20、ll.Ive got a pain here. My arm hurts.2) How long have you been like this? Ever since last night.3) Have you taken your temperature? Yes, I have.4) Its nothing serious. Take this medicine twice a day. Youll be better / well soon. Thank you!20. 标志与说明Signs and instructionsOPEN-CLOSED PULL-PUSHON-OFF ENTRANCE-EXITBUSINESS HOURS OFFICE HOURSINSTRUCTIONS FRAGILETHIS SIDE UP MENUPLAY STOP PAUSE NO SMOKING NO PARKINGNO SPITTING NO PHOTOSDANGER“补全对话”常见的题型有:1、填入所缺的单词;2、填入所缺的句子;(陕西省)3、汉译英;4、看图说话等。



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