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1、2021/7/2312021/7/2322021/7/2332021/7/2342021/7/235. 句式填空句式填空1. until. . . 直到直到. . . we are on guard until we know it is safe to relax (直到我们直到我们知道安全的时候才放松知道安全的时候才放松). 2. 独立主格结构独立主格结构One person then holds up his hand, palm outwards and five fingers spread (手掌向外手掌向外, 五指展开五指展开). 2021/7/2363. be+adj. +to

2、 doBody language is fascinating for anyone to study (对任何研究对任何研究者来说都是吸引人的者来说都是吸引人的). 4. every time每次每次, 引导状语从句引导状语从句In Russia you should make a toast every time you take a sip from your glass (每次从你的杯子里抿一小口时每次从你的杯子里抿一小口时). 2021/7/237. 教材设题教材设题1. Although these are very important, we communicate with _

3、 just spoken and written words. A. less than B. other thanC. rather than D. more than【解解析析】选选D。less than少少于于; other than除除去去; rather than不不是是; more than多多于于, 不不仅仅仅仅。句句意意:虽虽然然这这些些很很重重要要, 但但我我们们不仅仅用口语和书面语交流。不仅仅用口语和书面语交流。2021/7/2382. If our right hand is busy _ someone, it cannot be holding a weapon. A

4、. to greet B. with greetingC. greeting D. greet【解析】【解析】选选C。be busy doing是固定结构是固定结构, 表示表示“忙于做忙于做”。2021/7/2393. Greetings in Asian countries do not involve _ the other person, but they always involve the hands. A. to touch B. touchingC. feeling D. to feel【解解析析】选选B。involve后后面面跟跟v.-ing形形式式。另另外外, touch表表

5、示示“接接触触, 触触及及, 触触摸摸”; feel表表示示“摸摸, 触触, 试试探探, 感感觉觉”, 二二者者都都可可表表示示“摸摸”, 但但前前者者强强调调“接接触触”, 后后者者强强调调用用手手有有意意地地去去摸摸某某物物。此此题干中强调题干中强调“接触接触”的意思。所以选的意思。所以选B。2021/7/23104. Unless the weather _ better, I _ at home. A. will get; will stay B. gets; will stayC. gets; stay D. will get; stay【解解析析】选选B。考考查查时时态态。unle

6、ss引引导导的的从从句句表表示示将将来来的的事事情情时时, 从句中要用一般现在时从句中要用一般现在时, 主句中要用一般将来时。主句中要用一般将来时。2021/7/23115. _ hungry you are, you shouldnt start to eat before your host does. A. Whatever B. WheneverC. How D. However【解解析析】选选D。however后后面面跟跟形形容容词词或或副副词词, 表表示示“无无论论怎怎样样”。句句意意:无无论论你你多多么么饿饿, 主主人人未未吃吃饭饭前前, 你你是是不不能能吃吃的的。干干扰扰项项是

7、是C。how后后面面跟跟形形容容词词或或副副词词, 表表示示“多多么么”, 构构成成的的是是感叹句。感叹句。 2021/7/23122021/7/23132021/7/23142021/7/23152021/7/23162021/7/23172021/7/23182021/7/23192021/7/23202021/7/23212021/7/23222021/7/23232021/7/23242021/7/23251. Duty is an act or a course of action that people _ you to take by social customs, law or

8、 religion. 2010湖北湖北, 27A. persuade B. requestC. instruct D. expect2021/7/2326【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。persuade劝劝服服; request要要求求, 请请求求; instruct指指示示, 指指导导; expect期期望望。句句意意:责责任任是是按按照照社社会会习习俗俗、法法律律或或宗宗教教, 人人们们期期望望你你承承担担的的行行为为。根根据据句句意意可可知选知选D。2021/7/23272. Because more and more people are aware of the pol

9、lution caused by cars, they are _ riding bikes or taking buses to work. A. in favour of B. in honour ofC. in face of D. in need of【解解析析】选选A。考考查查固固定定短短语语。in favour of支支持持; in honour of为为了了纪纪念念; in face of面面对对; in need of需需要要。句句意意为为:因因为为越越来来越越多多的的人人认认识识到到汽汽车车造造成成的的污污染染, 所所以以他他们们支支持持骑骑自自行行车车或乘公交车去上班。或乘

10、公交车去上班。2021/7/23283. He had intended to pull out of the complex situation but ended up _ in it. 2011长春模拟长春模拟A. getting deeply involvedB. deeply involvedC. getting deeply connectedD. deeply connected2021/7/2329【解解析析】选选A。考考查查be/get involved in(参参与与, 使使卷卷入入)。句句意意:他他原原本本想想摆摆脱脱这这种种复复杂杂的的局局势势, 但但结结果果却却被被深

11、深深深地地卷卷入入其其中中。end up后后面面跟跟v.-ing形形式式。干干扰扰项项是是C, 但但be connected不不与与介介词词in连用。所以选连用。所以选A。2021/7/23304. The football match was broadcast _ in 50 countries. A. alive B. lively C. lovely D. live【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:这这场场足足球球赛赛在在50个个国国家家实实况况转转播播。根根据据句句意意可可知知此此处处需需用用副副词词。live既既是是形形容容词词也也是是副副词词, 表表示示现现场场直直播播的的(地地)。

12、其其他他三三个个选选项项都都是是形形容容词词, alive活活着着的的; lively生动的生动的; lovely可爱的。可爱的。2021/7/23312021/7/23322021/7/23332021/7/23342021/7/23352021/7/23362021/7/23371. Is Peter there? _ , please. Ill see if I can find him for you. 2008江苏江苏, 23A. Hold up B. Hold onC. Hold out D. Hold off2021/7/2338【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词短短语语。ho

13、ld up举举起起, 耽耽搁搁, 抢抢劫劫; hold on等等一一会会, 坚坚持持; hold out伸伸出出, 维维持持; hold off推推迟迟。句句意意:彼彼得得在在吗吗?请请稍稍等等。我我帮帮你你去去找找找找看看他他在在不不在在。根根据据句意可知选句意可知选B。2021/7/23392. I was angry with my deskmate because she _ my secret. A. gave out B. gave offC. gave back D. gave away【解解析析】选选D。give out分分发发, 用用完完, 耗耗尽尽, 发发出出; give

14、off散散发发, 放放出出; give back归归还还, 恢恢复复; give away泄泄露露。句句意意:我我对对我我的的同桌很生气同桌很生气, 因为她泄露了我的秘密。因为她泄露了我的秘密。2021/7/23402021/7/23412021/7/23422021/7/23431. In many peoples opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant _ . 2010四川四川, 11A. to deal with B. dealing withC. to be dealt with D. dealt with

15、【解解析析】选选A。考考查查“主主语语+be+形形容容词词+to do”结结构构。在在此此结结构中要用动词不定式的主动形式。所以选构中要用动词不定式的主动形式。所以选A。2021/7/23442. Li Yang, the founder of Crazy English, says that he copies it down _ he comes to a beautiful sentence. 2011内江模拟内江模拟A. unless B. whileC. because D. every time【解解析析】选选D。考考查查连连词词。句句意意:李李阳阳, 疯疯狂狂英英语语的的创创办办

16、者者, 说每次他想到一个美丽的句子说每次他想到一个美丽的句子, 他都写下来。他都写下来。2021/7/23452021/7/23462021/7/23472021/7/2348The teacher was never good at _ the students so he knew little about their real need. A. communicating with B. communicating toC. quarrelling with D. quarrelling for【解解析析】选选A。communicate with与与交交流流; communicate .

17、 . . to传传达达; quarrel with与与争争吵吵; quarrel for为为争争吵吵。句句意意:这这个个老老师师从从来来不不擅擅长长与与学学生生交交流流, 所所以以他他几几乎乎不不了了解解学生的真正需要。学生的真正需要。2021/7/2349. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空communicate, formal, vary, tradition, involve, spread, society, judge, perform, invite1. My father hasnt had any direct communication with me becau

18、se we often argue when talking. 2. Dont be too friendly and informal with other boys. 3. They sent out 200 invitations to their wedding. 4. She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest. 2021/7/23505. The worst effects of unemployment, low pay and other social problems need to be solv

19、ed as soon as possible. 6. In his room, Tom was spreading a map of China on the bed. 7. Farmers here traditionally make corn into powder which is prepared into porridge. 8. It is still too soon to form a judgement about this because you havent known it well. 9. How should we involve ourselves in sch

20、ool life? 10. Actually eating habits can vary a good deal over the centuries. 2021/7/2351. 完成句子完成句子1. 他们要求因为你造成的损失罚你钱。他们要求因为你造成的损失罚你钱。They requested that you should be fined because of the damage you caused. 2. 他参与了一场激烈的争论。他参与了一场激烈的争论。He was involved in a heated argument. 3. 每次需要经济方面的建议时每次需要经济方面的建议时

21、, 他们总是来找我。他们总是来找我。Every time they need financial advice, they will come and see me. 2021/7/23524. 坏消息传播得很快。坏消息传播得很快。Bad news is quick to spread . 5. 举起你的手举起你的手, 让老师注意到你。让老师注意到你。Hold up your hand to be noticed by the teacher. 6. 我们相信她不会泄露任何事情。我们相信她不会泄露任何事情。We believed that she would give nothing away

22、 . 7. 无论人们有多富裕无论人们有多富裕, 他们总还是想要更多。他们总还是想要更多。However rich people are , they always want more. 8. 日本和美国将在大米进口方面达成协议。日本和美国将在大米进口方面达成协议。Japan will have to make a deal with America on rice imports. 2021/7/2353. 单项填空单项填空1. Will you do me _ and translate this sentence into English? A. favour B. a favourC.

23、a help D. a hand【解解析析】 选选B。本本题题主主要要考考查查常常用用搭搭配配。do sb. a favour“帮帮某人忙某人忙”。句意为:请你帮忙把这个句子译成英语好吗。句意为:请你帮忙把这个句子译成英语好吗? 2021/7/23542. Do you like cats? Of course. They are _ a kind of pet. They can do much good to their masters. 2011上海模拟上海模拟A. better than B. more thanC. no more than D. not more than【解解析析

24、】选选B。考考查查固固定定短短语语。better than比比好好; more than多多于于, 不不仅仅仅仅; no more than只只有有; not more than不不多多于于。句句意意:你你喜喜欢欢猫猫吗吗?当当然然了了。它它们们不不仅仅仅仅是是一一种种宠宠物。它们还对它们的主人很有益处。物。它们还对它们的主人很有益处。2021/7/2355 【举一反三】【举一反三】Id be _ happy to show you around our beautiful college. A. more than B. not more thanC. less than D. no les

25、s than【解解析析】选选A。more than likely/happy/ready表表示示“非非常常可可能能/高兴高兴/愿意愿意”。句意:我非常高兴领你参观我们的美丽的大学。句意:我非常高兴领你参观我们的美丽的大学。2021/7/23563. _ I wrote a few poems, I confidently placed it right on my fathers plate on the dining-room table. A. The first time B. At firstC. It was the first time D. For the first time【

26、解解析析】选选A。the first time用用作作连连词词, 意意为为“第第一一次次时时”, 其其前前不不加加介介词词。at first起起初初, 首首先先; it was the first time. . . 这这是第一次是第一次; for the first time首次。首次。2021/7/23574. He is constantly _ against any threat from his enemy. A. on duty B. on guardC. on purpose D. on sale【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定短短语语。on duty值值日日; on gu

27、ard保保持持警警惕惕; on purpose故故意意地地; on sale在在销销售售, 大大甩甩卖卖。句句意意:他他一一直对敌人的威胁保持警惕。直对敌人的威胁保持警惕。2021/7/23585. They both wanted to use the car, so they made a _ on how to use it. A. promise B. surveyC. breakthrough D. deal【解解析析】选选D。考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。make a promise许许诺诺; make a survey做做调调查查; make a breakthrough做做出出突突

28、破破; make a deal达达成成协协议议。句句意意:他他们们两两个个都都想想用用这这辆辆车车, 所所以以关关于于怎怎样样用用这辆车他们达成了协议。这辆车他们达成了协议。2021/7/2359 【举一反三】【举一反三】This is my treat and next is yours. Hows that? OK. _ . 2010屯溪模拟屯溪模拟A. No way B. It dependsC. It doesnt matter D. Its a deal【解解析析】选选D。考考查查交交际际用用语语。No way没没门门儿儿, 不不可可能能; It depends视视情情况况而而定定;

29、 It doesnt matter没没关关系系; Its a deal我我同同意意你你的的条条件件, 说说定定了了。句句意意:这这次次我我请请客客, 下下次次你你请请。可以吗?可以吗?很好。我同意你的条件。根据句意可知选很好。我同意你的条件。根据句意可知选D。2021/7/23606. My father walked _ in the room, looking as if he was thinking about something. A. little by little B. up and downC. more or less D. sooner or later【解解析析】选选B

30、。考考查查固固定定短短语语。little by little逐逐渐渐地地; up and down来来回回地地, 上上下下地地; more or less或或多多或或少少; sooner or later迟迟早早。句句意意:我我父父亲亲在在房房间间里里来来回回地地走走, 看看起起来来好好像像在在思思考考事情。事情。2021/7/23617. We cannot understand disease _ we understand the person who has the disease. A. if B. once C. since D. unless【解解析析】选选D。考考查查连连词词。

31、句句意意:除除非非我我们们了了解解患患这这种种病病的的人人, 否否则则我我们们不不能能了了解解疾疾病病。根根据据句句意意可可知知选选D。unless如如果果不不, 除非。除非。2021/7/23628. He wrote a very _ letter of apology to his boss for his offence. A. former B. formalC. familiar D. favourable【解解析析】选选B。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。former从从前前的的, 前前者者的的; formal正正式式的的; familiar熟熟悉悉的的; favourable赞赞

32、成成的的, 合合适适的的。句意:因为他的冒犯句意:因为他的冒犯, 他给老板写了一封非常正式的道歉信。他给老板写了一封非常正式的道歉信。2021/7/23639. To be well-informed, we should be in _ with each other about what happens to us. A. common B. communicationC. competition D. contrast【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。in common with与与相相同同; in communication with与与交交流流; in competiti

33、on with与与比比赛赛; in contrast with与与对对比比。句句意意:要要想想消消息息灵灵通通, 我们就要相互交流我们遇到的事情。我们就要相互交流我们遇到的事情。2021/7/236410. Dont respond to any e-mails _ personal information, no matter how official they look. A. searching B. askingC. requesting D. questioning【解解析析】选选C。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:不不要要回回复复要要求求得得到到你你的的个个人人信信息息的的任任

34、何何电电子子邮邮件件, 无无论论这这些些邮邮件件看看起起来来多多么么正正式式。request请请求求, 要要求求。干干扰扰项项是是B。若若选选B, 要要在在asking后后面面加加for。2021/7/236511. The driver from Nanjing was sentenced to life imprisonment for drunken driving and the five deaths. He deserved it. Even worse, what he did has brought greater suffering to the _ . A. living

35、B. live C. lively D. alive【解解析析】选选A。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。答答语语句句意意为为:他他活活该该受受此此惩惩罚罚, 更更糟糟糕糕的的是是, 他他的的行行为为给给活活着着的的人人带带来来更更大大的的痛痛苦苦。the living表表示示“活活着着的的人人或或物物”与与the dead相相对对。live通通常常作作定定语语, 一一般般不不修修饰饰人人; alive常常用用作作表表语语, 作作定定语语需需后后置置; lively活活泼的泼的, 生动的。生动的。2021/7/236612. Its said that when Bill Gates reques

36、ted the billionaires in China to _ part of their money to charity, to his surprise, some refused. A. give away B. give upC. give off D. give back【解解析析】选选A。考考查查give动动词词短短语语。give away赠赠送送, 泄泄露露; give up放放弃弃; give off发发出出; give back归归还还。句句意意:据据说说当当比比尔尔盖盖茨茨要要求求中中国国的的亿亿万万富富翁翁给给慈慈善善事事业业捐捐出出一一部部分分钱钱时时, 令令他

37、他吃惊的是吃惊的是, 一些人拒绝了。一些人拒绝了。2021/7/236713. He had always been held _ as an example to the younger ones. A. back B. onto C. off D. up【解解析析】选选D。考考查查hold动动词词短短语语。hold back阻阻挡挡; hold onto抓抓住住, 保保留留; hold off推推迟迟; hold up举举作作为为范范例例, 举举起起, 延延迟。句意:他总是被当作年轻人学习的范例。迟。句意:他总是被当作年轻人学习的范例。2021/7/236814. Though some

38、social problems are hard _ , we should take measures to prevent them _ worse. A. to solve; to become B. solving; becomingC. to solve; becoming D. to be solved; becoming【解解析析】选选C。考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。some social problems are hard to solve属属于于“主主语语+be +形形容容词词+动动词词不不定定式式”的的结结构构, 在在这这个个结结构构中中, 动动词词不不定定式式要要用用主

39、主动动形形式式。第第二二个个空空考考查查的的是是prevent sb. /sth. (from) doing sth. 的结构。的结构。2021/7/2369 【方法技巧】【方法技巧】与与prevent sb. /sth. (from) doing sth. 类似的结构类似的结构prevent sb. /sth. (from) doing sth. 表表示示“阻阻止止做做”, 与与其其意意思思类类似似的的短短语语还还有有:stop sb. /sth. (from) doing sth. , keep sb. /sth. from doing sth. , discourage sb. /sth

40、. (from) doing sth. 。在在这这几几个个短短语语中中, keep sb. /sth. from doing sth. 中中from不不能能省省略略。在在此此结结构构中中, from表表示示“去去除除、免免掉掉、阻阻止止、剥剥夺夺”等等意意思思。在在其其他他短短语语中中, 如如protect sb. /sth. from(保保护护不不), rescue/save sb. from(保保全全/拯拯救救以以免免)等等结结构构中中from也也表表示示“去除、免掉、阻止、剥夺去除、免掉、阻止、剥夺”等意思。等意思。2021/7/237015. The top leaders of Ch

41、inese Football Association are believed to have been _ in corruption. A. stuck B. caughtC. involved D. trapped【解解析析】选选C。考考查查be involved in(参参与与, 被被卷卷入入)。句句意意:中中国国足足协协的的高高层层领领导导被被认认为为参参与与了了贪贪污污。其其他他三三个个选选项项虽虽然然也也可与介词可与介词in连用连用, 但表示但表示“陷入陷入, 被困在被困在”的意思。的意思。2021/7/2371. 阅读理解阅读理解 The following are some

42、top discoveries in 2010. The Moon is Shrinking? But dont worry; its very, very slow. You wont see it disappear anytime soon. Scientists found that cracks in the moons crust has cooled and shrunk over the last billion years or so. 2021/7/2372Harry Potters Invisible Cloak Scientists have created a mat

43、erial to make fabrics that use visible light to protect objects from view. However, Harry Potter fans may have to wait a long while before the storied cloak becomes reality. 2021/7/2373Who Changed the Frogs Sex? Researchers have found that atrazine, one of the most commonly used weedkillers, can tur

44、n male frogs into females. Atrazine is known to prevent hormones working normally, leading to the decline of amphibians(两两栖栖动动物物) such as frogs around the world. 2021/7/2374Night Light=Obesity(肥胖肥胖) Dark-averse ladies, now you may want to turn off the lights at night, not just to be green. A new stu

45、dy said exposure to too much light at night may lead to obesity, even without changing physical activity or eating more food. 2021/7/2375_ You dont want to be, sorry, an idiot, do you? Then believe it or not, here is one more reason to kick the habit of smoking. A study finds that cigarette smokers

46、have lower IQs than non-smokers, and the more they smoke, the lower their IQ will be. 2021/7/2376【文文章章大大意意】文文章章主主要要讲讲了了2010年年的的五五个个新新发发现现。第第一一个个发发现现是是月月球球在在变变小小; 第第二二个个发发现现是是科科学学家家有有望望制制造造出出哈哈利利波波特特的的看看不不见见的的斗斗篷篷; 第第三三个个发发现现是是有有一一种种除除草草剂剂导导致致青青蛙蛙变变性性; 第第四四个个发发现现是是晚晚上上接接触触太太多多的的灯灯光光会会使使人人肥肥胖胖; 第第五五个个

47、发发现现是吸烟越多智力越低。是吸烟越多智力越低。2021/7/23771. Whats the headline of the last discovery? A. More Cigarettes=Lower IQB. No SmokingC. Low IQD. Are You an Idiot? 【解解析析】选选A。主主旨旨大大意意题题。这这个个发发现现是是:吸吸烟烟会会使使人人的的智智商下降。故选商下降。故选A。2021/7/23782. Atrazine is _ . A. a male frog B. a chemical used to get rid of weed C. a fe

48、male frog D. an amphibian【 解解 析析 】 选选 B。 细细 节节 理理 解解 题题 。 根根 据据 第第 三三 个个 发发 现现 中中 的的Researchers have found that atrazine, one of the most commonly used weedkillers, can turn male frogs into females. 可知可知atrazine是一种最常用的除草剂。是一种最常用的除草剂。2021/7/23793. Which discovery is most appealing to the girls who wa

49、nt to keep thin? A. The Moon is Shrinking? B. Harry Potters Invisible Cloak C. Who Changed the Frogs Sex? D. Night Light=Obesity【 解解 析析 】 选选 D。 推推 理理 判判 断断 题题 。 第第 四四 个个 发发 现现 Night Light=Obesity 提提到到晚晚上上接接触触太太多多的的灯灯光光会会使使人人肥肥胖胖。由由此此可可知选知选D。2021/7/23804. According to the discoveries, we can infer th

50、at _ . A. in the near future you can see the moon become smaller and smaller B. Harry Potter fans will wear a cloak that is invisible soonC. the decline of amphibians has something to do with atrazine D. cigarette smokers will become an idiot in the end2021/7/2381【解解析析】选选C。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第三三个个发发现现中

51、中的的Atrazine is known to prevent hormones working normally, leading to the decline of amphibians such as frogs around the world. 可可知知atrazine这这种种除除草草剂剂会会阻阻止止荷荷尔尔蒙蒙的的正正常常分分泌泌, 这这样样就就导导致致了了两栖动物的减少。由此可知选两栖动物的减少。由此可知选C。2021/7/2382. 任务型阅读任务型阅读2011双鸭山模拟双鸭山模拟 根根据据短短文文内内容容, 从从短短文文后后的的选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入空空白白处处的最

52、佳选项的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Is there anything more important than health? I dont think so. “Health is the greatest wealth, ” wise people say. 1 If you have a headache, toothache, backache, or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a bad cough, or if you suffer from high or low blood pres

53、sure, I think you should go to the doctor. 2021/7/2383 The doctor will examine your throat, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed. 2 The only thing you have to do is to follow his advice. 32021/7/2384 An old gentleman

54、 came to see the doctor. The man was very ill. He told the doctor about his weakness, memory loss and serious problems with his heart and lungs. The doctor examined him and said there was no medicine for his disease. He told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and have a good rest. 4 In o

55、ther words, the doctor advised him to follow the rule: “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is. ” The doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldnt smoke more than one cigarette a day. 2021/7/2385 A month later the gentleman came into the doctors office.

56、5 He thanked the doctor and said that he had never felt a healthier man. “But you know, doctor, ” he said, “its not easy to begin smoking at my age. ” A. He also advised him to eat a lot of meat, drink two glasses of red wine every day and take long walks. B. You cant be good at your studies or work

57、 well when you are ill. 2021/7/2386 C. After that he will advise some treatment or some medicine. D. All these will cost a lot of money. E. He looked cheerful and happy. F. He was more worried about his illness. G. Speaking about doctors advice, I cant help telling you a funny story. 答案:答案:15. BCGAE

58、2021/7/2387. 单词拼写单词拼写1. My father hasnt had any direct communication(交流)(交流) with me because we often argue when talking. 2. Dont be too friendly and informal(非正式的)(非正式的) with other boys. 3. They sent out 200 invitations(邀请)(邀请) to their wedding. 4. She won a gold medal for her fine performance(表演)(

59、表演) in the contest. 5. The worst effects of unemployment, low pay and other social(社会的)(社会的) problems need to be solved as soon as possible. 2021/7/23886. In his room, Tom was spreading(展开)(展开) a map of China on the bed. 7. Farmers here traditionally(传统地)(传统地) make corn into powder which is prepared

60、 into porridge. 8. It is still too soon to form a judgement(判断,意见)(判断,意见) about this because you havent known it well. 9. How should we involve(包括)(包括) ourselves in school life? 10. Actually eating habits can vary(变化)(变化) a good deal over the centuries. 2021/7/2389. 完成句子完成句子1. 他们要求因为你造成的损失罚你钱。他们要求因为

61、你造成的损失罚你钱。They requested that you should be fined because of the damage you caused. 2. 他参与了一场激烈的争论。他参与了一场激烈的争论。He was involved in a heated argument. 3. 每次需要经济方面的建议时,他们总是来找我。每次需要经济方面的建议时,他们总是来找我。Every time they need financial advice, they will come and see me. 4. 坏消息传播得很快。坏消息传播得很快。Bad news is quick t

62、o spread . 2021/7/23905. 举起你的手举起你的手, 让老师注意到你。让老师注意到你。Hold up your hand to be noticed by the teacher. 6. 我们相信她不会泄露任何事情。我们相信她不会泄露任何事情。We believed that she would give nothing away . 7. 无论人们有多富裕,他们总还是想要更多。无论人们有多富裕,他们总还是想要更多。However rich people are , they always want more. 8. 日本和美国将在大米进口方面达成协议。日本和美国将在大米进

63、口方面达成协议。Japan will have to make a deal with America on rice imports. 2021/7/2391. 语法和词汇知识语法和词汇知识1. Will you do me _ and translate this sentence into English? A. favour B. a favour C. a help D. a hand【解解析析】 选选B。本本题题主主要要考考查查常常用用搭搭配配。do sb. a favour“帮帮某人忙某人忙”。句意为:请你帮忙把这个句子译成英语好吗。句意为:请你帮忙把这个句子译成英语好吗? 20

64、21/7/23922. Do you like cats? Of course. They are _ a kind of pet. They can do much good to their masters. 2011上海模拟上海模拟A. better than B. more thanC. no more than D. not more than【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定短短语语。better than比比好好;more than多多于于,不不仅仅仅仅;no more than只只有有;not more than不不多多于于。句句意意:你你喜喜欢欢猫猫吗吗?当当然然了了。它它

65、们们不不仅仅仅仅是是一一种宠物。它们还对它们的主人很有益处。种宠物。它们还对它们的主人很有益处。2021/7/2393 【举一反三】【举一反三】Id be _ happy to show you around our beautiful college. A. more than B. not more thanC. less than D. no less than【解解析析】选选A。more than likely/happy/ready表表示示“非非常常可可能能/高兴高兴/愿意愿意”。句意:我非常高兴领你参观我们的美丽的大学。句意:我非常高兴领你参观我们的美丽的大学。2021/7/239

66、43. _ I wrote a few poems, I confidently placed it right on my fathers plate on the dining-room table. A. The first time B. At firstC. It was the first time D. For the first time【解解析析】选选A。the first time用用作作连连词词,意意为为“第第一一次次时时”,其其前前不不加加介介词词。at first起起初初,首首先先;it was the first time. . . 这是第一次这是第一次;for t

67、he first time首次。首次。2021/7/23954. He is constantly _ against any threat from his enemy. A. on duty B. on guardC. on purpose D. on sale【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定短短语语。on duty值值日日;on guard保保持持警警惕惕;on purpose故故意意地地;on sale在在销销售售,大大甩甩卖卖。句句意意:他一直对敌人的威胁保持警惕。他一直对敌人的威胁保持警惕。2021/7/23965. They both wanted to use the ca

68、r, so they made a _ on how to use it. 2011咸阳模拟咸阳模拟A. promise B. surveyC. breakthrough D. deal【解解析析】选选D。考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。make a promise许许诺诺; make a survey做做调调查查; make a breakthrough做做出出突突破破;make a deal达达成成协协议议。句句意意:他他们们两两个个都都想想用用这这辆辆车车,所所以以关关于于怎怎样用这辆车他们达成了协议。样用这辆车他们达成了协议。 2021/7/2397 【举一反三】【举一反三】This is

69、my treat and next is yours. Hows that? OK. _ . A. No way B. It dependsC. It doesnt matter D. Its a deal【解解析析】选选D。考考查查交交际际用用语语。No way没没门门儿儿,不不可可能能;It depends视视情情况况而而定定;It doesnt matter没没关关系系;Its a deal我我同同意意你你的的条条件件,说说定定了了。句句意意:这这次次我我请请客客,下下次次你你请请。可以吗?可以吗?很好。我同意你的条件。根据句意可知选很好。我同意你的条件。根据句意可知选D。2021/7/

70、23986. My father walked _ in the room, looking as if he was thinking about something. A. little by little B. up and downC. more or less D. sooner or later【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定短短语语。little by little逐逐渐渐地地;up and down来来回回地地,上上下下地地;more or less或或多多或或少少;sooner or later迟迟早早。句句意意:我我父父亲亲在在房房间间里里来来回回地地走走,看看起起来来

71、好好像像在在思考事情。思考事情。2021/7/23997. We cannot understand disease _ we understand the person who has the disease. A. if B. once C. since D. unless【解解析析】选选D。考考查查连连词词。句句意意:除除非非我我们们了了解解患患这这种种病病的的人人,否否则则我我们们不不能能了了解解疾疾病病。根根据据句句意意可可知知选选D。unless如如果果不,除非。不,除非。2021/7/231008. He wrote a very _ letter of apology to h

72、is boss for his offence. A. former B. formal C. familiar D. favourable【解解析析】选选B。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。former从从前前的的,前前者者的的;formal正正式式的的;familiar熟熟悉悉的的;favourable赞赞成成的的,合合适适的的。句意:因为他的冒犯,他给老板写了一封非常正式的道歉信。句意:因为他的冒犯,他给老板写了一封非常正式的道歉信。2021/7/231019. To be well-informed, we should be in _ with each other about wha

73、t happens to us. A. common B. communicationC. competition D. contrast【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。in common with与与相相同同; in communication with与与交交流流; in competition with与与比比赛赛; in contrast with与与对对比比。句句意意:要要想想消消息息灵灵通,我们就要相互交流我们遇到的事情。通,我们就要相互交流我们遇到的事情。2021/7/2310210. Dont respond to any e-mails _ personal i

74、nformation, no matter how official they look. A. searching B. askingC. requesting D. questioning【解解析析】选选C。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:不不要要回回复复要要求求得得到到你你的的个个人人信信息息的的任任何何电电子子邮邮件件,无无论论这这些些邮邮件件看看起起来来多多么么正正式式。request请请求求,要要求求。干干扰扰项项是是B。若若选选B,要要在在asking后后面面加加for。2021/7/2310311. The driver from Nanjing was sentenced

75、 to life imprisonment for drunken driving and the five deaths. He deserved it. Even worse, what he did has brought greater suffering to the _ . A. living B. live C. lively D. alive【解解析析】选选A。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。答答语语句句意意为为:他他活活该该受受此此惩惩罚罚,更更糟糟糕糕的的是是,他他的的行行为为给给活活着着的的人人带带来来更更大大的的痛痛苦苦。the living表表示示“活活着着的的人人或或

76、物物”与与the dead相相对对。live通通常常作作定定语语,一一般般不不修修饰饰人人;alive常常用用作作表表语语,作作定定语语需需后后置置;lively活泼的,生动的。活泼的,生动的。2021/7/2310412. Its said that when Bill Gates requested the billionaires in China to _ part of their money to charity, to his surprise, some refused. A. give away B. give upC. give off D. give back【解解析析】

77、选选A。考考查查give动动词词短短语语。give away赠赠送送,泄泄露露;give up放放弃弃;give off发发出出;give back归归还还。句句意意:据据说说当当比比尔尔盖盖茨茨要要求求中中国国的的亿亿万万富富翁翁给给慈慈善善事事业业捐捐出出一一部部分分钱钱时时,令令他吃惊的是,一些人拒绝了。他吃惊的是,一些人拒绝了。2021/7/2310513. He had always been held _ as an example to the younger ones. A. back B. onto C. off D. up【解解析析】选选D。考考查查hold动动词词短短语语

78、。hold back阻阻挡挡;hold onto抓抓住住,保保留留;hold off推推迟迟;hold up举举作作为为范范例例,举起,延迟。句意:他总是被当作年轻人学习的范例。举起,延迟。句意:他总是被当作年轻人学习的范例。2021/7/2310614. Though some social problems are hard _ , we should take measures to prevent them _ worse. A. to solve;to become B. solving;becomingC. to solve;becoming D. to be solved;bec

79、oming【解解析析】选选C。考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。some social problems are hard to solve属属于于“主主语语+be +形形容容词词+动动词词不不定定式式”的的结结构构,在在这这个个结结构构中中,动动词词不不定定式式要要用用主主动动形形式式。第第二二个个空空考考查查的的是是prevent sb. /sth. (from) doing sth. 的结构。的结构。2021/7/23107 【方法技巧】【方法技巧】与与prevent sb. /sth. (from) doing sth. 类似的结构类似的结构prevent sb. /sth. (from)

80、 doing sth. 表表示示“阻阻止止做做”,与与其其意意思思类类似似的的短短语语还还有有:stop sb. /sth. (from) doing sth. , keep sb. /sth. from doing sth. , discourage sb. /sth. (from) doing sth. 。在在这这几几个个短短语语中中,keep sb. /sth. from doing sth. 中中from不不能能省省略略。在在此此结结构构中中,from表表示示“去去除除、免免掉掉、阻阻止止、剥剥夺夺”等等意意思思。在在其其他他短短语语中中,如如protect sb. /sth. fro

81、m(保保护护不不),rescue/save sb. from(保保全全/拯拯救救以以免免)等结构中等结构中from也表示也表示“去除、免掉、阻止、剥夺去除、免掉、阻止、剥夺”等意思。等意思。2021/7/2310815. The top leaders of Chinese Football Association are believed to have been _ in corruption. A. stuck B. caught C. involved D. trapped【解解析析】选选C。考考查查be involved in(参参与与,被被卷卷入入)。句句意意:中中国国足足协协的的

82、高高层层领领导导被被认认为为参参与与了了贪贪污污。其其他他三三个个选选项项虽虽然然也可与介词也可与介词in连用,但表示连用,但表示“陷入,被困在陷入,被困在”的意思。的意思。2021/7/23109. 阅读理解阅读理解 The following are some top discoveries in 2010. The Moon is Shrinking? But dont worry; its very, very slow. You wont see it disappear anytime soon. Scientists found that cracks in the moons

83、crust has cooled and shrunk over the last billion years or so. 2021/7/23110 Harry Potters Invisible Cloak Scientists have created a material to make fabrics that use visible light to protect objects from view. However, Harry Potter fans may have to wait a long while before the storied cloak becomes

84、reality. 2021/7/23111 Who Changed the Frogs Sex? Researchers have found that atrazine, one of the most commonly used weedkillers, can turn male frogs into females. Atrazine is known to prevent hormones working normally, leading to the decline of amphibians(两两栖栖动动物物) such as frogs around the world. 2

85、021/7/23112 Night Light=Obesity(肥胖)(肥胖) Dark-averse ladies, now you may want to turn off the lights at night, not just to be green. A new study said exposure to too much light at night may lead to obesity, even without changing physical activity or eating more food. 2021/7/23113 _ You dont want to b

86、e, sorry, an idiot, do you? Then believe it or not, here is one more reason to kick the habit of smoking. A study finds that cigarette smokers have lower IQs than non-smokers, and the more they smoke, the lower their IQ will be. 2021/7/23114【文文章章大大意意】文文章章主主要要讲讲了了2010年年的的五五个个新新发发现现。第第一一个个发发现现是是月月球球在在

87、变变小小;第第二二个个发发现现是是科科学学家家有有望望制制造造出出哈哈利利波波特特的的看看不不见见的的斗斗篷篷;第第三三个个发发现现是是有有一一种种除除草草剂剂导导致致青青蛙蛙变变性性;第第四四个个发发现现是是晚晚上上接接触触太太多多的的灯灯光光会会使使人人肥肥胖胖;第第五五个个发发现现是吸烟越多智力越低。是吸烟越多智力越低。2021/7/231151. Whats the headline of the last discovery? A. More Cigarettes=Lower IQ B. No Smoking C. Low IQ D. Are You an Idiot? 【解解析析】

88、选选A。主主旨旨大大意意题题。这这个个发发现现是是:吸吸烟烟会会使使人人的的智智商下降。故选商下降。故选A。2021/7/231162. Atrazine is _ . A. a male frog B. a chemical used to get rid of weed C. a female frog D. an amphibian【 解解 析析 】 选选 B。 细细 节节 理理 解解 题题 。 根根 据据 第第 三三 个个 发发 现现 中中 的的Researchers have found that atrazine, one of the most commonly used wee

89、dkillers, can turn male frogs into females. 可知可知atrazine是一种最常用的除草剂。是一种最常用的除草剂。2021/7/231173. Which discovery is most appealing to the girls who want to keep thin? A. The Moon is Shrinking? B. Harry Potters Invisible Cloak C. Who Changed the Frogs Sex? D. Night Light=Obesity【 解解 析析 】 选选 D。 推推 理理 判判 断

90、断 题题 。 第第 四四 个个 发发 现现 Night Light=Obesity提提到到晚晚上上接接触触太太多多的的灯灯光光会会使使人人肥肥胖胖。由由此此可可知选知选D。2021/7/231184. According to the discoveries, we can infer that _ . A. in the near future you can see the moon become smaller and smaller B. Harry Potter fans will wear a cloak that is invisible soonC. the decline o

91、f amphibians has something to do with atrazine D. cigarette smokers will become an idiot in the end2021/7/23119【解解析析】选选C。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第三三个个发发现现中中的的Atrazine is known to prevent hormones working normally, leading to the decline of amphibians such as frogs around the world. 可可知知atrazine这这种种除除草草剂剂会会阻

92、阻止止荷荷尔尔蒙蒙的的正正常常分分泌泌,这这样样就就导导致了两栖动物的减少。由此可知选致了两栖动物的减少。由此可知选C。2021/7/23120. 任务型阅读任务型阅读2011西安模拟西安模拟 根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从下下框框的的AF选选项项中中选选出出能能概概括括每每一一段段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。A. Bollywood pays great attention to traditional valuesB. Bollywood is less famous than Hollywood, and yet it produces t

93、he most films in the worldC. Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries2021/7/23121D. Bollywood is a decent refreshing replacement for those over-stimulating Hollywood filmsE. Bollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stageF. Bollywood films are mostly comic rom

94、ances with light-hearted incidental music 2021/7/23122 Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment. 2021/7/231231. Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it

95、is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay. Most Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian film. Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world. This year the Indian Filmgare Awards

96、, Bollywoods Oscars, turn 50 years old. 2021/7/231242. The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance, a tea-spoon of comedy, a dash of international sightseeing, served with a huge slice of singing and dancing. There will also be one brave hero, one beautiful he

97、roine and one baddy(坏坏蛋蛋). The result is a fun-filled musical. 2021/7/231253. There is never any mention of politics, poverty or war. The actors change clothes and locations within a single song. But the audience dont mind. To Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to hea

98、ven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all. 2021/7/231264. But, behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values. In most f

99、ilms, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they cant just run away. They must win over their parents. 2021/7/231275. So if youre tired of all that Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood films. They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colourful world, where its still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song. 答案:答案:15. BFCAD 2021/7/231282021/7/23129



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