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1、Art expands horizonsUNIT 5Unit 5 Art expands horizonsOpening upListening to the worldSpeaking for communicationFurther practice in listeningWrapping upLearning objectivesFun timetalk about movies youve seen4Learning objectivestalk about the arts that you enjoy1listen for favor and disfavor 2give a t

2、our of a place 3give a formal toast speech 5Opening upLook at the pictures and discuss the questions.Watching a movieGoing to a concertVisiting a museumsculptingPhotographing Drawing Opening upLook at the pictures and discuss the questions.1 Did you do any of the activities in the past six months? I

3、f yes, what are they?Yes, I did. I watched movies in the theater a couple of times. I also visited a museum two weeks ago. It was Shanghai Museum, and I had a great time there.2 Which activity would you like to try most in the next few months? Why? Id like to try photography most. I really like the

4、idea of taking photos in nature, but I dont know much about how to take good pictures. Probably I will take some lessons or join a club to learn the basics.Opening upLook at the pictures and discuss the questions.3 Which activity do you like best? Why? Out of all the activities shown in the pictures

5、, what I like best is drawing. I think drawing is a wonderful combination of imagination and reality. When you draw a sketch of a person or an object, you have a real person or object as your model, but meanwhile you also approach it with your own perspective and style.Listening to the worldSharingL

6、isteningViewingListening to the worldSharing1 Watch a podcast for its general idea.In the podcast, people are asked about the arts. They talk about what areas of the arts they enjoy, what exhibition or performance they went to recently, and whether they think the arts are important.2 Watch Part 1 an

7、d answer the questions.1 Photography and dance.2 The small, intimate exhibitions.3 The arts.Listening to the world3 Watch Part 2 and match the arts to the people.1 C2 E3 G4 A5 F6 DSharing7 H8 BAdditional NotesOh! What a Lovely War a famous British stage musical. The show is a satire on World War One

8、, depicting the war by using popular songs of the time. It was adapted from a 1961 radio play and premiered (首次公演) in 1963.Listening to the worldAdditional NotesSaatchi Gallerya London gallery for contemporary art. It has been based in three different sites since it was opened in 1985. The current p

9、remise was opened in Chelsea in central London in 2008, with a space of 70,000 square feet (6,500 m2). The Saatchi Gallery has been a major influence on art in Britain, providing a springboard (起点) for new artists to launch their careers.Listening to the worldAdditional NotesDesign Museum a worlds l

10、eading museum that covers all forms of design, including product, industrial, architectural, graphic and fashion design. Founded in 1989 in London, it claims to be the first museum of modern design.Listening to the worldAdditional NotesMoby Dick a novel by American writer Herman Melville, first publ

11、ished as The Whale in 1851. The story is about the adventures of a sailor and his voyage on a ship. The commander of the ship has only one purpose to hunt down and kill Moby Dick, a giant white whale that destroyed his boat and bit off his leg on a previous voyage. One of the greatest American novel

12、s, Moby Dick has been adapted into various forms, among which the most famous was a 1956 movie.Listening to the worldListening to the worldSharing4 Watch Part 3 and check () the true statements. 1 He went to see a dance performance. 4 He went to an exhibition at a museum. 6 He went to see a performa

13、nce of Moby Dick and thought it was good.Listening to the worldSharing1)enrich 2)expand our horizons3)Terribly4)intellect5)specific5 Watch Part 4 and fill in the blanks.6) learn through art7) all aspects8) alive9)Performance10) intense emotionsListening to the worldSharing6 Work in pairs and discuss

14、 the questions.I very much enjoy poetry and music. For me, poetry is the most expressive form of art. When reading it, I can feel the beauty of language and rhythm between the lines. I go to lots of concerts, too. There are bands and singers coming to perform in my university almost every month, so

15、I have many opportunities to enjoy music.1 What areas of the arts do you enjoy?Listening to the worldSharing6 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.Last week, I saw an exhibition of modern African art in a museum downtown. There were about 300 pieces of work, including paintings and sculptures, by

16、 artists from five African countries. The exhibition was great. I especially liked the paintings because I learned from them a lot about the people and customs of Africa.2 What recent exhibition or performance did you go to? How did you like it?Listening to the worldSharing6 Work in pairs and discus

17、s the questions.Absolutely. Art is everywhere in our daily life and influences everything we do. For example, when we go shopping, we naturally want to choose something that looks good or artistic. When we go out for dinner, we want to eat in a restaurant that offers a pleasant environment. Art expa

18、nds our knowledge and enriches our mind.3 Do you think the arts are important? Why?Listening to the worldSharingListeningViewingListening to the world1Work in pairs and discuss the questions.ListeningBEFORE you listen1 Are there any works of public art in the town / city where you live? If yes, whic

19、h of them is your favorite? If not, what kind of project would you suggest be built?Yes, there are a number of public art works in the city where I live now. We have some sculptures in the commercial streets downtown, a museum of wood sculpture next to the city library, and a grand theater near the

20、train station.(To be continued)Listening to the world1Work in pairs and discuss the questions.ListeningOf all of these, I like the museum of wood sculpture the best. The museum is small but has a large collection from both ancient and modern times. The sculptures on display present diverse themes bi

21、rds and animals, flowers, landscape, human figures, and many others. (To be continued)Listening to the world1Work in pairs and discuss the questions.ListeningI live in a small city, so there arent any real public art works. What I wish to be built is a well-equipped theater that can serve as a place

22、 for people to enjoy movies, concerts, dances, and other types of shows. I believe such a project will enrich the cultural activities of the city and benefit people of all ages who are interested in art.Listening to the world1Work in pairs and discuss the questions.ListeningBEFORE you listen2 Do you

23、 think it is necessary for a town / city to have art project (e.g. museums or sculptures)? Why or why not?Art projects are absolutely necessary for a town or city because they have extensive cultural, social and economic values.(To be continued)Listening to the world1Work in pairs and discuss the qu

24、estions.ListeningFirst of all, public art is a unique part of public culture. Places with a strong artistic expression can be symbols of the citys image and identity. Secondly, art projects in public places play various social functions, such as showing the history of the city or commemorating a fam

25、ous person. Finally, public art projects can bring economic profit. A well-presented art scene can attract visitors and businesses, and hence boost the local economy. Listening to the worldListeningListening skillsAdditional TipsListening for favor and disfavorWhen people tell what they prefer among

26、 several possible choices, they often do so by talking about their favor and disfavor. Words and phrases such as prefer or in favor of signal favor. Words and phrases like concern and not so sure are often used to express concerns or uncertainties. Sentences like Id rather not choose , or simply I d

27、ont like are used to suggest disapproval. Here are more expressions that signal a speakers favor or disfavor. (To be continued)Listening to the worldListeningListening skillsAdditional TipsListening for favor and disfavorFavor The one that gets my vote is the action movie. I prefer literature to pho

28、tography. I tend to favor less expensive ones. I think it would be very good for those who dont drive. That would be excellent for students who live in dorms. I think that it would be most useful and beneficial for the higher-level students.Listening to the worldListeningListening skillsAdditional T

29、ipsListening for favor and disfavorDisfavor The only thing that would concern me (on that) is that to live in an apartment is very expensive. I dont want to harp on about (唠叨) costs, but we have to consider the maintenance of the garden. We dont want to ignore the needs of the middle-aged. I dont th

30、ink that it will provide many learning opportunities.Listening to the world2 Note down what project each person favors () and disfavors ().ListeningWHILE you listenCinemaBotanical garden Theaterworkshop spaceTimNigel Sarah(Woman)Listening to the world3Listen to the discussion again and fill in the b

31、lanks.Listening1 gets your vote2 in favor of; useful and beneficial;bring jobs;entertainment and activities3 concern me; expensive4 I personally would preferWHILE you listenListening to the world3Listen to the discussion again and fill in the blanks.Listening5 with disabilities;6 mentioned youth; in

32、volved; not so sure7 costs8 my vote would go to; leave out;hanging around;excellent; enjoy gardensroutine; bringing along9 the older generationWHILE you listenListening to the world4Work in groups and discuss the questions.ListeningAfter you listen1 Suppose you are voting to choose an art project to

33、 be built on your campus. What would you like to vote for, and why? Out of all the choices, I am really in favor of a theater, which can not only serve as a good venue for performances but also serve for other purposes such as conferences and lectures. Our university doesnt have a good theater at pr

34、esent. The one we have now is small, and the audio equipment is outdated. (To be continued)Listening to the world4Work in groups and discuss the questions.ListeningAfter you listen1 Suppose you are voting to choose an art project to be built on your campus. What would you like to vote for, and why?

35、A new theater will make it easier for us to enjoy art. In addition, it can serve other functions, for example as a conference site or a lecture hall. If there are meetings or classes that need a large space, the theater will be a perfect place. In short, if we build a bigger and more advanced theate

36、r, it will be beneficial for the entire campus community.Listening to the world4Work in groups and discuss the questions.ListeningAfter you listen2 What criteria have you considered when making your decision in Exercise 1? Why?In voting for a theater to be built on campus, I have put high value on t

37、wo criteria. One is whether the project has artistic merit or not, and the other is whether it can stimulate peoples creativity. Art is an important element of human culture and is thought-provoking. With a new theater, we will be able to appreciate various types of art like operas and concerts in t

38、heir true artistic beauty and gain new ideas.Listening to the worldSharingListeningViewingListening to the world1 What words / phrases would you use to talk about graffiti?ViewingBEFORE you viewA: What do you think of graffiti?B: I see it as eye-catching, stimulating and pleasing to the eye. Sometim

39、es they can convey a profound message, for example, a call for environmental protection or world peace.Listening to the world1 What words / phrases would you use to talk about graffiti?ViewingBEFORE you viewA: Interesting. But Im afraid I cant agree with you. I would say graffiti is ugly and spoils

40、the appearance of buildings. In addition, such drawings may not fit the general design of the building or the surrounding buildings although they may look good by themselves.Listening to the world2Read the program information and answer the questions.ViewingBEFORE you viewBanksy is a graffiti artist

41、, whose work has brought graffiti into mainstream art and is sold for a large amount of money.Because Banksy is said to be from Bristol.Local peoples opinions of Banksy and graffiti in general. / What local people think of Banksy and graffiti in general.(To be continued)1 Who is Banksy?2 Why did Bri

42、stol host a Banksy show?3 What did the BBC program aim to report?Listening to the world2 Read the program information and answer the questions.ViewingBEFORE you view Because his graffiti work is illegal and he may be arrested if his identity is known. Because he might gain benefits from keeping his

43、identity a secret. Because he may be more than one person.4 Why do you think Banksy keeps his identity a secret?Listening to the world3 Watch the video clip and check () the true statements.ViewingWHILE you view1 The debate on whether graffiti is vandalism or art is stronger in Bristol than in any o

44、ther place.2 (There are lots of visitors to the Banksy exhibition in Bristol.)3 Kate Brindley doesnt think holding a graffiti exhibition is encouraging vandalism.Listening to the world3 Watch the video clip and check () the true statements.ViewingWHILE you view6 (Cerrie Burnell interviews people on

45、the street in order to find out what the people of Bristol really think of graffiti.)5 (Spud Murphy doesnt believe a graffiti artist like Banksy should be treated differently from a kid who does something stupid to peoples property, because Spud Murphy says we cant have laws for one person, Banksy,

46、and not for the other. This means he thinks the law should be the same for everyone.)4 Spud Murphy holds a negative view of graffiti.Listening to the world4 Watch Part 2 of the video clip and fill in the blanks.I think art.Horrifies.Speakers Opinions Supporting informationWoman 2Woman 3A4) definitel

47、y5) quite exciting Woman 11) makes a mess6) pleasing to the eyeAViewingWHILE you viewMan 1Man 2Man 3Man 4AVAVA2) public buildings 3) wrong10) offensive8) environment9) nice picture7) positiveListening to the worldAdditional NotesBanksyan English graffiti artist whose identity is still a mystery. Pos

48、sibly he was born in 1974 and raised in Bristol, England. Banksy began his career as a graffiti artist in 19901994. His works are created on various public surfaces such as streets and walls, which triggers great controversy.Listening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss whether you agree

49、 ordisagree with the statements.AFTER you view1 Holding an exhibition of graffiti is irresponsible because it encourages people to think spray-painting graffiti on public buildings is acceptable. I fully support the view that it is irresponsible to hold an exhibition of graffiti. This is because I t

50、hink graffiti on public buildings makes our environment messy rather than artistic.(To be continued)Listening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss whether you agree ordisagree with the statements.AFTER you viewHolding an exhibition of graffiti will be misleading, making people think graff

51、iti is true art. As a result, our public environment, which is supposed to be neat and clean, may be polluted or destroyed by people who carelessly draw or paint on various things. (To be continued)Listening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss whether you agree ordisagree with the statem

52、ents.AFTER you view I disagree with the first statement. Graffiti deserves the status of being a distinct genre of art. It is creative, expressive and sometimes thought provoking. Furthermore, I think that doing graffiti on public buildings, as long as it does not cause any damage, is largely accept

53、able. It is a unique part of our culture.Listening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss whether you agree ordisagree with the statements.AFTER you view2 Theres a difference between artistic graffiti and simple vandalism. There should be separate laws for graffiti artists and for kids who

54、just deface property. I dont think there is any difference between “artistic graffiti” and “vandalism”. In other words, we should treat the two as the same.(To be continued)Listening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss whether you agree ordisagree with the statements.AFTER you viewAll gr

55、affiti is art, no matter whether it is done by an adult or a kid. I think every person who does some sort of painting or drawing on the surface of a public building is trying to convey a message. In this sense, the picture should certainly be considered art.(To be continued)Listening to the worldVie

56、wing5 Work in groups and discuss whether you agree ordisagree with the statements.AFTER you view We should definitely have laws that treat artistic graffiti and sheer vandalism differently. Graffiti artists spend lots of efforts in making their work artistic. We should protect the rights of these pe

57、ople to pursue art. On the contrary, kids who randomly spray paint on public property just make a mess and spoil the surface of buildings. Their act is vandalism and should certainly be prohibited by law.Listening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss whether you agree ordisagree with the

58、statements.AFTER you view3 To encourage artistic creation and meanwhile prevent vandalism, there should be laws to define where graffiti is allowed and where it is prohibited. I totally agree. If there were laws that tell people where graffiti could be legally done and where it could not, our city w

59、ouldnt be full of defaced buildings.(To be continued)Listening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss whether you agree ordisagree with the statements.AFTER you viewI propose that graffiti should be allowed in such places as trains or subway stations, sports fields, and factory buildings. P

60、roperty where graffiti should be banned should include both private and government buildings, unless permission is granted.(To be continued)Listening to the worldViewing5 Work in groups and discuss whether you agree ordisagree with the statements.AFTER you view I dont think we need any laws to tell

61、us where graffiti can be done and where it cannot. As long as the creation of graffiti causes no harm to people or properties, it should be permitted, be it on the sides of a street or the walls of an old factory building. We just need some general laws about peoples behavior in public places. A reg

62、ulation that defines the particular locations where graffiti is permitted or banned would be too specific and hence unnecessary.Speaking for communicationRole-playc The Blue Note Jazz Club1 Number the places in order.a Caffe Reggiob Washington Square Parkd the Washington Square ArchSpeaking for comm

63、unicationRole-play2Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.1 extends out west;north above; go up2 around the corner;over there3 around the neighborhood4 on the left; hang out and read5 head over to; circle back6 walking by; a center of;attracted;folk music7 looks like8 modeled on;the hundr

64、edth anniversaryListening to the worldAdditional NotesGreenwich Villagean area of New York City known as an artists haven. It is also referred to as “the Village”. Beginning in the early 20th century and especially since the early 1950s, it had been a mecca (胜地) for creative radicals artists, poets,

65、 jazz musicians and blue singers from all over the United States.Speaking for communicationListening to the worldAdditional NotesWashington Squarea popular square located in the center of Greenwich Village, New York. It was long known for its bohemian and rebellious character. Its major tourist attr

66、actions include a large fountain and an arch honoring George Washington, the first American president.Speaking for communicationListening to the worldAdditional NotesCaffe Reggio a famous coffee house in the heart of Greenwich Village. It was opened in 1927, and its founder, Domenico Parisi, introdu

67、ced cappuccino to New York in the early 1930s. For decades the coffee house has been a shelter for bohemians.Speaking for communicationListening to the worldAdditional NotesSimon & Garfunkelan American folk rock duo popular in the 1960s. It consisted of singer-songwriters Paul Simon and Art Garfunke

68、l, who were among the most popular recording artists of the 1960s. Besides winning several Grammy Awards, the two singers were inducted in 1990 into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (摇滚名人堂), an American museum dedicated to musicians who have influenced rock music profoundly.Speaking for communicationL

69、istening to the worldAdditional NotesJoni Mitchella Canadian musician, singer, and songwriter. She was born in Fort MacLeod, Canada in 1943, and moved to the United States in 1966. Her first album was recorded in 1968. She was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997.Speaking for communi

70、cationListening to the worldAdditional Notesthe Arc de Triompheone of the worlds most famous monuments. It is located in Paris, France, and honors those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. The monument was designed in 1806 in a Neoclassical (新古典主义的) versio

71、n of ancient Roman architecture. It is one of the largest triumphal arches (凯旋门) in the world, being about 50 meters high, 45 meters wide and 22 meters deep.Speaking for communicationListening to the worldAdditional NotesGeorge Washington the first president of the United States and one of the found

72、ing fathers of the country. During the American War of Independence (1775-1783), he served as a general and commander in chief of the colonial armies. He was elected president in 1789 and served two terms in office.Speaking for communicationAdditional TipsGiving a tour of a placeGiving someone a tou

73、r means showing him / her around a place so that he / she can see what it is like and learn about it. The person who is guiding the trip should know how to lead the way, how to talk about facts on various things introduced on the trip, and how to comment on the places being visited. Leading the way

74、usually involves talking about directions to the places and the spatial relationship between different places. Talking about facts means providing factual information, which can be the geographical locations of a place, the physical measures of an object, the seating capacity of a building, or the h

75、istory of something. Giving comments means stating opinions on what is being introduced.Speaking for communicationRole-playSpeaking skillsAdditional TipsHere are more examples of expressions for giving a tour.FunctionsExpressionsLeading the way So, heres the famous palace. Thats the campus of the un

76、iversity. Now up here on the left is the royal garden. Why dont we retrace our steps and go back to the garden? We can actually go inside if were quick. Well finish by cycling down this way to the concert hall.Talking about facts It was modeled on an Italian church. It was built in the 16th century.

77、 The biggest room can seat about 300 students.Giving comments Yeah, the streets are quite narrow, and the buildings arent as high. Greenwich Village has always been a center of artistic life. Its the biggest and the most famous building in the town.Speaking for communicationSpeaking for communicatio

78、nRole-play3 Work in pairs and role-play the following situations. Situation 1 A tour of a town / city Situation 2 A tour of a university Speaking for communicationRole-play3Work in pairs and role-play the following situations.Situation 1 A tour of a town / city (Student B is a friend of Student A. S

79、tudent A is giving Student B a tour.)A: So, this is .B: When was it built?A: The construction was . Its one of the most .B: Its beautiful. I especially like the pond.A: The white building across the street is .B: How tall is it?A: About meters.B: It looks very elegant. Is that light brown building ?

80、A: Youre right. Its designed in the shape of .B: I like the design. How about ?A: OK. Lets go.Speaking for communicationRole-play3Work in pairs and role-play the following situations.Situation 2 A tour of a university (Student B is an international student. Student A is taking Student B on a tour of

81、 the campus.)A: Now lets go to the . Do you see ?B: Yes. It looks very new.A: Youre right. Its the and the of the .B: When was it opened?A: years ago.B: Where is the ? I will need to .A: Ill take you there. Its just several minutes walk from .B: Is it the with a ?A: Yes. Thats the , which . I like t

82、he design of the , which gives a feel to .B: Can we get closer to have a look?A: Sure.Speaking for communicationGroup discussion1 Read the movie review.Get ideas2 Check () the items that are given in the passage.(See next page)ItemsCheckParagraphs1 Year of release2 Setting of the movie3 Actor(s) / A

83、ctress(es)4 Cinemas showing the movie5 Ticket prices6 Plot summary7 Recommendation8 Director9 Length of the movie10 Reviewers opinion of different elements13 243,4 1,3Speaking for communicationGroup discussionAdditional NotesSlumdog Millionaire a British movie directed by Danny Boyle. It was adapted

84、 from Q & A (2005), a novel by the Indian writer Vikas Swarup. The movie was released in 2008 and won a number of awards in 2009, including eight Academy Awards, seven BAFTA Awards (British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards), and four Golden Globe Awards, among others.Speaking for communica

85、tionSpeaking for communication1 skillfully2 gripping;shocking;3 sensational4 electrifyinghilarious5 poignantly;moving6 breathless;hard-hitting; emotionally-draining;thoroughlyGroup discussionGet ideas3 Fill in the blanks with words from the review.Speaking for communicationGroup discussion4Work in g

86、roups. Find two movies you and your group members have watched and fill in the following table with relevant information.Discuss and organize ideas(See next page)Movie AMovie BTitleGenre (体裁体裁)SettingMain charactersActors / ActressesDirector(s)Plot summaryOpinionsRecommendationThe Pursuit of Happyne

87、ssStory Finding NemoWill Smith (as Chris Gardner), Gabriele MuccinoYes, definitely a must-see.AnimationBiographyChris Gardner (a salesman and later a stockbroker, a father), A real, heavy, and inspirational storySan Francisco, USOceanMarlin (a clownfish, an overprotective father), Yes, strongly reco

88、mmend.Albert Brooks (as Marlin), Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkric Story A brilliantly animated masterpieceSpeaking for communicationSpeaking for communicationGroup discussion5 Decide on one movie that your group would like to recommend to the class and plan a movie review by completing the following outli

89、ne.Discuss and organize ideas1 The movie The Pursuit of Happyness is set in San Francisco, US.2 Its a biography.3 It stars Will Smith as Chris Gardner, a salesman and a single father, and Jaden Smith as Christopher, the son.4 Its directed by Gabriele Muccino.5 The movie tells the story of a salesman

90、, Chris, who strives to build a future for himself and his five-year-old son. Although he works hard, he makes little money. He raises his son on his own after his wife walks out. However, he never gives up. With diligence and the love for his son, he becomes a successful stockbroker.Group discussio

91、nDiscuss and organize ideasSpeaking for communication6 As the movie opens, Chris is walking with his son Christopher back home. He is holding a bone density scanner in one hand and Christopher in the other. Christopher is talking about making a list of the birthday gifts he wishes for.Group discussi

92、onDiscuss and organize ideasSpeaking for communication7 My favorite scene is where Chris is interviewed for an internship at Dean Witter. His humor and honesty touches the depth of my heart.Group discussionDiscuss and organize ideas8 Its a touching and inspirational story.9 The movie is remarkable.1

93、0 Its definitely a must-see.Speaking for communicationSpeaking for communicationGroup discussion6Present your movie review to the class. Before you begin, refer to the checklist to see if you are ready.Present ideasChecklistUse appropriate vocabulary to describe the various elements of the movie.Tel

94、l the story of the movie fluently.Use a variety of adjectives and adverbs to express my opinions of the movie.Present my thoughts coherently.Speak with a voice clear enough for my classmates to hear and understand me easily.Speaking for communicationPublic speakingAdditional TipsFormal toast speeche

95、s Toast speeches are delivered at a meal or a reception to pay tribute to a person or acknowledge a special occasion.Formal toasts, which generally contain three parts, namely an opening, a body and an ending.Opening The opening consists of two parts: (a) greeting the audience; (b) stating the occas

96、ion or type of event. When greeting the audience, the speaker often uses certain formal terms to address the audience.Speaking for communicationPublic speakingAdditional TipsFollowing the greeting there are usually some remarks that indicate the occasion or event, for instance, to express thanks, to

97、 honor, to welcome, to congratulate, and so on.BodyIn this section, the speaker will say something related to the event.EndingThe ending part usually contains a proposal of a toast, along with a positive wish or certain complimentary words.Speaking for communicationPublic speakingSuppose you work as

98、 manager of the international cooperation department in a Chinese company called Jian Yi Foods. A delegation of American companies is visiting to discuss possibilities of business cooperation. Your company will host a welcome dinner, at which you are going to give a two- or three-minute toast speech

99、. The following outline is for your reference.Speaking for communicationPublic speakingOpeningI Greet your audience.II Extend a welcome.BodyI Give a general introduction to the company(e.g. history, major products, and / orinternational cooperation projects).II Introduce your companys plan for futur

100、edevelopment.EndingI Propose a toast.II Express good wishes.Further practice in listeningShort conversations1 Q: What does the man say about the singer?C Her music style is unique.2 Q: What are the two speakers mainly talking about?D What to do on their tour of Rome.3 Q: Whats the mans area of study

101、?B Modern opera.4 Q: How long does the exhibit open on Saturdays?C 7 hours.5 Q: What is special about the movie?D The actors remain silent throughout it.Additional NotesCapitoline Museumsa complex of art galleries in Rome. The complex was initially founded in 1471, making it one of the first museums

102、 in the world open to the public.Short conversationsFurther practice in listeningAdditional NotesStreetcara vehicle running on steel rails by drawing electric power from an overhead wire. It is also known as “street car”, “tram”, “trolley” or “trolley car”. Streetcars became the major form of urban

103、transportation in the US in the first half of the 20th century.Short conversationsFurther practice in listeningFurther practice in listeningLong conversation1 Q: What is the womans impression of San Francisco when visiting this time?B She finds many sites stay unchanged.2 Q: What does the woman sugg

104、est they do before going to the Golden Gate Bridge?D Viewing the bridge from a hill.3 Q: What does the man want to do?C Eat before continuing their tour.4 Q: What does the woman consider to be the best way to enjoy culture?A To truly experience it in no rush.Further practice in listeningPassage 11 Q

105、: Who is the person painted in the Mona Lisa?C The wife of a wealthy merchant.2 Q: What made it possible for the Mona Lisa to survive for centuries?A The use of a wood panel.3 Q: What is mentioned as one of the techniques used for painting the Mona Lisa?D Drawing the subject with accurate details.4

106、Q: What does the passage mainly discuss?B The reasons for the fame of the Mona Lisa.Further practice in listeningPassage 2 1) anticipation 2) glamorous 3) be conferred upon 4) collective 5) nominate for 6) exceptions to 7) accomplished 8) absolute 9) recipients10) is entitled toWrapping upUse the fo

107、llowing self-assessment checklist to check what you have learned in this unit.OKNeeds workI can talk about the arts that I enjoy.I can listen for peoples favor and disfavor.I can give a tour of a place by using appropriate expressions.I can talk about the various elements of movies.I can give a form

108、al toast speech.Fun timeWatch the following video Additional NotesFinding NemoThe movie tells the story of a fathers courage and love. Nemo runs away from school, ventures into the open sea, captured onto a boat, and sent to a dentists office. Marlin and Dory go to search for him and bring him home.

109、 They go all the way to Sidney Harbor. Along the way, Marlin learns to take risks and finally allows Nemo to take care of himself.Speaking for communicationBack to the table Additional NotesThe Pursuit of HappynessThe story is about a salesman, Chris, who strives to build a future for himself and his five-year-old son. Although he works hard, he makes little money. He raises his son on his own after his wife walks out. However, he never gives up. With diligence and the love for his son, he becomes a successful stockbroker.Speaking for communicationBack to the table



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