3 motivation application

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《3 motivation application》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《3 motivation application(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Applications of motivationMain contents lMotivating by changing the nature of the work environment 通过改变工作环境的本质进行激励lEmployee involvement 员工卷入方案lRewarding employees 奖励员工一、一、Motivating by changing the nature of the work environment nThe job characteristics modelFeedback Autonomy Task significanceTask i

2、dentitySkill varietyJob characteristicsSkill variety: the degree to which the job requires a variety of different activities so the worker can use a number of different skills and talent. 技能多样性:指一项工作中要求员工使用各种技能和才干以完成不同类型的活动的程度。Task identity: the degree to which the job requires completion of a whole

3、 and identifiable piece of work. 任务完整性:指一项工作中要求完成一件完整的和可辨别的任务的程度。Task significance: the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of other people. 任务重要性:指一项工作对他人的生活或工作的实际影响程度。 Autonomy: the degree to which the job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion

4、 to the individual in scheduling the work and in determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out. 工作自主性:指一项工作给任职者在安排工作内容、确定工作程序方面,实际上提供了多大的自由度、独立性及自主权。Feedback: the degree to which carrying out the work activities required by the job results in the individual obtaining direct and clear info

5、rmation about the effectiveness of his or her performance. 反馈:指员工在完成任务的过程中,在多大程度上可以直接而且明确地获得有关自己工作绩效的信息。Skill variety Task identityTask significance AutonomyFeedback Experienced meaningfulness of the work体验到工作的意义Experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work体验到对工作结果的责任Knowledge of the Actual re

6、sults of the work activities了解工作活动的实际结果High internal work motivation高度的内部动机High-quality work performance高质量的工作绩效High satisfactionwith the work对工作的高度满意度Low absenteeism and turnover低缺勤率和流动率nRedesign jobs 重新设计工作Job rotation工作轮换 We define this practice as the periodic shifting of an employee from one ta

7、sk to another. These jobs are usually at the same level, and has similar skill requirements.员工定期从一个任务到另一个任务的轮班。Advantages: lit reduces boredom, and increases motivation; 它减少了工作的枯燥性,提高了员工的积极性。lIt helps employees better understand how their work contributes to the organization. 帮助员工更好地理解他们的工作对组织的贡献。lI

8、t gives management more flexibility in scheduling work, adapting to changes, and filling vacancies. 管理者在安排工作、适应变革和填补职位空缺时有了更多的灵活性。Job enlargement 工作扩大化 Increasing the number and variety of tasks that an individual performed resulted in jobs with more diversity. 通过增加员工完成任务的数量和变化性,从而使工作本身更具有多元化。 Job e

9、nrichment 工作丰富化 An enriched job organizes tasks so as to allow the worker to do a complete activity, increases the employees freedom and independence, increases responsibility, and provides feedback, so individuals will be able to assess the correct their own performance. 以丰富化为特点的工作会有机结合各项任务,从而使工人从事

10、一个完整的活动,它增加了员工的自由度和独立性,增强了员工的责任感,并能及时提供反馈信息,使员工能够及时评估自己的绩效,并在必要时做出相应的修正。Job enrichment and two-factor theory: Following this theory, by increasing the intrinsic factors in a job such as achievement, responsibility, and growth employees are more likely to be satisfied with the job and motivated to pe

11、rform it.nAlternative work arrangements 可替代性工作安排排Flextime 弹性时间制 It allows employees some discretion over when they arrive at work and when they leave. 它给员工一定的自主权来自己决定上下班时间。 Employees have to work a specific number of hours a week, but they are free to vary the hours of work within certain limits.在一定

12、的条件限制下. Benefits: ureduced absenteeism; 降低缺勤率uIncreased productivity; 提高生产率 ureduced overtime expenses; 减少加班费用u a lessening in hostility toward management; 减少工人对管理层的敌对情绪u reduced traffic congestion around work sites 减少工作场所附件的交通堵塞状况uIncreased autonomy and responsibility for employees 提高员工的自主性和责任感Job

13、sharing 工作分担 It allows two or more individuals to split a traditional 40-hours-a-week job. 共同分担Job sharing allows the organization to draw on the talents of more than one individual in a given job. 工作分担使组织能够在具体工作岗位上吸引更多的人才。From the employees perspective, job sharing increases flexibility.Telecommuti

14、ng 远程办公 It refers to employees who do their work at home at least two days a week on a computer that is linked to their office. 远程办公就是让员工至少每周两天在家办公,通过与办公室联网的电脑来处理公务。Advantages:Higher productivity; less turnover;Improved morale;Reduced office-space costs;二、二、Employee involvement Employee involvement:

15、we define it as a participative process that uses the input of employees to increase their commitment to the organizations success.员工卷入员工卷入:我们把它界定为利用员工的投入来增加他们对组织成功的承诺的一种参与过程。uParticipative management It is the use of joint decision making. 共同参与决策 That is, subordinates actually share a significant d

16、egree of decision-making power with their immediate superiors. 下属在很大程度上可以与直接主管共享决策。uRepresentative participation 代表参与 That is, rather than participating directly in decisions, workers are represented by a small group of employees who actually participate. 也就是说,工人并不直接参与决策,而是由一群工人代表参与决策。The two most c

17、ommon forms: Works councils 职工监事委员会Board representative 董事会代表uQuality circles 质量圈 Quality circles are defined as a work group of 8 to 10 employees and supervisors who have a shared area of responsibility and who meet regularlytypically once a week, on company time and on company premisesto discuss t

18、heir quality problems, investigate causes of the problems, recommend solutions, and take corrective actions. 质量圈是指由810名员工和主管组成工作小组,共同承担责任,小组成员定期会面常常是一周一次,利用上班时间和工作场所讨论质量问题,探讨问题的成因,提出解决建议,并实施纠正措施。uEmployees involvement and motivation theories In terms of two-factor theory, employee involvement progra

19、ms could provide employees with intrinsic motivation by increasing opportunities for growth, responsibility, and involvement in the work itself. 从双因素理论来看,员工卷入方案通过增加员工在工作中的成长机会、责任以及对工作本身的介入,可以为员工提供内部动机。 In terms of ERG theory, the opportunity to make and implement decisions, and then seeing them work

20、 out, can help satisfy an employees needs for responsibility, achievement, recognition, growth, and enhanced self-esteem. 从ERG理论来看,做出和事实决策的机会,以及看到它们发挥作用,有助于满足员工的责任、成就、认可、成长和自尊的需要。三、三、Rewarding employeesnVariable-pay program: a variable-pay program bases a portion of an employees pay on some individu

21、al and/or organizational measure of performance. 浮动工资方案把一部分薪酬建立在员工个人/组织的绩效测量的基础上。Advantages:lReduce labor costslWhen pay is tied to performance, the employees earning recognize contribution rather than being a form of entitlement. 当把工资与绩效联系起来,会让人感到自己的收入取决于贡献的多少,而不在于头衔的高低。Piece-rate pay 计件工资 Workers

22、are paid a fixed sum for each unit of production completed. 按照工作完成的每一个生产单位付给固定报酬。Merit-based pay 绩效工资Merit-based pay plans are based on performance appraisal ratings.绩效工资计划建立在绩效评估的基础之上。 The plans can be motivating because, if they are designed correctly, individuals perceive a strong relationship be

23、tween their performance and the rewards they receive.Bonuses 奖金奖金 Bonuses reward employees for recent performance rather than historical performance. 最近的业绩Profit-sharing plans 利润分成方案/利润分享计划 They distribute compensation based on some established formula designed around a companys profitability. 根据公司的

24、利润而设计出某种特定的公式,以此来分配报酬。Gainsharing 收入分成/收益分享计划Employee stock ownership plans 员工持股计划 Employee stock ownership plans are company-established benefit plans in which employees acquire stock, often at below-market prices, as part of their benefit. 员工持股计划是公司制定的一项福利措施,作为福利措施,员工可以以低于市场的价格获得公司的股票。nSkill-based

25、 pay plans 技能工资方案 Skill-based pay(competency-based pay / knowledge-based pay)sets pay levels on the basis of how many skills employees have or how many jobs they can do. 技能工资是根据个体掌握的技能和能够做的工作来确定。Advantages:It has flexibility. Filling staffing needs is easier when employee skills are interchangeable.

26、 当员工的技能水平达到互换的地步时,则很容易填补职位的空缺。It can facilitates communication across the organization. 它促进了组织内部的沟通与交流。It helps meet the needs of ambitious employees who confront minimal advancement opportunities. Those people can increase their earnings and knowledge without a promotion in job title. 技能工资有助于满足哪些有抱

27、负的但面临最少晋升机会的员工的需要。这种做法可以使他们在没有职位提升的情况下增加收入和丰富知识。Skill-based pay and motivation theory:Because they encourage employees to learn, expand their skills, and grow, they are consistent with ERG theory. Among employees whose lower-order needs are substantially satisfied, the opportunity to experience grow

28、th can be a motivator. 由于它鼓励员工进行学习,扩展其技能水平,不断成长与发展,所以与ERG理论相吻合。当员工的低层次需要基本上得到满足时,成长的机会可能是一个激励因子。Skill-based pay may have equity implications. When employees make their input-outcome comparisons, skills may provide a fairer input criterion for determining pay than factors such as seniority or educati

29、on. It may increase the perception of equity and help optimize employee motivation. 技能工资本身还有公平理论的含义。在判断工资水平方面,当员工进行投入产出比较时,技能这一因素比资历或教育之类的因素更能提供公平的投入标准。技能工资可以增加公平感,并有助于提高员工的动机水平。nFlexible benefit 灵活福利 Flexible benefit allow each employee to put together a benefit package individually tailored to his

30、 or her own needs and situation. 灵活福利允许员工从众多福利项目中挑选一组最符合他们需要的福利。这种做法使得每个员工可以根据自己的需要和情况量体裁衣选择福利。Flexible benefit and Expectancy theory: Organizational rewards should be linked to each individual employees goals, flexible benefits individualize rewards by allowing each employee to choose the compensat

31、ion package that best satisfies his or her current needs. 组织的报酬要和每个员工的目标、灵活的福利相联系,通过让员工自己选择报酬组合来满足他们现在的需求,实现个性化报酬。nEmployee recognition programs 员工认可方案 Important work rewards can be both intrinsic and extrinsic. 重要的工作报酬既可以是内在的也可以是外在的。 Rewards are intrinsic in the form of employee recognition program

32、s and extrinsic in the form of compensation systems. 员工认可方案就属于内在的报酬,而报酬体系所提供的报酬就是外在的。Summary and applications for managers uRecognize individual differences认清个体差异 Managers should be sensitive to individual differences. Employees have different needs. Dont treat them all alike.uAllow employees to par

33、ticipate in decisions that affect them让员工参与影响到他们的决策 choose their own benefit packages; solving productivity and quality problem;uLink rewards to performance奖励与绩效挂钩 Employees must perceive a clear linkage between rewards and performance.uCheck the system for equity核查体制是否公平 experience, skills, abilities, effort, and other obvious inputs should explain differences in performance and, hence, pay, job assignments, and other obvious rewards. 员工在经验、能力、努力及其他方面的明显付出,应当可以解释他们在薪水、职责和其他所得方面的差异。



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