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1、第1讲冠词和名词(一一)冠冠词词考点考点1冠冠词词的基本用法的基本用法【考考题题小小练练】1. When I taught art at _ school in Seattle, I used Tinkertoys as a test at the beginning of a term. 2. My parents had moved to England from India during _ 1970s. athe3. The frequent terrorism activities in recent years constitute(构成构成) _ enormous securit

2、y challenge to all countries. an【考点精考点精讲讲】 冠冠词词包括不定冠包括不定冠词词a/an和定冠和定冠词词the, 不用冠不用冠词词的的情况也可称情况也可称为为零冠零冠词词。考。考查查冠冠词词的基本用法主要就是的基本用法主要就是考考查查冠冠词词的泛指和特指的泛指和特指, 在在语语法填空和短文改法填空和短文改错错中都中都会有所涉及。在会有所涉及。在语语法填空中法填空中对对冠冠词进词进行考行考查时查时, 不不给给出提示出提示词词。1. 不定冠不定冠词词(a/an)的用法的用法(八个八个“一一”) “一一”(=one)I watch TV for sixteen

3、or seventeen hours a day. “每一每一”(=per)Prices start at 13. 95 a yard for printed cotton. “同一同一”(=the same)They happen to be of an age and wear clothes of a color. “一一类类”(=复数名复数名词词)A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease. “任一任一”(=any)A dictionary is enough. “某一某一”(=a certain)A Mr Smit

4、h is waiting to see you. “一个、一一个、一场场、一、一次、一件次、一件”(抽象名抽象名词词)As a manager, he is a success while as a father he is a failure. “一种一种(份份, 阵阵)”(物物质质名名词词)What a heavy rain! (1)不定冠不定冠词词有有a和和an两种形式两种形式, 常位于名常位于名词词或名或名词词的修的修饰语饰语前。当前。当紧紧跟不定冠跟不定冠词词的的单词单词的第一个音素的第一个音素为辅为辅音音音素音素时时, 用用a; 而当而当紧紧跟不定冠跟不定冠词词的的单词单词的第一个

5、音素的第一个音素为为元音音素元音音素时时, 用用an。注意。注意: 判断用判断用a还还是是an的依据是的依据是紧紧跟不定冠跟不定冠词词的的词词的第一个音素是不是元音音素的第一个音素是不是元音音素, 而而不是不是该词该词的第一个字母是不是元音字母。例如的第一个字母是不是元音字母。例如: an honest boy一个一个诚实诚实的男孩。的男孩。 (2)不定冠不定冠词词的使用的使用不定冠不定冠词词可以用在某些物可以用在某些物质质名名词词或抽象名或抽象名词词前前, 使使之具体化。之具体化。这样这样的物的物质质名名词词有有: rain, snow, fog, wind, drink, coffee,

6、beer, fire, paper等等; 抽象名抽象名词词有有: success, failure, surprise, pleasure, beauty, wonder, comfort, danger, shock等。等。knowledge, collection, understanding等名等名词词后加后加of. . . 时时, 其前常用不定冠其前常用不定冠词词a/an。“a most+形容形容词词”表示表示“很很, 非常非常”, most在在此不表示最高此不表示最高级级含含义义, 相当于相当于very, 而而“the +most+多音多音节节形容形容词词”为为多音多音节节形容形容词

7、词的最高的最高级级形式形式, 表示表示“最最”。This is a most interesting film. This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen. 2. 定冠定冠词词the的用法的用法(1)表示特指的人或物表示特指的人或物, 或者双方都知道的或心中都明或者双方都知道的或心中都明白的人或物或者指上文已白的人或物或者指上文已经经提到提到过过的人或物。的人或物。*Do you know the man standing at the gate of the door? (2)用于用于单单数可数名数可数名词词前前, 表示整

8、个表示整个类类属。属。*Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876. (3)用于某些形容用于某些形容词词、分、分词词前表示一前表示一类类人人/物或用在姓物或用在姓氏复数前表示一家人。氏复数前表示一家人。*The Greens entertained us with dinner the day before yesterday. (4)用在被短用在被短语语或从句修或从句修饰饰的名的名词词前表示特指。前表示特指。 The young man is the student who I taught 10 years ago. (5)表示世界上独一无二

9、的事物表示世界上独一无二的事物, 如如the moon, the sun, the earth, the universe, the world, the sky等。等。*No one knows when the moon came into existence, as it happened so long ago. 【点津点津】当当这这些名些名词词前有修前有修饰语时饰语时, 亦可用不定冠亦可用不定冠词词, 如如a bright moon, a new world。有些事物有些事物虽虽然也是独一无二的然也是独一无二的, 但但习惯习惯上却不用冠上却不用冠词词, 如如space太空太空, na

10、ture自然自然, man人人类类等。等。 (6)用在序数用在序数词词、形容、形容词词/副副词词最高最高级级以及形容以及形容词词only, very, same等前面。等前面。Is this the first time you have visited Beijing? China is one of the richest countries in natural resources in the world. 【点津点津】当序数当序数词词不表示不表示顺顺序而表示序而表示“又一又一, 再一再一”时时, 用不定冠用不定冠词词, 如如a second time意意为为“再一次再一次; 又一次又

11、一次”。 (7)用于表示方位、西洋用于表示方位、西洋乐乐器等的名器等的名词词前前, 如如in the east, in the northwest, play the piano等。等。(8)用于表示某世用于表示某世纪纪/年代年代/时时期或朝代的名期或朝代的名词词前。前。*It is not rare in the 1990s that people in their fifties are going to university for further education. (9)用在表示度量用在表示度量单单位的名位的名词词前前, 如如by the hour/day/week/month/y

12、ear/dozen/yard/ton/kilo, 但是但是size/weight/time这类这类名名词词跟跟by连连用用时时不加冠不加冠词词。I hired the car by the hour. (10)与形容与形容词词或副或副词词的比的比较级连较级连用用, 一般用于以下两一般用于以下两种情况种情况: 用于用于“the+比比较级较级, the+比比较级较级”结结构中构中, 表示表示“越越, 就越就越”之意。之意。*The more we do for the people, the happier well be. 用在用在“the+比比较级较级+of the two”结结构中构中, 表

13、示表示“两个中两个中较较的一个的一个”。*She is the taller of the two girls. (11)在在“动词动词(take/catch/pat/hit/. . . )+sb. +介介词词(by/in/on)+the+名名词词(身体某一部位身体某一部位)”结结构中构中, 名名词词前要前要用定冠用定冠词词the, 而不用物主代而不用物主代词词。The police caught the thief by the arm. 3. 零冠零冠词词的用法的用法(1)专专有名有名词词、物、物质质名名词词、抽象名、抽象名词词、人名、地名等名、人名、地名等名词词前前, 一般不加冠一般不加

14、冠词词。*He is living in Canada now. (2)表示季表示季节节、月份、星期和、月份、星期和节节日的名日的名词词前和学科、前和学科、语语言、三餐、球言、三餐、球类类运运动动、棋、棋类类游游戏戏的名的名词词前不用冠前不用冠词词。*We usually have breakfast at 7 oclock. 【点津点津】表示一日三餐等的名表示一日三餐等的名词词前一般不用冠前一般不用冠词词。但。但若指具体的某若指具体的某顿饭顿饭或三餐前有形容或三餐前有形容词词修修饰时饰时要用冠要用冠词词。如。如: have a wonderful supper。 (3)称呼称呼语语及表示独一

15、无二的及表示独一无二的头衔头衔、职务职务的名的名词词作作宾宾语补语补足足语语及同位及同位语时语时, 不加冠不加冠词词。*Dr. Peter Spence, headmaster of the school, told us, “A fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford or Cambridge. ” (4)turn(变变成成)后的后的单单数名数名词词作表作表语语不用冠不用冠词词。但名。但名词词前若有形容前若有形容词词修修饰饰, 则则必必须须加冠加冠词词。 His brother has turned writer. Later she tu

16、rned a successful singer. (5)在在as/though引引导导的部分倒装句中的部分倒装句中, “零冠零冠词词+单单数名数名词词+as/though+主主语语+谓语谓语+主句主句”, 意意为为“虽虽然然/尽尽管管但是但是”。*Hero as he is, he has some shortcomings. (6)用在用在“名名词词+介介词词短短语语”的独立主格的独立主格结结构中。构中。*The teacher came in, book in hand. 【题组训练题组训练】1. I was invited to attend _ interview for a job

17、 as a hotel receptionist. 2. Theres no such thing as living alone. Never mind if youre _ only person in your house and have no dog, no cat, not even fish. 世世纪纪金榜金榜导导学号学号anthe3. (2019石家庄模石家庄模拟拟)One thing we can do to help solve this problem is to walk or use _ bicycle when possible. 4. (2019深圳模深圳模拟拟)

18、Many factors contribute to _ enjoyable experience. aan考点考点2冠冠词词的固定搭配的固定搭配【考考题题小小练练】1. Girls, who always spend money on clothes, should keep _ eye open for discounts. 2. _ number of these results on why this kind of bird cant fly are extremely interesting. anThe3. Zinio is a platform for digital maga

19、zines, with more than 5, 500 magazines from _ wide range of publishers. a1. 含不定冠含不定冠词词的固定搭配的固定搭配have a knowledge/understanding of了解了解have a good view of饱览饱览 in a hurry匆忙地匆忙地as a result因此因此 as a rule通常通常as a whole总总体上体上 as a matter of fact事事实实上上at a loss不知所措不知所措 in a word总总之之2. 含定冠含定冠词词的固定搭配的固定搭配make

20、 the most/best of充分利用充分利用 in the end最后最后by the way顺顺便便说说一下一下in the distance在在远处远处in the way挡挡道道on the whole总总的来的来说说 3. 含零冠含零冠词词的固定搭配的固定搭配at present目前目前take part in参加参加in peace平静平静by chance/accident碰巧碰巧on purpose故意故意on second thoughts再三考再三考虑虑ahead of time提前提前in advance提前提前4. 常用的固定常用的固定词组词组辨析辨析【题组训练题组

21、训练】1. (2019广州模广州模拟拟) My son is in _ hurry to leave anyway. 2. Bike to Work Day is started by the League of American Bicyclists in 1956 with _ aim of promoting the bicycle as a serious choice of getting to and from work. athe3. Ambitions, meaning things you want to achieve very much, play _ important

22、 role in our daily life. 4. The website asks visitors to join in the movement to reduce _ number of illiterate(不不识识字的字的) people in the world. anthe5. (2019赣赣州模州模拟拟) All of _ sudden, her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me and almost instantly gave me a

23、 completely new sense of what life is all about. 世世纪纪金榜金榜导导学号学号a (二二) 名名词词名名词词按其按其词汇词汇意意义义可分可分为专为专有名有名词词和普通名和普通名词词。普通名普通名词词包括可数名包括可数名词词和不可数名和不可数名词词。可数名。可数名词词有有单单数和复数之分数和复数之分, 不可数名不可数名词词没有复数形式。没有复数形式。考点考点1名名词单词单复数复数【考考题题小小练练】单单句改句改错错1. The airport bus leaves every 30 minute and will take you right to

24、 the Friendship Hotel. ( ) minute minutes2. First, we should adopt a positive attitudes towards failure. ( )3. By the way, after the contest, I am to drop in at your universities to visit you. ( )4. Carl asked him to visit the hospital and to pay his respect to Francis. ( )attitudesattitudeuniversit

25、iesuniversityrespectrespects【考点精考点精讲讲】1. 可数名可数名词变词变复数的复数的规则变规则变化化可数名可数名词变词变复数形式复数形式时时一般在名一般在名词词后面加后面加-s或或-es。变变化形式如下表化形式如下表: 构成方法构成方法例例词词一般在一般在词词尾加尾加-smapmaps, seaseas. girlgirls, daydays构成方法构成方法例例词词以以-s, -x, -ch, -sh结结尾尾的名的名词词后加后加-es(stomach除外除外)classclasses, boxboxes, watchwatches, dishdishes以以-f或

26、或-fe结结尾的尾的词词变变-f或或-fe为为-v, 再加再加-esleafleaves, knifeknives, wifewives, wolfwolves加加-sbeliefbeliefs, chiefchiefs, proofproofs, roofroofs, gulfgulfs, safesafes2. 可数名可数名词变词变复数的不复数的不规则变规则变化化名名词变词变复数不复数不规则变规则变化的形式如下表化的形式如下表: 构成方法构成方法例例词词增加字母增加字母childchildren, oxoxen改改变变名名词词中的元音字母或中的元音字母或其他形式其他形式manmen, wo

27、manwomen, footfeet, goosegeese, mousemice构成方法构成方法例例词词单单复数同形复数同形sheep, deer, series, means, fish, species表示表示“某某国人国人”的的名名词词加加-sAmericanAmericans, GermanGermans, GreekGreeks单单复数同复数同形形Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese构成方法构成方法例例词词表示表示“某某国人国人”的的名名词词以以-man或或-woman结结尾的尾的, 将将-man和和-woman分分别别改改为为-men, -womenEngl

28、ishmanEnglishmen3. 合成名合成名词词的的单单复数复数变变化化合成合成名名词词将主体名将主体名词变为词变为复数复数son-in-lawsons-in-law, looker-onlookers-on, passer-bypassers-by, story-tellerstory-tellers无主体名无主体名词时词时通常在通常在最后一个最后一个词词后加复数后加复数词词尾尾grown-upgrown-ups, stand-bystand-bys合成合成名名词词“man/woman+名名词词”构成的合成构成的合成词变词变复数复数时时, man/woman和名和名词词均均变为变为复数

29、复数woman singerwomen singers, man servantmen servants【题组训练题组训练】1. It is especially effective in getting rid of the bacteria on your _(tooth)and keep them healthy! 世世纪纪金金榜榜导导学号学号2. But many of us have never considered how our _(emotion) are affected by what we eat. teethemotions3. Built by Emperor Qin

30、 Shihuang as a defence against the _ (enemy) from the North, today, the Great Wall is Chinas symbol to the rest of the world. 4. (2019濮阳模濮阳模拟拟) A bus drivers main responsibility is safely transporting _(passenger). enemiespassengers考点考点2不可数名不可数名词词【考考题题小小练练】单单句改句改错错1. Words came that he was caught ch

31、eating in the exam. ( )2. Some sellers were shouting at the top of their voices to attract peoples attentions. ( )WordsWordattentionsattention3. It is a fun for us to go swimming in a river in summer indeed. ( ) 删删除第一个除第一个“a”【考点精考点精讲讲】1. 常常见见的不可数名的不可数名词词一般来一般来说说, 物物质质名名词词和抽象名和抽象名词词是不可数的是不可数的, 因此没有因此

32、没有复数形式复数形式, 一般也不能用一般也不能用a或或an修修饰饰。通常只用作不可。通常只用作不可数名数名词词的名的名词词有有: milk, music, homework, housework, weather, news, butter, information, bread, advice, progress, orange(橙汁橙汁), equipment, meat, fun, luggage, luck, work(工作工作), traffic, furniture, wealth, word(消息消息), room(空空间间), man(人人类类)等。等。【点津点津】word意意

33、为为“消息消息”, room意意为为“空空间间”, man意意为为“人人类类”时时通常不通常不带带任何修任何修饰饰成分。成分。不可数名不可数名词词可以通可以通过过在名在名词词前加表示数量的前加表示数量的词词来表来表示数量概念。示数量概念。a piece of paper一一张纸张纸/一片一片纸纸furniture, equipment, information, advice, progress, weather, fun这这七个七个词为纯词为纯粹的不可数名粹的不可数名词词。2. 常使用复数形式的常使用复数形式的单词单词和短和短语语表示由两个相表示由两个相连连的的类类似部分似部分组组成的事物的

34、名成的事物的名词词只用只用复复数形式数形式, 如如: jeans, pants, scissors, compasses, glasses。表示表示问问候、祝候、祝贺贺、感、感谢谢等的名等的名词词常用复数形式常用复数形式, 常常见见的有的有regards greetings, respects wishes, congratulations, thanks等。等。一些固定短一些固定短语语中的名中的名词词只用复数形式只用复数形式, 常常见见的有的有take turns to do sth. , in high spirits, make friends with, as follows, sha

35、ke hands with等。等。3. 抽象名抽象名词词的具体化的具体化具有某种特性、状具有某种特性、状态态、情感的抽象名、情感的抽象名词词在表示具体的在表示具体的概念概念时时, 可以与不定冠可以与不定冠词连词连用用, 常考到的有常考到的有: 单词单词抽象名抽象名词词具体化名具体化名词词意意义义success成功成功成功的人或事成功的人或事beauty美美; 美美丽丽美美丽丽的人或事物的人或事物danger危危险险危危险险的人或因素的人或因素单词单词抽象名抽象名词词具体化名具体化名词词意意义义delight高高兴兴令人高令人高兴兴的事的事 failure失失败败失失败败的人或事物的人或事物su

36、rprise惊奇惊奇令人惊奇的事情令人惊奇的事情 【题组训练题组训练】单单句改句改错错1. Although he had plenty of works to do, he still stayed with me and played games with me. ( )2. We gave him some advices on what to choose. ( ) worksworkadvicesadvice3. We can go to the library or surf the Internet for various kinds of informations. 世世纪纪金

37、榜金榜导导学号学号 ( )4. (2019泰安模泰安模拟拟)We spent three weeks visiting Beijing, Shanghai and several other tourist attraction. ( )informationsinformationattractionattractions. 语语法填空解法填空解题题技法技法【高考高考试试水区水区】1. (2017全国卷全国卷) Instead, she is earning 6, 500 a day as _ model in New York. a2. (2018全国卷全国卷) Unexpectedly,

38、 Im face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at _ top of her lungs. 3. (2018全国卷全国卷) Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over _ past 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent. thethe4. (2018全国卷全国卷) Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 that

39、showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all _(cause). causes5. (2018全国卷全国卷) This switch has decreased _(pollute) in the countrys major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people. 6. (2018浙江高考浙江高考)Few people I know s

40、eem to have much desire or time to cook. Making Chinese _(dish) is seen as especially troublesome. 世世纪纪金榜金榜导导学号学号pollutiondishes【微技能点微技能点拨拨】1. 根据泛指或特指根据泛指或特指选择选择冠冠词词如果空格后的名如果空格后的名词词或或“形容形容词词+名名词词”前没有形容前没有形容词词性性物主代物主代词词、不定代、不定代词词、名、名词词所有格或指示代所有格或指示代词词等限定等限定词时词时很可能填冠很可能填冠词词。 (1)如果空格及后面的名如果空格及后面的名词词可翻可

41、翻译译成成“一个一个(本、种等本、种等)”, 一般填一般填a/an, 如果可翻如果可翻译译成成“这这/那个那个, 这这/那些那些”一般填一般填the; (2)如果名如果名词词后有后有of短短语语、不定式、分、不定式、分词词或从句等作定或从句等作定语时语时很可能填很可能填the。2. 根据固定句式或固定搭配根据固定句式或固定搭配选择选择冠冠词词英英语语中有很多中有很多带带有冠有冠词词的固定句式或短的固定句式或短语语, 记记住住这这些些句式和短句式和短语语也有利于解决此也有利于解决此类问题类问题。3. 根据根据语语境境标标志志词词判断名判断名词词(1)看到冠看到冠词词或形容或形容词词或形容或形容词

42、词性物主代性物主代词时词时, 要想到要想到名名词词; (2)遇到介遇到介词词或及物或及物动词时动词时要想到名要想到名词词; (3)当看到并列当看到并列连词连词所所连连接的前或后是名接的前或后是名词时词时要想到名要想到名词词。4. 根据根据规则规则确定名确定名词单词单复数复数(1)如果空格如果空格处处被被these, several, many和数和数词词等修等修饰时饰时, 要考要考虑虑用名用名词词的复数形式的复数形式; (2)如果一般如果一般现现在在时时的的谓语动词谓语动词是是动词动词原形或原形或are, 要考要考虑虑用名用名词词的复数形式的复数形式; (3)在平在平时时学学习习中要熟中要熟记

43、记名名词单词单数数变变复数的复数的规则规则, 方能方能解决好此解决好此类问题类问题。. 短文改短文改错错解解题题技法技法【高考高考试试水区水区】1. (2018全国卷全国卷) As the kid, I loved to watch cartoons, but no matter how many times I asked to watch them, my parents would not let me. ( )the a2. (2018全国卷全国卷)During my last winter holiday, I went to countryside with my father t

44、o visit my grandparents. ( )3. (2018全国卷全国卷) Last winter when I went there again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken. ( )在在countryside前面加前面加thechicken chickens4. (2018全国卷全国卷) After supper, we would play card games of all sort in the sitting room. ( )5. (2018全国卷全国卷) The classroom

45、 is a place for learning and that includes learning from textbooks, and mistake as well. ( )sort sortsmistake mistakes【微技能点微技能点拨拨】1. 看到以看到以辅辅(元元)音音素开音音素开头头的名的名词词要想到要想到应应用不定冠用不定冠词词a(n); 2. 如果名如果名词词表示特指表示特指, 则应则应用定冠用定冠词词the; 3. 看到看到单单数可数名数可数名词词要想到是否少用了冠要想到是否少用了冠词词; 4. 看到不可数名看到不可数名词词表示泛指要想到是否多用了冠表示泛指要想

46、到是否多用了冠词词; 5. 牢牢记记含冠含冠词词的固定搭配的固定搭配, 确定冠确定冠词词的增与的增与删删; 6. 遇到名遇到名词词, 首先要想到是可数名首先要想到是可数名词还词还是不可数名是不可数名词词; 7. 看到看到several, a few, many, one of, three, a number of等要想到名等要想到名词应词应用复数形式用复数形式; 8. 看到看到information, advice, homework, progress, knowledge, furniture, luggage等等, 要想到它要想到它们们是不可是不可数名数名词词, 没有复数形式没有复数形式; 9. 看到冠看到冠词词等修等修饰词饰词, 要想到要想到应应用名用名词词形式。形式。



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