2019年春八年级英语下册 Module 6 Hobbies模块基础知识过关六课件 (新版)外研版

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《2019年春八年级英语下册 Module 6 Hobbies模块基础知识过关六课件 (新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年春八年级英语下册 Module 6 Hobbies模块基础知识过关六课件 (新版)外研版(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六重点重点单词根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词1 1邮票邮票 n. _ n. _ 2 2隔板;架子隔板;架子 n. _ (n. _ (复数复数) _ ) _ 3 3一定;肯定一定;肯定 v. aux. _ v. aux. _ 4 4值钱的;有价值的值钱的;有价值的 adj. _ (n.)adj. _ (n.)价值;有用性价值;有用性 _ _ 5 5用用 prep. _( prep. _(反义词反义词) _ ) _ 6 6兴趣;爱好兴趣;爱好 n. _(adj.) _(n. _(adj.) _(修饰人修饰人)

2、) (adj.)_ ( (adj.)_ (修饰物修饰物) ) stampstamp基础知识清单基础知识清单shelfshelfshelvesshelvesmustmustvaluablevaluablewithwithvaluevaluewithoutwithoutinterestinterestinterestinginterestinginterestedinterested模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六7 7活动活动 n. _ (n. _ (复数复数) _ ) _ 8 8航海;航行航海;航行 n. _ (v.) _ n. _ (v.) _ 9 9愉悦;快乐愉悦;快乐 n. _(ad

3、j) _(n. _(adj) _(修饰人修饰人) ) (adj.)_( (adj.)_(修饰物修饰物) ) 1010成功;成就成功;成就 n. _ (adj.) _ (adv.)n. _ (adj.) _ (adv.) _ _ activityactivityactivitiesactivitiessailingsailing sailsailpleasuretpleasuretpleasedpleasedpleasantpleasantsuccesssuccesssuccessfulsuccessfulsuccessfullysuccessfully模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六根据汉

4、语意思,写出相应的英文短语根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1 1使整齐;使整洁使整齐;使整洁 _ _ 2 2占用占用 _3 3有点儿乱有点儿乱 _ _ 4 4看一看看一看 _ _ 5 5大部分大部分/ /大多数大多数 _ _6 6和和不一样不一样 _ _7 7在某人的一生中在某人的一生中 _ _ 8 8例如例如 _ _ 9 9种植蔬菜种植蔬菜 _1010照看动物照看动物 _ _ 重点短重点短语tidy uptidy uptake uptake upa bit of a messa bit of a messhave a lookhave a look atatmost ofmost ofnot

5、not as/soas/soasasin ones lifein ones lifesuch as/for examplesuch as/for examplegrowgrow vegetablesvegetableslook after animalslook after animals模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六1111一些一些其他其他 _ _1212和;以及和;以及 _ _ 1313鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事 _ _ 1414要求某人要求某人( (不不) )做某事做某事 _1515出版;问世出版;问世 _1616结果;因此果;因此 _ _ 1717对感感兴趣趣 _ _ 1818

6、花花费时间做某事做某事 _1919由于;作由于;作为的的结果果 _ _ 2020用光;耗尽用光;耗尽 _ _ somesomeand othersand othersas well asas well asencourage sb. to do sth.encourage sb. to do e outcome outask sb.(not) to do sth.ask sb.(not) to do sth.as aas a resultresultbe interested inbe interested inspend time (in) doing sth.spend time (in)

7、 doing sth.as a result ofas a result ofrun out ofrun out of模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六.连词成句连词成句根据括号内的中文提示,根据括号内的中文提示, 将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。1 1somewhere, to, come in, find, and, sit down(somewhere, to, come in, find, and, sit down(进来找地方坐下。进来找地方坐下。) )_2 2give, people, me, presents, fans, as, often

8、(give, people, me, presents, fans, as, often(人们经常把扇子作为礼人们经常把扇子作为礼物送给我。物送给我。) )_3 3all over the world, Ive, collected, from, stamps(all over the world, Ive, collected, from, stamps(我收集了世界各我收集了世界各地的邮票。地的邮票。) )_Come in and find somewhere to sit down.Come in and find somewhere to sit down.People often g

9、ive me fans as presents.People often give me fans as presents.重点句型重点句型Ive collected stamps from all over the world.Ive collected stamps from all over the world.模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六4 4cost, my, as much as, doesnt, yours, hobby (cost, my, as much as, doesnt, yours, hobby (我的爱好没有你我的爱好没有你的爱好花费多。的爱好花费多。) )

10、_5 5anything, you, tickets, with, cant, old, do(anything, you, tickets, with, cant, old, do(你用旧票不能做任何事情。你用旧票不能做任何事情。) )_.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1 1爱好可以促使你成长,培养你的兴趣,并帮助你学会新的技能。爱好可以促使你成长,培养你的兴趣,并帮助你学会新的技能。 Hobbies can make you _ _ a person, develop your Hobbies can make you _ _ a person, develop your int

11、erests and help you _ new skills.interests and help you _ new skills.2 2除了像航行和爬山等常见的活动外,还有一门写作课。除了像航行和爬山等常见的活动外,还有一门写作课。 _ _ _ the usual activities, _ _ _ _ _ the usual activities, _ _ sailing and climbing, there was a writing class.sailing and climbing, there was a writing class.My hobby doesnt cos

12、t as much as yours.My hobby doesnt cost as much as yours.grow asgrow aslearnlearnAs well asAs well assuch assuch asYou cant do anything with old tickets.You cant do anything with old tickets.模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六3 3戴维因此成了一名成功的年轻作家。戴维因此成了一名成功的年轻作家。 _ _ _ _ _, David has become a David has become a _ youn

13、g writer. young writer.4 4戴维非常幸运,因为他的爱好给他带来了快乐和成功。戴维非常幸运,因为他的爱好给他带来了快乐和成功。 David _ _ very lucky because his David _ _ very lucky because his hobby has _ him _ and _hobby has _ him _ and _5 5我花一些业余时间在校队打排球。我花一些业余时间在校队打排球。 I _ some of my free time _I _ some of my free time _ _ _ for our school team. f

14、or our school team. As a resultAs a resultsuccessfulsuccessfulhas beenhas beenbroughtbroughtpleasurepleasuresuccesssuccessspendspendplayingplayingvolleyballvolleyball模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六单词回回顾.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1 1Her father is pleased with her exam r_Her father is pleased with her exam

15、 r_2 2When you want to post a letter, you need a s_. When you want to post a letter, you need a s_. 3 3Judy likes to take part in all kinds of outdoor a_Judy likes to take part in all kinds of outdoor a_. . 4 4The students developed their reading _ (The students developed their reading _ (技能技能) grea

16、tly ) greatly last term.last term.5 5He began to like _ (He began to like _ (航海航海) when he was twenty years old.) when he was twenty years old.esult(s)esult(s)基础知识迁移基础知识迁移tamptampctivitiesctivitiesskillsskillssailingsailing 模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1 1John spent a lot of money buying

17、 a _(value) ring.John spent a lot of money buying a _(value) ring.2 2The books on these _ (shelf) are new. They came out The books on these _ (shelf) are new. They came out last week.last week.3 3Lilys birthday party was a big _ (successful)Lilys birthday party was a big _ (successful)4 4Its useful

18、to develop some _ (interesting)Its useful to develop some _ (interesting)5 5The girl is too young. Dont make her _The girl is too young. Dont make her _ _ (practise) (practise) playing the piano all the time. playing the piano all the time. 6 6I often spend an hour _ (play) computer games at the I o

19、ften spend an hour _ (play) computer games at the weekend. weekend. valuablevaluableshelvesshelvessuccesssuccessinterestsinterestspractisepractiseplayingplaying模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六短短语运用运用用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空1.Linda _1.Linda _ music, so she wants to join the music music, so she wants to join

20、the music club.club.2 2The little girl works very hard, and _The little girl works very hard, and _, she has got the highest mark in her class.she has got the highest mark in her class.3 3I have _ all my money, so I have no money to I have _ all my money, so I have no money to buy a bus ticket.buy a

21、 bus ticket.4 4The students have _ the final exam.The students have _ the final exam.is interested inis interested inas a resultas a resultrun out ofrun out ofgot ready forgot ready forsuch as, as a result, come out, be interested in, have a look, such as, as a result, come out, be interested in, ha

22、ve a look, tidy up, run out of, get ready for, look forward to, all the tidy up, run out of, get ready for, look forward to, all the time time 模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六5 5The letter was in my pocket _The letter was in my pocket _6 6The book written by Han Han _ a few years ago.The book written by Han Han _

23、 a few years ago.7 7My best friend likes sports, _ playing My best friend likes sports, _ playing volleyball and table tennis.volleyball and table tennis.8 8Let me _ at your new watch.Let me _ at your new watch.9 9Please _ your bedroom. Its a bit of a mess. Please _ your bedroom. Its a bit of a mess

24、. 1010We are _We are _ visiting the Great Wall again. visiting the Great Wall again.all the timeall the timecame outcame outsuch assuch ashave ahave a looklooktidy uptidy uplookinglooking forward toforward to模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六句型突破句型突破.改为同义句改为同义句1 1Tony and Mary often go to school on foot.Tony and Ma

25、ry often go to school on foot. Tony _ _ _ Mary often _ to school Tony _ _ _ Mary often _ to school on foot.on foot.2 2Both Tom and I are interested in football and basketball.Both Tom and I are interested in football and basketball. Not only Tom _ _ I _interested in Not only Tom _ _ I _interested in

26、 football and basketball.football and basketball.3 3She spends much time watching TV every day.She spends much time watching TV every day. It _ her much time _ _ TV every day.It _ her much time _ _ TV every day. as well as as well asgoesgoesbut alsobut alsoamamtakestakesto watchto watch模块基础知识过关六模块基础

27、知识过关六4 4He lost his job, because he made one big mistake.He lost his job, because he made one big mistake. He made one big mistake, and _He made one big mistake, and _, he lost he lost his job.his job.5 5My favourite sport is playing basketball.My favourite sport is playing basketball. I like _ bask

28、etball _I like _ basketball _6 6I will take care of my pet dog. I will take care of my pet dog. I will _ _ my pet dog. I will _ _ my pet dog. as a resultas a resultplayingplayingbestbestlook afterlook after模块基础知识过关六模块基础知识过关六.按要求完成下列各题按要求完成下列各题1 1My uncle sent me a new CD on my birthday.(My uncle sen

29、t me a new CD on my birthday.(改为同义句改为同义句) ) My uncle sent a new CD _ _ on my birthday.My uncle sent a new CD _ _ on my birthday.2 2My hobby costs as much as yours.(My hobby costs as much as yours.(改为否定句改为否定句) ) My hobby _ cost _ much as yours.My hobby _ cost _ much as yours.3 3I collect something sp

30、ecial.(I collect something special.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句) ) _ you collect _ special?_ you collect _ special?4 4Hes collected stamps since_ten_years_ago. (Hes collected stamps since_ten_years_ago. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) ) _ _ _ he collected stamps? _ _ _ he collected stamps? to meto medoesntdoesntas/soas/soDoDoanythinganythingHow How long haslong has



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