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1、International bank Remittance国际银行汇兑国际银行汇兑.Some key points:n1. Methods, parties and procedures of remittancen2. Advantages and disadvantages of remittancen3. Practice of remittancen4. The function of remittance in international trade.New words and expressionsn1. Remittance:汇款:汇款n2. CorrespondentCorre

2、spondent:代理行:代理行n3. 3. Remitter:汇款人:汇款人n4. Payee:收款人:收款人n5. Domicile:住所:住所n6. Entertain:娱乐,招待,持有:娱乐,招待,持有n7. Subsidiary:辅助的,:辅助的, 补充的补充的n8. Solvency:偿付能力:偿付能力n9.duplicate:副本:副本n10. Surrender:交出,放弃:交出,放弃.n11.beneficiary:受益人:受益人n12. Remitting bank:汇出行:汇出行n13. Paying bank:汇入行,解付行:汇入行,解付行n14. Telegraphi

3、c transfer:电汇:电汇n15. Demand draft transfer:票汇:票汇n16. Mail transfer:信汇:信汇n17. Mail Remittance :信汇:信汇n18. Money order:邮政汇票,汇款单:邮政汇票,汇款单n19. Debit advice:借记通知单:借记通知单n20. Payment order:支付委托书:支付委托书n21. On ones own initiative:主动的:主动的n22. Designated bank:指定银行:指定银行n23. Home country:母国:母国.n24. Outward Remitt

4、ance:汇出:汇出n25. Inward Remittance:汇入:汇入n26. Cash deposit:现金存款:现金存款n27. In line with:根据,按照:根据,按照n28. Letter of indemnity:赔偿保证金书:赔偿保证金书n29. Cash before shipment:付款后装运:付款后装运n30. Shipment at first settlement later:先装运后结算:先装运后结算n31. Down payment:定金,首批付款:定金,首批付款n32. In due course:在适当的时候:在适当的时候n33. Financia

5、l status :财务状况:财务状况n34. Clearing account:清算帐户:清算帐户.4.1 General Description汇兑方式概述汇兑方式概述nIn international trade, the settlement of claims and debts and the transfer of money are carried out by several methods of transmission.n国际贸易中权利、债务结算和资金转移是通过几种方式实现国际贸易中权利、债务结算和资金转移是通过几种方式实现nInternational remittanc

6、e happens when a client(payer)asks his bank to send a sum of money to a beneficiary abroad by one of the transfer methods at his option. The beneficiary can be paid at the designated bank, which is either the Remitting banks overseas branch or its Correspondent.Correspondent.n国际汇兑是指银行接受客户(付款人)委托向其国外

7、国际汇兑是指银行接受客户(付款人)委托向其国外受益人转移资金的一种方式。受益人能在指定的银行受益人转移资金的一种方式。受益人能在指定的银行(汇出银行海外支行或代理行)收款。(汇出银行海外支行或代理行)收款。.nThat is to say, when remittance is That is to say, when remittance is adopted in adopted in international trade, the buyer on his own initiative remits money to the seller through a bank in accor

8、dance with the terms and time stipulated in the contract.n汇款在国际贸易中被使用时买方根据合同定义汇款在国际贸易中被使用时买方根据合同定义的时间和条件的时间和条件主动主动把款项划拨到卖方银行。把款项划拨到卖方银行。.4.1.1 Parties concerned and methods汇兑当事人及方式汇兑当事人及方式nParties involved in in international bank remittance include the following:n(1) The remitter: 汇款人汇款人nThe remitt

9、er is the person who requests his bank to remit funds to beneficiary in a foreign country. The remitter is also the payer.n汇款人是要求银行把资金转移给国外受益人的汇款人是要求银行把资金转移给国外受益人的人,就是付款人。人,就是付款人。.n(2) Remitting bank 汇出行汇出行nRemitting bank is the bank transferring funds at the request of a remitter to its Corresponde

10、nt or its Correspondent or its branch in another country and instructing the branch in another country and instructing the latter to pay a certain amount of money to a latter to pay a certain amount of money to a beneficiary.n汇出行是应汇款人要求通过其国外分支行或代理行把汇出行是应汇款人要求通过其国外分支行或代理行把资金转移到国外并指示其支付一定金额给受益人的银资金转移到

11、国外并指示其支付一定金额给受益人的银行。行。n(3)The payee收款人收款人nThe payee (beneficiary) is a person who is addressed to receive the remittance.n(4)paying bank付款行付款行npaying bank is the bank entrusted by the remitting bank to pay a certain amount of money to a beneficiary named in the remittance advice.n付款行是受汇出行委托按照汇款指示给付款

12、行是受汇出行委托按照汇款指示给受益人支付一定数额款项的银行。受益人支付一定数额款项的银行。.nThere are three basic ways for a bank to transfer funds for its client from the home country to abroad. They are mail remittance, telegraphic remittance and demand draft.n1. Remittance by airmail信汇信汇n2. Remittance by cable/telex/SWIFT电汇电汇n3. Remittance

13、by banks demand draft票汇票汇.n1. Remittance by airmail M/T:信汇信汇nRemittance by airmail transfer funds by means of a payment order, a mail advice, or sometimes an advice issued by a remitting bank, at the request of the remitter. It is more generally known as mail transfer or M/T.nA payment order , mail

14、advice or credit advice/ please debit advice(贷记(贷记/借记通知单)借记通知单) is an authenticated order in writing addressed by one bank to another instructing the latter to pay a sum certain in money to a specified person or a beneficiary named thereon.n2. Remittance by cable/telex/SWIFT: T/TnRemittance by cable

15、/telex/SWIFT is often referred to as cable transfer or telegraphic transfer, namely T/T. It is exactly the same as a mail transfer, except that instructions from the remitting bank to the paying bank are transmitted by cable instead of by mail.(电(电报报/电传通知代替信件通知)电传通知代替信件通知)nIt is therefore quicker, b

16、ut more expensive than mail transfer is. It is often used when the remittance amount is large and the transfer of funds is subject to a times limit.(比信汇更快更贵,金额较大或时间紧(比信汇更快更贵,金额较大或时间紧迫)迫)nThe only means of authenticating a cable transfer is the test key. However, remittance by SWIFT should be authent

17、icated by SWIFT authentic key.(电报密押)(电报密押).n3. Remittance by banks demand draftn通过银行即期汇票(票汇)通过银行即期汇票(票汇)nRemittance by banks demand draft is often referred to as demand draft(D/D). nA banks draft is a negotiable instrument drawn by a bank on its overseas branch or its Correspondent Correspondent abr

18、oad ordering the latter to pay on demand abroad ordering the latter to pay on demand the stated amount to the holder of the draft. the stated amount to the holder of the draft. It is often used when the client wants to It is often used when the client wants to transfer the funds to his transfer the

19、funds to his beneficiary himself. .nThe process of a demand draft is as follows:nFirst of all the draft is drawn;(银行签发汇票)(银行签发汇票)nAfter the draft is drawn, it is handed to the remitter(交给汇款人)(交给汇款人), who may send or carry it abroad to the person in whose favor it is drawn;(寄给国外收款(寄给国外收款人)人)nUpon rec

20、eipt of the draft, the payee namely the beneficiary can either present it for payment at the counter of the drawee bank or collect the proceeds through his own bank for his account.收款人收到汇票收款人收到汇票后可以提示给受票银行柜台付款,也可以转帐到自己后可以提示给受票银行柜台付款,也可以转帐到自己银行帐户上。银行帐户上。.4.1.2 Procedure 汇兑业务流程汇兑业务流程n1. Procedure for

21、M/T and T/Tn信汇和电汇信汇和电汇n2. Procedure for D/D票汇票汇.1. Procedure for M/T and T/TnThe operations conducted by the remitting bank are called the outward remittance (汇(汇出汇款)出汇款)and those carried out by the paying bank are called the inward remittance(汇入(汇入汇款)汇款). The procedure for bank remittance by mail o

22、r by cable usually comprise the following steps:.n(1)The remitter (a banks customer) makes out the necessary application form and gives his signed written application to his bank instructing it to issue an M/T or T/T, indicating the beneficiary s full name, address and the name of beneficiary s bank

23、er(if any).n汇款人向汇出行提出正式申请,指示它汇款,注目受汇款人向汇出行提出正式申请,指示它汇款,注目受益人全名、地址和受益人银行。益人全名、地址和受益人银行。nThis actually means that the remitter sends a written order to the remitting bank to pay the debit of remitters account or against cash deposit.n实际意味着汇款人向汇出行发出书面命令,让其借汇实际意味着汇款人向汇出行发出书面命令,让其借汇款人的帐户或现金存款。款人的帐户或现金存款。

24、.n(2)The remitting bank debits his customers account with the amount to be remitted together with its commission and expense (if any).n汇出行借汇款人帐户的金额(包括佣金与其他汇出行借汇款人帐户的金额(包括佣金与其他支出)支出)n(3) The remitting bank issues a payment order to its branch or correspondent in the place where the beneficiary is dom

25、iciled.n汇出行给它分支行或代理行发出向指定受益人汇出行给它分支行或代理行发出向指定受益人付款的命令。付款的命令。.nThe payment order specifies the details of the payment:namount, name and address of the beneficiary , and name of the remitter.金额;受益人的姓名和地址,汇金额;受益人的姓名和地址,汇款人姓名。款人姓名。nThe payment order must be authenticated with the authorized signatures o

26、f the remitting bank.n支付命令必须由汇出行的授权签字。支付命令必须由汇出行的授权签字。.n(4)Upon receipt of payment order, the paying bank verifies the authorized signatures notifies the beneficiary, and pays to him the stated amount minus expenses charged by itself. n收到支付通知后,付款银行确认授权签字后通收到支付通知后,付款银行确认授权签字后通知受益人,然后扣除自己的费用后支付给受益知受益人

27、,然后扣除自己的费用后支付给受益人指定金额。人指定金额。n(5)The paying bank claims reimbursement from the remitting bank in accordance with latters instruction.n付款银行根据后面的指示从汇出行得到偿付。付款银行根据后面的指示从汇出行得到偿付。.nThe whole procedure virtually is done entries over banking accounts, where the buyers bank(remitting bank ) debits his accoun

28、t and credits the account of the correspondent instructions, the latter(the paying bank)passes a reciprocal entry over its account with the remitting bank and pays the money over to the exporter.n The following diagram illustrates the procedures.n整个过程实质上是通过银行帐户完成的,买方银行整个过程实质上是通过银行帐户完成的,买方银行(汇出行)借买方帐

29、户、然后贷代理行帐户;付款银(汇出行)借买方帐户、然后贷代理行帐户;付款银行从汇出行收到资金后相应的支付给出口商。行从汇出行收到资金后相应的支付给出口商。.A simplified remittance diagramRemitterpayeeremitting bankpaying bank1.written application2.debit advice3. Payment order4.funds5.reimbursement claimFunds.2.Procedures for D/D票汇流程票汇流程nThe usually adopted Procedure for D/D i

30、s as follow:n(1) A written request to issue a draft is made by remitter(a banks customer).n汇款人向银行发出签发汇票的书面请求汇款人向银行发出签发汇票的书面请求n(2)The remitting bank(the draft-issuing bank)debits the customers account with the amount of the draft plus bank commission(if any), issues a bank draft and hands it to the r

31、emitter.n汇出行(签发汇票银行)借客户帐户票面金额加银行汇出行(签发汇票银行)借客户帐户票面金额加银行佣金,签发一掌银行汇票并交给汇款人。佣金,签发一掌银行汇票并交给汇款人。.n(3)The issuing bank sends an advice(a special letter of advice or a non-negotiable copy the draft)by airmail to the drawee bank, namely its overseas branch or its correspondent abroad, instructing the latter

32、 to pay it on presentation of the original draft as well as how to reimburse it. Nowadays most banks usually omit airmailing the advice to the drawee bank.n出票行向受票银行发出通知(特别信函或不可流通转出票行向受票银行发出通知(特别信函或不可流通转让的汇票副本),注明海外分支行或代理行名称,指让的汇票副本),注明海外分支行或代理行名称,指示其为提示的汇票原件如何偿付。当今许多银行不再示其为提示的汇票原件如何偿付。当今许多银行不再通过航空信件

33、通知受票银行。通过航空信件通知受票银行。n(4)The remitter forwards the draft to the payee.n汇款人把汇票交给收款人。汇款人把汇票交给收款人。.n(5)The payee presents the draft to the drawee bank for payment.n收款人提示汇票给付款银行。收款人提示汇票给付款银行。n(6)The drawee bank verifies the signatures, pays the draft, and claims back the amount that is paid according to

34、its agency arrangement with the remitting bank. If the signature can not be identified, the paying bank will only pay the draft on collection basis.n受票银行确认签字后付款,通过代理行安排从汇出行受票银行确认签字后付款,通过代理行安排从汇出行得到偿付。如果签名不能鉴别付款银行仅仅按照托收得到偿付。如果签名不能鉴别付款银行仅仅按照托收基准协议支付。基准协议支付。.Remitterpayeeremitting bankpaying1.D/D appli

35、cation2.bank sight draft3. D/D advice4. bank sight draft5. bank sight draft6.payment7. Debit adviceA Demand Draft Diagram.4.1.3 Advantages and disadvantage汇兑的利与弊汇兑的利与弊n1. Advantages优势优势nAdvantages of remittance by demand draft:票汇优势票汇优势n(1) demand draft can be used for paying small amount;n即期汇票能用于小额款

36、项支付即期汇票能用于小额款项支付n(2) demand draft is a negotiable instrument,which can be transferred from one person to another by endorsement, so that it is more convenient in use for payment;汇票可以背书转让,支付更加方便汇票可以背书转让,支付更加方便n(3)In time of war, one can transfer funds out of the enemy country by means of the demand d

37、raft in virtue of its negotiability战争期间通过即期汇票可以通过有战争期间通过即期汇票可以通过有效转让。把资金从敌国转移出来。效转让。把资金从敌国转移出来。.nAdvantages of remittance by airmail:信汇优势信汇优势nIt involves bank-to-bank instructions with banks responsible for making payments, so it is rather reliable.通过银行发出支付指示是相当可靠的。通过银行发出支付指示是相当可靠的。nAdvantages of re

38、mittance by cable:电汇优势电汇优势n(1)It is the fastest way to transfer funds;最快方式最快方式n(2) It involves bank-to-bank instructions with banks responsible for making payments, so it is quite safe,especially when large amount is transferred.n通过银行发出大额支付指示是相当安全的的。通过银行发出大额支付指示是相当安全的的。.2. Disadvantages劣势劣势ndisadvan

39、tages of remittance by demand draft:票汇缺点票汇缺点n(1) As a remitter himself is responsible for mailing the demand draft its transmission is slower than that of T/T and can not serve the purpose of quick payment;比电汇比电汇慢慢n(2)It is possible for a demand draft to be lost, stolen or destroyed. The remitting b

40、ank is generally reluctant to stop payment on a draft issued by itself for this would mean an act of dishonor on its part which will have an unfavorable effect on its credit-worthiness. To stop payment on lost draft is time consuming.汇票可能遗失、汇票可能遗失、被盗窃或毁坏。汇出行签发出的汇票不被支付会影响其被盗窃或毁坏。汇出行签发出的汇票不被支付会影响其资信。去

41、停止一张遗失汇票的支付也是很浪费时间的。资信。去停止一张遗失汇票的支付也是很浪费时间的。.ndisadvantages of remittance by airmail:n信汇缺点信汇缺点n(1) It is possible for the mail transfer order to be delayed or lost in the post, thus causing difficulty for its payment.n支付命令延迟或遗失引起支付困难支付命令延迟或遗失引起支付困难n(2) As the mail transfer exclusively depends on int

42、ernational airmail service, its transmission is slower than that of T/T and cannot serve the purpose of quick payment.完全依赖国际邮政服务,速度较慢完全依赖国际邮政服务,速度较慢n(3) Unlike the remittance by demand draft, the beneficiary must await notification from the bank concerned.必须等到银行通知才能付款。必须等到银行通知才能付款。.ndisadvantages of

43、 remittance by cable:n电汇缺点电汇缺点n(1) It is more expensive as compared with M/T or D/D, but if the amount transferred large, the interest cost which should be otherwise incurred due to time delay can be served.昂贵昂贵n(2) The beneficiary must await notification from the bank concerned.必须等到银行通知才能付款。必须等到银行通

44、知才能付款。.SummarynThe advantages and disadvantage of the three methods of three methods of fund transfer have to be balanced when transferring funds.nGenerally speaking, airmail remittance is less than T/T or D/D nowadays, except for small amount remittances made by individuals for family maintenance,

45、cash gift,etc.(只有小额用信汇)(只有小额用信汇)nT/T is favorable to the seller. He can get money at an early date, speed up the turnover of funds, increase the income of interests and avoid the risk of fluctuation in the exchange rate.(电汇可以减少利息损失和避免汇(电汇可以减少利息损失和避免汇率波动风险)率波动风险).nHowever, the buyer has to pay more c

46、able expenses and bank charges. Therefore, if T/T is not definitely stipulated in the transaction, the buyer makes payment only by M/T .买方付更多银行费用,如果合买方付更多银行费用,如果合同没有明确电汇,买方用信汇。同没有明确电汇,买方用信汇。nSometimes the amount of payment is comparatively large, the money market fluctuates greatly and the currency

47、of settlement being used is likely to devaluate. In these cases, T/T is preferable, and T/T should be definitely stipulated in the contract. However, the seller should prevent the buyer from forcing the contractual price down under the pretext of bearing more expenses.如果金额大且汇率波动较大如果金额大且汇率波动较大最好在合同中定

48、义用电汇。买方防止买方因为会对费最好在合同中定义用电汇。买方防止买方因为会对费用增加要求降价。用增加要求降价。.nA large number of international remittances are carried out by telecommunications. SWIFT, an automated payment system, is commonly used among member banks, which provides the member banks with faster, safer, cheaper, and more reliable handling

49、 of their customers transactions.n大额国际汇款一般用大额国际汇款一般用SWIFT,会员银行间的自动支付,会员银行间的自动支付系统,为会员银行提供最快、最安全、廉价和可靠的系统,为会员银行提供最快、最安全、廉价和可靠的处理方式。处理方式。nSwiftness, reliability, safety, and inexpensiveness are major advantages of transactions by means of SWIFT messages.迅速、可靠、安全和廉价是迅速、可靠、安全和廉价是SWIFT传递信息传递信息的优势。的优势。.4.

50、2 Practice of remittance国际银行汇兑实务国际银行汇兑实务n4.2.1 remitting banks procedure 汇出行的操作汇出行的操作nThe remitting bank, at the remitters request, sends M/T advice or payment order(in M/T ), or a telegram or a telex with test key enclosed(in T/T ) to the paying bank as a payment authorization, directing it to offe

51、r the funds to the payee on behalf of the remitter.n在汇款人的要求下,汇出行发出一个信汇通知或支付在汇款人的要求下,汇出行发出一个信汇通知或支付命令,或者电汇的电报密码授权付款银行直接向收款命令,或者电汇的电报密码授权付款银行直接向收款人提供资金。人提供资金。.4.2.2 Paying banks procedure汇入行的操作汇入行的操作nUnder telegraphic transfer, the paying bank, having received the cable and verified the test key, will

52、 make payment to the payee in accordance with the instruction, and will give a reply of debit advice to the remitting bank in line with the nostro account procedure between the two correspondents.n付款银行收到电报或验证密押后,根据指示向收款人付款银行收到电报或验证密押后,根据指示向收款人付款,向汇出行发出借记其付款,向汇出行发出借记其 “nostro”帐户的通知。帐户的通知。.4.2.3 Reimb

53、ursement methods偿付方法偿付方法nThere are varieties of reimbursement methods.n(1) Crediting vostro account of the paying bankn(2)Debiting remitting banks nostro account借借 汇出行汇出行“nostro”帐户帐户n(3)Instructing a reimbursing bank to effect payment by debiting the remitting banks nostro account.通过借通过借 汇出行汇出行“nost

54、ro”帐户通知偿付行付款帐户通知偿付行付款n(4) Instructing the paying bank to claim reimbursement from another branch of the same bank or another bank with which the remitting bank opens an account.通知付款银行向汇出行分之行通知付款银行向汇出行分之行或其他有帐户银行索偿或其他有帐户银行索偿 n(5) According to the payments agreement between two countries.根据两个国家支付协定根据两

55、个国家支付协定.n(1) Crediting vostro account of the paying bank贷解付行来帐贷解付行来帐nIf the paying bank opens a current account with the remitting bank, the reimbursement instructions should be written as:如果付款行如果付款行在汇出行开立帐户,偿付指示应该是:在汇出行开立帐户,偿付指示应该是:n“In cover, we have credited the sum to your account with us”n作为偿付,

56、我行已将汇款金额贷记你行在我行作为偿付,我行已将汇款金额贷记你行在我行的帐户。的帐户。.n(2)Debiting remitting banks nostro accountn借记汇出行的往帐借记汇出行的往帐nIf the paying bank maintains the remitting banks account, the reimbursement may be instructed as:n“Please debit the sum to our account with us”n请借我们帐户,贷你的帐户一定金额。请借我们帐户,贷你的帐户一定金额。n“You are authori

57、zed to debit the sum to our account with you”你已被授权将汇款金额借我行在你行的帐户你已被授权将汇款金额借我行在你行的帐户After effecting payment, the paying bank debits the sum to the account of the remitting bank with them.n有效支付后解付行借记汇出行在你行的帐户有效支付后解付行借记汇出行在你行的帐户.n(3)Instructing a reimbursing bank to effect payment by debiting the remit

58、ting banks nostro account.n指示偿付行借记汇出行的往帐来偿付解付行指示偿付行借记汇出行的往帐来偿付解付行nIf the remitting bank does not open an account with the paying bank, the former may instruct its correspondent with which it maintains an account, to debit this account and credit the paying banks account if the paying bank has an acc

59、ount with that correspondent, too, or to pay the amount to another bank with which the paying bank maintains an account.n如果汇出行没有在付款行开帐户,但是如果付款行在如果汇出行没有在付款行开帐户,但是如果付款行在其代理行有帐户,可以让代理行借它的帐户、贷付款其代理行有帐户,可以让代理行借它的帐户、贷付款行帐户。或者付款给一个付款行在那里开帐户的银行。行帐户。或者付款给一个付款行在那里开帐户的银行。.n“In cover, we have authorized the ban

60、k of Tokyo, Now York to debit our account and credit your account with the above sum”n作为偿付,已经授权东京银行纽约分行借记我行帐户、作为偿付,已经授权东京银行纽约分行借记我行帐户、贷记你行帐户。贷记你行帐户。n“In cover, we have instructed the bank of Tokyo, Now York to pay the proceeds to your account with The Standard Chartered Bank, Now York ”n作为偿付,已经指示东京银

61、行纽约分行付款到你行的作为偿付,已经指示东京银行纽约分行付款到你行的渣打银行纽约分行帐户上。渣打银行纽约分行帐户上。.n(4) Instructing the paying bank to claim reimbursement from another branch of the same bank or another bank with which the remitting bank opens an account.指示解付行指示解付行向同一银行的另一分支行或汇出行开立帐户的向同一银行的另一分支行或汇出行开立帐户的银行索偿银行索偿nThe instructions are writt

62、en as:n“In cover, please reimburse yourselves to the debiting of our account with The Bank of Tokyo, New, York”n作为偿付,作为偿付,请借我们在东京银行纽约分行的帐户偿付。请借我们在东京银行纽约分行的帐户偿付。n“In cover, please claim on The Bank of Tokyo, New, York”作为偿付,作为偿付,请向东京银行纽约分行索偿。请向东京银行纽约分行索偿。.n(5) According to the payments agreement betwe

63、en two countries.两国有支付协议两国有支付协议nIn case there is a payment agreement signed by two countries concerned, the reimbursement instructions must abide by the terms in that agreement. The instructions are thus:n“In cover, you are authorized to debit our Central Banks clearing account with your Central Ban

64、k”n作为偿付,作为偿付,你被授权借记我行在中心银行帐户,贷记你你被授权借记我行在中心银行帐户,贷记你行中心银行帐户行中心银行帐户n“In cover, we have requested our Central Bank to credit the sum to the clearing account of your Central Bank”作为偿付,作为偿付,我们已经请求中心银行贷你行在中心我们已经请求中心银行贷你行在中心银行帐户。银行帐户。.n4.2.4 Cancellation of the remittancen汇兑的取消汇兑的取消n1. Cancellation of mail

65、 transfer or telegraphic transfer取消信汇和电汇取消信汇和电汇n2. Cancellation of a bank draft already issuedn取消已发行的汇票取消已发行的汇票.n1. Cancellation of mail transfer or telegraphic transfernMail transfer or telegraphic transfer can be cancelled before its payment is made. It is usually done at the request of the remitt

66、er or the payee who refuses to receive the payment.汇款被解付前可以应汇款人要求汇款被解付前可以应汇款人要求或收款人拒绝而取消。或收款人拒绝而取消。nWhenever the paying bank receives an advice from the remitting bank to cancel the latters payment order, it will do so accordingly.当付款银行收到汇出行取消汇当付款银行收到汇出行取消汇款命令。款命令。nOnce the payment has been made, th

67、e remittance cannot be cancelled. The remitter himself may contract the payee to claim back the remittance payment.一旦汇款被被解就不能取消,汇款人只能自一旦汇款被被解就不能取消,汇款人只能自己和收款人协商。己和收款人协商。.n2. Cancellation of a bank draft already issuednIf the remitter requests the remitting bank to cancel a bank draft already issued

68、by reason of its being lost or stolen(丢失或盗窃)(丢失或盗窃), the latter is generally reluctant to do so because the remitting bank assumes the responsibility of guaranteeing the drafts payment once it is issued.nHowever, the remitting bank may issue a duplicate of draft(副本)(副本) against a letter of indemnity

69、 from the remitter, if the paying bank confirms that the original one not yet been paid.4.3 The function of remittance in international trade汇兑在国际贸易中的功能汇兑在国际贸易中的功能nIn international trade, remittance as a settlement of claims and debts, according to the time of shipment and of payment, falls into two

70、 categories: the so called”cash before shipment”付款后转付款后转运(预付)运(预付) method and “shipment at first settlement later” 转运转运后付款(赊销)后付款(赊销)method. The former is known as payment in advance, and the latter open account.nWhichever of these two methods of settlements is decided upon, the same methods of paym

71、ent are available to the importer:SWIFT or telegraphic transfer, mail transfer or demand draft.nHowever, these two methods of settlements are not popularly used in international trade, because of the risk involved for the importers or exporters.n4.3.1 Payment in advance is made by remittancen用汇兑实现预付

72、货款用汇兑实现预付货款nPayment in advance signifies that the importer pays the exporter before delivery of the goods. In fact, importers are seldom prepared to make full payment in advance of the shipment of goods. It is more common to find that they are prepared to pay in advance only a certain percentages of

73、 the value of the goods, that is the so called down payment.nPayment in advance usually appears in transactions in small amount or in particular business lines. The buyer has to advance the capital too early and undertake the risk of late delivery or non- delivery.nAny of the following methods of tr

74、ansfer may be used to transfer the payment before delivery of the goods from the importer to the exporter through banks:remitting the payment by a banks draft, by mail transfer, by telegraphic transfer, by SWIFT message,by an international money order. .4.3.2 Open account business赊销业务nOpen account b

75、usiness is also called payment after arrival of goods. The seller may be prepared to ship his goods on open account when the exporter is well acquainted with the financial status of the buyer and entertains no doubt about his solvency, or when the exporter sells goods to his overseas branch or subsi

76、diary.nUnder open account business, the exporter sends his shipping documents to the buyer who remits in due course or at agreed intervals the agreed price either by T/T, M/T, or D/D through a bank.nThe exporter makes no precise date for payment of the goods shipped. Instead, he is prepared to rely on his experience of the buyers integrity to effect settlement at the proper time.



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