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1、牛津版牛津版牛津版牛津版八年级八年级八年级八年级 (8A) (8A)Unit 5Unit 5【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Birdwatchers-Vocabulary 课件 牛津版 课件【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Birdwatchers-Vocabulary 课件 牛津版 课件Do you know the negative prefixes? Do you know the negative prefixes? 【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件1. d

2、is-2. il - 3. im- 4. in- 5. ir- 6. un-较常用的前缀较常用的前缀常用在以常用在以l开头的词前开头的词前常用在常用在以以m/ p 开头的词前开头的词前常用在以常用在以c开头的词前开头的词前常用在以常用在以r开头的词前开头的词前最常用的前缀最常用的前缀【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件opposites If someone shows good manners to others, he is a polite person. If someone does not show goo

3、d manners to others, he is not polite.If someone does not show good manners to others, he is impolite.【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件oppositespolite possible patient impoliteimpossibleimpatient “im-”【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件That coat is only 10

4、0 yuan. Its not expensive.That is inexpensive.expensive correct inexpensiveincorrect“in-”【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件I dont believe what he says, because he is not honest.I dont believe what he says, because he is _.dishonestdishonest“dis-”【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwa

5、tchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件These desks are not regular. Please put these irregular desks in order.regular irregular“ir-”【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件OppositesSome people are _ ( friendly, unfriendly) to birds. They throw stones to them.Some people feel _ (happy, unhappy) that

6、 government give poor people such small and _ (comfortable, uncomfortable) flats.unfriendlyunhappyuncomfortable【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件It is _ (safe, unsafe) to walk on the street at night.We should keep students staying away from the _ (healthy, unhealthy) books.unsa

7、feunhealthy【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件Lets try first!【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件1. _honest2. _polite _possible3. _correct4. _regular5. _able _comfortable _common _friendly _happy _important _necessary _welcomedisimiminirunununununununun【最新】江苏

8、省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件Give the negative Give the negative adjectives, please!adjectives, please!【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件1._famous2.2. _clean _clear _easy _fit _helpful _kind3._lucky _ pleasant _popular _ safe _ sure _ tidy _ tiredununununun

9、ununununununununun【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件1. Zhalong is a protected area. It s _ to hunt fish or hunt there.2. When you go birdwatching, you sometimes have to walk a long way. If you wear new leather shoes, they

10、can be _.uncomfortableincorrect【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件3. If you are interested in birds, you can go to Zhalong. But if you leave litter there, you will be _.4. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world. They are _.5.If we do not protect the wetlands, it will

11、 be _ to see these birds in the future.impossibleunwelcomeuncommon【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件1. You will be _ to pass the exam if you dont study hard.2. There are lots of _ kinds of birds in Zhalong.3. It is _ for you to walk the little dog once a week to the park.unable

12、uncommonimportant, happy, able, necessary, regular, possible, commonnecessary【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件4. It is _ to keep quiet when you watch the birds and insects.5. He feels _ because he lost his wallet.6. There is a _ rain in Sahara desert every year.7. Is it _ to g

13、et to the city by train?importantunhappyregularpossible【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件Give the English for the sentences, OK? 【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件 1. 一些人对鸟不友好。一些人对鸟不友好。 2. 没有必要研究不同的鸟。没有必要研究不同的鸟。 3. 许多穷人住在小而不舒服的房子许多穷人住在小而不舒服的房子 里。里。 4. 你将看不

14、到这些鸟。你将看不到这些鸟。 5. 不静静等候是不可能看到这些鸟不静静等候是不可能看到这些鸟 的。的。 【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件1. Some people are unfriendly to the birds.2. Its unnecessary to study different birds.3. Many poor people live in small and uncomfortable houses.【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件4. You will unable to see these birds.5. Its impossible to see the birds without waiting quietly.【最新】江苏省大丰市万盈二中八年级英语上册Unit5Birdwatchers-Vocabulary课件牛津版课件



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