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1、Chapter 2 Strategy and Tactics of Distributive BargainingClosing the Deal 结束谈判Presented by Shi Hong5. Closing the DeallAfter negotiating for a period of time, and learning about the other partys needs, positions, and perhaps resistance point, the next challenge for a negotiator is to close the agree

2、ment. lSeveral tactics are available to negotiators for closing a deal: Provide alternatives 提供可选择的方案 Assume the close假定结束 Split the differences分清不同之处 Exploding the offers极端的报价 Sweeteners 给对方一点甜头Provide Alternatives 提供可选择方案提供可选择方案lRather than making a single final offer, negotiators can provide two

3、or three alternative packages for the other party that are more or less equivalent in value. lPeople like to have choices, and providing a counterpart with alternative packages can be a very effective technique for closing a negotiation. Assume the close 假定结束假定结束lSalespeople use an assume-the-close

4、technique frequently. lAfter having a general discussion about the needs and positions of the buyer, often the seller will take out a large order form and start to complete it. lThe seller usually begins by asking for the buyers name and address before moving on to more serious points. Negotiators d

5、o not ask the other party if he would like to make a purchase. lRather, they act as if the decision to purchase something has already been made so they might as well start to get the paper work out of the way. Split the Difference 分清不同之处分清不同之处lSplitting the difference is perhaps the most popular clo

6、sing tactic. lThe negotiator using this tactic will typically give a brief summary of the negotiation: “Weve both spent a lot of time, made many concessions, now things are so close, why dont we just split the difference?” While this can be an effective closing tactic, it does presume that the parti

7、es started with fair opening offerfair opening offer. A negotiator who uses an exaggerated opening offer and then suggests a split-the-difference close is using a hardball tactic. Exploding offers 极端报价极端报价lAn exploding offer contains an extremely tight deadline in order to pressure the other party o

8、f agree quickly.lExploding offers appear to work best for organizations that have the resources to make an exceptionally attractive offer early in a negotiating in order to prevent the other party from continuing to search for a potentially superior offers. For example, a person who has interviewed

9、for a job may be offered a very attractive salary and benefits package, but also be told that the offer will expire in 24 honors. Sample of Exploding offer 关注NBA劳资谈判老板让一小步2011.11.7 体育新闻A16 版面江南晚报 The purpose of the exploding offer is to convince the other party to accept the settlement and to stop c

10、onsidering alternatives. This is particularly effective in situations where the party receiving the exploding offer is still in the process of developing alternatives that may or may not turn out to be viable (such as the job candidate who is still interviewing with other firms). People can feel qui

11、te uncomfortable under it.Sweeteners 给对方特殊让步给对方特殊让步lAnother closing tactic is to save a special concession for the close. “ I will give you X if you agree to the deal”For instance, when selling a condo the owner could agree to include the previously excluded curtains, appliances, or light fixtures t

12、o close the deal. To use this tactic effectively, however, negotiators need to include the sweetener in their negotiation plans or they may concede too much during the close. Some SummarylIn this chapter, we examined the basic structure of competitive of distributive bargaining situations and some o

13、f the strategies and tactics used in distributive bargaining. lDistributive bargaining is basically a conflict situation, wherein parties seek their own advantageous.lHence, effective distributive bargaining execution, and constant monitoring of the other partys reaction. And distributive bargaining

14、 skills are important when at value claiming stage of any negotiation.Negotiation PracticeClosing the dealSilk SalesCase Background: Case Background: 中国香港的丝绸市场主要是日、韩、台湾、海外各地中国大陆丝绸由于花色、质量、包装等问题在香港和国外的市场份额很小。绍兴丝绸厂决定开发新产品,开辟新市场,向欧美市场进军。经过一番周密的市场调研,获得了对市场价格和消费者需求方面的信息后,绍兴丝绸厂开始小批量生产各种不同花色和图案的丝绸产品。Negotia

15、tionNegotiation2011年11月 美国女商人Catherine Levitt来到绍兴丝绸厂,范厂长在厂里的样品展览室接见了她。Levitt女士仔细研究万展品后露出了满意的神色。这时她突然转向范厂长并提出打算预订其中的7种款式,她的报价是每码3.5美元。(一码=0.9144米)听到Levitt女士的报价后,范厂长并没有对她的报价作出正面回答,而是报出了同类产品在意大利、法国和欧洲其他国家以及美国的价格,接着他报出了5.36美元的价格。听到这个价格,Levitt大叫起来,5.36美元是香港的零售价格,如果她以此价格成交,她说她的老板一定会断然拒绝并否定她的专业。范厂长信心十足地回答说

16、这个价格是香港的零售价,但是目前香港市场没有这样的丝绸。事实上,这个价格是产品的成本价,因为工厂所进得坯绸价格是每码5美元,印染加工费是每码0.36美元。而同类产品在欧洲市场上可以卖到30美元。范厂长进一步强调说,因为这是第一交往,因此报的是友谊价,已不赚钱。Levitt再也沉不住气,不断提高自己的报价,从4美元到4.2美元,再到4.3美元,最后提到4.6美元。范厂长只是微笑不语,最后他让Levitt女士再回去考虑考虑,并说中国有一句俗话:买卖不成友谊在。Levitt 没有再多说什么, 她踏进汽车离去。三天后Levitt 发来电报,希望与范厂长再谈谈。l模拟谈判要求l6人/组l3人作为卖方:范

17、厂长组, 3人是买方:Ms. Levitt组l从谈判的第二阶段开始继续谈判,达成最终协议。l谈判时间20分钟l了解完背景资料后,确定各自利益的谈判计划和策略Case: Silk Sales Negotiation l从谈判小组的仪态(进场、入座、着装、形象)、l开场(欢迎、介绍、切题、应对)l谈判组角色分配(明确、足够、精干)l谈判展开(引导与配合、陈述明确)报盘/还盘(表达清晰、完整、合理)讨价还价(有理、有利、有据)让步与妥协(适时、适度、主动性)成交与收尾(归纳、双赢结局)l谈判的控制(掌握主动、掌握节奏与时间)l策略与技巧运用(语言技巧、气氛调节)和主谈的能力发挥,以及谈判组的整体配合与协调等环节,以创造一个直观的仿真商务谈判环境。Case: Silk Sales Negotiation 要求: 同学们通过亲身体验不同谈判过程来理解授课中所讲述谈判理论与谈判方法,进而领会到谈判过程中双方的相互沟通过程,体验和掌握国际商务谈判技巧和实际业务技能;掌握国际商务谈判的基本特点、内容和方法及其礼仪和礼节,掌握国际商务谈判业务技巧和实际谈判工作技能;培养谈判场合下人际交流互动技巧以及有效沟通的能力素质。Case: Silk Sales



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