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1、Business Continuity ManagementCourse for Advanced Professionals Introduction1Subject Area 9:Public Relations and Crisis Coordination2Lesson OverviewnDuring a crisis, an organization must effectively communicate Need a communication plan Identify spokesperson (s) Identify audience (s) affected by cri

2、sis Develop key messages Gather & evaluate information Communicate information to target audience3Professional Practices forBusiness Continuity Professionals1.Project Initiation and Management2.Risk Evaluation and Control3.Business Impact Analysis4.Developing Business Continuity Strategies5.Emergenc

3、y Response and Operations6.Developing and Implementing Business Continuity Plans7.Awareness and Training Programs8.Maintaining & Exercising Business Continuity Plans9.Crisis Communications10.Coordination with External Agencies4ObjectivesnDevelop, coordinate, evaluate, and exercise plans to communica

4、te with internal stakeholders (employees, corporate management, etc.) external stakeholders (customers, shareholders, vendors, suppliers, etc.) and the media (print, radio, television, Internet, etc.) 5The Professionals Role1.Establish Programs for Proactive Crisis Communications2.Establish Necessar

5、y Crisis Communication Coordination with External Agencies (local, state, national government, emergency responders, regulators, etc.)3.Establish Essential Crisis Communications with Relevant Stakeholder Groups4.Establish and Exercise Media Handling Plans for the Organization and its Business Units6

6、Terms & Definitions- CrisisnCrisis A critical event, which, if not handled in an appropriate manner, may dramatically impact an organizations profitability, reputation, or ability to operate. Or, an occurrence and/or perception that threatens the operations, staff, shareholder value, stakeholders, b

7、rand, reputation, trust and/or strategic/business goals of an organization. See: Event and Incident 7Definition of a Crisis“A situation that puts yourorganizations values on trial in thecourt of public opinion”http:/William N. CurryPublic Relations Society of America8What is Crisis Communication?nEf

8、fective and managed communication about an event or occurrence that can impact people, organizations, and communities Simple Direct Honest9Crisis Communication ObjectivesnTo identify crisis communication plan elementsnTo identify strategies to effectively communicate with all groups10Communication P

9、lan ElementsnDuring a crisis How will you communicate with different audiences? Who will communicate with the different audiences? What needs to be communicated to the different audiences?11Communication Plan ElementsnPublic relations policy and proceduresnOrganizational profile with detail on core

10、offeringsnReference files on potential crisesnPosition statements Crisis QuiznCall & emergency contact listsnDesignated spokesperson (s)nMedia directory nMedia contact lognContacts for government agencies12Crisis Communication ProceduresnBusiness Continuity Planner/Coordinator Works with PR departme

11、nt to develop crisis communication plan/proceduresnCrisis Management Team (CMT) Manages the message Communication medium is usually your designated spokesperson“Plan your work for today and every day, the work your plan.” -Norman Vincent Peale13Audiences Affected by CrisisCommunityPublic, neighbors,

12、 special interestExternal AgenciesGovernment, regulators, emergencyResponse organizationsExternal GroupsCustomers, vendors, contractors, suppliers, unionsInternal GroupsBoD, Senior management, steering committee,Spokesperson, employees, stakeholders, retirees14Identify Your AudiencenHow do I select

13、What to say to Whom Who needs to know? What do they need to know? When do they need to know it?15Establish spokesperson (s)nMatch target audience with appropriate spokesperson Senior management Employees Stakeholders Media External groups/agencies Community16Key MessagenClear and easy to comprehendn

14、Repeated constantlynIntegrated with messages sent to other audiencesnConsistentnBe up front regarding confidential informationnSpeak to the specific audiences concernsnUse personal language and acknowledge emotionsnAppreciate the individuality of responses17Key MessagesnHave answers to: What happene

15、d? Where there deaths or injuries? What is the extent of the damage? Why did it happen? Who or what is responsible? What is being done? When will it be over? What would you say to those affected?18Sources of InformationnFacilities Structure and plant issuesnRisk management/insurance Cost estimates t

16、o repair Insurance adjustornCrisis Management Team Operational status Customer service Stakeholder informationnDamage Assessment Team Report of condition of facility and contents Timeframes for restoration & salvagenSecurity Building contents Life safety issuesnHuman Resources Injuries Employee issu

17、es Special services19Methods of CommunicationnDirect mailings nTelephone callsn1-800 hotlinesnNewslettersnWeb sitesnConference calls to investorsnEmail nEmployee meetings nPublic meetingsnPaid advertisementsnPrepared statementsnPress briefings & releases20Crisis Communication ChecklistnAlert the spo

18、kespersonnGather who, what, where, when, and whynConfirm the factsnClarify and verify technical informationnPrepare a summary statementnPrepare a fact sheet nNotify stakeholdersnTell clients about changes in servicesnRespond to medianKeep a media lognFollow up implicationsnEvaluate/tweak system21Tel

19、l Your Story: Decision-MakersnBoard of directorsnSenior managementnExecutive sponsornSteering committeenTeam leaders nSpokesperson (s)22Tell Your Story: StakeholdersnClear, consistent messagenDetermine appropriate spokesperson (s)nDetermine what should be disclosed nDetermine the form of the communi

20、cation23Tell Your Story: EmployeesnTell the truthnAsk for helpnExplain the plannInspire immediate actionnDelegate important tasksnEncourage a unified effort24Employee Communication ConcernsnBuilding & facility securitynMedia guidelinesnEffect on organizationnTime off nTravelnStock/retirement plans/4

21、01knDonations/Volunteering25Tell Your Story: External GroupsnEssential or affiliated groups Customers Stockholders Vendors Suppliers Contractors26Tell Your Story: External AgenciesnProcedures and tools to manage relationships with multiple agencies Public sector response organizations Regulators Aud

22、itors27Tell Your Story: the medianDevelop procedures and tools to manage relationships with the media Print Radio Television Media Quiz Internet28Media Interview GuidelinesnResponses to media: “What we know” “What we do not know” “We dont know” or “Well find out” Establish briefing schedule Response

23、s to Media29Media Interview GuidelinesnGet the factsnTake the offensivenDeal with rumors swiftlynCentralize informationnDont get mad!nStay ”On the record”nNo “no comments”nWrite everything down30Mistakes to avidnDont Be timid Guess or speculate Stick to a story if it has changed Wear sunglasses, che

24、w gum, or smoke Get trapped into making predictions Lie3132SummarynWhen developing your crisis communication plan consider your target audience, your best spokesperson and your key messagenTelling your story in an appropriate way for a particular audience is key to successful crisis communication33Sample Questions34



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