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1、Time ManagementHow to Manage Your Time More Effectively?How to Make Your Life Successful? 精品资料网1时间管理如何更有效地管理时间?如何获得成功? 精品资料网2序工作对时间来讲总是太多时间管理实际上靠自己 Time management is really self-management.习惯是管理好时间的关键 Habits are the key to good time management.首先应改变您的思维 The first step may be to change your thinking

2、 .为了改变您的习惯,您必须认识您的习惯 In order to change your habits ,you must also identify them. 精品资料网3?不管你认为你行还是不行,你都是对的Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can t, youre right. 精品资料网4改变习惯和建立工作计划 Changing Habits and Building Action Plans确定你要改变的习惯 Identify the habit you want to change 仔细确立你想要养成的习惯 Ca

3、refully define the new habit you wish to develop尽可能开始新的习惯 Begin the new behavior as strongly as possible在新的习惯牢固建立之前,决不改变 Never deviate from the behavior until the new habit is firmly established 请其他人帮你改变习惯 Ask other people to help you change 精品资料网5完成日常工作和享受生活的12种方法12ways you can accomplish more and

4、enjoy work and life every day1.确立积极的心态2.明确目标3.知道先做什么4.分析你的时间利用5.制定有效计划6.按时间表去做7.排除干扰Develop your?Can do?attitudeClearly establish goalsKnow what to do by prioritizingAnalyze your time useMaster planning for effectivenessKnow when to do things by schedulingControl interruptions 精品资料网6完成日常工作和享受生活的12种方

5、法8.提高会议效率9.掌握文字工作10.增加团队策略11.克服拖拉作风12.建立团队工作?Improve meeting effectivenessMaster paperworkIncrease delegation strategiesConquer procrastinationDevelop time teamwork 精品资料网7态度介绍Attitudes Introduction时间是一种矛盾,我们永远不会有足够时间,然而我们总会有时间。问题不是时间不够,而是如何管理时间。关键是集中精力干必须的事情而忽略非必须的事情。Time is a paradox. We never seem

6、 to have enough time,yet we have all the time there is. The problem is not a shortage of time, but how we choose to use the time available to us.The key is to concentrate on the essentials, and ignore the non-essentials. 精品资料网8态度介绍 Attitudes Introduction中国谚语:要有所为和有所不为,生活的哲理在于去粗取精Chinese Proverb:Besi

7、des the noble art ofgetting things done, there is the noble art ofleaving things undone. The wisdom of life liesin eliminating the non-essentials. 精品资料网9态 度关键是如何思考What You Think Is Critical两种类型的人Internals 内向的人 -坚信能够改变世界 People who believe strongly that they can make a difference in the world.Externa

8、ls外向的人 -认为不能控制或影响发生的事情,他们只是对环境作出反应,并且总是抱怨所发生的事。 A People who believe they have no control or influence over the things that happen to them.They simply react to their environment and usually complain about what happens to them. 精品资料网10?意志力的关键是欲望 The key to will-power is want-power.如果你迫切需要,你总会找到解决问题的方

9、法。If you want something strongly enough,you will usually find the discipline necessary to do it. 精品资料网11Attitude态度避免后悔Avoid Regrets后悔只是生活的一部分Regrets are just part of life.不可逆后悔和可逆后悔Irreversible regret and Reversible regret 后事不忘,前事之师,单必须认识到我们可以自由改变未来,生活没有回头路,勇往直前。We should look back and learn from th

10、e past, but we must always realize that we are free to change the future.Life has always one direction,and that is straight ahead. 精品资料网12Attitude态度自我约束Self-discipline Pays Off知道做什么和单纯去做的不同 Difference between knowing what to do and doing it.成功者和失败者的不同 Difference between winners and losers实现和梦想的不同 Di

11、fference between those who achieve and those who only dream about it 自我约束是以上这些不同的桥梁 Self-discipline is the bridge between these two differences 精品资料网13?如果你停止幻想,马上去做,自我约束就会很容易Self-discipline is easier if you stop thinking about it , and simply do it. 精品资料网14Attitude 态度Self-discipline Pays Off自我约束自我约束

12、指做你应该做的事情,而不管你是否喜欢去做。“ Self-discipline is simply doing what you know you should do, regardless of whether or not you feel like doing it. 精品资料网15?习惯是成功的关键,获得成功的人要养成做其他人不喜欢做的事情的习惯。Habits are the keys to success. Success people form the habit of doing the things that others dont like to do 精品资料网16?当你选择

13、习惯的时候,还应选择习惯的结果When you choose a habit, you also choose the results of that habit. 精品资料网17?It is not enough to know;You must also act. Knowledge without action is impotent. 精品资料网18?Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. 精品资料网19目 标 GoalsSMART 特定的Specific 可衡量的Measurable 可达到的

14、Achievable 实际的Realistic 限时的Timed 精品资料网20目标Goals两种方法Two Approaches结果 Results活动 Activities?目标专一的人,善于时间管理,获得更大 成功 People who focus primarily on their goals tend to master their time use and accomplish more. 精品资料网21目标 Goals将多个目标联系在一起 Link Goals Together应将每天、每周、每月和长远目标联系在一起Daily,Weekly,Monthly and Long-R

15、ange goals should be linked together.确保短期计划服从于长远目标 Just be sure your short term projects lead to longer term goals.-?对达到长远目标有益吗? Does it help to accomplish your long-term goals? 精品资料网22Goals 目 标Develop the Results Habit养成重视结果的习惯一定要养成重视结果的习惯和确定目标后努力完成的生活方式 Focusing on results must become a habit. Set

16、ting goals, and striving to reach them must become a way of life.不断扪心自问你所做的事如何帮你达到预期目标Continuously,ask yourself how what you are doing will help you achieve your intended results.每天阅读你的长远目标,以便剔除那些琐碎的 Read your long term goals every day, and use them to help sort our all the trivia that comes your wa

17、y. 精品资料网23Goals 目 标时间就是生命 Time Is Life时间管理的方式有如其人 The way you spend all your time defines who you are.许多人不能成功的原因是没有追求特定目标,他们只是毫无目的的干这干那,天真的认为事情本身会自由发展,或其他人会关心这些事情。 The reason more people are not successful is that they do not pursue specific goals. They simply shift from one activity to another with

18、out any focus or purpose, naively assuming that things will take care of themselves or will be taken care of by others. 精品资料网24Goals 目标时间就是生命 Time Is Life人们最为推介的8个方面 Eight broad areas that people value most: 家庭Family 事业Career 精神生活Spiritual 社会生活Social Life 经济稳定Financial stability 健康Health 个人发展Persona

19、l Development 休闲Leisure?你对生活中时间的分配满意吗? Are you satisfied with the way you distribute your time across all the areas of your life? 精品资料网25目标Goals树立长远目标,确保你在朝着你真正的目标努力 Determine your long range of goals. Make sure you are aiming at what you really want.确立SMART目标:特定的、可衡量的、可实现的、实际的、限时的 Be sure to set SM

20、ART goals:Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed 精品资料网26Goals目标?不要将你的目标记在心上,把它们写下来 Dont try to keep your goals in your head; write them down.?至少每天阅读一次你的长远目标,你会很易找到剔除琐碎事情的办法 Read your long range goals at least once every day. You will find it easier to sort out all the trivia that come

21、s your way. 精品资料网27Goals目标?你应有短期目标,知道今天做什么,长远目标可以增加短期目标的连续性和意义。 You need short range goals to know what to do today. You need long range goals to add continuity and meaning to all your short range goals.?仔细考虑你的计划,确保达到目的,明确关键步骤,什么时候该做和由谁去做。 Consider projects carefully. Make sure they will move you to

22、ward your goals. Identify the critical steps, when they should be done and who should do them. 精品资料网28Goals目标?给你的所有计划设定限期,估计所需的时间以确定适当的开始时间,避免最后一分钟匆忙行事 Set deadlines for all your projects. Estimate the time needed and determine the logical starting time to avoid last-minute rush jobs. 精品资料网29Goals目标

23、?Focus on your goals at all times. Constantly ask yourself,“Will what I am doing right now help me achieve my goals?” If the answer is “no” ,then switch to something else that will help.时刻专心于你的目标,不断问自己我现在所做的事对达到目标有帮助吗?如果无帮助,则去干有帮助的事。 精品资料网30Goals目标Be sure you have at least one significant goal every

24、 day. Dont quit until you reach your daily goals. Before long you will develop the habit of setting goals and reaching them.每天至少要有一个有意义的目标,不达目的决不罢休。不久你就会养成制定目标和实现目标的习惯。 精品资料网31Goals目标Write out long range personal goals. Strive to balance your time across all aspects of your life.写出个人的长期目标,尽力分配你所有的时间

25、。如果有变,修正目标。当达到目标时,一定再树立新的目标。When conditions change, you may need to modify your goals. And, as you achieve your goals, be sure to set new ones. 精品资料网32Priorities 优先秩序Often, we prefer to work at tasks that we like or find interesting. We do this even though these activities may contribute much less t

26、o your goals than the more difficult, complex activities.我们常常乐意做喜欢和有趣的工作,而放弃那些对达到目标意义更大却更难更复杂的工作。 精品资料网33Priorities 优先秩序Important and Urgent 重要与紧急Important things are those that contribute significantly to our objectives-they have high value. They tend to have long-term consequences. 重要的事指最有目的性、价值很大

27、和有长远影响的事。Urgent things may have only short-term consequences. They may or may not relate to our objectives. They may or may not make significant contributions.紧急指只有短期结果的事,未必与目标有关。 精品资料网34Priorities 优先秩序Important and Urgent 重要与紧急 精品资料网35Priorities 优先秩序Important and Urgent 重要与紧急One of the key principl

28、es for mastering time is to understand that you will always have time for the most important thingsbut not if you fill the day with unimportant things first. Your challenge is to decide what are the most important things, and then to focus on those and ignore or work around the others. 时间管理的关键因素之一是你

29、总是有时间干最重要的事。否则,如果你将不重要的事排得很满,你就不会有时间干最重要的事情。决定哪些是最重要的事,然后专心去干,放弃其他事情。 精品资料网36Priorities 优先秩序The Pareto Principle 柏拉图原理This 80-20 rules can be related to the important-urgent concept. Important but not urgent items are usually part of the 20%that contributes 80% to your results.二八理论与重要-紧急概念有关。重要但不急的事

30、通常占20,但能达到89的目标。 精品资料网37Priorities 优先秩序Think carefully about what priorities mean to youabout how you decide what is really important. Remember, you will never have time for everything, but you will have time for the most important things. 仔细考虑优先秩序对你意味着什么,决定最重要的事情,记住,你永远不会有时间做所有的事情,但你有时间做最重要的事情。 精品资

31、料网38Priorities 优先秩序Most people start with the quick, easy enjoyable things first. Instead, start with the important things first.大部分人从快速、简单和有趣的事干起,但应从最重要的事情干起。Just because something is urgent, doesnt mean its important. Important activities are those which help you achieve your goals. 紧急的事不一定是重要的事,能

32、帮助你达到目标的事才是重要的事。 精品资料网39Priorities 优先秩序Learn to distinguish between important and urgent. 学分区分重要和紧急的事Dont allow trivial things to crowd out the important things.不要让琐碎的事情挤掉重要的事。Dont always do someone elses requests at the expense of your own top priority tasks. Learn when to say no. Do it logically,

33、firmly and tactfully.不要牺牲你自己最重要的事,去干其他人要你干的事,学会什么时候说不,但要合理、坚决和有艺术性。 精品资料网40Priorities 优先秩序Constantly switching priorities often results from failure to establish priorities in the first place. The best way to set priorities is on the basis of importance.由于没有确定优先秩序造成不断改变优先秩序,最好的办法是根据重要性来确定优先秩序。Dont c

34、onstantly switch priorities just because people make loud demands. Be very careful about which squeaky wheels get greased.不要因为他人的干扰不断改变优先秩序,慎重考虑哪个吱吱叫的轮子该擦油。 精品资料网41AnalyzingNo one can really master their time use until they know how they spend their time now.Would you expect a doctor to prescribe a

35、cure without diagnosing the problem? You cant prescribe good time cures without diagnosing the problem.只有知道如何支配时间的人才能充分利用时间。难道你希望医生在未下诊断前就开药吗?没有明确诊断就不可能得到及时治疗。 精品资料网42Analyzing 分 析Keep a Time Log 建立时间日志Know time habits in the process.在日志记录过程中,了解你的时间支配习惯。Understanding your time patterns make it easie

36、r for you to know how to create better ones.认识你的时间支配方式,使你知道如何更好支配时间。Help answer the question:Who controls my time?帮助回答:“ 谁控制我的时间?”Recording a time log is the best way to discover exactly how you spend your time.记录时间日志是你发现支配时间的最好办法。 精品资料网43Analyzing 分析Return on Time invested 总结投入的时间?Kaizen ? Sums up

37、the rationale for analyzing time. Kaizen means continual incremental improvement. Whatever our time habits are, we didnt get them overnight. We will not change everything overnight, either. The important point, though, is that we can change. By continually looking, you will find more and more ways t

38、o improve. Thats the whole point of analyzing and mastering your time.Kaizen总结了分析时间的基本原理。Kaizen指的是不断改善,不管我们有什么样的作息习惯,我们不可能一夜养成,我们也不可能一夜之间改变它们,然而重要的一点是我们能改变它们。通过不断观察,你就会发现越来越多的改变办法,这就是分析和掌握时间的全部要点。 精品资料网44Analyzing 分析Everything you do either helps you or hinders you. Once your time is spent, it can b

39、e recovered. 不管你做的有益还是有害,时间一去不返。The key is to make sure your activities are consistent with your goals. 关键是你的行动和你的目标要一致。Keep a record of how you spend your time for at least one week every year. A month would be even better. Discover what you do. When you do it, why you do it. 每年至少有一周时间来规划如何支配你的时间。一

40、月更好,发现干了什么,什么时候和为什么去干。 精品资料网45Analyzing 分析Analyzing 分析Ask others to tell how you waste your time, or how you could spend your time better. They may see what you cant see. 请教旁人告诉你你浪费了哪些时间,你怎样才能更好地管理时间,旁观者清。Practice kaizen. Strive for continual improvement. 按Kaizen的方法不断努力去做。 精品资料网46Analyzing 分析Regular

41、ly examine work procedures for jobs you are doing. What are the steps involved? Who does them? When are they done? Can any steps be eliminated, shortened, or simplified?定期检查工作程序、步骤、参与者和工作时间,看到省略、缩短或简化什么步骤。 精品资料网47Analyzing 分析Ask your peers, staff or team to help brainstorm for new ideas. Look for wa

42、ys to eliminate steps, combine operations, shorten procedures, streamline paperwork, remove bottlenecks.请教你的同辈人、职员或同事,更新观念,寻找省略步骤,合并、缩短程序、提高工作效率和去除瓶颈的办法 精品资料网48Analyzing 分析Dont over-react to something that is not really a crisis. Dont invest more time and energy in a situation than it is worth. Use

43、the Inportant/Urgent grid.对不是真正紧急的事不要反应过敏,投入过多的时间和精力。应用重要/紧急法则。Keep records of your crises. Analyze them, look for patterns. Are they recurring or unique crises? Can any of your crises be predicted?将紧急的事记录下来,加以分析找出解决方法。是重复发生的还是偶然出现的?是否是预料之中的。 精品资料网49Analyzing 分析If faces with constantly recurring cri

44、ses, find out why things keep going wrong and fix them. Many recurring crises are caused by poor planning, poor coordination and poor follow-up.如果紧急的事反复发生,找出问题的原因,加以纠正。许多是由于计划不周、协调不力和未加以追究造成的。 精品资料网50Planning 计划Few spend as much time planning as they should. Many claim they dont have time to plan. H

45、owever, planning is a habit. People who plan regularly master the habit of planning.很少人花足够的时间进行计划,宣称没有时间。要知道计划是一种习惯,只有有计划习惯的人才能定期做计划。Many of us fail to plan because we are action-oriented. As a result, we react to whatever happens around us. Planning is the only way to break out of the reactive patt

46、erm.许多人没有计划的原因是属于行动支配型,结果对周围发生的事穷于应付,计划是避免应付的唯一办法。 精品资料网51Planning 计划Plan work and Time 工作和时间计划The key is to plan both Work and Time.关键要同时计划工作和时间Work Plan 工作计划 1.Results-What are my goals?what do I expect to accomplish? 结果-什么是我的目标?希望完成什么? 2.Activities-What will I have to do to get those results? 行动-

47、我必须做什么才能得到这些结果? 3.Priorities-What are the priorities involved? 优先秩序-最先做什么? 精品资料网52Planning 计划Plan work and Time 工作和时间计划Time Plan 时间计划 4.Time estimates-How much time will each activity require? 估计时间-每一次活动需要多长时间? 5.Schedules-When will I do each activity? 日程表-何时做每一项工作? 6.Flexibility-How much flexibilit

48、y must I allow for the unexpected things I cant control? 弹性时间-必须定出多少弹性时间以应付不能控制的事 情? 精品资料网53Planning 计划Take Control 控制Planning is an attempt to control as much of your time as possible. But you cant control everything. Many things are simply beyond your control.计划就是试图控制尽可能多的时间,但你不能控制所有事情,许多事情不受你的控制。

49、However, the idea is to control whatever time you can control, so you can spend as much time as possible on importan issues. 然而,理想的是控制你能控制的时间,只有这样你才能尽可能多的将你的时间花在重要的事情上。 精品资料网54Planning 计划weekly and Daily plans每周和每日计划Daily to-do list is the most common.每日工作表最常用。Weekly planning is even better. It prov

50、ides a longer perspective and allows more room for options. You can use the same six questions to develop a daily plan or a weekly plan.每周计划更好,使你有一个更长的计划和更多的选择余地。你可用同样的6个问题来建立每日计划或每周计划。If possible, make weekly plan at the end of the preceding week.如有可能在上周末建立每周计划。 精品资料网55Planning计划Flexibility is the

51、key to successful planning. Allow time for unexpected things you cant control, like interruptions, problems and crises.弹性时间是计划成功的关键,要留有余地以应付不可控制的时间,如干扰、故障和紧急。Be slow to alter your plan when the unexpected strkes. A thoughtful response is usually better than just reacting to events.当有不可预料的事发生时,不要过快改变

52、计划,深思熟虑后再做决定。 精品资料网56Write a plan for every week. An excellent time to do this is on Friday afternoon before you leave work. Ask other people to do the same thing. Meet with key people to review the plans for next week, and coordinate priorities and activities.写出每周计划,最好的时间是在周五下午离开工作之前,让其他人也做同样的事情。请关

53、键人物审查你的计划,帮你协调优先秩序和安排活动。Planning计划 精品资料网57Make sure your daily to-do list has priorities and time estimates. You run out of time, not work.明确你的日程表中有优先处理的事和时间估计。要知道是你自己而非工作使你没有时间。Make sure deadlines and time estimates are realistic. Dont ignore them.保证期限估计切实可行。不要忽略。Planning计划 精品资料网58Planning计划Learn t

54、o control your unplanned action impulses. 学会控制计划外的行为冲动。Be prepared for a productive start tomorrow morning. Set things out tonight before you leave, so theyll be ready when you get there.为明天早晨的工作做准备。今晚离开之前将事情安排就绪,明天一到,马上工作。 精品资料网59Scheduling 日程表Planning is deciding what to do.计划就是决定干什么 Scheduling is

55、 deciding when to do. 日程安排是决定什么时候干Scheduling is simply picking a time to do the activities.日程安排就是确定干事的时间Scheduling is the secret for making things happen. Planning is an intention; scheduling is more like a commitment. Things which are not scheduled may never happen. If you want it to happen, schedu

56、le it.日程是做事的秘诀;计划是一种打算;日程更像一个许诺,没有安排进日程的事不要去做,想做的事要安排进日程里。 精品资料网60Scheduling 日程表Maintain Flexibility 留有弹性时间You must leave room for the unexpected when you are constructing your schedule.当你执行你的日程时,要留有余地。Remember, interruptions are a part of your job. Planning for interruptions means leaving room for

57、them in your schedule.请记住,干扰是你工作的一部分,要在日程中留有余地。 精品资料网61Scheduling 日程表Schedule Quiet Time 安排安静时间A big benefit of quiet time is that in one hour of scheduled quiet time. You can get as much done as you could in three or four hours of regular time.安静时间的最大好处是一小时安静时间的收获相当于平时的3-4小时。Turn off telephone, blo

58、ck drop-in visitors for a while, go to the library, find an empty conference room or ask for help from in your work area.关掉电话,回避来访。去图书馆,找一个空会议室或在你工作区寻求帮助。 精品资料网62Scheduling 日程表Get an early Start及早开始Get a good productive start and youre more likely to have a successful, productive day.一个卓有成效的开始,使你拥有成

59、功、高效的一天。Start early can have 3 different meanings:及早开始有三种不同的含义: -It might mean starting the day at an earlier hour. 每天早一点开始。 -It might mean starting to work when you get to work . 一旦工作,马上开始。 -It might mean starting on projects earlier than you normally would, giving yourself more lead time. 提早开始实施你的

60、计划,使你有更多的领先时间。 精品资料网63Scheduling 日程表Nothing ever happens in your life until you create the space for it to happen in. That means scheduling.除非你留有时间,否则事情不会发生,这就是日程安排。Schedule the most important activities for each day. This simply means picking a specific time to do them. Things that are scheduled ar

61、e much more likely happen.挑出特定的时间去干最重要的事。计划中的事情最可能发生。 精品资料网64Scheduling 日程表Dont hesitate to take large time blocks for important work. Schedule quiet time so you wont be interrupted.不要犹豫,利用大块时间去干重要的事情。留出安静时间,以防干扰。Prepare tomorrows schedule before you leave work today. Youll sleep better, and you won

62、t risk starting your day by reacting before you consider whats really important.今天离开工作时,准备明天的日程。你可安然入睡,而不会在明天开始工作之前还未考虑什么是真正重要的事。 精品资料网65Scheduling 日程表Make a list of small mini-jobs that only require a few minutes. When you have little time gaps during the day, do one of the mini-jobs instead of was

63、ting those few minutes.列出几分钟就能完成的事情,插空去做,以免浪费时间。Group related items and actions whenever possible.将相关的项目和事情合起来去做。 精品资料网66Scheduling 日程表Be sure to allow enough time for each activity. Most people are overly optimistic. They dont allow enough time, and they often start late. As a result, their jobs ar

64、e more frantic and pressured than they need to be.给每一项活动足够时间,许多人由于过分乐观,未留足够时间,工作开始过晚,结果工作一团糟,承受更大压力。Set time limits for everything you do. Try to finish within the time allowed.对每件事设定期限,努力在规定时间内完成。 精品资料网67Scheduling 日程表Whenever possible, set appointment to see people. Call ahead and confirm that the

65、y will be there.如有可能,与人约会先打电话确定。Schedule regular times for talking with key people.定期与重要人物会谈。 精品资料网68Scheduling 日程表Identify your prime time, the time of day when youre at your best, when you do your best work. Try to set this time aside for important projects, making important decisions or doing cre

66、ative work.确定你的黄金时间,即一天中最好的时间去做最好的工作。把这段时间留给最重要的事、最重要的决定和干创新工作。Schedule time to do it right the first time. You wont have to waste time doing it ove.确定首次做事时间,你就不必浪费时间重新去做。 精品资料网69Interruptions 干扰Think of it simply as part of the job. You will be less frustrated.将干扰考虑进你的工作,你就会减少挫折。The basic idea is t

67、o accept the uncontrollable and control the controllable.有些事情是不可控制的,接受这一事实,才能控制不可控制的事。The key is to allow enough time in your schedule for unexpected, uncontrollable events.关键是留有余地,应付未预期的不可控事件。 精品资料网70Interruptions 干扰Analyze Interruptions 干扰分析Keep records. Note who interrupts you, when they interrup

68、t, how long it takes and what it is about. It would be far better to analyze them,and systematically work at controlling them. In the words of the ancient Greek philosophers, ?It is better to light one candle, than curse the darkness.记录下来。注意谁在干扰你?什么时间?多长时间?什么事?最好分析一下,有系统地去控制它们。古希腊哲学家如是说:“ 点燃一根蜡烛胜于咒骂

69、黑暗。” 精品资料网71Interruptions 干扰Bunch Things Together将事情合在一起Ask people to hold all the routine items to go over them at one time. You bunch your routine items, too.将所有的常规事件合在一起一次审查。Schedule regular meetings with key people. Encourage people to set appointments instead of relying so much on spontaneous d

70、rop-in visits.定期与重要人物会面。提倡预约而不要过多指望偶然会面。 精品资料网72Interruptions 干扰Tame the Telephones 控制电话About half of all business calls arent about business.大约一半的商业电话与商业无关。Poorly conducted conversations dont accomplish much.安排很差的谈话,效果不会太成功。 精品资料网73Interruptions 干扰Curb Socializing 控制社会活动Socializing is like aspirin:

71、a little helps a lot, but too much can be deadly. The issue is more a matter of degree.社会活动像阿司匹林,少量有助,太多致死。We want to continue the necessary socializing and stop the unnecessary part.应继续必要的,而终止不必要的社会活动。Socializing can be reduced without becoming antisocial.在没有反社会倾向的前提下,社会活动可以减少。 精品资料网74Interruptions

72、 干扰Interruptions Are People 人的干扰Interruptions are part of your job, but that doesnt mean you must be at the mercy of whatever interruptions occur.干扰是你工作的一部分,但决不意味容忍所有的干扰。Practice prevention and reduction techniques whenever you can.尽可能预防和减少干扰。 精品资料网75Interruptions 干扰Key Concepts要点Keep interruptions

73、short and you will solve half the problem.缩短干扰,你就会解决一半的问题。Consider alternatives, such as electronic mail, voice mail or fax.采用其它方法,如电子邮件、留言或电传。Bunch things together and handle several things in one visit or call.将事情串在一起,通过一次访问或电话解决几个问题。 精品资料网76Interruptions 干扰Key Concepts要点Stand up when someone come

74、s into your office, or when you answer the phone.当有人进入你的办公室或接电话时站起来。站起来可帮助你控制干扰时间。Standing up gives you better position for controlling how long the interruption lasts. You can begin walking out of your office (or telling the caller you must go )to more quickly conclude the interaction.你可走出办公室(或告诉来电

75、话的人你必须走)以尽快结束干扰。 精品资料网77Interruptions 干扰Key Concepts要点Rearrange your furniture so you dont face the door or the traffic flow.重新安排你的家具,不要面对门口或交通。Get through the small talk as quickly as possible. Get right to the point and stay there.尽快结束谈话,开门见山,不要偏题。 精品资料网78Interruptions 干扰Key Concepts要点In open work

76、 areas. Turn down the level of telephone bells or ringers. Better still, Try blinking lights instead of bells.在开放工作区,开小电话铃声,最好用提示灯代替铃声。After the interruption, train yourself to go right back to the desk you were doing. Dont use the interruption as an excuse to drift aimlessly.受到打扰后,尽快返回你的工作,不要以打扰为借口

77、,毫无目的地晃来晃去。 精品资料网79Meetings会议Most people complain that meetings are major time wasters. The following sign used to hang on the wall of one company.大部分人抱怨会议是时间的浪费因素,某公司的墙上贴有如下标语: ?Intelligence is no substitute for information; 智慧不能代替信息;热情不能代替能力;意愿不能代替 经历;有一天有人加了一句话:会议不能代替进步。 Enthusiasm is no substitu

78、te for ability; Willingness is no substitute for experience. Then one day someone added a new line: ?And a meeting is no substitute for progress. 精品资料网80Meetings会议Whos responsible?谁的责任?All the attendees should be responsible for making the meetings work well. However, the person in charge must carry

79、 the blunt of responsibility.所有与会人员都有责任使会议开好,然而主持者应负主要责任。 精品资料网81Meetings会议Whos responsible?谁的责任?Different people react to being in charge of meetings in different ways. Some see it as an opportunity to dominate the group. Others are caught up only in the social process of group interaction, with li

80、ttle need for achievement. Some use meetings to justify inactivity.不同人对办会有不同的看法。有人将其视作支配别人的机会;有些人重视开会时的社会过程,并不求得到多少;有些人利用办会证明自己活跃。 精品资料网82Meetings会议Whos responsible?谁的责任?The majority, however, truly wish to do something effective, but may not know how. Ironically, while all organizations need produc

81、tive meetings, only a handful do anything to teach people to master the skills needed to plan and control good meetings.然而,大部分人真正希望做点事,但不知如何去做。尽管所有组织者均需要有卓有有成效的会议,具有讽刺意义的是只有少部分人教会别人计划和控制会议的技巧。 精品资料网83Meetings会议Everyone benefits 人人受益Of all the major time-wasters, meetings are probably one of the easi

82、est to solve. And eliminating wasted time in meeting will probably to more good for more people at one time than solving almost any other time-waster. It takes a little effort, but the rewards are especially attractive: higher morale, productive time and time savings.就浪费时间的因素而言,会议是最易控制之一。不浪费会议时间较解决其

83、它时间浪费问题能使更多人一次受益。只要付出一点努力,就会有很高的回报,如提高士气,增加有效时间和节省时间。 精品资料网84Meetings会议Key Concepts 要点Clarify the specific purpose of the meeting. Be sure it is really necessary. One-way communication does not require a meeting.明确开会的特殊目的,单方面的沟通不需要会议。Consider alternatives to meetings, such as memos or conference cal

84、ls.考虑其它办法,如备忘录或电话会议.Whenever you must hold a meeting,make an agenda and stick to it.如一定要办会,列出日程,照日程去做。 精品资料网85Meetings会议Key Concepts 要点Invite only those people whose attendance is necessary and let them know how to contribute.只邀请必须参加的人到会,并让他们知道如何做贡献。Identify a specific result to be achieved for catc

85、h agenda item.确定每项日程是否得到结果。Set time limits for each agenda item. Make sure the most important issues get the most time.确定每项日程的期限,确保最重要的事情有最多的时间去做。 精品资料网86Meetings会议Key Concepts 要点Be prepared for the meeting.准备会议Set a time limit. Start on time, stay on time, stop on time.设定时间范围,准时开始,准时结束。Allow people

86、 to come and go as their contribution is needed and completed.人员的来去依需要而定。Stay in control. Resist tangents. Keep things on target.按目标进行,不要离题。 精品资料网87Meetings会议Key Concepts 要点Keep the meeting small. You wont accomplish much with more than 5 to 8 people.会议规模要小,5-8人以上的会效果不佳。Try hold meetings where every

87、one stands up. Youll get more done in less time.试着每个人都站着开会,就会提高效率。Summarize the results of the meeting. Clarify or review assignments.总结会议,明确或重复任务。 精品资料网88Meetings会议Key Concepts 要点Prepare a follow-up action plan. Note what must be done, who will do it, when it is due. Give a copy to everyone at the

88、end of the meeting.准备跟踪计划,知道必须做什么,谁去做,什么时候去做。会议结束时给每一人复印一份。Spend a few minutes at the end of the meeting to critique the quality of the meeting. Discuss and agree on ways to improve the next meeting.会议结束时,利用几分钟评价会议的质量,讨论并取得一致意见以改善下次会议。 精品资料网89Paperwork 文字工作The problem on paperwork getting worse and

89、worse,not better. Letters to read,letters to write. Memos to send, memos to receive. Reports to prepare, reports to read, reports to file. And the mail;it never stops. For many of us, the paperwork spills over into our personal time. We cant seem to get it done at work, so we take it home to do.文字工作

90、的问题越来越多,阅读信件,书写信件,收发备忘录,准备报告,阅读报告,报告归档,邮件等无休无止。对大多数人来讲,文字工作占用了我们的个人时间,我们不能在工作时间内完成,因此带回家去做。 精品资料网90Paperwork 文字工作Paperwork Is Permanent文字工作长存Paperwork is the lifeblood of any organization. Without it, we couldnt exist, conduct business, or even die. It is the essence of communication. But it grow at

91、 such a staggering rate that its also creating a communication overload.文字工作是任何组织的血脉,没有它,我们就不能生存和经商。它是交流的根本,但其增长速度如此之快,使我们感到交流负担加重。 精品资料网91Paperwork 文字工作Psychology of Paper 文件心理学Need to understand the nature of paper需要了解文件的属性 -It may be used to compensate for lack of ability, in the hope that the sh

92、eer bulk will bring about desired results. It can become an escape from reality. It is often a symbol of power. -它可用于能力的补偿,希望其增加能达到预期的效果。它可变为对现实的逃逸。它常是权力的象征。 精品资料网92Paperwork 文字工作Psychology of Paper 文件心理学The nature of paper文件的属性 -Security blanket: we feel safe with lots of paper around us; naked and

93、 vulnerable in its absence. We justify our existence by the amount of paper we process. Even our loyalty and value to the organization may be measured in paper. -安全:身边有许多文件会有安全感;没有它就会感到失去保护和易受攻击。我们根据处理文件的数量来判断我们的存在。甚至我们对组织的忠诚和价值也用文件来衡量。 精品资料网93Paper is the essence of our work. Theres simply no way t

94、o escape it. Because its so common, we accept it as normal. We have been conditioned since childhood to consider that paper is good.文件是我们工作的中心,无法逃避,因其如此常见,我们已习以为常。我们从童年时候就认定文件是好事。Paperwork 文字工作Psychology of Paper 文件心理学 精品资料网94Paper is only a means to an end, not the end itself. 文件不是结束本身,而是结束的一种方法。Pa

95、perwork behavior is largely habit. Just as weve developed the habit of being drawn to paper, we could also develop the habit of resisting paper. 文字工作主要是一种习惯,我们已经养成接近文件的习惯,我们也能养成拒绝文件的习惯。We can learn to trim out the unnecessary parts and concentrate only on the paper that helps us achieve results.我们应学

96、会删去不必要的部分,集中精力于对我们有益的文件。Paperwork 文字工作Paperwork Habits 文件工作习惯 精品资料网95There are only four ways you can do with paper:dump it, delegate it, do it or delay it. Analyze your paperwork to see what can be eliminated, shortened, modified, combined or otherwise improved. 对文件有4种方法:分析你的文件,看哪些可以删除、缩短、修改、组合或修饰。

97、Screen and sort all incoming paper:action,reading, filing or trash.将文件分类、归档或扔掉。Paperwork 文字工作Key Concepts 要点 精品资料网96Develop criteria for what to keep and what to throw out.建立留弃的标准To manage the top of your desk, ask three questions about every piece of paper that comes your way: 1)Will I really do an

98、ything with it? 2)When will I do it? 3)Where will I keep it?整理桌面,对每个文件提出三个问题:1)我能用文件做什么?2)什么时候去做?3)将它保存在哪?Paperwork 文字工作Key Concepts 要点 精品资料网97Develop routines and standard responses; streamline everything you can. Simplify all reports.建立常规和标准,简化报告。Use computers, dictating machines, electronic mail,

99、 voice mail and fax to help speed up your paperwork chores.应用计算机、听写机、电子邮件、留言邮件和传真帮你提高处理文件的速度。Schedule regular work sessions for your paperwork.设立常规文字工作时间。Paperwork 文字工作Key Concepts 要点 精品资料网98If possible, handle each piece of paper only once. Dont set it aside without taking some action on it.如有可能,每个

100、文件只处理一次,不要什么未做就扔在一边。Schedule time to read on a regular basis. Be selective in what you choose to read.定期阅读,要有选择性。Learn to read faster and better.学会更快更好阅读文件。Clean out your least once a year. Have a party!至少每年清理一次文件,举办一次聚会!Paperwork 文字工作Key Concepts 要点 精品资料网99Vertical and Horizontal Delegation垂直和水平授权H

101、orizental delegation involves delegating to peers or others over whom you have no formal authority. Horizental delegation is as important as vertical delegation.水平授权指授权于同事或不是你的下属的其他人,水平授权与垂直授权同样重要。Coercion did indeed bring about performance, but not always excellent, high quality performance.强迫确实能执行

102、工作,但不总能干出优异和高质量的工作。Delegation 授权 精品资料网100Delegation 授权Acceptance Authority 接受权力Consider that you never have any more authority over another person than that person is willing to grant you. Your authority, in other words, depends on acceptance by the other person. This means that the only condition f

103、or delegation is someone willing to accept what you want to delegate. Acceptance authority does not rely on formal authority relationships,but on your ability to persuade someone to do something.你的权力从来不会超过别人乐意接受的程度,换句话讲,你的权力有赖其他人的接受。这指的是只有在授权的情况下,其他人才接受你的权力。接受权力不取决于正常的职权关系,而有赖于说服他人做某事的能力。 精品资料网101De

104、legation 授权What Is Delegation 什么是授权Work sharing:Sharing responsibility and authority with others, and holding them accountable for performance.分担工作:与他人分担责任与权力,使他们对其行为负责。Responsibility refers to the job assignment-the intended results. It includes the obligation to perform any activities necessary to

105、 achieve the intended results责任范围指从工作分配到预期结果,包括做事以达到预期结果的义务。 精品资料网102Delegation 授权What Is Delegation 什么是授权Authority refers to the right to act and make decisions. Successful delegation requires authority equal to the responsibility.权力是指行动和做出决定的权利。成功的授权需要与责任相当的权力。Accountability means being called upo

106、n to answer for actions and decisions. It also implies rewards and penalties.责任就是对行为和决策做出回答,责任还包括奖励和惩罚。 精品资料网103Delegation 授权Effective Delegation 有效授权A delegation dilemma:授权困境:We must keep what we want to do give up-the responsibility,and we must give up what we want to keep-the authority. 我们一定保持我们想

107、放弃的义务,而放弃我们想保持的权力。Delegation requires high level of trust between delegator and delegatee. Trust takes time to develop. Delegation works best when the organizational climate emphasizes employee development, growth, innovation, creativity and human dignity.权力需要授权者和受权者之间高度的信任,信任需要时间来培养。当组织内部环境强调雇员发展、成

108、长、革新、创新和尊严的时候,权力的作用最大。 精品资料网104Steps for Effective Delegation有效授权的步骤1)Think and plan first 首先考虑和计划2)Clarify the responsibility and results intended 明确责任和预期结果3)Select the right person 挑选合适人选4)Decide on the authority level 决定权力范围5)Decide on controls and checkpoints 决定控制和检查时间6)Create a motivating envir

109、onment 创造激励环境7)Hold them accountable 赋予责任感 精品资料网105Delegation授权Key Concepts要点General Levels Of Authority 权力的一般水平 -Level 1:Get the facts, Ill decide. 水平1:根据事实,我能决定。 -Level 2:Suggest alternatives, Ill decide. 水平2:建议改变,我能决定。 -Level 3:Recommend an alternative, Ill decide. 水平3:推荐一种方法,我能决定。 -Level 4:Decid

110、e, wait for my approval. 水平4:决定,等待我的同意。 -Level 5:Decide, act unless I say no. 水平5:决定去干,除非我说不。 -Level 6:Act, report results. 水平6:运作,报告结果。 -Level 7:Act,report if unsuccessful. 水平7:运作,如成功则报告。 -Level 8:Act,reporting not need. 水平8:运作,不必报告。 精品资料网106Delegation授权Key Concepts要点Be sure to delegate enough auth

111、ority to enable the other person to accomplish the intended results. Remember the eight levels of authority. 确保授予其他人足够的权力去完成任务,记住权力的8个水平。Consider how you will control the job before you delegate it. If you cant control it, maybe you shouldnt delegate it.在你授权之前考虑如何控制工作,如果不能控制,则不要授权。Consider the perso

112、nality style of the other person. Adapt your delegation accordingly.考虑其他人的个性特征,据此调整你的授权。 精品资料网107Delegation授权Key Concepts要点Dont interfere, under-cut, over-rule or arbitrarily reverse others decisions.不要干扰、削弱、反对或武断的推翻别人的决定。Delegate the right to be wrong. Use mistake as a learning process.授权错误,要引以为戒。W

113、rite out the pertinent details of the delegation. Give the other person a copy.写出授权的细节,给其他人一份复印件。Follow-up does not mean breathing down a persons neck. Leave the person alone to do the job, but maintain regular checks at critical points along the way.监督并不意味紧紧叮住别人,让人家单独去干工作,在关键时刻定期检查。 精品资料网108Delegat

114、ion授权Key Concepts要点Dont allow upward delegation. Ask for solutions, along with problems. Help others learn to make their own good decisions.不允许向上级授权,带着问题请教解决办法。帮助其他人学会自己做决定。Insist on results, but not on perfection. There are usually many ways to get the same results. Dont insist that other people do

115、 it in your way. Learn to live with differences.坚决要求得到结果,但不要追求完美,得到同样的结果常有不同的途径,不能坚持让其他人按你的办法行事。 精品资料网109Procrastination 拖延Procrastination plagues all of us. More plans go astray, more dreams go unfulfilled, and more time is wasted by procrastination than by any other single factor. For many people,

116、 procrastination becomes an insidious habit that ruin their careers. Destroy their happiness, and even shorten their lives.拖延困扰着所有人。拖延与其它任何单一因素相比使更多计划无法实现,更多理想破灭,更多时间被浪费。对大多数人来讲,拖延已变成一个潜在的习惯,断送了他们的前程,破坏了他们的幸福,甚至缩短了他们的生命。 精品资料网110Procrastination 拖延Procrastination Prevents Success拖延有碍成功Success comes f

117、rom doing the really important things critical to obtaining results. If we could only learn to shift our procrastination from important to unimportant matters, our problem would diminish.成功来自于做了对获得结果最重要的事。如果我们学会将拖延由重要的事情转移到不重要的事情上,我们的问题就会迎刃而解。 精品资料网111Procrastination 拖延What Causes Procrastination?什么

118、引起拖延?We tend to put off 我们易于拖延的事情 1)things that are unpleasant 不愉快的事情 2)things that are difficult 困难的事情 3)things that involve tough decisions 难做决定的事情 Yet these are the very things that contributemost to our success. 然而这些正是获得成功最重要的事情。 精品资料网112Procrastination 拖延Preventive Action 预防措施Procrastination, l

119、ike any problem, can be solved only by positive action. You need following actions.拖延像其它事情一样,可采取积极的措施来解决,你应照着去做。 - Please admit it. 请承认它。 - Examine your situation and determine why. 检查你的处境,找出为什么。 - Find a technique for conquering your procrastination. 找出克服拖延的办法。 精品资料网113Key Concepts aboutProcrastina

120、tion 拖延的要点When procrastinating,the best thing you can do is admit it. Stop rationalizing and youre more likely to act.当出现拖延时,最好先承认它,不要找理由,你就会行动起来。Analyze what causes you to put things off. Most of us tend to avoid things that are unpleasant, complex or overwhelming.分析拖延的原因,大多数人易于拖延不愉快,复杂和超负荷的事情。DO t

121、he toughest jobs first.先做最难的事情Tackle unpleasant tasks in small pieces and short time segments.利用短时间分别解决不愉快的事情。 精品资料网114Procrastination 拖延Key Concepts要点Delegate the task to someone else who may enjoy doing it.Others often enjoy what we dont like to do .授权其他可能喜欢做此事的人,其他人常喜欢做我们不喜欢做的事。Break complex task

122、s down into smaller steps. Focus on one step at a time.将复杂的事分成许多步去干,一次专攻一件事。Do a small task that will get you moving in the right direction.做能使你达到目的的小事。 精品资料网115Procrastination 拖延Key Concepts要点Dont be a perfectionist. Some risk is inevitable. Remember, youre paid to get results, not to be perfect.不要

123、成为完美主义者,冒险是不可避免的。记住,要得到的是结果而非完美。Dont wait for the right mood. Start in spite of your mood.Thomas Edison said,“ Creativity is 99 percent perspiration,and only 1 percent inspiration.不要等待好心情,不管你心情如何,立即开始。Thomas Edison讲过:创造是99%的汗水加1的灵感。There are only two rules for achieving anything. Rule1:Get started.

124、Rule2:Keep going.做事只有两条规则。规则1:立即开始, 规则2:坚持下去。 精品资料网116Procrastination 拖延Key Concepts要点Commit yourself to action.Set deadlines. Promise results to others.Fear of losing face is a powerful motivator.行动起来。列出期限,向其他人承诺你的结果,怕丢面子是强大的动力。Promise yourself a reward for completing the task. If you earn the rewa

125、rd, be sure to take it.向自己承诺完成任务后的奖赏,如果赢得奖赏,一定要拿。Yes you can!Do it now!你能行!立即去干吧! 精品资料网117Time Teamwork 时间组合Whats the best use of our time?如何充分利用时间? -Team Time Management 把时间给串起来 -Together, we can do more than the collective efforts of each individual working alone. 大家一起做就能较每个人单独工作加起来做得多。Team Time M

126、anagement requires an entirely new approach, focusing on groups of people working together, not on individuals.时间组合需要全新的方法,主要是将人员组合起来一起干,而非单干。 精品资料网118Time Teamwork 组织团队时间Support Teams 支持团队Top time masters are constantly striving to develop a good support team. No matter how hard we try, even with t

127、he best intentions, we still waste other peoples time and create problems for them. Its inevitable.Unfortunately, there is little dialogue about these problems. We spend a lot of time complaining, but little time honestly trying to resolve these issues.时间利用高手不断努力产生好的支持团队,不管我们多么努力和有最好的意愿,我们仍会浪费其他人的时间

128、和带来麻烦,这是不可避免的。不幸的是,对这些问题缺乏足够的交流。我们花很多时间去抱怨,很少时间认真去解决问题。 精品资料网119Time Teamwork 组织团队时间Think of Others 替他人着想One key to developing good time teamwork is the honest desire to respect and help others.建立良好团队时间组合的关键是真心尊重和帮助别人。We need to respect our own time. And also to respect the time of others. We need t

129、o develop good time teamwork upward, downward and outward.我们需要尊重自己的时间和尊重他人的时间。我们需要同上级、下级和外部建立优秀的时间组合。 精品资料网120Time Teamwork 组织团队时间Mutual Influence 互相影响Mastering time is not just an individual problem. Its a matter of mutual influence. We either help each other, or we hinder each other. Were all part

130、 of the problem, and were also part of the solution. Take time to be a positive influence for others. Above all, treat others as you would like to be treated. The result are terrific.掌握时间并不是个人问题,是互相影响。我们不是互相帮助就是互相制约,我们j既是问题的产生者,同时也是问题的解决者。时间管理给别人带来正面影响。象你希望别人对待你那样对待别人,结果将会令人满意。 精品资料网121Key Concepts

131、about Time关于时间的要点Teamwork 团队工作No matter how good you are, you cant do everything. It is up to you develop a strong support team to help everyone achieve more. None of us can do as much as all of us.不管你如何优秀,你不可能什么都会做,你应该建立强大的支持团队去帮助每个人获取更大成功。任何个人不可能做得比大家还多。Dont wait for someone else to take the first

132、 step;assume that everything depends on you.“ if it is to be, it is up to me.不要等待别人先动手,一切靠你自己。 精品资料网122Key Concepts about Time 时间要点Teamwork团队工作Set a good time mastery example for others to follow.给他人树立一个掌握时间的好榜样。Show people you respect them and their time. Look for ways to save time for them.向别人显示你尊

133、重他们和他们的时间,寻找给他们节省时间的办法。Ask others how you waste their time.Change your ways.让他人指出你如何浪费了时间,加以改正。Nurture work relationships. Get to know people well. Talk with them. Laugh with them. Share their concerns.融洽工作关系,设法了解他人,与他们交谈,与他们同甘共苦。 精品资料网123Key Concepts about Time 时间要点Teamwork团队工作Develop the on-time h

134、abit. Deliver what you promise on time.养成准时的习惯,按时工作。Discuss goals, priorities and plans with superiors, subordinates, team members and support staff. Do it often.经常和你的上司、协调人员、团队人员和支持人员讨论目标、优先秩序和计划。Make an agenda before calling or meeting with anyone.给别人打电话或会面前先安排进程。Dont be in too big a hurry when in

135、structing others. Take time to do it right.在指导别人时不要太草率,多花时间准备一下。 精品资料网124Key Concepts about Time TeamworkTake time to be a good listener.多花时间听别人讲。Start earlier. Ask for things earlier. Give people plenty of advance notice.早开始,早请教,提前通知别人。Ask everyone for ideas on how to improve everything. The more i

136、deas you get, the more you can improve.请教别人改进建议。你得到的建议越多,改进会越好。 精品资料网125Action Plan 行动计划I will begin immediately to master my new time habits, starting with the following categories and action plans. Once these are mastered, I will focus on developing two or three more time mastery habits.我马上去建立新的时间习惯。按下面的范围和工作计划去做。一旦建立,再去建立第二个和第三个时间习惯。 精品资料网126



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