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1、单元复习课Unit 4 授授课课老老师师:王:王晓丽晓丽. 词汇词汇速速记记1. 得分得分; 进进球球(n. &v. ) _2. 敢于敢于; 胆敢胆敢(v. ) _3. 需要需要; 要求要求(v. ) _4. 英国的英国的; 英国人的英国人的(adj. ) _5. 民众民众(n. ) _答答案案: 1. score2. dare3. require4. British 5. public单单单单元知元知元知元知识识识识复复复复习习习习自自自自测测测测6. 影响影响(v. ) _7. 不常不常; 很少很少(adv. ) _8. 不及格不及格; 失失败败(v. ) _9. 缺席缺席; 不在不在(a

2、dj. ) _10. humor(n. ) _ (adj. )有幽默感的有幽默感的11. silence(n. ) _ (adj. )沉默的沉默的12. help(v. ) _ (adj. )有帮助的有帮助的答案答案: 6. influence7. seldom8. fail9. absent10. humorous11. silent12. helpful13. interviewer(n. ) _ (v. )面面试试; 采采访访14. shy(adj. ) _ (n. )害羞害羞; 腼腼腆腆15. speak(v. ) _ (n. )讲话讲话; 发发言言16. pride(n. ) _ (

3、adj. )自自豪豪的的; 骄骄傲傲的的17. introduce(v. ) _ (n. )介介绍绍答案答案: 13. interview 14. shyness15. speech16. proud17. introduction. 短短语语互互译译1. 时时常常; 有有时时 _ time_ time2. 对对付付; 应应付付 _ with3. 公开地公开地 in_ 4. 为为骄骄傲傲 be_ of5. in person _6. take pride in _答案答案: 1. from; to2. deal3. public4. proud5. 亲亲自自; 亲亲身身6. 为为感到自豪感到自

4、豪“used to + 动词动词原形原形”表表过过去的去的习惯习惯或或过过去去经经常反复常反复发发生的生的动动作或状作或状态态,但,但现现在在已已经经不再存在不再存在了。可用于了。可用于所有人称(固所有人称(固定定结结构)构)。I used to be afraid of the dark. 我我过过去怕黑。去怕黑。used to + 动词动词原形原形疑疑问问形式形式为为:Used to ? 或:或:Did sb use to do? 回答:回答: Yes, sb did. No, sb didnt. 否定形式否定形式为为:used not to + do 或:或:didnt use to d

5、o 例句例句:I didnt use to be popular in school. I used not to be popular in school.Did he use to be short? / Used he to be short?. 句型攻关句型攻关1. 玛丽玛丽过过去去很瘦。很瘦。Mary_ _ _ thin. 2. 弟弟弟弟过过过过去去去去起床不早。起床不早。My brother_ _ _ get up early. 3. 他他们过们过去住在小房子里去住在小房子里吗吗? _ they_ _ live in the small house?答案答案: 1. used to

6、 be2. didnt use to3. Did; use to 4. 你爸爸你爸爸过过去走着去上班去走着去上班, 是是吗吗? Your father_ _ walk to work, _ he? 5. 在在过过去的几年里去的几年里, 这这些学生些学生变变化都很大。化都很大。All these students_ _ a lot in the _ _ years. (课课本本P32)答答案案: 4. used to; didnt5. have changed; last few. 语语法法专练专练1. Zhang Jing used to_. But now she is much talle

7、r. A. shortB. is shortC. be shortD. was short【解解析析】选选C。考考查查固固定定句句式式。used to后后面面跟跟动动词词原原形形, 而而short为为形形容容词词, 前前面面须须加加动动词词be。故故选选C。2. _you_to play the guitar? Yes. But now I play the piano. A. Did; usedB. Did; useC. Are; usedD. Were; use【解解析析】选选B。考考查查used to do sth. 结结构构。助助动动词词did后用后用动词动词原形原形use。故。故选选

8、B。3. My classmates are all used to_English aloud in the morning. A. read B. look C. looking D. reading【解解析析】选选D。考考查查固固定定用用法法。be used to doing sth. 意意为为“习习惯惯做做某某事事”。根根据据句句意意选选D。4. He used to wear expensive clothes. (改改为为否定句否定句)He_ _ to wear expensive clothes. 5. Her father used to smoke a lot. (完完成成反

9、反意意疑疑问问句句)Her father used to smoke a lot, _ _ ? 6. My sister used to have curly hair. (对对画画线线部部分分提提问问)_ _ your sister_ to look like? 答案答案: 4. didnt use5. didnt he6. What did; use. 真真题题体体验验1. (2013云云 南南 中中 考考 )Its polite to keep our voice down_ . (在公众在公众场场合合)答案答案: in public2. (2013泰泰 州州 中中 考考 )Wearin

10、g red can help you make a_ (decide). 答案答案: decision3. (2013滨滨州州中中考考)在在过过去去的的几几年年里里我我的的生生活活发发生生了了很很大大的的变变化。化。_答答 案案 : My life has changed a lot in the last/past few years. 4. (2013北北京京中中考考)我我爸爸爸爸过过去去常常常常开开车车上上班班, 现现在在坐坐公交公交车车了。了。My father_ go to work by car, but now he takes the bus. 答案答案: used to5.

11、(2013十堰中考十堰中考)现现在他在他渐渐习惯渐渐习惯了在国外生活。了在国外生活。Now, he is getting_ abroad. 答案答案: used to living6. (2013白白银银中中考考)今今天天我我以以学学校校为为荣荣, 明明天天学学校以我校以我为为傲。傲。Today Im_ of my school and tomorrow my school will take_ in my success. 答案答案: proud; pride7. (2013山山 西西 中中 考考 )Young people today_ posting wonderful articles and beautiful photos onto the micromessage (微信微信)to share with friends. A. are afraid ofB. are used toC. are worried about【解解析析】选选B。考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意: 当当今今年年轻轻人人习习惯惯于于用用微微信信发发表表优优美美的的文文章章和和上上传传漂漂亮亮的的照照片片与与朋朋友友分分享享。be afraid of意意为为“害害怕怕”; be used to意意为为“习习惯惯于于”; be worried about意意为为“担心担心”。



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