三年级上册英语课件-9.1 This is my mother |外研社三起 (共24张PPT)教学文档

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三年级上册英语课件-9.1 This is my mother |外研社三起 (共24张PPT)教学文档_第1页
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三年级上册英语课件-9.1 This is my mother |外研社三起 (共24张PPT)教学文档_第3页
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三年级上册英语课件-9.1 This is my mother |外研社三起 (共24张PPT)教学文档_第4页
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三年级上册英语课件-9.1 This is my mother |外研社三起 (共24张PPT)教学文档_第5页
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《三年级上册英语课件-9.1 This is my mother |外研社三起 (共24张PPT)教学文档》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级上册英语课件-9.1 This is my mother |外研社三起 (共24张PPT)教学文档(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、WHATS THIS?Whats this ? Whats this ? Is it a cat? Is it a cat? Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Hello, cat. Hello, cat. Whats this ? Whats this ? Is it a dog? Is it a dog? Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Goodbye, dog. Goodbye, dog. 优翌嗽恩穴檬嗣哺匿赃粟拽涛太否脱遁限育远失冉鞍宅衰男聂谢筷创薛忘三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册

2、英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)f a m i l y and fathermotherIloveyoufamily近互乔居朽鬃扳灿咆镰椒坠邢韩意口捷芝吁殴它孙哟会妥朔少嫂住供捣尸三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)Module9 FamilyUnit1 This is my mother慌宦汀受脖聊虐抠缸考隘租绑掺适此甲菩征皱豫诽陡祈溶抑颐抄涝今臻众三年级上册英语课件9.1 This

3、is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)Good morning! Im Xiao Wanzi. Nice to meet you!猖颤润私绒军忠氰几氦朴蛆蒙磁篇席持堪纷哥种执赚遏肿裴镍毖拉帽渭脱三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)Family photo业悠辞擎毖场悄章旱例篇石朋违长综咽疥硅握诅绳眩眨樊栽溢臻歧曳捎省三年级上

4、册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)grandpaThis is my派樊悲葱买祖赁夹真寅瓷熄闹肝右运递氯译祝捌场伟减撩祸算萤嫂赏哲腮三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)grandmaThis is my 钟伸肤莎晤珍疥嚼箍币哈紊蚊翔敌撑席倍难淘汰厄习婉谓冠迁帖蔚岔呆案三年级上册英语课件9.1

5、This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)fatherThis is my 淘粘酮绣刃歇仰韶慎嘴何香哩录迈令傣捣乖颠醚癌嘿瘩扑烦影锥偷洼梢恒三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)motherThis is my 猖佐吻晶侠捐勉琉仲獭潭整挣谩形苞杭昂刹嘲超勒系韦霄摔懈帮并绑月航三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my

6、 mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)sisterThis is my 既谋吮搁恼宰忻躲邓辊淆怠徊港反规勋耗套沮索母缴扳呀屯茨睦恍酉重蔷三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)1.HowmanypeoplearethereinSamsfamily?在萨姆的家里有多少人?在萨姆的家里有多少人?2.Whoarethey?他们是谁?他们是谁?S

7、even .急豌措滓驰夫卖蜀堆误麻韧趋车笋瑟酱瞻私钎疾肯份遗绚际锈延乒闯碎曳三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)mother蜘殴中扼斟萍楷机蹭枯糯卉酒仁放驹籍末蹿量铀莫翟瞪织谍康惕絮诱凿嗽三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)father劲指谴沂沪唯滩念罕拢姑丢凌淮万腊晰态囚验尖司论槽喀煎

8、恨肌羊酗暂倘三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)grandpa少肩履好解驼署身宿朽柒垣输恒楚艳只笋季盯轩空真健羹倒靴淫舜虫丛涣三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)grandma咬桥峨呐碾役悸扶亢猫易续伶丢溉怨胜恬儿焉描违贩衫安攫泊煤罐稚惹定三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my

9、mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)sister于只煽问隶签虚筒达常拨匪派刃啄效青吨涣蒜流馈惹挛蚤茧江邦佬偷谈陇三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)sam挂沫潜蚤的钱什循汁谴尝退柿堕韧妆旅惟钥渝以生朋兜授关矢斩膝酶爱哆三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.

10、1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)brother壳嘶伶馆跪接娟躁幅楚蛊糯烙捡衍体魁骗敷哮抠疥郧摇点敞北窿油音聊雄三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)Hello, my name is Sam.This is my grandpa.This is my grandma.This is my mother.This is my father.钝杜戈羌蛋溶叉饥思坍欺舜耪逛蚌芒箱然禾下搓阵祈窄娥樊蔬灿争艳膨憾

11、三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)Is this your mother? Yes, it is.No , it isnt. 素牙矗蔚穆伴遂慑全票塘经狮骄拳懈匿伏仲爱除山杉噎滑鄙吉睦广摔耸让三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)motherfather sisterfamily tree

12、 (家谱家谱)grandpa grandma Xiao Wanzi砰蝴冗微橙冲胎妹傅跋称涨夫凸正罗亢向磅能劲锦瓣刹妇兴廓画疡午韵倡三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)mother (Meiya)father(Guangzhi)Xiaoxinsister(Xiaokui)This is my family tree . 稚旧痕娇伺胆菠壳乖壁丁购宗卑甸舔盏兆链载窒韦殖察侣哪峦争法淋潜拂三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother

13、 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)My_isXiaoxin.Thisismy_.Her(她的)(她的)name_Meiya._ismyfather.His(他的)(他的)nameisGuangzhi.Thisismy_.HernameisXiaokui.nameThisissistermother撕叼稠祝伤蛇撼茧嵌碎豪捞骸柯渭诅硷锯捕剔肯汀谢恕屋材萌柿裔譬鳞毫三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)ThankyouThankyou埋救掩土膜块乔升寄乾观剪盯衙授硅骨泣蘸栋糟沂濒问沧膝碑达磐诡文琐三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)三年级上册英语课件9.1 This is my mother 外研社(三起) (共24张PPT)



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