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1、2024/9/41导游英语导游英语 第二版第二版高等教育出版社出版高等教育出版社出版 2024/9/42UnitTenShoppingTravelinSichuan购物购物四川导游四川导游教学内容教学内容2024/9/43Part A Know-how for Tour Guides导游实务导游实务1. Entertainments娱乐活动娱乐活动2. Shopping购物购物3. Buying Traditional Chinese Medicine选购中药选购中药Part B Listening Comprehension导导游听力训练游听力训练Wuhou Temple武侯祠武侯祠教学内容

2、教学内容Part C Situational Dialogue情景对情景对话话Dujiangyan Irrigation Project都都江江堰水利工程堰水利工程Part D Methods of Introduction景景点讲解方法点讲解方法 Method of Section-by-section Introduction分段讲解法分段讲解法教学内容教学内容Part E Introduction to Tourist Sites景点讲解景点讲解The Taoping Qiang Stockaded Village桃坪羌寨桃坪羌寨Part F Tourism Culture旅游文化旅游文

3、化Chinese Taoism中国道教中国道教Part G Translation景点翻译景点翻译Tourist sites in Sichuan四川旅游景四川旅游景点点Part A: Know-how for Tour Guidespeddler n.小贩;传播者小贩;传播者authenticity n.真实性真实性drugstore n.药房药房rhinoceros n.犀牛犀牛prohibit v.禁止禁止, 阻止阻止brokerage n.佣金佣金rake-off n.回扣回扣New words导游实务导游实务Proper Nouns Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel成都锦

4、江宾成都锦江宾馆馆 Sichuan Opera川剧川剧 Shu Brocade蜀锦蜀锦 Shunxing Old Tea House顺兴老茶馆顺兴老茶馆导游实务导游实务2024/9/481. Entertainments The Browns check in the Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel. After supper Miss Yan Juan takes them to watch the Sichuan Opera in the Shunxing Old Tea House, but the Browns dont want to watch the opera.

5、Instead theyd like to buy the Shu Brocade. How could the guide handle the case? 1.Listencarefully,andfillinthewordsorphrasesyouhaveheard.(1) Miss Yan Juan should encourage the Browns to watch the opera if the entertainment item is specified the travel schedule (2) She should tell them that it m

6、ay be impossible to obtain _.(3) If they want to attend other entertainments not specified in the travel schedule, they should make their own arrangements _.a refund for the reserved ticket at their own expense 导游实务导游实务2024/9/4112.Listenagainandanswerthefollowingquestions.1.Doyouthinkthattouristsmus

7、ttakepartintheentertainmentifitisspecifiedinthetravelschedule?Not necessarily. It may be impossible to obtain a refund for the reserved ticket if they dont take part in the entertainment specified in the travel schedule. 2.Howdoyouadvisethemiftheydontwanttoparticipate?I shall try to encourage them t

8、o take part in the entertainment specified in the travel schedule. If they still refuse to participate I shall tell them that it may be impossible to obtain a refund for the reserved ticket. 2024/9/4132. Shopping Shopping is an important part of tourist activities. Tourists may go shopping, especial

9、ly when the tour is drawing to a close. As a local guide, what should you do when they go shopping? 导游实务导游实务Taboosforshopping:goshopping2.intentionallyextend3.Exaggerate4.purchaseantiques5.asktheshopfor A. the quality of tourism products B. without the sales receipts C. a brokerage or rake-off D. th

10、e shopping time E. the signs of authenticity F. at the designated shops G. at the undesignated shopsColumnAColumnB1. Listen carefully, and match the information in column A with that in column B(There are two extra items in column B).导游实务导游实务2024/9/415Suggestions:1.Theguideshouldtaketouriststogoshop

11、pingattheshopsdesignatedbythetourismbureau.Sheshouldnotaddextrashoppingprograms,extendtheshoppingtimeortakethemtotheshopsotherthanthedesignatedones.2.Theguideshouldnotexaggeratethequalityoftourismproducts.Shemustnotcheat,orforcetouriststobuycertainproducts. 2024/9/4163.Theguidemayagreewhentouristsre

12、questtogoshoppingbythemselvesifthereisenoughtime.4.Iftouristswanttopurchaseantiques,theguideshouldinformthemthatsalesreceiptswillberequiredbytheCustomswhentheyleaveChina.Antiqueshopsprovidesuchdocumentation;antiquessoldbypeddlersusuallydonothavesignsofauthenticity,andmaynotbeallowedoutofChina. 2024/

13、9/4175.Theguideshouldnotsellgoodstotouristsorbuygoodsfromthem.6.Theguideshouldnotasktheshopforabrokerageorrake-off. 导游实务导游实务2024/9/4182.Listenagainandanswerthefollowingquestions.1.Doyouthinktouristscangoshoppingbythemselves?The tourists may go shopping by themselves if there is enough time.2.Cantheg

14、uideencouragetouriststobuysouvenirs?No, he cannot encourage tourists to buy any souvenirs. He can only take them to go shopping at the shops designated by the tourism bureau according to the contract.导游实务导游实务2024/9/420Additional Tips for Tour GuidesBuying Traditional Chinese MedicineAguideshouldoffe



17、helost-and-foundofficeattheairportwhentheyfailtofindtheirluggage. 2024/9/4232._Aguideshouldtaketouriststotakeelevatortoevacuateassoonaspossibleifthefireoccurs. 导游实务导游实务2024/9/4243._Aguideshouldstandbytheroadtosignalforhelpimmediatelywhenanaccidenthappens.2024/9/4254._Aguideshouldcancelthetravelsched

18、uleifthetrafficaccidentbecausethesafetyisalwaysthefirst. 2024/9/4265._Aguideshoulddeliverawrittenreportabouttheaccidentafterthetravelisover. subject n.臣民臣民monarch n.君主君主antithetical adj.对偶的;对立对偶的;对立的的Part B : Listening ComprehensionNew words导游听力导游听力 Wuhou Temple Proper Nouns Wuhou Temple武侯祠武侯祠 Liu B

19、ei刘备刘备 Zhuge Liang诸葛亮诸葛亮 Front Gate大门大门 Second Gate二门二门 Hall of Liu Bei刘备殿刘备殿 Hall of Zhuge Liang 诸葛亮殿诸葛亮殿 Liu Beis Mausoleum刘备墓刘备墓 “couplet of psychological attack”“攻心联攻心联”Shu Kingdom蜀国蜀国导游听力导游听力2024/9/4291. Listen carefully, and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases youve just heard.TheBrow

20、nsarriveattheWuhouTemple.Now,theyarestandinginfrontofthetemple.MissYanJuanexplainswhytheemperorLiuBeiandhissubjectZhugeLiangwasjointlyenshrinedinthetemple. Wuhou Temple which covers an area of more than (1)_ mu is located in the south of Chengdu proper. The Temple was built in honor of Liu Bei, the

21、(2)_ emperor of the Shu Kingdom during the Three-kingdom Period. In the temple there are the shrine of Liu Bei (the emperor of Shu), the shrine of Zhuge Liang (the Prime Minister) and Lius (3)_, etc. It is a noteworthy temple in China where the monarch and his (4)_ were enshrined and commemorated to

22、gether. The Front Gate, the Second Gate, Hall of Liu Bei, Hall of Zhuge Liang and Liu Beis Mausoleum and so on, are all located on a (5)_ line, facing south. It contains: 47 statues of historical figures, 80 founding mausoleum subject center (6)_ inscribed stone tablets, over 60 antithetical couplet

23、s. Among them the “couplet of psychological attack” is most famous, and is regarded as one of hundred (7)_ couplets in China. In addition there are more than 10 objects like the bronze tripods, incense burners, bells and (8)_. The temple serves as a museum for studying the (9)_ of the Shu Kingdom as

24、 well. Wuhou Temple is the most famous memorial temple that (10)_ the Three-Kingdom culture. In 1961 it is ratified as a China Key Cultural Relic Unit under Protection by the State Council.50celebrated drumshistory features 导游听力导游听力2.Listenagain,andanswerthefollowingquestions.1. Where was the Wuhou

25、Temple located? For whom was the temple built?It is located in the south of Chengdu proper. The temple was built in honor of Liu Bei, the founding emperor of the Shu Kingdom during the Three-kingdom Period.2. What is the most striking feature of the Wuhou Temple? It is a noteworthy temple in China w

26、here the monarch and his subject were enshrined and commemorated together.3. What are the main buildings in the Wuhou Temple? How many statues of historical figures and inscribed stone tablets in the temple?They are the Front Gate, the Second Gate, Hall of Liu Bei, Hall of Zhuge Liang and Liu Beis M

27、ausoleum and so on. 4. What is the most famous couplet among over 60 antithetical couplets in the Wuhou Temple?The “couplet of psychological attack” is most famous, and is regarded as one of hundred celebrated couplets in China.Part C: Situational Dialogue New wordsconservancy n.保护保护; 管理管理floodway n

28、.溢洪道;分洪河道溢洪道;分洪河道prefect n.长官长官subdue v.征服征服topography n.地形地形drought n.干旱干旱, 缺乏缺乏pebble n.小圆石;小鹅卵石小圆石;小鹅卵石情景对话情景对话Dujiangyan Irrigation ProjectProper Nouns Dujiangyan Irrigation Project都江堰水利工程都江堰水利工程 Fulong Temple (Dragon-Taming Temple)伏龙观伏龙观 Mingjiang River岷江岷江 “Yuzui” (Fish Mouth) 鱼嘴鱼嘴 “Divide wat

29、er by 40% and 60%, subdue flood and drought” “分四六,平潦旱。分四六,平潦旱。” Hanjiaba Flatland韩家坝韩家坝 Chengdu Plain成都平原成都平原 Feishayan (Sand-flying Spillway) 飞沙堰飞沙堰 Lidui 离堆离堆 Baopingkou (Bottle-neck Channel)宝瓶口宝瓶口 -World Cultural Heritage 都江堰示意图Fish MouthSand-flying Spillway飞沙堰,是都江堰水利工程的第二个主体工程,堰顶距河床仅215米。它的主要功能是

30、为内江泄洪排沙。The Sand-flying Spillway functions to control the flow of water and discharge excess into the inner canal from the main stream. BaoPinkouBottle-neck ChannelAnran rope bridgeDujiangyan Water DischargeFestival情景对话情景对话2024/9/450UsefulExpressionsforadialogue1)我带你去一个专门吃)我带你去一个专门吃四川小吃四川小吃的地方吧,的地方吧

31、,肯定让你肯定让你大饱口福大饱口福。 IlltakeyoutoaplacespecializinginSichuansnacks.Thereyoucaneatallyoulike. 2)我我口水都快流出来了口水都快流出来了。我每样都要吃。我每样都要吃。 Mymouthiswatering.Iwanttoeateverything.2024/9/4513)锅都开了。)锅都开了。热呼呼的热呼呼的真好吃。真好吃。 Thepotisboiling.Thisispipinghotandyummy! 4)还你还别说,中国人是很还你还别说,中国人是很重视重视“食补食补”、“食疗食疗”的。的。 Youreri

32、ght.TheChineseareverybigon“foodtherapy”,and“nutritionaltreatment”.情景对话情景对话2024/9/452The Browns come to visit the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. It is regarded as alive wonder which can be comparable to the Great Wall, both of which have a history of more than 2,000 years. Dujiangyan Irrigation Proje

33、ct情景对话情景对话1.Listentothedialogue,anddecidewhetherthestatementsaretrueorfalse.Ifitistrue,put“T”inthespaceprovidedand“F”ifitisfalse.1. _ The Minjiang River is separated into two streams at the bend by a dike named “Yuzui” or Fish Mouth. 2. _ Li Bing had the project built here according to the terrain a

34、t the Hanjiaba Flatland. The inner side of the riverbed here is higher than the outer side.3. _ The Fish Mouth is the first section of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project, which divides the water into the inner river as a canal and the outer river as a floodway. 4. _ In summer, 40% of the water flows into

35、 the outer river and leaves 60% of the water flowing through the inner river. 5. _It is estimated that about 80% of the sands and pebbles is swept away into the outer river through the Fish Mouth. 情景对话情景对话 2. Dividetheclassintogroups,anddothedialogue.Payattentiontoyourbodylanguage.讲解方法讲解方法2024/9/457

36、Part D Methods of IntroductionMethodofSection-by-sectionIntroduction分段讲解法分段讲解法2024/9/458Thismethodrequiresthatthewholetouristsitebedividedintodifferentsectionsinseries(序序列列)sothataguidecouldintroducethemonebyone.Firstofall,abriefsurveyofthetouristsiteshouldbemadeonthewayorattheentrance,includingitsh

37、istory,area,aesthetical(审审美美的的)valueandthenamesofitsmajorscenic spots. By this way tourists will have apreliminary(初初步步的的)impressiononthesitethattheyare going to visit. However, a guide should notintroducetoomuchaboutthenextscenicspotwhenheintroducesthepresentone.Towardstheendoftheintroduction of th

38、e present scenic spot, it isrecommended that the guide briefly introduces thenextonesoastoarousetheirinterestforthecomingscene.讲解方法讲解方法2024/9/459For instance, when he introduces theDujiangyan Irrigation Project the guidemay have a general introduction of theprojectfirst.Thentheguidemayintroducethewa

39、terconservancyprojectaccordingtoitscomponents(组组成成部部分分).Theprojecthasmajorthreesections:Thefrontsegmentofthedikeisnamed“Yuzui”(FishMouth),thelower stretch of the dike, “Feishayan”(Sand-flyingSpillway)andthefinalsegmentis Baopingkou (Bottle-neck Channel), thewaterchannelbetweenMtYuleiandLidui(theIsol

40、atedMound). 2024/9/460TheFishMouthwasconstructedtodividethewaterintotheinnerriverasacanalandtheouterriverasafloodway.TheSand-flyingSpillwayfunctionsasaspilloverandservesasflooddraining;andtheBottle-neckChanneldivertsadueamountofwaterintothecanal.Theextraordinarycoordinationofthethreemajorconstructio


42、 v.保护保护, 捍卫捍卫flagstone n.石板;石块石板;石块sentry n.岗哨岗哨signal n.信号信号convenient adj.便利的便利的, 方便的方便的sufficient adj.充分的充分的, 足够的足够的livestock n.家畜家畜, 牲畜牲畜 Part E: Introduction to Tourist SitesNew words景点讲解景点讲解Taoping Qiang Stockaded Villageblockhouse n.碉堡;木舍碉堡;木舍 cereal n.谷类食品;谷类谷类食品;谷类sundries n.杂物;杂事杂物;杂事tortu

43、ous adj.曲折的曲折的, 转弯抹转弯抹角的角的maze n.曲径;迷宫曲径;迷宫siege v.包围包围, 围攻围攻bonfire n.篝火篝火, 营火营火Proper NounsJiuzhaigou Valley九寨沟九寨沟Taoping Qiang Stockaded Village桃坪羌寨桃坪羌寨“a mysterious ancient castle in the East” “神秘的东方古堡神秘的东方古堡”。“Zhuangfang”“庄房庄房”“Wozhe”“窝遮窝遮”“Zhubiao”“猪膘猪膘”Shalang Dance 萨朗舞萨朗舞景点讲解景点讲解Taoping Qian

44、g Stockaded Village Make a simulated introduction of the Taoping Qiang Stockaded Village. Keep in your mind the following places of interest, events and their features when you make your introduction. The layout of the Qiang village is just like an intricate maze. Your introduction of its layout wil

45、l help tourists understand the mysterious village.The blockhouse is the most eye-catching building in the Qiang Village. You may focus on your introduction on the sentry blockhouse.The “Zhuangfang” is typical of the Qiang folk house. You may take tourists around the village while introducing their i

46、nhabitant customs.Why can we say the Qiang village a complete defense works? You may introduce the structure of the village, especially the underground water system in addition to the blockhouse.2024/9/466Part F: Tourism Culture旅游文化旅游文化 Choosethebestanswertocompletethefollowingstatements. 1.Taoismad

47、vocatesthatmanshouldreturntothenature,whichmeansmanshouldA.lovethenature.B.dominatethenature.C.followtheorderofnature.D.competewiththenature. CChinese Taoism旅游文化旅游文化2024/9/4672.WhoisthefounderofTaoismaccordingtothetext?A.LaoZi.B.ZhangDaoling.C.JadeEmperorD.MarshalZhao. B2024/9/4683.Whatarethemaintea

48、chingsinTaoismexceptforA.Wuwei.B.Wuyu.C.Wushu.D.YingandYang. C2024/9/4694.TaoismexertsagreatinfluenceontheChineseculturewhicharereflectedinA.ChineseKungFuB.Chineseherbalmedicine.C.sacrificetotheGodofKitchenD.A.B.andC.D景点翻译景点翻译2024/9/470Translation1.Surroundedbyring-shapedpeaks,MountQingcheng(青城山青城山)

49、issecludedandquiet(幽静幽静).Ithasbeenwidelyacclaimedasthe“mostsecludedmountainunderheaven”(“青城天下幽青城天下幽”)sinceancienttimes. 青城山群峰环绕,环境幽静,素有青城山群峰环绕,环境幽静,素有“青城天下幽青城天下幽”之美誉。之美誉。 Part G : Translation for Tourist Sites2024/9/4712.Theincomparablyexquisite(精美精美绝伦绝伦)culturalrelicsintheJinshaRuins(金沙遗址金沙遗址)havea

50、stoundedtheworld,anditsmysterioussacrificialculture(祭祀文化祭祀文化)hasmadepeoplereflectonthespiritualworldofourancestors.金沙遗址精美绝伦的文物让人叹为观金沙遗址精美绝伦的文物让人叹为观止,神秘的祭祀文化让人深思先人的止,神秘的祭祀文化让人深思先人的精神世界。精神世界。 2024/9/4723.Varyinginsizeandshape,sparkling(闪烁闪烁)withcolorsinbrilliantsunlight,themorethan100emeraldlakes(翠湖翠湖

51、)aretheessenceofthewaterscapes(水景水景)intheJiuzhaigouValley(九寨沟九寨沟).一百多个大小各异的翠湖,在日光下一百多个大小各异的翠湖,在日光下色彩斑斓,是九寨沟水景的代表。色彩斑斓,是九寨沟水景的代表。 景点翻译景点翻译2024/9/4734.乐山大佛乐山大佛(LeshanGiantBuddha)是唐朝从山崖开凿是唐朝从山崖开凿(chisel)出来的,出来的,是世界公认的最重要的石刻弥勒佛是世界公认的最重要的石刻弥勒佛(MaitreyaBuddha)像之一像之一。LeshanGiantBuddha,chiseledoutofthecliff


53、arity,seclusion,anddelicatenesssinceancienttimes. 2024/9/4756.黄龙中的钙华滩黄龙中的钙华滩(travertineshoals)、湍流湍流(rapid)和瀑布连接起和瀑布连接起3,400多个多个钙华彩池,在雪山、森林的映衬钙华彩池,在雪山、森林的映衬(setoff)下,熠熠生辉下,熠熠生辉(glitterbrilliantly)。 Linkedbytravertineshoals,rapidsandwaterfallsandsetoffbysnowypeaksandlushgreenforestsintheHuanglongValley,over3,400travertinepondsglitterbrilliantlyinthesunshine.2024/9/476The endThankYou!



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