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1、 Module 10 AustraliaUnit 1Which country is it?Where is it?Australiain the southern partof the worldAustralia is an English-speaking country.Its the largest English-speaking country in the southern part of the world.The Olympic Games were held in 2000 in Sydney, Australia. Where were the 2000 Olympic

2、 Games held? the Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁大堡礁)Whats Australia famous for? a natural wonder over 2,600 kilometres longAyers Rockin central Australia in the centre of AustraliaAccording to local people, its a magical place. Uluru/Ayers Rock乌奴奴乌奴奴/ /艾尔斯岩艾尔斯岩屹立在沙漠中心屹立在沙漠中心, , 高高348348米米, , 周界周界9.3 9.3 公里,是

3、丛林漫步和攀山人士无法公里,是丛林漫步和攀山人士无法抗拒的诱惑。在乌奴奴,单是日出和日落,抗拒的诱惑。在乌奴奴,单是日出和日落,就足以令你目瞪口呆。日出日落时分,大石就足以令你目瞪口呆。日出日落时分,大石闪耀出的幻变光彩比阳光还要夺目闪耀出的幻变光彩比阳光还要夺目, ,从黑变从黑变紫、蓝变棕、橙变红紫、蓝变棕、橙变红, ,它的颜色甚至会随天它的颜色甚至会随天气而改变气而改变, , 跟四周的平坦的沙漠形成强烈对跟四周的平坦的沙漠形成强烈对比比. .kangaroocamelcrocodilesharkkoala What animals can you see in Australia?shee

4、pa sheep farmerHe uses a tool called _ to cut wool off sheep.scissorsPeople can get _ from sheep.woolListen and complete the sentences.1.The country that Tony would like to 2. visit is .2.In Tonys opinion, Australia is famous for the Olympic Games _.3.Ayers Rock is a huge rock in the of Australia.4.

5、Australia is English-speaking country in the southern part of the world.Australia in 2000centre the largestTony and his father are talking about Australia. Listen and read. Finish the tasks.Listen and complete the table.Facts about AustraliaName Sydney Opera HouseGreat Barrier ReefLocation Sydney De

6、tails a special huge rockAyers Rock central Australia like a huge sailing boat off the northeast coast of Australia over 2,600km longAnswer the questions.1.What is Tony going to write about?2.Why does Tonys dad show his photos of Australia to Tony?He is going to write a letter about Australia.Becaus

7、e they may help Tony.3.Why do many Australians speak English?4.What did Tonys dad not like about Australia?Because they came from Britain.The ants. Its like a huge sailing boat with water on three sides. 它就像一艘巨大的帆船,三面环水。它就像一艘巨大的帆船,三面环水。 . (1) like在本句中作为在本句中作为介词介词使用使用, 表示表示“像像”。例如:。例如:Her hair was so

8、 soft that it was like silk.她的头发如此柔软,像丝绸一样。她的头发如此柔软,像丝绸一样。(2) like与感官动词连用与感官动词连用。例如:。例如:Like I said, I dont wear perfume.像我说的,我不喷香水。像我说的,我不喷香水。(4) like作作连词连词。I dont like talking in public.我不喜欢在公共场合说话。我不喜欢在公共场合说话。(3) like作作动词动词。The garden looked like a jungle.这个花园看起来像丛林一样。这个花园看起来像丛林一样。【自主自主归纳】be like

9、/look like的不同含的不同含义be like意意为“像像”, 表示的范表示的范围更大一些更大一些, 更更侧重重于于询问性格性格Whats your sister like? She is very kind. 你姐姐怎么你姐姐怎么样? 她很善良。她很善良。look like意意为“看起来像看起来像”, 用用于于询问外貌外貌What does your sister look like? She is very beautiful. 你姐姐你姐姐长什么什么样子子? 她很漂亮。她很漂亮。3. keep sb. / sth. away(使使)避开避开; (使使)不靠近不靠近【语境境领悟悟】*

10、They wear special hats that keep the flies away. 他他们戴着戴着躲避避苍蝇的特殊的帽子。的特殊的帽子。*We must keep our classroom clean. 我我们必必须保持我保持我们的教室干的教室干净。*He kept me waiting for half an hour. 他他让我我等等了了半个小半个小时。【自主自主归纳】keep的不同的不同结构构句式句式用法用法keep sb. / sth. away“(使使)避开避开; (使使)不靠近不靠近”, 若后面需要若后面需要接接宾语时, 需要在需要在away后面加介后面加介词fro

11、mkeep sb. / sth. +adj. /介介词短短语让某人某人/某物某物处于某种状于某种状态keep sb. / sth. +doing sth. 让某人某人/某物一直做某事某物一直做某事keep sb. /sth. from doing sth. 阻止、防止某人阻止、防止某人/某物做某事某物做某事We should obey the traffic rules in order to keep ourselves _. A. saveB. safeC. safelyD. safetyThe girls mother kept her _out alone at night. A. t

12、o go B. goingC. from going D. B and C【学以致用学以致用】我我们需要两把剪刀。需要两把剪刀。We need two _ _ _. This pair of shoes _(be)made by hand. . 单项选择1. Mom bought _scissors yesterday. A. aB. anC. a pair of D. a piece of2. Whats the _of the Opera House? Can you guess? A. highB. highlyC. tallD. height3. Look, this is the b

13、ook _I bought yesterday. A. why B. that C. who D. what4. If we _from the junk food, we will be in good health. A. stay away B. stop fromC. keep away D. leave for according to ant brush central diary hat hate height scissorsComplete the passage. Tony is going to write a letter about Australia. His da

14、d helps him. He shows Tony some photos. Tony sees a photo of Ayers Rock in (1) _ Australia. Ayers Rock has a(n) (2) _ of 348 metres, and (3) _ the local people, it is a magical place. Tony also sees some photos of sheep farmers with special (4) _ to keep away flies. The farmers use (5) _ to cut the

15、wool off sheep. Tonys dad says Tony can read his (6) _. He also says he (7) _ the (8) _ that he had to (9) _ off his clothes!centralheight according tohatsscissorsdiaryhatesantsbrushAttributive clauses with that.1.My teacher asked us to choose a country (that) we 2. want to visit,.3.2. I have some p

16、hotos that I took in Australia last year.4.3. They wear special hats that keep the flies away.5.4. The scissors that theyre holding are used to cut the6. wool off the sheep.7.5. I hated the ants that were all over the place.TalkThink of a place you have visited. Make notes about the best things you

17、have seen there.what it is called where it is what is special about it- Whats the name of the place that you have visited?- Its called Mount Tai. 完成句子完成句子1. 妈妈经常常让我在周末帮她做家我在周末帮她做家务。My mother often _me _ _her do the housework on weekends. 2. 根据那个人的描述根据那个人的描述, 警察最后警察最后查出了真相。出了真相。The police found out t

18、he truth _ _that mans descriptions. 答案答案: 1. asks; to help2. according to3. 英格英格兰是一个是一个说英英语的国家。的国家。England is _ _country. 4. 妈妈告告诉她的孩子要她的孩子要远离火。离火。The mother told her child to _ _ _ the fire. 5. 李明有每天李明有每天记日日记的的习惯。Li Ming has a habit of _ _ _ every day. 答答案案: 3. an English-speaking 4. keep away from

19、5. keeping a diary【导导语语】人人生生就就如如一一趟趟火火车之之旅旅, 最最重重要要的的是是, 我我们都都应该尽尽可可能能地地使使我我们的的人人生生之之旅旅过得得愉愉快快而而难忘忘, 直直到到我我们每每个个人人都都抵抵达最后一站达最后一站, 走下火走下火车。 We Are on a Journey Life is like a train ride. We get on. We ride. We get off. We get back on and ride some more. There are accidents and there are delays. At ce

20、rtain stops there are surprises. Some of these will translate into great moments of joy; some will result in profound sorrow. Were all on this train ride together. Above all, we should all try to strive to make the ride as pleasant and memorable as we can, right up until we each make the final stop and leave the train for the last time. Say the sentences aloud and decide which intonation is most likely.1. Here we go.2. Yes, of course!3. Thats really funny!Now listen and repeat.



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