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1、Unit 3Weatherwe(r) 天气天气 The first classwarm温暖的hot炎热的cool凉爽的cold寒冷的coldcoolhotwarmweatherwarmhotcoolcoldweather reportcool(15)cold(5)warm(20)hot(30) Good morning. This is the weather report. Its warm in Beijing today.天气预报天气预报今天北京天气温暖。今天北京天气温暖。今天在北京,天气温暖。Its warm in Beijing today.今天在哈尔滨,天气寒冷。Its cold

2、in Harbin today.今天在香港,天气炎热。Its hot in Hong Kong today.Its cool in Lhasa today.今天在拉萨,天气凉爽。The second classcan能;可以cant = can not不能,不可以否定I can jump.I cant jump.Can I jump?肯定句 我能跳。否定句 我不能跳。疑问句 我能跳吗?I can go outside.去外面I cant go outside.Can I go outside?我可以去外面。我不可以去外面。我可以去外面吗?回答Yes, you can.No, you cant.

3、是的,你可以。不,你不可以。Lets talk 1Mike: Mum, what time is it?Mom: Its 11:00.Mike: Can I go outside now?Mom: No, you cant. Its cold outside. Have some lunch, Mike.Mike: OK. Can I have some soup?Mom: Yes, you can. Be careful! Its very hot.我现在可以去外面吗?我现在可以去外面吗?外面很冷。外面很冷。吃午饭吃午饭我可以喝一些汤吗?我可以喝一些汤吗?小心小心outside外面have

4、some lunch吃午饭have some soup喝汤be careful小心New wordsThe third classarmar/:/长元音长元音/:/car/:/card/:/卡片,纸牌读一读读一读 park mark far farm hard/:/ballal/:/放在单词的中间放在单词的中间长元音长元音/:/tall/:/wall/:/读一读读一读 fall mall small hall/:/读一读读一读water sister tiger dinner computergirl bird nurse hamburgerarm car cardball tall wall

5、/:/:/:/The fourth classcoldcoolhotwarmweatherweatherrainy下雨的下雨的snowy下雪的下雪的windy有风的有风的sunny晴朗的晴朗的cloudy多云的多云的rainysnowycloudysunnywindyrainysnowywindysunnycloudyweatherworld weather世界天气世界天气snowyrainywindycloudysunny Heres the world weather. Today its hot and sunny in Sydney.Whats the weather like in

6、Sydney?Its hot and sunny.MoscowLondonBeijingSingaporeSydenyNew York莫斯科红场莫斯科红场狮身鱼尾像狮身鱼尾像snowyrainywindycloudysunny Heres the world weather. Today its hot and sunny in Sydney.Whats the weather like in Sydney?Its hot and sunny.悉尼天气怎么样?悉尼天气怎么样?在悉尼,天气是炎热的,阳光充足的。Its hot and sunny in Sydney.在北京,天气是多风的凉爽的。I

7、ts windy and cool in Beijing.在伦敦,是多雨的Its rainy in London.The fifth classweatherrainy snowy cloudy windy sunnyWhats the weather like in Sydney?Its hot and sunny.悉尼天气怎么样?炎热的,多阳光的。I can go outside.I cant go outside.Can I go outside?我可以去外面。我不可以去外面。我可以去外面吗?回答Yes, you can.No, you cant.是的,你可以。不,你不可以。It is

8、cold.Is it cold?天气寒冷。天气不寒冷。天气寒冷吗?回答Yes, it is.No, it isnt.是的,很冷。不,不冷。It isnt cold.Lets talk 1 Mark: Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark.Chen Jie: Hi, Mark! Whats the weather like in New York? Mark: Its rainy. How about Beijing? Is it cold?Chen Jie: No, it isnt. Its 26 degrees. Mark: 26 degrees! Thats cold!Ch

9、en Jie: Huh? No, its not. Its warm.我是mark。纽约天气怎么样?北京呢?天气冷吗?26New York 20London 5Sydeny 30Toronto 7Beijing 15Whats the weather like in Beijing?Its cool and rainy.New York 20London 5Sydeny 30Toronto 7Beijing 15Whats the weather like in New York?Its warm and windy.New York 20London 5Sydeny 30Toronto 7Beijing 15Whats the weather like in London? Its cold and cloudy.New York 20London 5Sydeny 30Toronto 7Beijing 15Whats the weather like in Sydney? Its hot and sunny.New York 20London 5Sydeny 30Toronto 7Beijing 15Whats the weather like in Toronto? Its cold and sunny.



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