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1、do ones homeworkPlease talk about your daily life. Make up similar dialogues using:what do you often do? How often do you? Whats your favorite(TV show,book, basketball player)? How many hours do you?.English study is also an important activity(用造句解用造句解决与决与active 的区别)的区别). But its difficult for many

2、of us to learn it well. What can we do to improve our English?read English bookssing English songswatch English movies/plays/newssurf the Internetwrite articles in Englishlisten to English programsWho is the best English student in your group?How often do you?Once a weekTwice a weekThree times a wee

3、kOnce a monthread English bookssing English songswatch English programswrite English articlessurf the InternetMake a short report after the survey like this : In my group, A reads books every day. .D is the best.I also asked the students in my class (50 students) about their English study. Here is t

4、he result of the survey. 50 studentsall25x50 studentsmost1-25some 0 studentno one Try to report the result of theSurvey beginning with: In my class.In my class, all the students read English books every day. Most students do their homework every day. Some dont do their homework because they think it

5、s too difficult for them. Most students listen to English programs three times a week. About 44% (percent)students watch English TV programs twice a week. Only some students write English articles every day. All the students never talk to foreigners. Lets read the magazine article. Fill in the blank

6、s with the information in “Activity Survey” and “Vocabulary Key”. Here are the results of the students activity survey at Green High School. _ students exercise three or four times a week. Some students exercise once or twice a week. _ students are very active and exercise every day. As for homework

7、, _ students do homework every day. _ students do homework three or four times a week. _ students do homework once or twice a week. The results for “watch TV” are interesting. _ students watch TV or twice a week, some students watch TV _ _ _ _ a week, but most students watch TV _ _.Do you think thei

8、r school life is reasonable? (interesting, boring, )What activities do you have in your school life? Show us how to make the school life better in your opinion. (exercise every afternoon, go on a school trip twice a year. go to movies every week . Have an art festival )Disscuss in group说明:说明: 这里用了一种

9、很普通的这里用了一种很普通的 warm-up的方式,的方式,在回答的笑声中调动起的是学生对话题在回答的笑声中调动起的是学生对话题的真正兴趣,而不是停留在课堂表面的的真正兴趣,而不是停留在课堂表面的热闹。热闹。 这个问题可以问多个学生,也许你可以这个问题可以问多个学生,也许你可以欣赏到不同的精彩。欣赏到不同的精彩。T: Do you like smiling? ( 切换到学生愿意承认的生活状态, 回答就比较多样了。)S1: Yes, I do. T: Do you smile every minute? (问话的方式可以根据你对学生的了解随时改变句式。)S1: Yes, I do. / No,

10、I dont . T: How often do you smile? /When do you smile?S1: Every day. T: Why do like smiling? / Do you think smiling is good for your health?(回归正题)回归正题)Activity Two : Sayings about healthT: We should smile every day because it T: We should smile every day because it is is good for our healthgood for

11、 our health. . ( ( 总结)总结)总结)总结) As a saying goes: A smile will gain you As a saying goes: A smile will gain you ten years of life.ten years of life. T: Can you find a Chinese saying for it?T: Can you find a Chinese saying for it? ( ( 让学生翻译不是最终目的,在翻译中体会中西让学生翻译不是最终目的,在翻译中体会中西让学生翻译不是最终目的,在翻译中体会中西让学生翻译不

12、是最终目的,在翻译中体会中西文化的相通以及生活的真谛才是为人师者要追文化的相通以及生活的真谛才是为人师者要追文化的相通以及生活的真谛才是为人师者要追文化的相通以及生活的真谛才是为人师者要追求的。)求的。)求的。)求的。)More sayings: 1. One apple a day can keep a doctor away. 2.Early to bed, early to rise ,make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Activity Three: Golden ideas about health.(金点子)金点子)Ways: discus

13、s in pairs Skills : speaking and writingStep1 : T: maybe you can write one or two golden ideas about how to keep healthy what is good for health?and tell them to your partner. (让学生写出,讲出自己的金让学生写出,讲出自己的金点子,利用有限的课堂培养学生写的能力也非点子,利用有限的课堂培养学生写的能力也非常重要。)常重要。)Healthy Exercise every day. Try to eat a lot of v

14、egetables. Eat fruit and drink milk. Never drink coffee.Don,t eat junk food (实物演示)实物演示)Get up early Go to bed early Never smokeSleep 8 hours.说明:说明:老师可以通过板书的方式写下学生们的老师可以通过板书的方式写下学生们的健康建议,用带读的方法巩固记忆。健康建议,用带读的方法巩固记忆。金点子的收集也是金点子的收集也是1 a语言点的落实。语言点的落实。建议学生在报告中使用建议学生在报告中使用be good for 结结构如构如getting up is go

15、od for our health. Activity four :Are you healthy?make a interview between you and your deskmate.How often do you.Do exerciserEat vegetablesEat fruitDrink milkEat junk food.(在实际情景中操练句型和新词汇并为后面的听力做铺垫)Activity five:listening听力第一遍可以让学生独立听完成听力第一遍可以让学生独立听完成2a (粗听),而在听第二遍的时候可以由老粗听),而在听第二遍的时候可以由老师控制听力的速度,完

16、成师控制听力的速度,完成2b和解释文本中和解释文本中内容。(精听)比如:内容。(精听)比如:Bill cant stand milk. ( tapescript) So T can ask: What does he think of milk? (拓展听力材料的价值)拓展听力材料的价值) exercise eat vegetableseat fruitsleep drink milkeat junk fooddrink coffee Katrina Billevery day hardly ever every day sometimesevery dayneverninenineevery

17、 daynever2 or 3 times a week 3 or 4 times a week neverfour times a dayHealthy Exercise every day. Try to eat a lot of vegetables. Eat fruit and drink milk. Never drink coffee.Don,t eat junk food (实物演示)实物演示)Get up early Go to bed early Never smokeSleep 8 hours.说明:说明:老师可以通过板书的方式写下学生们的老师可以通过板书的方式写下学生们的

18、健康建议,用带读的方法巩固记忆。健康建议,用带读的方法巩固记忆。金点子的收集也是金点子的收集也是1 a语言点的落实。语言点的落实。建议学生在报告中使用建议学生在报告中使用be good for 结结构如构如getting up is good for our health. Activity four :Are you healthy?make a interview between you and your deskmate.How often do you.Do exerciserEat vegetablesEat fruitDrink milkEat junk food.(在实际情景中操

19、练句型和新词汇并为后面的听力做铺垫)Activity five:listening听力第一遍可以让学生独立听完成听力第一遍可以让学生独立听完成2a (粗听),而在听第二遍的时候可以由老粗听),而在听第二遍的时候可以由老师控制听力的速度,完成师控制听力的速度,完成2b和解释文本中和解释文本中内容。(精听)比如:内容。(精听)比如:Bill cant stand milk. ( tapescript) So T can ask: What does he think of milk? (拓展听力材料的价值)拓展听力材料的价值) exercise eat vegetableseat fruitsle

20、ep drink milkeat junk fooddrink coffee Katrina Billevery day hardly ever every day sometimesevery dayneverninenineevery daynever2 or 3 times a week 3 or 4 times a week neverfour times a dayTry to answer these two questions.Ways : Discuss 1. Who has a healthy lifestyle?(换一种方式,完成2a部分,老师可以根据学情对问句方式做具体调

21、整。) 2. What can we get if we keep a healthy lifestyle ? 听后反思听后反思说明:说明:说明:说明:讨论题有点难度,是听基础上的拓展,同时也为后面讨论题有点难度,是听基础上的拓展,同时也为后面的文本学习穿针引线。的文本学习穿针引线。(Healthy lifestyle helps her get good grades. Good food and exercise help her to study better. ) 给学生时间,他们会想出更多的健给学生时间,他们会想出更多的健康生活的好处。康生活的好处。从单纯的听到听完后讨论,不仅能让学

22、生集中注意力,从单纯的听到听完后讨论,不仅能让学生集中注意力,而且也起到了很好的气氛调节重要。而且也起到了很好的气氛调节重要。讨论后的汇报可以应用小组竞赛的形式展开,看哪组讨论后的汇报可以应用小组竞赛的形式展开,看哪组的的ideas又多又新颖。老师可以通过板书的方式呈现。又多又新颖。老师可以通过板书的方式呈现。 Activity Six:健康积分健康积分活动说明:活动说明: 老师设计一份表格,有正分和负分之分,老师设计一份表格,有正分和负分之分,让学生对照自己的让学生对照自己的habits给自己算算自己的给自己算算自己的健康分,看看谁是健康分,看看谁是the healthiest. 健 康 表

23、Get up early every day. +1Go to bed by 10. +1Eat vegetables every day. +1 Exercise 3-5 times every week. +1A bottle of milk a day. +1Like eating fruit a lot. +1Only play computer games on weekends. +1Never or hardly eat junk food. +1Smile every day. +1Take a shower every day. +1Get up late every day

24、. -1Go to bed after 10. -1Eat vegetables 1-2 times a week. -1Never exercise. -1A bottle of coffee a day. -1Dislike eating any fruit. -1Play computer games every day. -1Eat junk food 4-6 times a week. -1Always be angry . -1Take a shower once a month. -1Report: I think my lifestyle is _( healthy/ unhe

25、althy). Because I think Im kind of unhealthy. I never/hardly ever.说明:说明:说明:说明:通过积分的方式,提高学生通过积分的方式,提高学生通过积分的方式,提高学生通过积分的方式,提高学生reportreport的兴趣,同的兴趣,同的兴趣,同的兴趣,同时参考课文把语言真正运用到生活中去,既有时参考课文把语言真正运用到生活中去,既有时参考课文把语言真正运用到生活中去,既有时参考课文把语言真正运用到生活中去,既有趣味性又有实际意义。趣味性又有实际意义。趣味性又有实际意义。趣味性又有实际意义。健康表其实也是一份语言点表,集中了本单元健康

26、表其实也是一份语言点表,集中了本单元健康表其实也是一份语言点表,集中了本单元健康表其实也是一份语言点表,集中了本单元的语言点和知识点,这样就可以用一种比较灵的语言点和知识点,这样就可以用一种比较灵的语言点和知识点,这样就可以用一种比较灵的语言点和知识点,这样就可以用一种比较灵活有趣的方式解决语法问题。活有趣的方式解决语法问题。活有趣的方式解决语法问题。活有趣的方式解决语法问题。Report Report 形式又为下一课时作了铺垫形式又为下一课时作了铺垫形式又为下一课时作了铺垫形式又为下一课时作了铺垫 Task Seven: HomeworkWrite a short passage about your habits.



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