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1、名词概念及种类?名词的名词的种类种类可数可数名词名词不可数名词不可数名词普通名词普通名词专有名词专有名词P119 名词 Nouns类别类别用法用法例词例词 普普通通名名词词可数可数名词名词个体个体名词名词表示某类人或东西中的个体表示某类人或东西中的个体pen, pen, student, student, deskdesk集体集体名词名词表示若干个个体组成的集合体表示若干个个体组成的集合体school, school, family, classfamily, class不可数不可数名词名词物质物质名词名词表示无法分为个体的实物表示无法分为个体的实物tea, tea, water, water

2、, paperpaper抽象抽象名词名词表表示示动动作作、状状态态、品品质质、感感情情等抽象概念等抽象概念work, work, time, time, newsnews专专有有名名词词某某个个(些些)人人,地地方方,机机构构等等专有的名称专有的名称Shanghai, Shanghai, China, China, the the Great Great Wall, Wall, PartyParty可数名词单数变复数?规则变化和不规则变化?1.1.规则变化规则变化1 1、一般加、一般加-s,-s,如如:maps,cars:maps,cars 2 2、以、以s s , x x ,shsh, ,

3、chch 结尾的加结尾的加- -eses; ;举例:举例: 3 3、以辅音字母加、以辅音字母加y y结尾的结尾的 , 先变先变y y为为i i , ,再加再加- -eses ; ;举举例:例:以元音字母加以元音字母加y y结尾的名词,直接加结尾的名词,直接加s s 举例:举例:可数名词的复数可数名词的复数5 5、以、以f,fef,fe结尾的名词,通常要变结尾的名词,通常要变f f 或或fefe为为v,v,再加再加- -eses; ; 举例:?举例:?注注: : 七个加七个加s s 4 4、以、以o o 结尾的名词,变复数时:结尾的名词,变复数时: a. a. 加加s s,五个,五个b. b.

4、加加eses,四个,四个c. c. 加加s/ess/es 一个一个改变部分字母:改变部分字母:oo-ee 3个a-e 5个单、复数同形:单、复数同形:7个3.3.其他形式:其他形式: 3 3个个4.4.合成名词合成名词1 1)。主要名词变复数)。主要名词变复数 举例?举例?2 2)。没有主要名词,在词末加)。没有主要名词,在词末加s s 举例?举例?3 3)。)。Man woman Man woman 构成的合成词构成的合成词 举例?举例?5.5.集体名词集体名词2.2.不规则变化不规则变化A。即单又复 举例?B.只有复数 举例?6.看似复数实际单数 举例?7.不同国籍人单复数?A.单复数同行

5、B . a-eC.加s不可数名词有哪些及用法?名词的修饰语?只修饰可数名词?只修饰不可数名词?即可修饰可数也可修饰不可数?名词所有格:表示名词所有格:表示“的的”: :一、有生命的名词所有格一、有生命的名词所有格 :名词:名词+ + s s a . a . 当名词不是当名词不是s s 结尾时,结尾时,+ + s s Lucy Lucys hair / my mothers hair / my mothers bag s bag lucylucy的头发的头发 / / 我妈妈的袋子我妈妈的袋子 b. b. 当名词是当名词是s s 结尾时,则结尾时,则 + + students students r

6、eading reading room room 学生们的阅览室学生们的阅览室 workersworkers club club 工人俱乐部工人俱乐部注意:注意:WomenWomens Day s Day 妇女节妇女节 ChildrenChildrens Day s Day 儿童节儿童节 TeachersTeachers Day Day 教师节教师节c. c.表示几个人共同的东西,只在表示几个人共同的东西,只在最后一个人最后一个人后后 + +s s。 如:如:Lucy and LilyLucy and Lilys mother s mother 。 LucyLucy和和LilyLily的妈妈(

7、两人是姐妹)的妈妈(两人是姐妹)d.d.表示几个人都分别有的东西,则表示几个人都分别有的东西,则每个每个都都 + +s s。 如:如:LucyLucys s and and Lily Lilys s mothers . mothers . Lucy Lucy 的妈妈和的妈妈和LilyLily的妈妈(两人不是姐妹)的妈妈(两人不是姐妹)e. e. 双重所有格双重所有格 : of+: of+名词所有格名词所有格 / of + / of + 名词性的物主代词名词性的物主代词 a friend a friend of of mine mine 我的一位朋友我的一位朋友 an old photo an

8、old photo ofof my father my fathers. s. 我父亲的一张旧照片我父亲的一张旧照片f. f.在表示在表示“某人家某人家”,“店铺店铺”时,所有格后面的名词常时,所有格后面的名词常常省略:常省略:at Mr. Greenat Mr. Greens s(在格林先生家);(在格林先生家); at my brothersat my brothers(在我兄弟家);(在我兄弟家);at the tailorat the tailors s(在裁缝店);(在裁缝店); at the barbersat the barbers(在理发店);(在理发店);at the doc

9、torsat the doctors(在诊所)(在诊所)二、表示无生命的名词所有格二、表示无生命的名词所有格 用用 “of of “a. a. 教室的门教室的门 the door of the classroom the door of the classroom 山顶山顶 the top of the hillthe top of the hill 树叶树叶 the leaves of the treethe leaves of the tree 社会的发展社会的发展The development of the societyThe development of the society 书的

10、封面书的封面The cover of a book The cover of a book b. b. 表示时间、距离、国家、城市、星球、江河的名词,表示时间、距离、国家、城市、星球、江河的名词,加加s s 构成所有格构成所有格 todaytodays newspaper s newspaper 今天的报纸今天的报纸 ten minutesten minutes walk walk 十分钟的路程十分钟的路程 the citythe citys growth s growth 这个城市的发展这个城市的发展 the riverthe rivers mouth s mouth 河口河口c. c. 名

11、词名词+to+to:egeg:I donI dont quite remember the t quite remember the key_thekey_the question though I answered it correctly.question though I answered it correctly.A. of B. to C. for D. aboutA. of B. to C. for D. aboutB课堂巩固练习1.Isthis_book?A.LileiB.LileisC.lileis2.Thisis_car.A.SmithB.SmithsC.Smiths3.Th



14、ilysanlucysC.lilyanlucysD.lilysanlucy11.There_somegoodnewsintodaysnewspaperA.wereB.areC.isD.haveBCC1. 一个工人的家庭 2. 我们党的生日3. 这所学校的毕业生们4. 影片的名字 5. 这个星期的工作6. 六英里的距离 7. 一个月的停留8. 我父亲的一位朋友a workers familyour Partys birthdaythe schools graduatesthe name of the filmthis weeks worksix miles distanceone months

15、staya friend of my fathers巩固练习(二):翻译以下名词词组巩固练习(二):翻译以下名词词组1. Have you read _?(今天的报纸)2. Toms mother is older than _(杰克的母亲)3. Its only _(半小时步行)from here to the factory.4. Beijing is _(中国的首都).5. _(明天的运动会)will be put off till next Monday.6. “Have you seen _(爸爸的手表),Mum?” asked Tom.巩固练习(三):完成下列句子todays ne

16、wspaperJacks motherhalf an hours walkChinas capitalTomorrows sports meeting fathers watch 小测验()1Lastnight,therewasafoodaccident.The_wereill,butno_werelost.A.child,livesB.children,lifeC.children,livesD.child,life()2.-Thisisaphotoof_whentheywereyoung.-OK,howhappytheybothlooked!A.myfatherandmotherB.mym






22、clesC.myunclesD.myunclesfamily()20.Maths_noteasytolearn.A.areB.isC.amD.wereBCBP22 Listening 1.PeterasksMiketotellhimsomething.Peter:Whatsthis?Mike:Isthisacup?Peter:No,_isnt.Mike:Is_amap?Peter:Yes,_is.itititP23 Listening 2.TheteacherasksWangHuatotellhersomething.Teacher:AretheseyourEnglishbooks?WangH

23、ua:No,_arent.Teacher:Arethese_books?WangHua:Yes,theyare.theytheirP23 Listening 3.Listentothetapeandfillinthemissingwordsaccordingtowhatyouhaveheard.Canyouseethered_overthere,Jane?Thatsourschool_.Thereare_booksinit.SomebooksareinChineseandsomein_.Therearefour_inthelibrary.Therearemany_inthereadingroo

24、ms.Afterclass,weoftengotothereadingroomtodosomereading.buildinglibrarya lot ofEnglishreading roomsnewspaperP23 Speaking TalkingaboutSomethingWhatsthisinEnglish?Itsa/ThisisaWhatsthat?Itsa/ThatisaIsthisa?Yes,itis./No,itisnt.Isthata?Yes,itis./No,itisnt.Whatarethese/those?These/Thoseare.Arethese/those?Y

25、es,theyare./No,theyarent.P24 Talk with your partner about the pictures. Dialogue1-Whatsthis?-Itsabike.Dialogue2-Whatsthis?-Itsajeep.P24 Talk with your partner about the pictures. Dialogue3-WhatsthatinEnglish?-Itsabus.P24 Talk with your partner about the pictures. Dialogue4-Whatarethese?-Theyarecars.

26、Dialogue5-Whatarethese?-Theyarecomputers.P25 WritingJanuary14th,2008DearJane,Greetingsfrom_.Thanksyouverymuchforyour_.Ourschoolis_.Iamgladto_.Everything_.Myclassmatesare_.Theyhelpmeto_andIhelpthemto_.Afterclassweoftenhave_.Imgoingtolearn_.Sendme_.Bestwishes!LilyWuzhou Electronic and Technology Vocational Schoolconcern about meto introduce my school to you.is going wellfriendly and kind to mestudy some of the subjectslearn Englishactivitiescomputer this terme-mail or call me



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