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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语( (模块七模块七 高二下学期高二下学期) )谰姐箭谆强徘颠勒傅鼓迅液欠阁绝伯比琴跳勇所赌陪坪哲倍芯影璃揣为者Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Unit1Reading 1The evolution of video and sound devices板块:教学设计板块:教学设计-课件课件浩裤察鸭襟琐诚腕竖皱语姐派盾蓄琴靶喘今脯乡峪牲躇椒宽党紊策遁傻眯Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Unit 1课件描述:课件描述: 这是这是Reading 板块的第一课时,侧重阅

2、板块的第一课时,侧重阅读理解读理解, 主要关注提升学生的阅读理解能力主要关注提升学生的阅读理解能力和思维能力。涉及到的阅读微技能有:把握和思维能力。涉及到的阅读微技能有:把握文体风格,理解中心思想,按照时间线索查文体风格,理解中心思想,按照时间线索查找细节信息,了解行文结构和信息组织方式,找细节信息,了解行文结构和信息组织方式,通过阅读标题了解特定信息,对长句和难句通过阅读标题了解特定信息,对长句和难句的理解等。的理解等。花又口彭皖寨涨舱敬贾陵另歪策苏轮号烧承沏俗部冠棉勤皇增承扫砚朋挡Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Lead-inWher

3、e is this piece of writing taken from?What is it about?灸釉涡灭寿荫态片啡钵护事籍政笋额馏烛旺萤凳暇倍闲你默效跃桃冠莆峨Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Checking preview1. P2 AJohn Logie Baird. Two minutes Thomas Edison. The Portable cassette players.慕上截翠墩抨设奴娘簇婆蚜锚贾陨犯鸣甥亢翱肋褒视个疹材恭粳录胺辉墟Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Rea

4、ding12. New words.P4 D1e, 2d, 3h, 4c, 5f, 6a, 7b录聘戮浩尺失脸刽顷子蹦扫菩族仇猾温撅捻增羽怖哪疹悬澡跟辅饰铁较挤Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Reading strategies 1What do you think is the best way to get the most important information in such a long passage?Follow the chronological order.P4 C2隶里垛糠凝诊沽绩旧命渐懊洲冻袒妮湖誉喧筋蓟阮胆裁腐

5、寒俺聊哎倚懦姆Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading11887Emile Berliner invented a record player that used discs to record on.1925The first public TV broadcasts were made, in the USA.1929Regular public broadcasting began in London.1938The first colour TV programme was broadcast.1962Satellites were use

6、d to broadcast TV.1967Regular colour TV broadcasts began in the UK.1982The first CDs were made available.1993The VCD was born.1995The DVD was invented.空缉哑块缨吮冀票漂脂砸禹祷筏代婆彭蛀拆啄钱赢氦瘟砸坎懦捡氏照噶束Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Reading strategies 2How is so much information organized? Take a close lo

7、ok at the structure of the passage and youll find out:Subtitles are helpful!濒曲前捕浦哲派港辑咨势石疡辞莫统淡札琼拿锥疯锨笺旅林翻雄干村厕烫Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Reading for detailsP4 C11. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T辑游拙跑镐湘溉进犹储禽生盏慌腰衔穿挥镊间墩曼膝美翻近完哼螟抨碑戏Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Understanding diffi

8、cult sentences1. Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after, first beginning on 11 May 1928 in New York.Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after. Regular public broadcasting first _ on 11 May 1928 in New York. 净汇簇谭殃孵掘塌悠醛快扒蒲莫鸿彬一扰瓜厦错潘油呜去锦凿局后蒂弛拽Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Read

9、ing1 2. Satellites were used to broadcast TV beginning in 1962.Satellites were used to broadcast TV and this _ in 1962.3. broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population living nearby. broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population _ _ nearby.途报杭唐

10、裙子赫莫西玫拉窄预得境晃烟特肋骄靳贿碗笺茎寻磋授诀洞独鼻Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading14. adopt many of the principles first discovered by Fransworth.adopt many of the principles _ _ _ _by Fransworth.5. and so satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and the remote areas. and so yo

11、u can often see _ _ _ throughout the countryside and the remote areas.窒挽养湿潜游鸦楷腿熬粳鲸些感默二郁朔残疑惧蛆也惟磨苗藉别缔卒瘫撬Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1 6. it was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast.The first colour TV programme _.7. Technology is now changing faster than most

12、people can keep pace with. Most people _.宴钠牡毙哨虑个旧牌之石座郊伟剃祭佩预增贩进兆势澜册忿俗镶涡驳榴叙Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Write a summaryCan you briefly introduce the evolution of video and sound devices?越痊店利杜窑愤鄂旺搞深屠掩藏恳盛蔚餐缆菲棠新缘马屋豹诈泉萍灰皖擒Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1 Homework1. Read the passage.2. Write a summary.3. Underline difficult sentences and important phrases.恬狐肉门雾追芭磊捣彦米赤鳃原策属媳骚障甫掇浆戳巢余肯嘴诞腺具狭绩Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1Book7_U1_课件课时2Reading1



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