《Unit 1 Don`t talk in the library.课件》小学英语外研社课标版三年级起点六年级上册课件4963.ppt

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《Unit 1 Don`t talk in the library.课件》小学英语外研社课标版三年级起点六年级上册课件4963.ppt_第1页
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《《Unit 1 Don`t talk in the library.课件》小学英语外研社课标版三年级起点六年级上册课件4963.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 1 Don`t talk in the library.课件》小学英语外研社课标版三年级起点六年级上册课件4963.ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Singasong.Module10Unit1Donttalkinthelibrary.JiaodongRoadPrimarySchoolShenFulingItsalibrary.Doyouknow?Doyouknow?libraryrulesLookatthelibraryrules.Donttalkinthelibrary.Pleasebequiet.请请安安静静!别别说说话话!Pleasestandinline!注注意:意:请请排排队队!Lookatthelibraryrules.Doyouknow?TimeTime: 8:30178:3017:00 00Thelibraryclose

2、satfiveintheafternoon.Lets sing! Please be quiet! Stand in line!Dont talk in the library.Look at the rules!Please be quiet! Stand in line!Dont talk in the library.Look at the rules!Doyouknow?a. Listen, and find the sentences including “please, dont” .a. Listen, and find the sentences including “plea

3、se, dont” .Please stand in line.Please hurry.Please be quiet.Dont talk in the library.Imperative Sentences(祈使句) b . Listen, repeat and judge “T” or “F”.Simon and Lingling went to the library at twenty to five.2. Simon found a book and a CD.( )The book is “Learn English in Four Weeks”.()4. Simon can

4、help Daming learn Chinese.()3. ()1. LearnChineseinFourWeeksFFFTc. Listen and repeat.Lets show!Task2Pleasemakeourclassrules!Task1Pleasedubthetext!配音配音Please listen to the teacher carefully!Dont be late for school!Please say hello to teachers!Please say hello to teachers!Please keep to the right when

5、going up or down the stairs.Pleasecrossthestreetwhenitsgreen!Dont walk on the grass!Dont fight with your classmates!Please study hard! 没有规矩,不成方圆。世界上的每没有规矩,不成方圆。世界上的每一件事都有规则。请遵守规章制度,让一件事都有规则。请遵守规章制度,让校园中留下我们文明的足迹吧!校园中留下我们文明的足迹吧!Norulesnostandards.Everythingintheworldhasrules.Pleaseobeytherulesandbepo

6、litetoeveryone!Read and match!1. twenty to five2. library rules3. in the library4. library card5. stand in line6. a book and a CD7. in four weeks A. 图书馆规则B. 一本书和一张光盘C. 借书卡D. 4点40E. 在图书馆F. 四周之内G. 站成一条直线Look and say!Lookatthelibraryrules.Donttalkinthelibrary.Pleasebequiet.Pleasestandinline!Donttalkinthelibrary.Pleasebequiet. Dear children,Our school needs some school rules now. Please make some school rules for ourschool! Can you do it? Were waiting for your advice.From,Jiaodong Road Primary School HomeworkThank you!



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