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1、 e 1Compact Microstrip Tri-Band Bandpass Filter Using New Stubs Loaded Stepped-Impedance Resonator使用新型枝节加载阶跃阻抗谐振器的紧凑使用新型枝节加载阶跃阻抗谐振器的紧凑微带三通带带通滤波器微带三通带带通滤波器Abstract -摘要摘要:21. This letter presents a novel tri-band bandpass filter (TB-BPF) based on proposed stubs loaded stepped-impedance resonator (SLSI

2、R). The first three resonant modes of proposed SLSIR can be independently controlled by the shorted highimpedance section of SIR, the loaded open stub and the loaded shorted stub, respectively, resulting in the independency of central frequencies and return losses of three passbands.中文:本文介绍了一个基于枝节加载

3、阶跃阻抗谐振器的新型三通带滤波器。所提出的这个谐振器能产生三个模式;并且可以通过对阶跃阻抗谐振器的短路高阻抗枝节、加载的开路枝节还有加载的短路枝节的单独调整来实现三个模式的频率单独可控,从而实现滤波器三个通带中心频率和回波损耗的独立可控。 2. As an example, a TB-BPF operating at 0.9/1.8/2.45 GHz are designed and fabricated. Due to the cancelling effect of mixed electric and magnetic coupling, the virtual grounds exis

4、ted in SLSIR and the introduced embedded open stub, six transmission zeros are realized around three passbands, resulting in the high passband selectivity and band-to-band isolation. 中文:为了体现该谐振器的特性,本文设计并加工了一个中心频率分别在0.9/1.8/2.45 GHz的三通带滤波器。由于阶跃阻抗枝节加载谐振器的接地部分和所加载枝节的开路部分存在混合电磁耦合相位抵消,因此在三个通带附近产生了六个传输零点,

5、从而实现通带的高选择性和良好的通带之间的隔离度。Introduction1.Planar tri-band bandpass filter (TB-BPF) with compact size and high electrical performance is an essential component in modern multi-service communication system. Many works on TB-BPF have been recently reported. The first three resonant modes of stub loaded ste

6、pped-impedance resonator (SLSIR) in 1 and open stub loaded tri-section /4 SIR in 2 were proposed to design TB-BPFs. However, the locations of resonant modes in 1 and 2 need a complicated optimization to acquire the desired frequency positions. 中文:紧凑且电特性良好的平面三通带带通滤波器现代多业务通信系统中的关键器件。近些年来关于三通带滤波器设计在微波界

7、得到广泛报道。文献1首次提出了基于枝节加载阶跃阻抗谐振器的三模谐振器。文献2也提出了将枝节加载的短路的三节四分之一波长阶跃阻抗谐振器用于三通带滤波器设计。但是这两篇文章提出的谐振器,都需要经过复杂的优化过程才能将频率固定在所需要的频点位置。2.The design approaches of TB-BPFs in 35 solved the above problem,but they suffered from the relatively large circuit size.This letter presents a compact TB-BPF based on new SLSIRs

8、 with high impedance ratio. The central frequencies (CFs) and return losses (RLs) of three passbands can be independently controlled. Six transmission zeros (TZs) are realized to improve the filter performance. A TB-BPF operating at 0.9/1.8 GHz for GSM application, and 2.45 GHz for WLAN application

9、is designed and fabricated to verify the validity of proposed design approach.中文: 文献35中提出的设计方法很好的解决了上述问题,但是存在设计出的结构尺寸过大的问题。本文提出了一个基于具有高阻抗比特性的新型枝节加载阶跃阻抗谐振器。所实现的三个通带的中心频率还有回波损耗都具有独立可控的特性。并且还获得了六个传输零点,有效的改善了通带的选择性。最后设计并加工了一款中心频率为GSM通信和中心频率为2.45 GHz(用于无线通信)的三通带滤波器,从而证明所提出的方法可行性。II. Proposed SLSIRFig. 1(

10、a) shows the transmission line model of proposed SLSIR. Zi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) and j (j = 1, 2, 3, 4, t) represent impedance and electrical length, respectively. The input admittance seen from the loaded point can be derived as:Fig. 1(a) shows the transmission line model of proposed SLSIR. Zi (i = 1, 2

11、, 3, 4) and j (j = 1, 2, 3, 4, t) represent impedance and electrical length, respectively. The input admittance seen from the loaded point can be derived as:中文:图1给出了该谐振器的传输线模型。Zi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) and j (j = 1, 2, 3, 4, t)分别表示阻抗和电长度,可以推导出从枝节加载点看进去的导纳公式如下:Within the interested frequency range, there a

12、re three resonant modes fp1, fp2 and fp3 which are determined by Y = 0. Moreover, three potential TZs TZVG1, TZVG2 and TZVG3 located at the upper sides of three resonant modes can be observed, mainly due to the virtual grounds existed in SLSIR (Y = ). Since the design parameters of SLSIR are prior t

13、o meet the required frequency positions of three resonant modes, the TZs due to Y = cannot be tuned freely.中文:在有研究兴趣的频带内,可以推导Y = 0来确定 fp1, fp2 和 fp3三个谐振频率。同时,因为谐振器的虚拟接地端,在三个模式的上边带部分出现了三个传输零点。因为在滤波器设计确定结构参数的时候,通常优先选择先确定所需的谐振频点,所以零点不能实现独立可控。As shown in Fig. 2(a)(c), a larger value of K is benefit for

14、controlling the corresponding resonant mode independently. Fig. 2(a)(c) also show that fp1, fp2 and fp3 can be independently controlled by 1, 3 and 4,respectively. In this design, K = 4.9 is selected and Z2 19 can be calculated. As shown in Fig. 2(d), the different loadedpoint t also has minor effec

15、t on fp1, fp2,and fp3. In this design, the tapped point of feeding line is selected at the loaded point. 中文:从图2的(a)(c)可以发现,K的值越大越有利于实现相应频率的独立可控。根据图2的(a)(c)还可以发现fp2 和 fp3可以分别通过改变1, 3 和 4得大小来实现单独可控。在实际设计当中,K的值选为1,从而可以计算的Z2 19 。如图2(d)所示加载位置t的不同对fp1, fp2和fp3有微小的影响。设计过程中,本文将馈线的抽头位置选在枝节加载节点处。A novel TB-BP

16、F with independently controlled CFs(center frequencies) and inband RLs are presented by using proposed SLSIR. Six TZs generated by the cancelling effect of MEMC, virtual grounds existed in SLSIR and EOS improve the passband selectivity and band-to-band isolation significantly. The fabricated TB-BPF

17、also exhibit a compact size and wide upper stopband. These merits make the newly proposed TB-BPF attractive in modern multi-service transceiver.IV. Conclusion中文:本文提出了枝节枝节加载的阶跃阻抗谐振器,通过对该谐振器的使用设计了一个新型的具有中心频率和回波损耗独立可控的三通带带通滤波器。因为阶跃阻抗枝节加载谐振器的接地部分和所加载枝节的开路部分,存在混合电磁耦合相位抵消,三个通带附近产生了六个传输零点,显著改善了通带的选择性和通带之间的隔离度。加工出三通带带通滤波器结构紧凑且经过测试发现,有较宽的上频带阻带效果。所提出的三通带滤波器因为的这些优点,在现代通带多频带收发机中很有吸引力。



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