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1、中考英语听力应试技巧资料汇编中考英语听力应试技巧资料汇编 中考英语听力与口语考试突破训练中考英语听力与口语考试突破训练 新目标英语新目标英语7年级上册同步听力训练年级上册同步听力训练新目标英语新目标英语9年级全册同步试题年级全册同步试题(word)新目标英语新目标英语8年级上册同步听力训练年级上册同步听力训练新目标英语新目标英语9年级全册同步听力训练年级全册同步听力训练新目标英语新目标英语7年级下册同步听力训练年级下册同步听力训练新目标英语新目标英语8年级下册同步听力训练年级下册同步听力训练最新中考英语听力训练(模拟篇)最新中考英语听力训练(模拟篇)新目标英语新目标英语8年级上同步听说训练年级

2、上同步听说训练最新中考英语听力训练(实战演练)最新中考英语听力训练(实战演练)最新中考英语听力训练(冲刺篇)最新中考英语听力训练(冲刺篇)最新中考英语听力模拟训练最新中考英语听力模拟训练最新中考英语听力模拟训练最新中考英语听力模拟训练最新中考英语听力模拟训练最新高考英语听力适应训练最新高考英语听力适应训练 最新高考英语听力最新高考英语听力模拟模拟训练训练 2013 中考英语听力系列训练中考英语听力系列训练(A篇篇)新目标英语新目标英语9年级同步年级同步听说听说听说听说训练训练2013中考英语中考英语听说听说训练(基础篇)训练(基础篇)2013 中考英语听力模拟训练中考英语听力模拟训练(B篇篇)

3、最新中考英语听力最新中考英语听力天天练天天练天天练天天练参考答案参考答案录音原文录音原文第一节第一节 听小对话,回答问题,请从题中所给的听小对话,回答问题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话读一遍。选择正确的选项。每段对话读一遍。1. Whats the girl looking for? A. Her pen. B. Her pencil. C. Her pencil box.2. What are the children doing? A. Playing basketball. B. Playing volleyball. C. Playing foo

4、tball.参考答案参考答案录音原文录音原文3. What can the boy see in the box? A. Several shirts. B. Several skirts. C. Several socks.4. Where was Lucy yesterday? A. In hospital. B. At school. C. At home.5. Whats Bobs telephone number? A. 3354796. B. 3345976. C. 3345796.参考答案参考答案录音原文录音原文第二节第二节 听对话,回答问题,请从题中所给的听对话,回答问题,请从

5、题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选三个选项中选出最佳选项。对话读一遍。出最佳选项。对话读一遍。6. Where are the speakers talking? A. In a park. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore.7. Why doesnt Lucy buy the shoes? A. Because theyre too small. B. Because theyre too ugly. C. Because theyre too expensive.参考答案参考答案录音原文录音原文8. Where is Mr. Qiu now? A. In

6、Guilin. B. In Guiyang. C. In Guangzhou.9. How much is the womans sisters bag? A. Seventy-nine yuan. B. Eighty-nine yuan. C. Ninety-nine yuan.10. Who was hurt in the accident yesterday? A. Jack. B. Bill. C. Mrs. Black.参考答案参考答案录音原文录音原文第三节第三节 听独白,请根据独白的内容,从题中所给的听独白,请根据独白的内容,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正三个选项中选择正确

7、的选项,完成下面的表格。独白读两遍。确的选项,完成下面的表格。独白读两遍。Windy English ClubAdvantagesA good learning environment and 11. _Time of the courses12. _Time for classesEvery Wednesday and 13. _, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pmCoursesGrammar, written English, 14. _ and listening skills.Cost of the courses15. _11. A. interesting activ

8、ities B. good learning materials C. many excellent teachers12. A. About two months B. About three months C. About four months13. A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday 14. A. conversation B. reading C. translation15. A. 400 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 800 yuan1-5 BAACC 6-10 BCBAA 11-15 CBBAC返回返回1. W: Wheres my penci

9、l, Dad? M: Pencil? Oh, its under the desk.2. W: Have you seen the children? M: Yes, they are playing basketball on the playground.返回返回3. W: Can you see any shirts in the box? M: Yes. I can see several.4. M: Lucy, you were away from school yesterday. What was the matter? W: Im sorry. I was ill in bed

10、 at home.5. W: Excuse me! May I know your telephone number, Bob? M: Of course. 3345796.返回返回6. W: May I borrow two books about science? M: Sure. Here you are!7. M: Why dont you buy the pair of shoes you like, Lucy? W: Theyre too expensive.返回返回8. M: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Qiu? W: Sorry! He has gone

11、 to Guiyang, and he will come back in a week.9. W: How much is your bag? M: Its eighty-nine yuan. W: Oh, yours is expensive. My sister bought one like yours yesterday. Its ten yuan cheaper than yours.10. W: Bill, where is Jack? He didnt come to school today. M: Hes at home, Mrs Black. He was hurt in

12、 an accident yesterday. W: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Is it serious? M: Luckily, he wasnt hurt badly, or he must be in hospital now.返回返回 Hello, everybody! Do you want to improve your English in a short time? Windy English Club is a good place for you. We have a good environment for you to study in.

13、And we have many excellent teachers to help you. Here is some information about the courses in our club. Our courses start on July 1st, and end on September 29. Classes meet every Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 in the evening. The courses include grammar, written English, conversation and listening skills. If you want to take the courses, please come to my office a week before classes begin. You need to pay 800 yuan for them. If you want to know more about the courses, please call me at 8673425. Im Kate. Thank you.



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